Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names
I thought we were able to establish that Ray K. Young ran some things behind the scenes over there at AVOW, and that Chad moved to
Rexburg to take over? So it makes sense to me that at some point the URL could have been before it was, then merged, now are mirrors of the same website. I hope that made sense. ..moo
Edit: in other words, I am not seeing what you are seeing, but maybe I need to have it pointed out to me..
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Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.

Awesome recap, Onsdag. We can add to the list the text Chad sent to the woman he and Lori tried to rent a room from in Kauai only 2 days after they got married on the beach:

Daybell changed his mind about renting from her, she says. But she did ask him about Tammy's death. His text back reads, "I woke up that morning and she had been dead for a couple hours but she had a peaceful look on her face at her burial. I felt her tell me she was happy and helping our family on the other side of the veil. She helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly and it helped my children move forward."

Martin says she never spoke to Daybell again.

'Free of the spouses, free of the kids': Parents of missing children applied to move into Hawaii home in November

ETA: I found a pic of Chad's full text (there was more than what was in the above quote):

Chad Daybell claimed his late first wife helped him find new love with 'cult' mom Lori Vallow | Daily Mail Online
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There aren't many places that are that solidly Mormon though. Salt Lake (the city itself, not the metro or Salt Lake County, I don't think) is under 50%. There was a time many years ago when the area I lived in in Davis County was said to be the only Mormon Stake in the state of Utah that was under 50% Mormon. It included Hill Air Force Base, which is how it managed to do that. Yes, I'm sure you've got a few places that are 50 people or even a couple hundred that are close to 100% (I could even name a few), but I'm thinking towns that are big enough to justify a set of missionaries are going to have some non-members along with the inactives.


Yea SLC wouldn't be one of them for sure. There are some small towns that I know of that are almost 100% though.

I should have clarified that the missionary was bummed that he wasn't going anywhere (literally).

It's like telling your kids that we're going on a vacation? They get all excited, until they find out that the vacation is down the street at a local tourist destination they've seen 100+ times before.

I think the "address the audience base" is a very important angle and insight that hasn't yet been touched upon; so thanks for that.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that your point about Chad's addressing the AVOW forum is extremely important, IMO; because it points home extremely well that it was very important to him that the audience believe that Tammy had passed peacefully with no adverse effects.
Thank you. Yes, I do feel that knowing who his audience is is important.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that the details we have about Tammy's apparent sickness - the coughing and vomiting - all come from family members. I feel that perhaps the reason why we even have these details may be because Chad's family were in a position and able to press him for more details. And because we now have these intimate details it casts doubt on the narrative he's pushed out publicly - that she died peacefully in her sleep. It could be circumstantial evidence that there may have been something else going on. Maybe even poison.
I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names
CP and RKY are two different people. I've met them both personally and they've both worked together closely online and offline in the past.

ETA: Nice find though! Searching my memory banks I seem to recall Stratfor = Strategic Forcasting. Though I couldn't say how I know this unless I've heard them mention it at a prepper con.
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I didn't know that. Shades of Dr. Martin McNeil. Remember him? Convicted of murdering his wife. His mistress "Gypsy" was hanging around his wife's funeral.
I worked with his niece, well, the niece of the woman who was murdered, horrible story.
Awesome recap, Onsdag. We can add to the list the text Chad sent to the woman he and Lori tried to rent a room from in Kauai only 2 days after they got married on the beach:

Daybell changed his mind about renting from her, she says. But she did ask him about Tammy's death. His text back reads, "I woke up that morning and she had been dead for a couple hours but she had a peaceful look on her face at her burial. I felt her tell me she was happy and helping our family on the other side of the veil. She helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly and it helped my children move forward."

Martin says she never spoke to Daybell again.

'Free of the spouses, free of the kids': Parents of missing children applied to move into Hawaii home in November

ETA: I found a pic of Chad's full text (there was more than what was in the above quote):

Chad Daybell claimed his late first wife helped him find new love with 'cult' mom Lori Vallow | Daily Mail Online
I never could get my head around what he meant by clearly dead for a couple of hours? How's that Chad? MOO
But do programs like that actually ever pay their subjects big money for an interview? If they do, I suspect he has a price. MOO

They do indeed, often high profile subjects will "interview shop" to get the best offers, and networks compete... This is a huge story.

I hate the idea of chad making A DIME off of these missing kids, but if he is charged LE/ the Courts can seize any money made from the story if they so choose, sometimes victims families can also sue, and receive restitution.

I would just personally like to watch his body language, and send the transcript to a Statement Analysis expert to look for the Embedded Confession. Plus, he would prob. end up putting his foot in his mouth, and making an even bigger mess for LV and himself. JMO.
Awesome recap, Onsdag. We can add to the list the text Chad sent to the woman he and Lori tried to rent a room from in Kauai only 2 days after they got married on the beach:

Daybell changed his mind about renting from her, she says. But she did ask him about Tammy's death. His text back reads, "I woke up that morning and she had been dead for a couple hours but she had a peaceful look on her face at her burial. I felt her tell me she was happy and helping our family on the other side of the veil. She helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly and it helped my children move forward."

Martin says she never spoke to Daybell again.

'Free of the spouses, free of the kids': Parents of missing children applied to move into Hawaii home in November

ETA: I found a pic of Chad's full text (there was more than what was in the above quote):

Chad Daybell claimed his late first wife helped him find new love with 'cult' mom Lori Vallow | Daily Mail Online
Thanks! I added it to my previous post.
I worked with his niece, well, the niece of the woman who was murdered, horrible story.

I never could get my head around what he meant by clearly dead for a couple of hours? How's that Chad? MOO

Apparently, Chad thinks he's a medical examiner and can determine what time she died, as well as decide she doesn't need an autopsy. :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, I'm eager to hear the 911 call that is being withheld. Did Chad tell the 911 operator Tammy had "clearly been dead for hours" like he told others? Because I believe they would usually walk a person through CPR like the 911 operators did for Charles' death and for Alex's death-- two totally different situations, one gunshot and one laying unconscious in his own excrement-- but in both cases the 911 operators were insistent about the caller attempting CPR. I want to know if the Fremont County 911 operator tried to get Chad or one of his kids to do CPR and what they said and/or did.

I’m not LDS. But I’ve lived most of my adult life in small rural areas in the Interior West. Based on that, I can say there are many people who pick and choose from the original Joseph Smith and Brigham Young writings.

When I went down the rabbit hole of Chad’s and other preppers’ doomsday books/web presence, I found it to be no different from beliefs of some LDS people I’ve encountered - especially the anti-government preppers.

I agree, there is definitely a lot of cherry picking. Taking things out of context, and other problems. One of the big issues is that prophets are not infallible. So, just because they publicly speak about something, doesn't make it necessarily true.

It would be helpful, if prophets would preface with "This is my opinion" vs. "God wants me to..." so you can see how this can get confusing, really fast.

I would suggest that you read what I have written on this in prior posts, for those that are interested.

Apparently, Chad thinks he's a medical examiner and can determine what time she died, as well as decide she doesn't need an autopsy. :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, I'm eager to hear the 911 call that is being withheld. Did Chad tell the 911 operator Tammy had "clearly been dead for hours" like he told others? Because I believe they would usually walk a person through CPR like the 911 operators did for Charles' death and for Alex's death-- two totally different situations, one gunshot and one laying unconscious in his own excrement-- but in both cases the 911 operators were insistent about the caller attempting CPR. I want to know if the Fremont County 911 operator tried to get Chad or one of his kids to do CPR and what they said and/or did.

I would think for most people, if that happened, they would immediately call 911 and try CPR, and be super freaked out, trying to see if there was any hope that something could be done. MOO
Thanks for sharing your perspective on Multiple Mortal probations, but I still will say emphatically that it is not a belief of the LDS church. I know about the book 'Doctrine of Eternal Lives' and all the quotes these people use to insist that this is a true teaching of the church, but that doesn't change the fact that it contradicts sound, basic LDS doctrine that we believe we are sent to earth to gain a body, to live on earth, one time, and when we die, we go to the spirit world to wait until the resurrection. The rest is pure speculation, which LDS are and have been good at engaging in for the 200 years of the church's existence. Regardless of what some believe privately, they should at least be honest and admit that living one single life on earth is a fundamental LDS belief.

I second this. As I have pointed out in prior posts, how easy it can be to manipulate this doctrine. With the sheer amount of Living prophets, and the scriptures that the LDS church has, one could easily change most of the core beliefs the LDS church has.

This requires a deep understanding of psychology, and how to manipulate people into believing certain belief systems.

Do we happen to know which airport will she fly out of
Apparently, Chad thinks he's a medical examiner and can determine what time she died, as well as decide she doesn't need an autopsy. :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, I'm eager to hear the 911 call that is being withheld. Did Chad tell the 911 operator Tammy had "clearly been dead for hours" like he told others? Because I believe they would usually walk a person through CPR like the 911 operators did for Charles' death and for Alex's death-- two totally different situations, one gunshot and one laying unconscious in his own excrement-- but in both cases the 911 operators were insistent about the caller attempting CPR. I want to know if the Fremont County 911 operator tried to get Chad or one of his kids to do CPR and what they said and/or did.

I'd also be curious to learn when the 911 call was made, since in the GRI account he said he awoke at 6AM... MOO.
That's standard procedure for LE not to tell anyone in either family when there is a homicide investigation beginning. IMO the rift was caused by Chad lying to Tammy's family in the first place and saying Lori doesn't have any minor children. Chad is likely the one who told his kids to cut off their mother's family. He obviously did this to prevent his and Tammy's children from talking to her relatives and comparing notes. If Chad's kids speak to Tammy's family then perhaps they would all figure out that Chad has lied to them about other things as well. There was probably also some anger there that Tammy's family spoke to the police and told the truth. It's not their fault that Chad is a lying liar who lies. I hope Chad's kids see the light soon and decide to cooperate with police.


I am replying to this post mostly to highlight one of your points. Chad was able to use Tammy’s exhumation as a way to create a chasm between the two families precisely so that none of them would talk amongst each other and find out that some of his stories didn’t line up. This is a very important point.

Lori Vallow Daybell will appear in Rexburg courtroom Friday | East Idaho News

In relation to this article, I’m glad they are bringing her in sooner than later. As was pointed out earlier, ID has up to 90 days to get her out of HI and maybe they would want to wait to build up a case. However, if there’s any chance whatsoever that the kids are ok, expediting could be important seeing as LE initially said they believe the children are missing and in danger. It’s a slim chance, yes, but if they are alive and if they are in danger, the sooner we get this show on the road the better. Also, if the worst is what we’re facing, getting through this process sooner will be better for the living victims. All that said, I still imagine we are in for a long road.

From what I have heard through the grapevine (take that as you may), the primary concern with those involved in this case is: Where Are the Kids?, everything else is taking a back seat.

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