Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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That’s what stood out to me. It was eerie to hear her say that and then, in her mind, start to masterfully pivot and redirect. I was watching it with no real context of where she fit in with everything oh but I’m learning now lol

ETA I think it must have been the Dateline episode I saw them on because I remember finding them creepy, and thinking ok... you spied on your new wife for the FBI. Oh but I’m seeing things through a whole new light thanks to this addictive and insightful group of Sleuthers!
How are you feeling today @Michael0808 ?
This might be TMI, but I thought it might add to the community's understanding of how Alex apparently died.

I almost died from PE a little over five years ago, after weeks of feeling desperately out of breath from very mild exertion. I wrote it off to being "out of shape" due to my sedentary 12-hour workdays.

The morning I called 911, I thought I was having a heart attack. They treated me for that in the ambulance and in the ER until a pulmonary specialist who happened to be there (yay!) noted something in my blood work that tipped her off and ordered my treatment to be changed.

If this is how Alex died, people would have noted that he was easily worn out or "not well" for quite some time before he actually died. No poisons need to have been involved, which is not to say they couldn't have been an additional cause.

Contributing to his cardio-vascular condition, Alex might have had a genetic disorder, as I do, called "Factor V Leiden," which causes thrombophilia, a genetic predisposition to form blood clots. Lifetime use of a "blood thinner" like Eliquis is indicated. In my case, I also opted have an IVC filter inserted to catch and break up any blood clots before they get to the lungs or brain. Doesn't seem like Alex ever went through that level of diagnosis or treatment. Too bad.
Factor V Leiden was discovered 20+ yrs. ago. My daughter was diagnosed with 3 PEs after 2 months of testing breathing difficulties. At the discovery of the PEs she was tested for Factor V Leiden. It is genetic...I also have it.
I've totally lost track of the relevance about whether Tylee attended BYU? She was most likely murdered by her mother, uncle and/or mother's co-conspirator around the time the BYUI semester started on 9/16 and she turned 17 on 9/24. I know this keeps coming up but I can't figure out how it's supposed to connect to her murder?
I originally asked whether she was planning to go to school, because her deadline for enrolling would probably have been a deadline for making her disappear. Once she enrolled in some kind of school, she would, at some point, potentially be flagged as missing.

I also wondered why nobody missed her at all. I mean, a 16 year old usually has a ton of people in her life. Yes, her mother sent brief messages to a couple of people, but nobody followed up to enquire why she wasn't being communicative, what she was doing, could she send photos, etc. Even JJ's grandparents didn't wonder where she was. How did police even find out she had existed and was missing, after they began looking for JJ?
How are you feeling today @Michael0808 ?
Better! No fever even with no ibuprofen. I can kind of taste...well kinda. I made bacon and could taste it but it wasn’t like mmmm BACON! Lol
I feel like I got hit by a minivan rather than a semi truck, sore throat gone, and my cough is just about gone.
Still just resting, taking the pup out quickly when she needs to, and hanging out on the couch with you guys!
Thank you so much for asking :):):)
Respectfully snipped for focus.
I'm puzzled by the wording. I didn't see anyone "refuting" anything, just trying to be helpful within the context, when exactitude is not especially crucial.
If the wording refers to wenwe's posts in particular, I'm even more puzzled. Although I can't vouch for every one of wenwe's 9000+ posts, in my experience over the years, his/her posts are on point, thorough, and well-articulated: I always learn something. I think you can trust him/her to be diligent about being precise when the discussion calls for it.

Please forgive my wording. I admire and respect everyone here. I have no issue with wenwe or anyone else, and my comment was not intended to be a comment on his or her credibility or diligence. Or anyone's, really. I was calling out something that, as stated, was false. That may or may not have been important to point out. My occasional inability to tell the difference between important errors of fact vs. unimportant ones is what some might deem a character flaw--a flaw in my programming--that can at times be socially limiting. I'm sorry for that. I mean no harm.
Better! No fever even with no ibuprofen. I can kind of taste...well kinda. I made bacon and could taste it but it wasn’t like mmmm BACON! Lol
I feel like I got hit by a minivan rather than a semi truck, sore throat gone, and my cough is just about gone.
Still just resting, taking the pup out quickly when she needs to, and hanging out on the couch with you guys!
Thank you so much for asking :):):)
I'm so glad your improving! One day at a time! You've got this!!
So I found this to be very interesting from a video posted by @Tortoise on May 9th from an interview with MP and IP with Morgan Loew. In my opinion, MP makes a very important slip of the tongue. Then she goes on to pivot and try to redirect to rambling about how she didn’t have BB shot at and all the threats LV was getting And so on.

I watched the video (thank you for the transcript for reference too! @Tortoise) and when she said what she said below BBM I was like whoa! She’s going to admit to believing everything he just asked. Then of course she pivots and redirects to try to cover what she said. To me the video and really being able to watch her as she shifts to rambling was important. All Jmo of course!

Do you think that Tylee and JJ were in danger, do you think that Lori thought they were zombies, do you think that they, that she thought that their spirits had left them?

MP: I didn’t think they were in danger, um and didn’t have those fears and doubts until this welfare check um and then Chad and Lori left I didn’t have contact with them, and I’m absolutely worried. I knew the threats that Lori had been um getting and I don’t know what’s going on and so I was, you know, being in a new marriage, I’m kind of dumping on him I’m worried about this, I’m worried about this, meanwhile we have all these false accusations and questions about this supposed shooting that uh Brandon Boudreaux’s claiming that happened, (she continues on)

By the looks of it, the written transcript is way easier for me to analyze than the video. MP has, like, 5 story starters that she doesn't follow through with, and never put her pinky toe into the zombie question.
She also says, curiously, "I knew the threats that Lori had been getting...." She doesn't say "I knew that Lori had been getting threats." So what did the threats say, exactly? She evidently knows...
My info might be old hat. I know things change in LDS, but the Revelation mention got picked up in The Doctrine and Covenants, first in Section 77:11. The question is put therein, "What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel–twelve thousand out of every tribe?" The answer given is, "We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn."

Looks like they omitted the "undefiled with women" part!
By the looks of it, the written transcript is way easier for me to analyze than the video. MP has, like, 5 story starters that she doesn't follow through with, and never put her pinky toe into the zombie question.
She also says, curiously, "I knew the threats that Lori had been getting...." She doesn't say "I knew that Lori had been getting threats." So what did the threats say, exactly? She evidently knows...
The transcript def came in handy. For me it helped to hear the tone of her voice, the fluctuations, and see her body language.
I think your analysis is spot on.

ETA I’m not sure what to make of her yet but I def don’t think it’s anything good. Learning all about the BB situation. I will say there is so, so much to unravel in this case. So much.
Want to hazard a guess as to what purpose the marriage served?

My take on the marriage is this. It obviously wasn’t a love match. That nonsense about them dating for months and ZP just waiting for an answer (from heaven) was spouted by pathological liar MBP.

AxC was gay IMO & LCD didn’t think he’d be “worthy” to be in their super special end times club unless he got over it & married a woman.
My take on the marriage is this. It obviously wasn’t a love match. That nonsense about them dating for months and ZP just waiting for an answer (from heaven) was spouted by pathological liar MBP.

AxC was gay IMO & LCD didn’t think he’d be “worthy” to be in their super special end times club unless he got over it & married a woman.
Interesting. IMO I agree the marriage seems to have been a contract of some sort not based on a love match.
What leads you to your other conclusions? I’m still going through everything but I haven’t come across anything that speaks to the rest of your post.
RCUBM (Respectfully Cut Up By Me)

It’s pretty fascinating to think of Lori as some kind of actual believer. Because belief in any of Chad’s made up doctrines exposes you in a few ways.

First, you don’t actually grasp what’s pretty clear in the Bible. The Ten Commandments are exceptionally easily understood.

Respectfully, I'd wager that there are a lot of folks with a lot of different belief systems participating in this thread. Many of those beliefs will not necessarily be written in the Christian Bible. They may be totally apart from it, or supplementary to it, as appears to be the case w/LDS. So I'm not sure I'd use an understanding of the Ten Commandments, or even an adherence to the Holy Bible as my litmus test of faith or intelligence.

Chad Daybell would likely argue that his doctrine is not in conflict with the Ten Commandments. It just supersedes them or is "additional enlightenment" being added to them, as delivered through the new prophet, namely, Chad Daybell :) It's how most pseudo-Christian cults start out.

And it's exactly this "hey, it's the same, but a little different, with a little special sauce... and it's just for YOU, because you're CHOSEN", that draws in the typical "true believer" cult member, who is typically already in a psychologically or emotionally fragile state.

he cribbed the zombie stuff poorly from pop culture such as Walking Dead.

"Cribbed poorly" -- I like the way you put this. He's not even describing zombies in the way we use that term in pop culture. It's more like he's blending ideas of demonic possession and body-swapping to explain why people are "bad". He needs to work on his tropes!

These people are astoundingly dumb. They’re dumb criminals too.

They sure are.
I wonder if Chad was afraid of Lori. Afraid he was going to be next. In the pictures of their wedding, she looks to be way more into him than he into her. Just my opinion after looking at the pictures.
I think you got it all wrong and Chad was running that whole dog and pony show. Listening to interview with Melanie G., Chad had Lori convinced that he was a visionary, and had her convinced some people were zombies. He also had her convinced they had been married multiple times in other lives. Sounds similar to what we know about Chad using his supposed visions to manipulate Tammy.
We know Alex was 51 years old and as far as I can tell never married before marrying ZP for a couple of weeks before his departure into the better world ( or his case maybe not a better world). That to me sounds kind of unusual for a Mormon man, no?
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