Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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Snipped respectfully for focus.

You can't go to BYU if you're under 18? Wow.....

It looks like there's a community college in Rexburg, though.
I've actually been looking into BYU-I's admissions standards. I've found nothing restricting admission to over 18. In fact, you can be admitted and take classes as a high school student apparently. If there is a rule against admission before age 18, please post a link!
Alright, let's discuss the forensic work done at the scene and, specifically, the images of what appear to be human remains. Out of respect for members and for convenience, I have uploaded images with annotations on our server. WARNING: don't click the link if you find the topic unsettling. The images are not terribly graphic, but I do know some people are particularly sensitive. Here's the link. PASSWORD IS: visual

Out-Freakin-Standing. Well done.

I spent 28 years working as an investigator for a handful of attorneys in civil law. The motive was almost always money. I accidentally discovered this site while semi-retired and following a local case. I find the discussion interesting but wow, it makes me appreciate the vast differences. Sure we exposed “criminals” but this is a whole different world. The complexity you illustrated of just scanning a crime scene is fascinating. Not sure I would change anything if I could go back because the heart break that comes with these crimes would be too much for me. I think I’d rather work against the (sometimes) smart crooks vs these vile monsters.
I've actually been looking into BYU-I's admissions standards. I've found nothing restricting admission to over 18. In fact, you can be admitted and take classes as a high school student apparently. If there is a rule against admission before age 18, please post a link!

its quite common through different pathway programs, even some gifted children have gone to university at 14

so its not outside of the realm of possibility but i still think its a lie and it was never intended to be done JMO
AC's death is the only one I believe may have truly been natural causes. Hypertension and heart disease are the silent killers. If he had untreated hypertension, the added stress of the preceding 6 months and the LE attention that was ramping up around LV and CD would surely have exacerbated his condition. That particular stress/health combo is fertile ground for a massive stroke (or heart attack).
Very true but not necessarily PE. It was the hardened arteries and clots that killed him. I completely believe it was natural causes but he didn't die of stroke or MI.
its quite common through different pathway programs, even some gifted children have gone to university at 14

so its not outside of the realm of possibility but i still think its a lie and it was never intended to be done JMO
I don't think it was ever intended to be done. But Lori may have told Tylee that was the plan. Once classes starting was imminent, Lori probably had to take action.
I've actually been looking into BYU-I's admissions standards. I've found nothing restricting admission to over 18. In fact, you can be admitted and take classes as a high school student apparently. If there is a rule against admission before age 18, please post a link!

You're making me feel better for resurrecting this earlier, haha but at the same time, we just re-litigated this earlier and I think the net of it is:

  1. That this point is now moot because we know LVD was lying anyway and Tylee was almost certainly already deceased.
  2. That yes, it appears to be reasonably straightforward to be admitted at age 17 or above, both online or on-campus per their stated policies, BUT
  3. That Tylee wasn't even 17 yet as of the fall semester start, AND
  4. Although it is possible to be admitted at even younger ages than 17, there would be a lot of additional hoops to jump through, which seem unlikely given all the moving around and Tylee's state of mind and associated difficulties getting a GED at younger ages.

Gosh I hope I represented all the points here!
4. Although it is possible to be admitted at even younger ages than 17, there would be a lot of additional hoops to jump through, which seem unlikely given all the moving around and Tylee's state of mind and associated difficulties getting a GED at younger ages.

this is true for younger aged teenager it really is only for the top 1% very gifted students who excel, like you'd have to show why you're more advanced than high school and you really need to skip grades into university and what you provide to the university

not saying she wasn't smart or whatever but a GED wouldn't cut it i dont think but either way it doesn't matter she was 17 she could have applied for a course based on her entrance exam, she could have tried for a sports position with softball all kinds of pathway programs designed to get kids into university

but i must digress again i think its all a moot point
I agree completely with things being different with covid-19 and all i am just speaking on is being someone who has spent time in jail and known people who were corrections officers as well as jailers because persons who haven't been convicted yet are incarcerated by the city or county and those who care for them are city officers or sheriffs deputies who usually go by jailers where i am from. I have also been in jail while natural disasters were reeking havoc on my state and continued to do so for a month or more and this was still the case. Lawyer calls were on an office phone and were brief (my opinion is because officers may possibly insinuate these were not recorded because it was a completely different number and system but your lawyer takes extra precautions and never really speaks to clients over the phone because anything discussed outside attorney visits are subject to be used against the accused). video meetings are different (and for the most part attorneys are going to assume they can be monitored at any time so nothing sensitive would ever be discussed) but phone calls are always recorded, all of them, and i mean in the building, phone calls are monitored at more places the you may think. any lawyer would have the right to postpone any court procedure until face to face meetings could occur because of all of the requirements of inmates being constantly recorded and documented.
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Ok guys. I am driving myself crazy going through the timeline trying to find what I know for sure I read yesterday. And I couldn’t get it out of my head. Now I can’t find it but I know it’s there.

During the investigation of CV’s murder (moo) LE searches the house and finds the cartridges or ammo, or whatever it would be called I’m not gun savvy and can’t remember the terms used, in an orange gym bag I believe on the floor of the striped room described by Tylee.

I’m certain someone more experienced than me can find it faster but I know it’s there.

It stood out to me because the orange object with what I didn’t want to see was on my mind. There definitely was an orange gym bag as described by LE found at the scene described in the timeline.
@vislaw could this orange object be some sort of gym bag?

edited to correct typo
I'll have to look up the old thread, but your understanding of BYUI's admissions policy is at odds with what they state on their website. SOURCE (on campus): Legal Disclosures & Select Institutional Policies

"Age: Degree-seeking students applying for on-campus study are generally required to be at least 17 years of age before beginning their first semester of study. For more information on early admissions policy, please contact the Admissions Office."

SOURCE (online): 2.2 Admission Requirements | Pathway Support

"2.2.3 Minimum Age Eligibility
Applicants who are 17 and 18 years old are required to have a high school diploma or equivalent to be admitted to PathwayConnect, while those ages 19+ are not required to have these credentials. Applicants younger than age 17 are not eligible for admission, except in certain international locations."

As usual, I don't disagree that LV is "all lies all the time", but think it's kind of important to make sure we're refuting lies with facts rather than hearsay or assumption (which end up being repeated as fact).
Thanks for the link. I was the one who was saying she did not need to be 18. But by the policy, she did need to be 17 by the start of classes on 9/16 and she did not turn 17 until 8 days later. So it appears she would not have been eligible for admission for Fall 2019.
Alright, let's discuss the forensic work done at the scene and, specifically, the images of what appear to be human remains. Out of respect for members and for convenience, I have uploaded images with annotations on our server. WARNING: don't click the link if you find the topic unsettling. The images are not terribly graphic, but I do know some people are particularly sensitive. Here's the link. PASSWORD IS: visual

Thank you for taking the time to do that. I do appreciate learning something new. I do have a question.

The scanner that they used that you hadn’t in over 5 years... it sounds like outdated technology, I’m assuming this is FBI from Boise doing the analysis. Does each FBI location have possible different equipment? I’m just shocked that the most up to date methods were not available, unless I’m missing something.

Also, as they were gathered round looking in the dig space and possible remains were already on tarp, why do you think there was so much interest in the dig space? What was left to see? Am I seeing it right that the dirt in that one area looked darker?
Out-Freakin-Standing. Well done.

I spent 28 years working as an investigator for a handful of attorneys in civil law. The motive was almost always money. I accidentally discovered this site while semi-retired and following a local case. I find the discussion interesting but wow, it makes me appreciate the vast differences. Sure we exposed “criminals” but this is a whole different world. The complexity you illustrated of just scanning a crime scene is fascinating. Not sure I would change anything if I could go back because the heart break that comes with these crimes would be too much for me. I think I’d rather work against the (sometimes) smart crooks vs these vile monsters.

Thank for posting this. I, too discovered this site when I was following a local crime, which we seem to have a lot of in Colorado lately. I get emotionally invested even at a distance; I cannot even imagine what it would be like, as an investigator, to have the weight of that feeling of responsibility to the victim and their families; I am sure it's spiritually rewarding when you solve a case and bring murderers to justice, and help families find closure, but I think it would be tremendously stressful and take a heavy toll on you, especially with the murders involving children.

Good on them for doing this work, with very little public recognition or glory in most cases.
Thanks for the link. I was the one who was saying she did not need to be 18. But by the policy, she did need to be 17 by the start of classes on 9/16 and she did not turn 17 until 8 days later. So it appears she would not have been eligible for admission for Fall 2019.

i always forget your classes start that time of year, ours start in feb - march

always throws me on these things

hy do you think there was so much interest in the dig space? What was left to see?

i had the same question, you'd think if remains were right next to you that is where they would be looking not at an empty hole in the ground

i thought the exact same thing, couldn't understand why they would do that
Ok guys. I am driving myself crazy going through the timeline trying to find what I know for sure I read yesterday. And I couldn’t get it out of my head. Now I can’t find it but I know it’s there.

During the investigation of CV’s murder (moo) LE searches the house and finds the cartridges or ammo, or whatever it would be called I’m not gun savvy and can’t remember the terms used, in an orange gym bag I believe on the floor of the striped room described by Tylee.

I’m certain someone more experienced than me can find it faster but I know it’s there.

It stood out to me because the orange object with what I didn’t want to see was on my mind. There definitely was an orange gym bag as described by LE found at the scene described in the timeline.
@vislaw could this orange object be some sort of gym bag?

edited to correct typo
Wow... it is a helpful thing to have you going back through the timeline. I had forgotten all about that! I just searched my screenshots and I knew I had one of that bag. This is from the 911 bodycam when CV was shot and it is Alex’s gun bag.
Alright, let's discuss the forensic work done at the scene and, specifically, the images of what appear to be human remains. Out of respect for members and for convenience, I have uploaded images with annotations on our server. WARNING: don't click the link if you find the topic unsettling. The images are not terribly graphic, but I do know some people are particularly sensitive. Here's the link. PASSWORD IS: visual

Thank you, that is great.
Best photos.

I have a couple of questions:

1. Regarding the attention of the officers, they are all most intent on the hole left by the probable remains in the orange tarp, There must be missing pictures of the discovery? Wouldnt they LIDAR the initial discovery? Maybe all that was during the 2 hour No Fly.

There are two men in civilian clothes at the site -I saw them in other photos too. A man in camo cargo shorts and a red cap and a man in gray jacket, any idea who they are likely to be?
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So i just watched the 3 part interview of MP & IP with Nate, I really find it difficult to think that she didn't know exactly what happened with those kids! What I get from this interview is she is a huge LIAR!! IP told the truth in his statement to the police and FBI and has now backtracked on it all just to keep MP out of jail! LIARS LIARS LIARS!! Now the kids bodies have been found these two must be crapping themselves that everyone knows how badly they lied. MOO. JMO
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Wow... it is a helpful thing to have you going back through the timeline. I had forgotten all about that! I just searched my screenshots and I knew I had one of that bag. This is from the 911 bodycam when CV was shot and it is Alex’s gun bag.
View attachment 251202

that fabric looks so similar to what they found in the ground, go to the last photo in that post and look at it

wow that is eerie as soon as you posted that photo my mouth just dropped because i was just looking at those photos under a program to provide some smoothing, the texture and colour is so similar

can't say for sure it is, they could have 20 bags all the same who knows with this family!
Very true but not necessarily PE. It was the hardened arteries and clots that killed him. I completely believe it was natural causes but he didn't die of stroke or MI.

You're right, at the point when I typed that I had forgotten his exact cause of death. That was sloppy. Also I need to start adding "IANAMP" (I Am Not A Medical Professional) :) I am just a hyper-interested patient.
ok i had a quick look between the photos of the "orange thing" and the photo of the bag

if someone can find the black parts of the bag on the "orange thing" you might have a match

otherwise i can't find it on the photos on posters site they posted with the higher res photos

the bag looks to have a black bottom to it as well, the only thing i can thing of is we are looking at the top maybe?

someone better than me can probably spot the differences and mark them up
The kids weren’t here for long, but this will always be a home as they have forever changed our hearts. I hope they find rest somewhere their families can feel comforted visiting them.
This is the first case I have followed on WS. I got interested mostly when it looked like Chad and Lori were in Hawaii where I live. Then it was the shear weirdness that got me hooked. Nothing about this case has ever made any sense to me and still doesn't. It's easy to brand people as "pure evil" but that does not actually explain why they did what they did to me.

I'm not LDS but I've lived in LDS communities most of my life and the idea that practicing Mormons (or even jack Mormons) could do the things these two were suspected of never made any sense to me. And yet now that we learned this week that the worst is true, I am deeply saddened. My opinion of LDS has not changed but I am definitely second guessing my assumptions about what people may or may not do based on their religious beliefs!

As I watched video of the vigil last night I started crying, which is rare for me. It was not because of the sadness of the deaths of two young innocents. It was because a community that they lived in for only a short time came out in such force to send their respects. It's clear to me that the people of Eastern Idaho are fantastic people. @SleuthD-o-doubleg you should be proud of your community!
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