Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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="spandangly, post: 16156470, member: 258996"]No, it is very typical in cases like this for the Church to wait for an actual guilty verdict before moving forward with any disciplinary actions, including excommunication. Also, it's essentially impossible for him to have been excommunicated before he returned to Idaho in February, based on the process involved (meetings, where he could not have been present since he was in HI). I think it very unlikely they would have moved on him before Covid lockdown because there were too many who were uncertain about the status of the kids (having known him and not being able to believe him capable of murder). Now that he's in jail I think it's very likely they will wait for the legal process to determine his guilt before excommunication, unless he confessed to a church leader that he was guilty or somehow made the effort himself to remove his records from the church."/

Thanks. I was more meaning that his views, as a male (obviously not as a female, he'd be gone), are not so far out of what is acceptable doctrine that he was ex-communicated due to that. That's interesting. As there are other members of the groups he was in concentrated in the area it speaks to some leniency and old boys network again.
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But he went to church in Kauai in February. At this point I have no doubt he has been, or is in the process of being, excommunicated. But I'm not convinced he was in September. And based on what I've learned from the LDS members here on WS, that is kept very private so we would not know if that is true.
Anyone (non-Mormon) can attend a regular church service, correct me if I am wrong? I couldn’t take sacrament be a part of dealings, etc.
I also check EIN everyday. They have consistently had the best coverage of this entire mess. I am disturbed that they may be running interviews by law enforcement before publication. Do you know this as fact? This is not how journalism works. I will be very disappointed in Nate and crew if this is true. The in-depth interviews that EIN has presented are not presented as verified truth. These interviews are each persons perspective. If MP, or MG lies in their interview so be it. The information may be fact checked and/or analyzed later. If the MP interview was fact checked we would have seen very little of that interview.
I'm very confused by your post. For one, I clearly stated that what I wrote was my opinion. Many of us here on WS speculated that the editing, even the conditions of the interview itself suggested some coordination with LE. Secondly, what media publication (beyond tabloids) does NOT fact check, to the best of their ability, before running? That is exactly what good journalism is about. Your statement makes no sense. Moo.
Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

Many (belated) thanks for this @vislaw , excellent information! Have there been further discussion on excavation of the site by the tree? Is there any reason why the excavation at this second site is not as large as the first excavation? I suppose that the answer may be that the primary site may not be that easy to pinpoint as the secondary site, but I would be interested in your thoughts (and everyone else too!).
I’m lost as to a man video, I believe he is a criminal lawyer stated that LV was woman in baseball cap at burial site. I watched it among other videos last evening. I hope he is correct and she had to see what she had done to these beautiful children! I hope she’s haunted for eternity! MOO
Hi, thanks for this. Actually what the lawyer said was that there is rumour it was L at the site. If you view all the pictures that were taken at the time, it is clearly not L. I say this because all the identifable females in those picture can be seen taking part of the search and not merely observing.
I thought I read yesterday that there is a verified insider to AC...I asked but didn't get a reply. Have I been overlooking this?
Yep. I was relying on the news report about the nanny's statement. The additional information about teh friend being a "she" and doing podcasts is in the police statement. I withdraw my theory.

But that also means we now know that Chad's trip to Phoenix must have been quick. That might be useful information.

Yes, and now that you've caused me to think harder about this, I can't help wonder what he would have been doing all by himself for whatever length of time he was in AZ? 24 -36 hours? With none of his accomplices there? I am sure LE have looked into this but this is an interesting blindspot in the timeline.
No, it is very typical in cases like this for the Church to wait for an actual guilty verdict before moving forward with any disciplinary actions, including excommunication. Also, it's essentially impossible for him to have been excommunicated before he returned to Idaho in February, based on the process involved (meetings, where he could not have been present since he was in HI). I think it very unlikely they would have moved on him before Covid lockdown because there were too many who were uncertain about the status of the kids (having known him and not being able to believe him capable of murder). Now that he's in jail I think it's very likely they will wait for the legal process to determine his guilt before excommunication, unless he confessed to a church leader that he was guilty or somehow made the effort himself to remove his records from the church.

ETA: occasionally people are excommunicated without being present for the meetings, but that is rare. I also think his local leaders would find it hard to believe the allegations against him and would not have moved on him over "allegations"--very much like innocent until proven guilty. I'd assume he's gotten lucky and not had to face most Church issues (even just regular interactions with people) since Covid shut things down.

ETA 2: this is not from the official manual, but from Wikipedia and I believe it is accurate:
"The LDS Church has instructed leaders that a disciplinary council is mandatory when evidence suggests that a member of the church may have committed any of the following offences against the standards of the church:[1] Murder; rape; sexual assault conviction; child or youth abuse; abuse of a spouse or another adult; predatory behavior (violent, sexual, or financial); incest; child *advertiser censored*; plural marriage; serious sin while holding a prominent church position; and most felony convictions."

So, this means that now that remains have been found, they may hold a council (meeting), but there may not be enough agreement to excommunicate until he's actually convicted. It happens at the local level, so it just depends who is on the council and how they feel about it.

MOO moo moo

I agree with what you have said. As an active LDS member I want to add a few things. A Temple recommend is issued and signed by both the Bishop (or a counselor if it is being renewed) of a person’s ward AND the Stake President or one of his counselors. The recommend itself has a bar code that is scanned upon entering the temple. It is, therefore, technically possible for a person’s recommend to be flagged so they cannot enter the temple. For example, if there is a suspicion about someone’s worthinesss to enter and the Bishop/Stake President cannot contact the member to discuss informally or in a formal disciplinary court, the member’s ability to enter the temple could be restricted. The temple worker may then try to verify this by directly calling the Stake President to approve a one time admittance to the temple.

If it was discovered that Chad had declared himself a prophet and was otherwise advocating and teaching doctrines contrary to church doctrine he could be excommunicated for that, even though it is not a crime under U.S. law.

The only time I have seen the church announce a person’s excommunication is under those circumstances. I.e. they were teaching false doctrine to other members and trying to lead people astray. Even then, is rare. People who are excommunicated are obviously free to divulge that.

This may seem off topic, but when it comes to Jury selection, Chad and Lori’s standing in the church could be very prejudicial, especially to other members.
A jury will be from that county, or be relocated to another county (vs. being mixed counties) 1.5-3 years from now MOO

And courts all over the US now are very cognizant of issues of sequestration (Anthony trial).. which will be important if charges are murder as this is going to be a long trial(s) as so complex and they do indeed move to another county because they cannot pull jurors from that county.

Question as I get confused... are the three apartments in the same county as Chad's property? (e.g. who has jurisdiction if they need to state which county murders happened vs. where buried???)
Good question.
Perhaps I can understand why some folks lay blame on MG, MBP, or Lori’s mom,’s horrific that the kids are dead.

But Chandler PD looks the worst, by far, here. Maybe this is hindsight bias, but if they had investigated the July 11 homicide of Charles in anything like a rational or professional manner, those kids would almost certainly be alive.

You hope those officers and Chandler PD get investigated for their atrocious negligence.
(side note: I don't love this board's software. It makes quoting pretty tedious!)

OK, I appreciate your responses. I needed to familiarize myself with the facts you were talking about a little more and eyeball the timeline. And you're right, trying to apply everyday common sense to any of this crazy story is questionable. I catch myself making that mistake constantly :)

First, the nanny's statement to the police concerning September 19th. "She introduced her friend to me and said that she does podcasts of some sort. I didn’t see a suitcase, so I don’t think she was staying that long." Although LV could have been lying, it seems pretty unlikely (there I go again with common sense) that LV would have thought to lie about that. So I think it's MG and that MG's memory was correct on the date of the trip.

Maybe CD did a day-trip, or an overnight and was back the next day (Friday 9/20). He could have been back in time to do the post-production on podcasts and the BYUI track walk with the PDAs on Saturday, right?

I guess what I'm saying is that none of this seems unlikely to me. He would have wanted to minimize time away from both the women in his life. He would NOT have been gone through the weekend IMO.
I would add to this - especially not want to be away long with all the drama in their lives.
i could not respond to this post from @firstamendment because the thread was closed, but I find it to be very important to add these views to our thinking. (ha! I know..because they coincide with mine). BUT this is rural Idaho we are talking about. As I have stated, Lori and Alex certainly did not know anything about this geographic area, and actually neither did Chad, really. He was only there for a few years, and never seemed to be an outside-kindof guy. But something happened near Yellowstone. moo, imo, Chad had help. And probably from some unsavory characters. My guess is that even this could be hanging over his head right now. The type of folks firstamendment refers to, are not the type to come out to the media for 15 minutes of fame. But somehow, I feel there still may be debt to be paid.

@firstamendment stated:
I wonder if they are concerned about the old boys network themselves just as I am rather unimpressed by them. Chris Parrett has used this as an opportunity to do some new web design. I'd not trust this pile of people either. What they say vs. what they do are not suggestive of integrity.

Preppers are full of ex-cop, ex-mil, ex-intelligence AND current serving. Their aw-gosh-golly-gee-shucks clown face should be viewed with suspicion. Trained killers with world views that make Chad quaint among them should be concerning. That they ascribe to views that can house Daybell comfortably as not the most radical among them by far would be concerning to me if I was in the fbi's place.

Note none turned on Daybell, but they sure cleaned up behind themselves and him in case. I know I wouldn't trust this group to not do something to make things wrap up faster so the heat comes off but they can use it as advertizing.

I think it's quite an enormous leap (a few of them really) to say that Chad had help from some unnamed cabal of ex-military preppers and then ascribe a bunch of motivations to those unnamed people. JMO

Daybell and Vallow bought pumpkins from a neighbor of Daybell's about a week before TDs Death.
How cold to bring LV there to meet the neighbors.
Some one must have told TD that CD was with another woman.

That NY Post article is incorrect. I saw the neighbor's video interview. He said Chad and Tammy bought pumpkins from him a week before Tammy died. Not Lori. I'll see if I can find the link to the local interview video.

ETA: This is not the video I saw but it has the detail about Chad and Tammy buying pumpkins in it (said by the reporter):
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Yes, and now that you've caused me to think harder about this, I can't help wonder what he would have been doing all by himself for whatever length of time he was in AZ? 24 -36 hours? With none of his accomplices there? I am sure LE have looked into this but this is an interesting blindspot in the timeline.

I think he was in AZ just long enough to pick up the Jeep and head for the Idaho border.
Question as I get confused... are the three apartments in the same county as Chad's property? (e.g. who has jurisdiction if they need to state which county murders happened vs. where buried???)

(Snipped for focus) The apartments are in Madison county and CD's house is in Fremont county
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