Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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Why did Chad say anything about a gunshot? Wasn’t Tylee already gone from whatever they did to her in the apartment that early morning? Then he took TR back to his apartment with him then waited and took her to the Daybell property with chad. Chad did shoot a gun bc the neighbors heard which is why I believe he mentioned it to TD and family to cover his tracks why did he shoot someone who was already dead?

I have thought about this and if it did indeed happen it could have tied back to the old LDS blood atonement doctrine that there are some sins that cannot be atoned for except by the spilling of blood. I hope that is not the case, but it does sound to me that Chad was making an excuse for the sound of a gun being fired that day. JMO
Go back and listen to what Lori’s mother said about Alex in her interview ...She said they didn’t even know Alex moved & remarried. Mom & S laughed about the idea of him being a hitman. He was the kindest, funniest blah, blah and Lori was as beautiful inside as she was on the blah, blah....lived for her kids etc.
Evidently Lori kept telling Mom & S that she was protecting them (mom and s) cause Blah blah ( KW ) was threatening her.
S added( oddly) at the end if anything has happened to the children it’s not Lori’s fault.

ETA to add link

I agree with all the others who have mentioned how even more bizarre this interview is now that we know where JJ and Tylee are.

JC saying "Lori had some bad judgement. She married a few men we didn't care for." Can't even wrap my head around her mom nonchalantly saying she goes through a lot of husbands... And apparently the Cox family has their own Light and Dark ratings and Lori's husbands are D.
I'm currently concerned that Tylee was actually dead when he butchered her. The limbs that were not burned and her torso I hope are still preserved enough for them to see if the injuries were pre or post death.

These people are so nonchalantly depraved I wouldn't put it past Chad.
The children were likely killed on Sunday nights. Tammy was still alive and (IMO) would have noticed Chad's absence.
When I think back to the initial articles and interviews about Lori, I just can't reconcile it with the Lori we know about now.

She evidently really did do a 180 when Chadly came along or she had EVERYONE fooled....I just do not see her ever being a good mother and so many described her that way in the beginning.

Shaking my head...
Well, I admit I am totally hung up on Joe Ryan, and the justice he deserves....and hope LE/FBI takes more time to investigate... As I have often said, I believe this was Lori and Alex's test case.

We should get Tammy's results before too long. Recently, I am feeling very uncomfortable though...feeling they can't find what we all need to be satisfied. ha ha

This case and the remnants (no pun intended) will be around for over a decade, for sure.

Hey, I'm even waiting for husband #1 or #2 to come out of the woodwork to entertain us for a while.
I have that feeling about Tammy's autopsy too. However, I am hoping that there may be the assistance of cellular activity. With this one, I am happy to wait, because I am certain sure that both will be charged with Murder and/or conspiracy for JJ and Tylee and will be found or plead guilty.
I do have some sympathy for Janis. Her son murdered Charles, another son ran a contest where a woman was encouraged to do something that caused her death, and now she is facing the possibility that her daughter might have murdered her own children. What an awful, awful thing to live with. I can't even bear the thought of my child saying something mean to somebody - I'm really thankful that's one of the things God didn't ask me to deal with in my life.
And if three of your kids were responsible for deaths I bet you’d wrack your brain trying to understand where you went wrong. Even if you weren’t even a tiny bit responsible. Most people would. However I’d bet money that thought has not once nor will ever cross Janis’ mind. That difference IMO is exactly why your kids will never be like hers.
LVD would definitely benefit as she was still receiving both Tylee and JJ's SS benefits -- for awhile nobody outside their little group did NOT even know the kids were missing, much less buried in a back yard.
So she was able to keep on collecting $$, using TR's bank card and frolicking in Hawaii.
I wonder if SS admin cut off the benefits once she was arrested ??
She did not provide proof of death or proof of life to the court so probably no more benefits.

As a minor, the social security benefits would go to Lori. The bank card may have been access to an inheritance.
Plenty of people have been convicted of murder in cases where the murder weapon was never found. Even if Tammy’s autopsy shows no signs of poison, with enough circumstantial evidence I believe murder charges charges still be filed. Especially given she was embalmed and buried first.

Some telling cell phone pings, a sketchy raccoon text or three, testimony about defendant’s state of mind, google searches for various poisons—IMO there’s a good chance prosecution can eliminate reasonable doubt even if the autopsy is a bust.
Very well said.
In the newly released affidavit, I believe it is stated that the remains found near the fire pit were "charred". I think they tried to burn the body but some of it didn't burn. They buried what was left.

Completely agree. The heat of the bonfire would simply fall short over that short of a time. Whatever the reason, it wasn't worth doing it on the 2nd child
I wonder about Lori's mom assuring everyone she talked to JJ for a long time in October. I bet she's regretting that now. MOO
It never rang true to me when I first heard Janis mention JJ on the phone call in October. Her wording was off. Unfortunately now I can't find it in that 14:00 video with Morgan Loew that has been posted a couple times today. Am I just missing her statement? Or maybe there was a longer version of that interview that included Janis's statement about the call in October?

From memory she never said she talked to JJ on the phone, she said something like she was on the phone with Lori and JJ was there "and, you know, he knew who we were." I don't think she specifically said she said anything to JJ or heard JJ talk. Easy to see where Lori and Melani got their word salad habits from. Morgan Loew definitely says that Janis claims to have talked to JJ, but what I hear direct from Janis didn't support that.

All based on memory of 3 seconds of video from weeks ago, I might be totally off.

ETA: fix my own word salad
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I would expect risperidone to require tapering, in order to minimize risks associated with withdrawal. I would not expect LVD or anyone associated with her inner circle to pay any attention to those risks.

Im not sure if gumchew was asking me these questions, since I don’t see the original post!

So Risperdal was found, 17 pills I believe. They were prescribed to J.J.

Side effects of Risperdal;

Side Effects
Drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, drooling, nausea, weight gain, or tiredness may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacistpromptly.

Dizziness and lightheadedness can increase the risk of falling. Get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position.

Drugs & Medications

No way I’m a doctor or anything close! I went to school and have my MBA, but nothing even related to healthcare.
As a minor, the social security benefits would go to Lori. The bank card may have been access to an inheritance.

Yeah LD & CD buying Kauai T-shirt’s, eating out, renting condos in Hawaii with her murdered children’s (murdered)father’s SS benefit$.
We know CV was murdered. Tylee’s father’s death needs to be revisited!

Some one may have asked this previously so sorry if I missed it, but what I really don’t understand, not understanding cult level religious people in general, if they truly believed it was their mission to rid the world of zombies, why don’t they just now admit what they did and say that they did as they were called by their god to do and, therefore, performed a just service? Why lie about the situation, hide from and shirk the responsibility of their ”calling?” That they don’t express this, especially now that they are in jail, leads me to think that the clearing the world of zombies talk was just a ruse to be footloose and fancy free together. How can they plead not guilty if they really believe that what they did was right in the eyes of their god?

I truly believe Chad’s mission was getting Lori , and nothing was going to get in his way as we have seen, not the wife, not the husband and not the kids!!!Lori is Loco! They should change her name from Lolo to Loco! I wonder how much money they offered Alex for all his dirty work. Didn’t I read somewhere he quit his job?
It always amazes me how all of these crazy people get together , like at which point after lori and chad met do they start talking about killing their spouses and children, like how does one randomly bring that up in a conversation? What are the chances of bringing that up in conversation with somebody and the other person just being like yeah that sounds like a great idea!. :eek:
Maybe so. I'm aware of the occupation of the adult child, but not of the adult child's spouse. Is that away from the home during the midmorning hours as well?

I just think CD was covering his bases as best he could, explaining digs and strange odors to others who might become curious about them. IMO.
What if said adult child came and checked it out for themselves? IMO that child was at work, too.
I am not aware of the occupations or even who lived in the house and who lived across the street, but doesn't one of those people have an infant? So someone would be home caring for the infant, presumably? Either in Tammy's house or the house across the street with the other adult child. It seems reckless to stand out in the yard for hours with a dead body while someone is in the house who can see, hear, and smell what is going on.

ETA: indicolite22 quote
Yeah LD & CD buying Kauai T-shirt’s, eating out, renting condos in Hawaii with her murdered children’s (murdered)father’s SS benefit$.
We know CV was murdered. Tylee’s father’s death needs to be revisited!


I believe that each death without consequence emboldened them and probably reinforced their screwed up belief that they were “Gods” or doing “Gods work”.
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