Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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I can't get around how Chad could have not been a part of Tammy's death, seems like he would have to be in on that, but I wonder if with his expressions of late if he really didn't know about what happened to the kids. But he saw and touched their stuff at the storage unit, so he had to have known quite a bit. I think he's in on all of it I guess. No wonder he's looking rough. MOO.
What has always sounded "off" to me about Tylee's description of the noise she heard is how she said she thought it was the sound of the metal bat hitting the floor really hard. But I wonder if that might be a true description of the gunshot sound she heard. A metal bat striking a hard floor in a mostly empty room could have sort of a hollow echo-y sound, not unlike the sound of a .45 pistol with some type of silencer/suppressor. If Tylee was outside or in another room perhaps she would assume at first it was the bat striking the floor. But IMHO there wouldn't be any mistaking a regular gunshot without suppressor for the sound of a metal bat hitting something hard. People not used to hearing guns fire usually think gunshots sound like fireworks or a car backfiring.

The following is my speculation only: I think it's possible that Charles was shot twice with the gun with suppressor/silencer on it. Tylee heard it and was honest about not knowing what it was at first. Then the suppressor was removed and put away while they waited approx 20 minutes for Charles to die and got their stories somewhat straight on who shot CV. Then after Lori drove away with the kids perhaps Alex fired the gun without suppressor 2 more times at a wall or ceiling, so that neighbors would definitely hear. Then perhaps he waited a couple minutes more then called 911. There would be 4 casings on the floor if he did this as one of the LEOs first on the scene counted them. And IIRC there were enough missing bullets from the clip to account for this possibility too.

Keep in mind this is only a theory... Hypothetically, this would also allow for someone else to be the one who shot CV, then the gun could be wiped of fingerprints and the 1st shooter could wash GSR off. Then Alex would get the appropriate amount of GSR and his fingerprints on the gun when he fired 2 more times without suppressor. We still have not seen AC's full interview about the shooting, we only have bits from the curb and the car ride. Maybe he will claim that two shots were fired while he struggled with CV and the gun before he killed him? To be clear: We don't know for sure that 4 shots were fired, but I'm speculating based on the LEO in bodycam video counting to 4. One little caveat I have that might throw this theory out the window-- does anyone know if the ballistics on the spent casings would be different with the silencer? That is one thing I'm iffy on. Ballistics are not my forte.

Taken from Suppressor Effects | Gun Digest

“Perpetuated most often by movies, there is the idea that suppressors eliminate sound. This, however, is not entirely true, as they only suppress it.

Unless improperly installed or attached, suppressors do make shooting more accurate. Velocity change is low to nonexistent and generally increases. Modern designs have no adverse affect on the bullet.”


“The effects, if any, of these different designs (suppressors) on transitional and external ballistics have not been reported.”

A 45 cal. Pistol will be approximately 165-167 db. A suppressor(silencer) will cut that about 21-26 db. Not silent, but definitely easier on the ears.
Did we already talk about this? I've read all the threads, but I should have taken notes, lol.
Talk about Tylee's possibly having a trust fund? Do you have any information that she did, or just speculating?
No, just speculating, and wondering how that would work.
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