Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019

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As search continues for missing children, family expresses fading optimism (video)


With each passing day, optimism fades on whether or not JJ or Tylee are still alive.

"At this point as we sit here today, my skepticism says no," said [LW, JJ's grandfather].

FOX 10 spoke with the 23-year-old brother of the children, [CR], late Monday night. [CR] wouldn't go on camera, but was clearly rattled by what's happened and desperate to learn their whereabouts.

joshua-tylee.jpeg.jpg daybell-vallow.jpg
Oh boy, ok. Is that the brother in the youtube video with the blond?

Was the video deleted? I went back to find and watch it since I caught up finally, but I can't find it now. Ugh! Maybe I'm just overly tired, but i can't seem to peel myself away from this thread...
If they are prepared to survive the "end of the world," I'm scared at how long they could survive off grid and how long there could be absolutely zero new info for...

Will the ME results for Tammy's exhumation be public record (ie. cause of death)?

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Lori isn’t the type to be holed up in a bunker off the grid? She just seems like the type of person to need her hair and nails and lashes done frequently.....I REALLY don’t see her being able to live without certain amenities. I feel like if she completely disappeared it would be at someone’s home, not in the woods somewhere.
Do we know why they adopted him? I had to run that grandma/aunt description around in my head a few times to get it o_O

So I did read in a private group, a post that came from JJ’s biological aunt. (Charles was JJ’s great uncle before he adopted him.)

Apparently when he was born, his mom wasn’t in a great place to take care of him and give him the best life. His grandparents, (the ones looking for him) owned their own company and couldn’t take time away from their jobs to raise a baby. Charles and Lori were in a good position to do so, so they adopted him. That’s the basic rundown of it.
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Lori isn’t the type to be holed up in a bunker off the grid? She just seems like the type of person to need her hair and nails and lashes done frequently.....I REALLY don’t see her being able to live without certain amenities. I feel like if she completely disappeared it would be at someone’s home, not in the woods somewhere.
It's amazing what people are capable of. Especially given the circumstances. I wouldn't say it's out of the realm of possibility. She either lives the best she can in that situation, or jail (in all probability)...given her choices, I think she would do better off the grid.
Marking my spot.
Where are Joshua and Tylee ?
Did this man and his new wife hide them away with someone ?

Though I don't know where the children are, I am thinking.....

The Mormon end times / extreme prepper group that the adults are affiliated with is not polygamist. In contrast they seem to strongly disavow the practice.

This would seem to reduce the odds of them fleeing to one of the polygamist strongholds. Even if they were, the communities are under stress.

The Mexican polygamist community is reeling after the narco massacre of innocents. Many people have left. Colorado City is not impregnable today. The leader and several senior members are in prison for decades. Utah also fired problem constables and voided "voluntary" home title transfers made to the church. I can't see the Canadian polygamist community warming up to them either.

There is one place however, that might warm up to them. I once saw a documentary on it. It is a rural valley in Utah that has evidently been friendly to fringe groups for decades.

In addition to a polygamist faction (neither Jeff nor Lebaron), the area is home to a loose and "motley crue" of independent polygamists including one who described himself as an "Israelite", tax evaders, and Mormons rejecting church leadership.

Then mix in run of the mill secular anti government conspiracy types and a certain number of locals also hold the valley to be sacred with "end times" beliefs.

I just can't remember the name of the place.... .
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Regarding Attendance for Madison 321 school district in which Kennedy Elementary is located:

Excessive Absences and Tardies When a student has been absent or tardy for six times in a trimester, the parent/guardian will receive a letter indicating the total days absent and the total days tardy. The Principal may confer with the parent/guardian to determine if the circumstances surrounding the absences or tardies necessitate further action. When a student has been absent or tardy nine times in a trimester, the parent/guardian will receive a second letter indicating the total days absent and the total number of days tardy. The parent /guardian may be required to submit a written statement explaining the reason for the absences or tardies. When a student has been absent twelve times in a trimester, the Principal may submit an AFFIDAVIT OF HABITUAL TRUANCY AND REQUEST FOR ACTION petition to the Madison Magistrate Court for resolution.

Lori may have withdrawn him from school under the guise of “homeschool” so this wouldn’t really be that concerning to the school. If she hadn’t done something like that and he just stopped showing up, that might be worse. Sadly many elementary schools don’t worry about truancy. Our district starts really caring in middle school. They only care about having the absences excused by the parent so they still get funding for that kid.
Though I don't know where the children are, I am thinking.....

The Mormon end times / extreme prepper group that the adults are affiliated with is not polygamist. In contrast they seem to strongly disavow the practice.

This would seem to reduce the odds of them fleeing to one of the polygamist strongholds. Even if the family were to seek shelter there, the polygamists may not only lack the desire to tacitly shelter them, but may also lack the means.

The Mexican polygamist community is under a lot of stress after the narco massacre of innocents. Many people have left. Colorado City is not impregnable today. The leader and several senior members are in prison for decades.

Utah also fired two problem local constables known to tip off church members and voided "voluntary" home title transfers made by group members to the church. I can't see the Canadian polygamist community warming up to them either.

There is one place however, whose name escapes me. I once saw a documentary on it. Maybe a Utah poster or Mormon member knows of it?

It is a rural valley in Utah that has evidently been friendly to fringe groups for decades. In addition to a polygamist faction (neither Jeff nor Lebaron), the area is home to a loose and motley crue of independent polygamists including one who described himself as an "Israelite", tax evaders, Mormons rejecting church leadership and run of the mill secular anti government conspiracy types.

A certain number of locals also hold the valley to be sacred and have "end times" beliefs. My guess is that unless the children have been harmed, many locals would not be inclined to call law enforcement. Some may even actively assist them.

I just can't remember the name of the place.... .
Could the answer to your question be in one of his books? I'm not telling you to read them! LOL! Just thinking out loud.
It always amazes me how people who maybe approaching paranoia select a "bug out rig" that screams "right wing peppers inside". Jeez, it almost seems they are seeking attention that they purportedly hope to avoid.

Ha! Yeah, it is the ugliest thing on the road, I’m sure. They have essentially taken a camping trailer and modified it so much that it is so heavy they had to get a huge vehicle to tow thing. I can’t imagine how they will manage to actually haul the thing off road into the wilderness somewhere.
Lori may have withdrawn him from school under the guise of “homeschool” so this wouldn’t really be that concerning to the school. If she hadn’t done something like that and he just stopped showing up, that might be worse. Sadly many elementary schools don’t worry about truancy. Our district starts really caring in middle school. They only care about having the absences excused by the parent so they still get funding for that kid.
I guess every state is different. I'm in PA. I can speak from experience (meeting with ENT 2 weeks from now about my daughter getting her tonsils out) that from K-12 they are very strict here. Yep...I'm THAT parent who gets a letter every year. But her grades are good...soooo...
I agree, teachers would not call CPS for those reasons in and of themselves.

But, if the stated intents to either home school or stated claims that the child is sick are components of a pattern of suspicious behavior, school teachers could decide to call the CPS. They could even be obligated to do so in some situations.

For example, child showed signs of neglect, but was not being abused. Mother misses teacher parent meetings regarding the child's special needs. She then suddenly announces via Email that the child will be now be home schooled- though she has never expressed an interest in home schooling before.

Though I don't know if the above situation must be reported, it would not be unreasonable for the teacher to do so.
Unfortunately Joshua had only been in school there for about a month, so the teachers and administrators really had no baseline for what this family was like normally, to know if his absence should be considered suspect.
Though I don't know where the children are, I am thinking.....

The Mormon end times / extreme prepper group that the adults are affiliated with is not polygamist. In contrast they seem to strongly disavow the practice.

This would seem to reduce the odds of them fleeing to one of the polygamist strongholds. Even if they were, the communities are under stress.

The Mexican polygamist community is reeling after the narco massacre of innocents. Many people have left. Colorado City is not impregnable today. The leader and several senior members are in prison for decades.

Utah also fired problem constables and voided "voluntary" home title transfers made by group members to the church. I can't see the Canadian polygamist community warming up to them either.

There is one place however, that might warm up to them. I once saw a documentary on it. It is a rural valley in Utah that has evidently been friendly to fringe groups for decades.

In addition to a polygamist faction (neither Jeff nor Lebaron), the area is home to a loose and "motley crue" of independent polygamists including one who described himself as an "Israelite", tax evaders, and Mormons rejecting church leadership.

Then mix in run of the mill secular anti government conspiracy types and a certain number of locals also hold the valley to be sacred with "end times" beliefs.

I just can't remember the name of the place.... .
There's a place on the Utah/Arizona border called Cane Beds that's a bit like that
Lori may have withdrawn him from school under the guise of “homeschool” so this wouldn’t really be that concerning to the school. If she hadn’t done something like that and he just stopped showing up, that might be worse. Sadly many elementary schools don’t worry about truancy. Our district starts really caring in middle school. They only care about having the absences excused by the parent so they still get funding for that kid.
Yes she could have. I have considered that a distinct possibility since the school didn't ring any alarm bells, but then it might be a more rural and relaxed district in that way too. It's hard to know for sure. I find it odd that there doesn't seem to be any hint of homeschool or not in anything I've read about.
The attorney's job is not to ask a client about their situation. The attorney provides information about the law, as it pertains to the issues the client would like the attorney to manage.

(snipped for focus by me)

I understand that. I simply thought that as part of his responsibility to act in the client's best interests, if the lawyer felt one focus in a statement would be more beneficial to C + L than a different focus, he might suggest that to them.

Specifically, if they have told him they are innocent of harming the children, that the children are in good hands and their whereabouts are lawful but being kept private out of parental concern, he might suggest they state this affirmatively, instead of making a whining comment about Lori's resentment of the meanies who suspect otherwise and are saying so. Really, how hard is it to say "We love our children, who have experienced several traumas over the past few months, and we are trying to provide them the privacy, security, and time for healing that they deserve. We will not take questions from the press and public about them at this time."

Of course, if the lawyer does not think addressing the matter of the children would in any way benefit C + L, then he would not make any such suggestion.

He may know there is no statement they can make regarding the children that will serve them well.

Or maybe he really doesn't want to go there, and they haven't revealed anything to him.

I'm just trying to figure out why he agreed to make a statement on their behalf that does not paint either of them in a sympathetic light. IMO, it would have been better if they/he had made no statement at all than to display the attitude in the one he delivered. *shrug*
Right. Sorry I am so cynical and jaded. Please read about Nubia Barahona, her thread is on this site. She was adopted, special needs, came to school severely neglected, the school called CPS, and Nubia was then homeschooled. End of story. Nubia is dead now.

I can't begin to tell you how many times, as a teacher, I personally called CPS about a child who was neglected, or had numerous injuries. And unless things have really changed, calling in, felt like an interrogation session for war crimes. Why was I calling? Did the child specifically state they were abused? On and on...I felt like I was being treated like a criminal for calling in suspected child abuse or neglect. As a mandatory reporter, no less!

I just have had so many negative experiences with child protective agencies...sadly, it seems like an overburdened bureaucracy, with so many rules, that it actually serves to provide a barrier to services for those they are supposed to protect.

I remember quite a few severe neglect and abuse cases that ended with a child dying, and a lot of the kids were “homeschooled”. It seems a good way to keep abuse and neglect under wraps once there is no way to hide the evidence. It is really sad.
There's a place on the Utah/Arizona border called Cane Beds that's a bit like that
Though the name of this place was "something valley", Canes Bed sounds like a good spot to check as well:

An area known to tolerate fringe groups- particularly Mormon derived ones and is also not dominated by a collection of recognized authority figures. Thus less chance of a "Turn Them Away" edict or a "Turn Them In" order being obeyed.

Could the answer to your question be in one of his books? I'm not telling you to read them! LOL! Just thinking out loud.
Good point. It could well be in his books.

The area is evidently a "go to" place for people needing to escape something- even if it is in their own minds or to "find themselves"- even if they have know idea what to do with the "find".
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