ID ID - Lewiston Civic Theater Murders / 5 Related Cases

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why did he want access to the body in the morgue? did he know her?
He was carrying a hunting knife.
Obviously his 'issues' date to very early in life.
Its been my long held opinion that he dumped Steven Pearsols body in a different place is because the Necro-Freak wanted to re-visit the two girls if circumstance allowed.
Not out of any 'cleverness' on his part in an effort to confuse authorities.
The "suicide" that you referred to has been mentioned on some sources I have read but it is not usually included as one of the "Civic Theater Murders". You were obviously familiar with the case. What were the circumstances of the "suicide"? Presumably it was carefully investigated: particularly if the "prime suspect" were connected to it. On a "comment section" on one of the sites that discussed the Civic Theater Murders, someone wrote in, claiming to be a relative of the "victim", stating that he was satisfied that it was, in fact, a suicide.

In the discussions of the case, I have read references to the "fact" that the "prime suspect" was on the boat in the Snake River that found one of Kristen David's body parts. None of the newspaper articles I have read mentioned it. I am wondering if it wasn't just a rumor. Apparently Kristen had worked at the Civic Theater in the past and would have probably have known the "prime suspect" through it.

Also, do you have any references to cases in North Carolina that might be linked to the "prime Suspect"?
I would like to know more about this suicide as well. I also want to know if V had a criminal record before coming to Idaho. Had he been in the military? How long had he been in town before the killings started? What was his regular job? When he first arrived in town, did anyone peg him as strange?
Also, people have been convicted without the body of the victim having been found. Why didn't that happen in this case?
Actually I do. That fool might have a pattern. how old was he when he snuck into the morgue?
I would like to know more about this suicide as well. I also want to know if V had a criminal record before coming to Idaho. Had he been in the military? How long had he been in town before the killings started? What was his regular job? When he first arrived in town, did anyone peg him as strange?
Also, people have been convicted without the body of the victim having been found. Why didn't that happen in this case?

LV's funeral home incident is the only information about any criminal record that has surfaced. It occured in Santa Cruz County Ca where he grew up. He was probably over 18 since the record would have/should have been sealed if he we under 18. (I don't know why he did it but my guess would be necrophilia).

He apparently was not in the military. He lived in California before moving to Lewiston in the late 1970's. He was married, had a job as a delivery driver and apparently projected a normal solid citizen image. From what I have read, he was a bit of a character and tended to be the center of attention, but he was not a creepy or sleazy type at all.

The reason the missing body of Steve Pearsall is a problem is that if he were prosecuted for Brandy and Kristen, (the two strongest circustantial cases) the defense would use the obvious argument that LV didn't kill the girls, Steve Pearsall did and then went undergroud after he did it. I doubt anyone conected to the case really believes it went down that way but it would be enough to establish reasonable doubt. Find Steve's body, and that defense is shot down.
I would like to know more about this suicide as well. I also want to know if V had a criminal record before coming to Idaho. Had he been in the military? How long had he been in town before the killings started? What was his regular job? When he first arrived in town, did anyone peg him as strange?
Also, people have been convicted without the body of the victim having been found. Why didn't that happen in this case?
I dont have alot of details about the suicide.
And your right some are satisfied that her death was a suicide.I do know she had joined the Theater to meet people and provide a balance to her troubling job as a nurse in a terminal cancer ward.
She was a very sweet and shy person.I remember she invited me and my wife at the time to dinner at her apartment and we were the first company she had ever had.
She seemed to feel she had taken a real step having us over.
My main problem is how many women just happen to end up dead in his proximity.
I have a hard time believing its coincidence.
A friend of his(who is convinced of his innocence)placed him at the 'discovery' of Kristen David's body parts floating in the River in an email to someone investigating this case.
To my knowledge LE has never been able(or bothered to )confirm this.
I would think this could be done fairly easily one way or another.
Yes he was in the military and I believe had been in the valley since the early seventies.
The Funeral Home incident happened when he was young and pre-dated his military service.
The main road block to an indictment has been the fact that Steven Pearsals body has never been found...any defense attourney worth his salt would have an easy time saying to a Jury "Well,How do you know HE didnt kill those girls and then ran?"
He was on foot having been dropped at the theater by his girlfriend that night and sure didnt carry those girls clear to Kendrick on his back.
LE is convinced he is dead having shown up at the wrong place at the wrong time.(I agree)
But apparently the D.A. felt it wasnt worth the risk indicting him.
Thats the reason finding his remains and proving he was a victim too is so important.
I think the D.A.was overly cautious and could have obtained a conviction anyway but thats just my amateur opinion since Im not a legal expert.
This case is a hot mess and then some. So before all these killings started, he had never been implicated in anything odd in Lewiston at all? I mean people don't just start killing out of the blue. Were there any odd cemetary disturbances?
Also, HOW was he caught in the funeral home and did he know the girl?
This case is a hot mess and then some. So before all these killings started, he had never been implicated in anything odd in Lewiston at all? I mean people don't just start killing out of the blue. Were there any odd cemetary disturbances?
Also, HOW was he caught in the funeral home and did he know the girl?

I dont have many details about the funeral home incident Im pretty sure authorities do though.
Its funny you should mention cemetary activity.
A few years ago at Normal Hill Cemetary(the Theater sits on Normal Hill.The Cemetary is several blocks Southwest)
Some workers,I dont know if they were laying water line or digging a grave or what but they came upon an adult male skeleton.
Buried freelance,As in somebody buried him there other then Cemetary folks.
It was determined the Skeleton was from the early 1980's.
As you might imagine they were quick to determine if it was Steven Pearsal.
It wasnt.
However given the time frame and the location I would be very surprised indeed if our POI wasnt involved.
I mean how many folks could there be running around Normal Hill in 1982 that would be up to something like that?
The Skeletons identity is still unknown.
Kline, I hope you or anyone else from Idaho does NOT take offense to this, but HOW did V come to end up in Lewiston. Did he have a job there that he moved there for? Did he have family in the area, did his wife? Did he ever mention what he was doing and where he lived before Lewiston? Also what is this about 2 stepsisters disappearing in Mint Hill where he works now?
Kline, I hope you or anyone else from Idaho does NOT take offense to this, but HOW did V come to end up in Lewiston. Did he have a job there that he moved there for? Did he have family in the area, did his wife? Did he ever mention what he was doing and where he lived before Lewiston? Also what is this about 2 stepsisters disappearing in Mint Hill where he works now?
You know I dont know how he came to Idaho,we never discussed that.
(He never mentioned to me that he was in the military either that I recall.)
His wife is from eastern Washington I beleive.
She's the grandaughter of character actor Walter Brennan who owned property in that part of the state.
I know who walter brennan is
I think maybe you should do some digging on why V left Cali to see if it was a sudden move, was there any weirdness where he lived before. Again, what was his job in Lewiston?
I know who walter brennan is
I think maybe you should do some digging on why V left Cali to see if it was a sudden move, was there any weirdness where he lived before. Again, what was his job in Lewiston?
He drove a delivery truck for awhile.Also he worked at a music store in Clarkston.
Ive been told he taught for a short time at the college in Lewiston.
What,I dont know.
I still say someone needs to look up his criminal record pre Lewistion
I still say someone needs to look up his criminal record pre Lewistion
Investigators gave him a going over the only thing heard of was the funeral home business.
But I know what you mean....noway someone who acted on impulses like that like that was not acting out in the interim.
I want to know how thorough of a going over he got. Why wasn't the FBI called in, esp over that missing little girl?
I want to know how thorough of a going over he got. Why wasn't the FBI called in, esp over that missing little girl?
They may have been.
I know the FBI still has an active interest in the Kristin David murder and still review it according to an article in the Lewiston Tribune last year.
Unfortunately during the initial period after Christina White's disappearense from Asotin Washington The Sherriff at the time declared her a runaway .
Her parents (who were divorced) did not believe this and began going around question people and searching themselves which made local LE mad.
They wanted them to basicly go home and wait by the phone complaining they were contaminating the 'investigation'.
It degenerated into a public pissing contest in the papers and of course Christina has not been found.
Fortunately the Detective who has the case now is really motivated and on the ball by contrast.
She completely re-arranged and organized all the material on the case she received upon inheriting it.
She spends alot of time working on the case in addition to her other work even searching on her own time.
Earlier this year she excavated an old root cellar with a Backhoe next to where LV was living when Christina was last seen there .
Still why did he try to break into those 2 girls apartment the night he killed them?

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