ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #2

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I think we will be looking at multiple crime scenes here:

a. the apartment where he is assaulted by the boyfriend
b. boyfriend moves the body, possibly in supposedly stolen vehicle
c. the water

It will be interesting to find out how long the body has been in the water or if this was a recent move. I totally agree with the earlier poster who said Ehrlick hurt him, and that it was him that injured the 8 month old as well. It took over 24 hours to take that baby to the hospital, I wonder if it took mom that long to convince him she would say she did it. He clearly would have gone to prison, not the 27 days of work release she got.

What I really want to know is when the last independent siting of this boy was.
Looks to me as if there are some pretty good curves in that canal. It would be surprising to me that a body could float all that way (and around curves) without getting caught up near a bank on one side or the other. MOO
Have all the reports of blood being found and decomposition hits by dogs been rumors? If fact, not rumors, this is no accidental drowning.
OK, this is just ridiculous. I feel bad for Michael Jackson's family, I feel horrible for Caylee...but isn't hearing about Robert happening NOW?

Ugh!!!!! Sorry...

I bet JVM has nothing we haven't heard yet anyway. I'll wait for LE's presser.

This cannot be happening again. :furious:

map showing location of apartment (upper right), house that was searched (middle) and where the body was found (lower left).

you can also see the canal winding through there.

I'm getting conflicting reports about the grates - first they said it was not possible for a body to travel from the canal by the apartments to where the body was found because of the grates but now they seem to be saying that it IS possible... so, not sure about that.

Wouldn't it be something if this turns out to be an accidental drowning after all this? (not saying no one's at fault, but certainly a much different scenario than what I've been thinking lately).

(not asking YOU in particular) but would a body make it that far in 9 days? there are alot of twists and turns there!

that's a great pic btw! thank you!
Dashed in from work to see if there was any news......and just saw the latest...........even tho there has been no positive my heart I know this is probably Robert ......and even tho "I knew" Robert was probably already with the angels knowing only peace and joy .....still, I'm devastated, :no: and tears are flowing.......:cry:...oh what his poor father and brother and family must be going thru right now........I know there's no pain like it...many prayers to them..........:praying:

....and now comes the anger...because I'm willing to bet my life that if this *is Robert - the cause of death will not be drowning!:furious:

Hoping that when the autopsy results come back LE has enough forensic evidence they can immediately toss the book at "M" & BF!!!!
JVM now covering Anthonys

Another case where I am on overload. Nothing is going to bring little Caylee back. I am looking forward to the trial, but not the endless coverage now.
Have all the reports of blood being found and decomposition hits by dogs been rumors? If fact, not rumors, this is no accidental drowning.

The blood information came from someone who used to live next door to MJ and her BF. The link - which was to Brian's Dreams - doesn't even indicate when this prior neighbor moved!?! I do not consider her a source.

I'm not sure about the dogs.
JVM: FINALLY! Oh no, not yet .... in just a moment! :banghead: She's backo on Jacko!
just a tease, back to covering Jackson custody with panel.
All JVM said is that a child's body was found in a canal, and that's about it. It doesn't look like she's going back to it.

Another program I'm done with.
OK, this is just ridiculous. I feel bad for Michael Jackson's family, I feel horrible for Caylee...but isn't hearing about Robert happening NOW?

Ugh!!!!! Sorry...

I bet JVM has nothing we haven't heard yet anyway. I'll wait for LE's presser.

This cannot be happening again. :furious:

Watching JVM - - -ITA!!!! - about ready to toss my TV remote at the screen!!! Grrrrrrrr! (oops! just scared my dog)

Seriously, what's more important, right at this moment - unless she's purposely saving "some" for NG?
OMG, here I eat, take a nap, cool down about being so angry about this poor little angel, teens took over computer, come back on, and when I saw 5 new pages, I knew a body had been found. I'm mad...and I know the rest or most of you are too. I have been following crime and mysteries for some time now. This has got to freaking stop. At least he was found. Heading out for soccer practice to pick up my lil one who spent the night at a friends. Robert, Robert, Robert. No more worries now.

Water in the canals is running very fast and high. The gates have allowed bodies to travel thru them before in the past. So it would be hard to guess where the body went in.
How bout the latest BREAKING news, JVM!? I bet she's going to give about a two-minute sound bite, as she reads from the latest press release, towards or at the very end of her program. I give up, Jane!
O/T...When Mickey Sherman chatted with WS members online, he mentioned that if you want NG to feature a case, email her. I would imagine JVM works the same way.

Just a bit of FYI.
Yeah but Kimster, this IS breaking news with little Robert! We shouldn't have to request she do her job, right? She aggravates me anyway .... with all her fake voice inflections she uses. I know... I'm tired ....and a little ... yeah that too! ;)
I have to admit, (probably something most of you know already), but when I want NEWS, I come to WS first even before turning on my TV.
HLN is so far behind with so many things because they're too busy stuck in the past. (no offense to Michael Jackson or especially Caylee)

Like many of you said, I can "feel" that it is Robert, but I want it to not be true. On the other hand, it is a child, so somewhere there will be a family torn to shreds because of this.

None of this is right. NONE of it!
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