GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #5

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Wasn't online yesterday but very glad arrested the 2. I wonder if Robert wore jeans and long sleeves all the time, if he was allowed to swim, because someone would see the bruises. Poor Robert was not only DE's punching bag but I'm betting he was his slave too, get me this, do that...poor Robert. But as I say way too often in these cases as they become more frequent........DE and MJ won't be around another child and allowed or able to hurt another. That's a small joy.
What sickens me is that he was allowed to spend so much time with his mother and DE that they were given the opportunity to inflict this prolonged abuse to him. :furious: MOO
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how often Robert got to talk to his father while he was at his Mother's? Oh how I wish he could have told someone... anyone... what his mother and that evil man were doing to him.
Edited typos again :crazy: : I read the indictments it says he died on July 24th, but was being abused throughout the month of June 2009-July 24, 2009. I typed what was being sadi too fast. It was June 2009 (not the 9th they didn't say)-July 24th. Wanted to clear up the confusion for everyone. I apologize for my typing errors. :wink:

Read the indictment charges it says it all there!

Read Melissa Jenkins' indictment for first-degree murder :furious:

Read Daniel Erhlick Jr.'s indictment for first-degree murder :furious:

Did you read count 2 on DE???

It says that DE on/or between July 24th day of July 2009 and the 3rd of August 2009 in the County of Ada, did, have custody of the body of Robert Manwill....and with the intent to prevent discovery of the manner of death.......!!!!! :eek: :shakehead:

I have to re-read MJ's to see if she has this same count too!

Edited typos again :crazy: : I read the indictments it says he died on July 24th, but was being abused throughout the month of June 2009-July 24, 2009. I typed what was being sadi too fast. It was June 2009 (not the 9th they didn't say)-July 24th. Wanted to clear up the confusion for everyone. I apologize for my typing errors. :wink:

Read the indictment charges it says it all there!

Read Melissa Jenkins' indictment for first-degree murder :furious:

Read Daniel Erhlick Jr.'s indictment for first-degree murder :furious:


Daniel's indictment says "... on or between June 2009 and the 24th day of July 2009 ... did unlawfully and with malice aforethought kill and murder Robert G. Manwill ..."

To me that sounds like they are not sure of date of death? Could the little girl be mistaken about when she saw Robert?

ETA: I think I fixed the typos. Having troubles this morning.
She could be mistaken, sure. Eyewitness testimony is very unreliable because the slightest inference can cause untold amounts of false positives.
For example, if you were the person who was the very first to question a witness like the little girl, you'd have to be very careful on how you frame the question:
If you asked her, did you see Robert today? You've already suggested to her that she saw Robert.
If you asked if he was wearing a blue shirt, there's another inference that fouls the response because the questioner is adding inferences that she played with Robert and he was wearing a blue shirt.
In come the parents who unknowingly suggested the time, place and other things and simple facts are changed to false memories inserted by well meaning people trying to help find the little guy.
The best way to ask a witness is to simply have them explain who, what, when, where in their own words without asking ANY questions, and if you do, avoid any adjectives or adverbs.

I agree with other posters. How could that slimeball mother even look in the camera at the pressers? I hope they rot! After reading those Indictments, I am now sick to my stomach!~ They better get the Death Penalty!
Two despicable adults who found it necessary to torture to DEATH an 8yo boy OMG there are NO words to express my outrage for these two beasts. And to think they had another baby with them in the apartment...:furious:

I think the Boise LE did an outstanding job in nailing these two beasts to the wall.
This is even worse than I thought. I want to throw up. Of course others said they were SOOO nice, that neighbors would trust them with their own children.....wonder how they feel about those statements now. The ones who have something to hide often go overboard with being nice, just so they don't arouse suspicion. Remember that people. Someone in this child's life must have sensed something. Erhlick's father sensed something. Where was Robert's father? Was he satisfied with having him out of the house so his new wife wouldn't be burdened? That little boy had no where to go....didn't know what to do when his mama and "step daddy" were kicking, beating and punching him in the head and stomach daily. I cannot imagine what he went through for days and days. Ehrlick and Jenkins should be put in the general population in jail. Let the others have a go at them, every day, they should not be spared any punishment. No wonder the father of the little girl specifically said that he didn't want Ehlick alone with his daughter.....he sensed something.

Robert was a throw away child. So many opportunities to avoid this tragedy, and all were ignored because no one really wanted to bother. Please don't let another child die this way. These courts and agencies are too liberal with child abusers. They have blood on their hands.
great job Boise PD and everyone else involved in this investigation. nothing can take away from what poor little Robert endured, but at least those who did will have to pay. I just keep thinking about Ehrlick Sr and how someone (sorry i can't remember the posters name!) who attented the services said that he just had this pained look in his eyes. he knew that his own flesh and blood was responsible for this. times like this make me wish i was a person of faith, so many people write about how happy he is now and he is in a better place. i wish i could believe that, i just believe that he lived a sh$tty little life, was tortured to no end and is now just...dead. hate to be the downer of the group, but that's just how i feel about it. if that happened to my child and people told me this, i would probably snap.
OK -- JVM just said they read her charges out loud because she can't read or write--WTH?
OK -- JVM just said they read her charges out loud because she can't read or write--WTH?

ZOMG, WHAT????? And she's allowed to breed and torture. Nice. You've got to be kidding me.

If I ever think of changing locales...Boise would be a place to consider for me. The way the people all stood up for this boy....bravo to them. I know we all say we would but people are so tightly wound into their own lives. They are still standing up for him. And we were wondering what the heck was taking so long......they had it before a grand jury!! Hats off Boise and hats off Boise LE. Salute.
I read those indictments and literally got ill. I have had to care at the funeral home for these precious forgotten children. I feel strongly about there being a God in Heaven and that he does take these children from the animals. But at times I wonder why they have to suffer for so long first? Many times it saves the other children in the family when one dies. But it doesn't make it right! The people being paid to protect these children need to get it right! And if they are not sure then don't place the child back in the home! I have cried lots of tears for our abused babies here. I always say a prayer and perform the sign of the cross on their little foreheards. I'm afraid if I don't no one will. But this indictment made me physically sick. I can't stop thinking about cabinets being removed from the house and what that means, I need to stop. What kind of monster can do this and what kind of monster egg carrier would allow it to happen repeatedly? My blood pressure is through the roof and I swear I could personally hurt these two and that is an emotion I don't generally have. I'll stop there before I get booted. I'm so sad, very very sad and outraged. The judge and the social workers who allowed them unsupervised care of children should pay a price...she is illiterate? Now she is claiming illiterate? So many people in the article in the Statesman spoke of things they witnessed.....Why are you telling the newspaper now? What happened to stepping up to the plate and protecting our babies? Dear Robert fly.....Little Angel.
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder how often Robert got to talk to his father while he was at his Mother's? Oh how I wish he could have told someone... anyone... what his mother and that evil man were doing to him.
I am greatly troubled with the new information that has come out regarding Robert's injuries. It's apparent now that this was prolonged abuse while he was staying with his mother and DE. My first question is, with her history of the baby with the fractured skull last year, why was Robert allowed to visit her and for so many weeks?? Who on earth dropped the ball on that?? :mad: I too wonder if he was allowed to contact his father at all, or if the father tried to call him during that time. Also, how could the little girl have possibly seen him the evening of 7/24 on the playground since it seems he would've been in great pain from his injuries? And wouldn't DE be afraid if Robert were outside the apt. that he might tell somebody? At first I thought what happened might have been an isolated incident that night after 7:30pm (when he supposedly was last seen) but now there's no way the defendants can say his death was "accidental". :furious: MOO
Daniel's indictment says "... on or between June 2009 and the 24th day of July 2009 ... did unlawfully and with malice aforethought kill and murder Robert G. Manwill ..."

To me that sounds like they are not sure of date of death? Could the little girl be mistaken about when she saw Robert?

ETA: I think I fixed the typos. Having troubles this morning.
I absolutely believe now that she was mistaken or it wasn't even Robert. Like I just said in a previous post, how could this little boy be "playing" that evening when he had been literally tortured inside that apartment? And I wouldn't think DE would allow him out of sight for fear of Robert telling somebody. The only possibility I can think of is he did sneak out, got caught by DE and subsequently murdered ~ if he was even alive that evening. MOO
After reading the indictments, I am even more upset. How how how can someone do this to their children? And even worse, how can a mother watch? Wish I could go hug my brown-eyed 8-year-old son right now.

I know Robert is safe now and that he guided BPD. I just hope that Idaho doesn't drop the ball this time...that these "people" are made an example of and that the system learns a hard lesson from this. I know that in Twin Falls meth is a huge problem (heck, my own husband is a recovering addict..thank God I was the sane one and no harm ever came to my boys) so I am sure CPS and H&W are very overwhelmed. And budget cuts don't help. But for God's sake, if they aren't going to help these poor babies, who will? I wish I could save them all. Good thing I'm a graphic designer. If I were a social worker, my house might be full of kids!

(Sorry for this rant. I just have to get it out. Also sorry if it is a repeat of something mentioned before...again...just had to get it out.)
The state should definitely seek the DP for both of them. MOO

I'm so disgusted and angry right now. I believe that the Death Penalty is deserved but entirely too easy for evil monsters like these two.
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