IDI Theories (intruder did it)

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bumping up for those who wish to discuss theories that an intruder/stranger did it
OK-here goes: with all of the latest revelations about MW etc.. Here is what could have happened. DB was partying with the neighbor out front. They were drinking. It was a nice evening out and people were out and about. Someone stopped past who was associated with the MW house. Perhaps drugs were used or sold to them or perhaps someone was looking for money that was owed for a previous transaction. DB said she couldn't pay it right then. It may not have even been DB but perhaps her brother this was about and came to her. Maybe DB called a number to try to straighten it out and that number was MW. The person or people threatened her and left. She didn't think too much of it at the time and continued to party. Neighbor went home and DB wentto bed-not drunk.

While DB slept this person came in and took Lisa. When they discovered Lisa was missing they told everything they knew to LE and have been honest but don't want to give up too much info because they are trying to protect the boys. Perhaps the boys could ID someone and they are afraid that the boys will be next-threat assessment, etc...

I don't think these parents are perfect and perhaps know more than they are telling but out of fear. Just a theory here and some of it doesn't make sense but maybe someone can help me work it out a bit more.
OMG- I am watching 1000'ways to die and they are showing something about ICP. Talk about weird!
It is a theory nothing more nothing less. The Petit home was singled out when they were seen in the parking lot then followed home. It was not about the money or anything else one of them liked the looks of one of the children

Shasta and Dillon (last name I can't recall) were kidnapped after their kidnapper saw them playing outside. I am not saying that I share your theory. But, I do think that if an intruder were to have broken into the Irwin home, whether they were looking for a four year old girl or a ten month old girl, after taking all the risk of getting into the house and all the way to the bedroom, they wouldn't leave empty handed. If they are there, they are taking something. JMO.
Shasta and Dillon (last name I can't recall) were kidnapped after their kidnapper saw them playing outside. I am not saying that I share your theory. But, I do think that if an intruder were to have broken into the Irwin home, whether they were looking for a four year old girl or a ten month old girl, after taking all the risk of getting into the house and all the way to the bedroom, they wouldn't leave empty handed. If they are there, they are taking something. JMO.

Groene was the last name. It was really a sad case murdering the other family members to get the two and then murdering Dillon
Hard to believe a stranger intruder got so lucky...guess its possible but more likely its someone that watching this family and saw an opportunity.

Now with the call information at 8PM it had to be a very skillful intruder plus some luck.
Hard to believe a stranger intruder got so lucky...guess its possible but more likely its someone that watching this family and saw an opportunity.

Now with the call information at 8PM it had to be a very skillful intruder plus some luck.

I think it was someone in the neighborhood who knows the house
Some theory's put together... Debbie was out front drinking, with neighbor. People are out and about, someone associated with, is it MW? ( i have been away, not even sure who this is) and got number written on hand. I think debbie was drunk, tipsy, whatever and was running her mouth off. Which drunks do. Probably saying her husband was working night shift, blah blah blah. If you knew someone was home alone and that drunk, what would you think? I would think rob them blind, but why take a baby??? Unless Lisa awoken, and they grab her to keep her quiet. IDK Just so you know, I would not really think rob someone!!! Just in theory.
I keep asking myself why Lisa? There were 2 boys , 5 and 8 years old. Was it because Lisa is a girl? (sexual predator) Is it because Lisa is a baby? (woman who wanted a baby) Is it because Lisa was born to DB and JI? (someone who wanted revenge on both).
Some theory's put together... Debbie was out front drinking, with neighbor. People are out and about, someone associated with, is it MW? ( i have been away, not even sure who this is) and got number written on hand. I think debbie was drunk, tipsy, whatever and was running her mouth off. Which drunks do. Probably saying her husband was working night shift, blah blah blah. If you knew someone was home alone and that drunk, what would you think? I would think rob them blind, but why take a baby??? Unless Lisa awoken, and they grab her to keep her quiet. IDK Just so you know, I would not really think rob someone!!! Just in theory.

Someone who has been having very dark fantasies, or someone who hates DB or JI, or a run of the mill pedophile who knew that she was normally drunk or passed out by midnight and realized because the van wasn't there that she was alone.

Honestly though, from the beginning the murder of Daniel Horowitz's wife came to mind. Young - hence the cell phones, dark and creepy, the sort who would have abused animals just to see what it was like, and often the perfect crime isn['t because of any super planning but just the opposite. A series of circumstances that by the very nature of the unplanned crime made it hard to find evidence.

BEST thing for the perp was probably DB being drunk and likely lying at times to cover her own bad behavior. The blackouts imo made it easy for him/her but her own anxiety driven personality made it even easier by being afraid of what really happened.

She may be sure she didn't hurt the baby but she doesn't know 100% and neither do I so I am on the fence, while DB fudges truths.
I keep asking myself why Lisa? There were 2 boys , 5 and 8 years old. Was it because Lisa is a girl? (sexual predator) Is it because Lisa is a baby? (woman who wanted a baby) Is it because Lisa was born to DB and JI? (someone who wanted revenge on both).

GMTA. I just posted essentially the same thing just above while you posted your thoughts lol
Some theory's put together... Debbie was out front drinking, with neighbor. People are out and about, someone associated with, is it MW? ( i have been away, not even sure who this is) and got number written on hand. I think debbie was drunk, tipsy, whatever and was running her mouth off. Which drunks do. Probably saying her husband was working night shift, blah blah blah. If you knew someone was home alone and that drunk, what would you think? I would think rob them blind, but why take a baby??? Unless Lisa awoken, and they grab her to keep her quiet. IDK Just so you know, I would not really think rob someone!!! Just in theory.

Uh oh....I think you may have something here.

Intruder wakes up baby while robbing the house, baby starts crying, intruder does something to quiet baby, panics and leaves with baby with the intent to destroy any evidence. Disrobes baby and sets clothes on fire and takes baby and hide her somewhere. Unfortunately, this scenario truly means that Lisa would be no longer alive. But I think it is quite possible and also fit into the rest of the little evidence we have thus far.

I also believe that the intruder would be someone related in some way to one of the 8 people in that house and not necessarily MW. Anyone interview the rest of the gang?
Hoping this is an ok place to post this. Not really a 'who did it' theory but more of a why things have played out the way they have theory?

Just saying - WHAT IF: The police haven't 'forced' issues such as interviews with the parents/kids/etc because they ARE ACTIVELY following another lead and need to buy time as to not tip off the person they're pursuing? Not holding PC's - allowing things to 'slip' out - leaving innuendo that the parents did it --- all in the hopes they'll be able to track Baby Lisa down.....ALIVE. I believe, especially with the FBI involved, they may be going out about this as secretively and intentionally as possible. At least I hope so!

It's possible? Right? (holding out hope for Baby Lisa!)
Wanted to add this piece......

The 'cadaver' hit could've been put out there so that whoever has the baby think LE believe she is dead (and thus lowering their inhibitions?)

Could DB & JI be 'lying low' because they already know police have active leads elsewhere? We don't see them begging for their child because they believe LE will find her? I know this would mean a HUGE intricate correlated series of events - but maybe explain why CS's reaction? Maybe she doesn't have all the details and truly doesn't understand being let go or why JT was doing what he was doing? He seems to be 'ok' with the FBI so maybe there's something there?

Gosh - I know this is all speculation but I guess I just want desperately to believe Baby Lisa is alive and they are close to finding her!!!
bumping up for those who think an intruder did it and want to discuss it

((this is for those ^^ theories))
bumping up for those who think an intruder did it and want to discuss it

((this is for those ^^ theories))
Thanks nursey.

I don't have an opinion as to whether or not an intruder committed this crime or not, but I was thinking to myself about another case we worked years and years ago (trailing.)

A preadolescent child in a neighborhood (who was being abused at the time) decided to 'rescue' a toddler who lived down the street from what they percieved to be an abusive situation for the toddler. The child abducted the toddler, and took to a play area, where the baby was accidentally injured and subsequently died of injuries.

I think there are so many possibilities in Lisa's case, that it is worthwhile to look at combo effects regarding intruders/family/friends, etc.

Jmvho, of course. It's unbelievable how much bad can happen to people. Trying to think outside the box and all that. :(
This is probably not the correct thread for this question, but I can't think of where to put it- was the search warrant for probable cause? or reasonable suspicion? TIA to anyone who can answer this.
OMG....when I saw a new thread "IDI Theories" show up on the "New Posts" page, I thought it was for the JBR forum. What are we going to call theories about the Irwins being responsible? FDI? Family Did It?

For IDI, I don't feel like there's been enough evidence released to point towards that direction. LE has not come out and said they've found unknown DNA, a footprint, fingerprints, etc. It's very possible that they have that information but I can't list verified forensic evidence pointing towards an intruder.

You can make the missing cell phones point towards an intruder or towards a family member. I think that, whoever was involved, took the cell phones because there was something on there that they didn't want anyone to see. Some people might think LE needs the phone to check the records.

Yes, the cell phones are the key...I would think an arrest should be coming soon.
BBM. I hope you are correct, but what makes you think this?

Why would someone take all the cell phones? There has to be something on there that LE is not telling. I pray they have some leads and are watching and waiting on all information on cell phone triangulations and history...GPS...something. The FBI is on this case too with LE and they are all smarter than the average bear. They know something and may God help them figure it all out for babies sake.:innocent:

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