Found Deceased IL - Andrew Freund, 5, Crystal Lake, 17 April 2019 *Arrests* - #3

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Laws seem to be ever changing in matters we the people have no Congressional funds to provide for.
NEVER give up! We cannot to pay the price tag of giving up.

Oh, I'll never give up.

If we redirected the funds spending on ineffective programs and redirected to an outcome based program I full believe we could make a difference.
In the bolded (by me) part of the DCFS report published today, it states that JoAnn was a foster parent and Andrew's removal was in a home of a cousin. I know that unfounded reports should not taint a person's ability to parent if indeed the report is unfounded, so I get why they would expunge a record. However, in the space of a year and a half, there were three reports of drug use/abuse and supervision issues. It took Andrew being born to get some action. What if the foster child had been harmed? This could have been avoided. Just unbelievable.

......OVERVIEW -
The Department’s first interaction with this family began in 2012, prior to Andrew’s birth. JoAnn Summerkamp (maiden name Cunningham) mother of Andrew was a DCFS foster parent who had two prior unfounded cases in 2012. The first case was for Inadequate Supervision and the second case was for Risk of Harm and Environmental neglect. In October 2013, JoAnn gave birth to Andrew Freund, whose toxicology screen tested positive for opiates and benzodiazepines. Andrew was removed from his mother’s care and DCFS was granted temporary custody of Andrew. He was placed with his cousin in what is called a relative foster home.

06/07/12 DCFS received a hotline call alleging inadequate supervision. The allegations were that JoAnn is abusing prescription drugs and neglecting her foster child. The report was unfounded and expunged.

12/24/12 DCFS hotline received a call alleging environmental neglect and injurious environment as to her oldest son. The report alleged JoAnn is abusing prescription drugs and has mental health issues. The report was unfounded and expunged.

10/16/13 DCFS received a hotline report alleging substance misuse by neglect, afterJoAnn gave birth to Andrew on 10/14/13. Andrew and JoAnn tested positive for opiates and benzodiazepines. The report was indicated forSubstance Misuse. Andrew was removed from his mother’s care during the investigation.......

From the DCFS Memo published by ‘Maybe Mommy Didn’t Mean To Hurt Me’; A.J. Freund Told Doctor About Mysterious Bruise Five Months Before His Death

Does common sense just go out the window?? After so many reports, did they not think where there’s smoke there’s usually a fire? It just boggles my mind! Neighbors called. Relatives called. A picture of AJ clearly shows facial injuries!! Whether their hands were tied or they just didn’t give a damn, it doesn't matter. I know they’re overworked and underfunded but come on!! I’m sick of hearing it!! It HAS to change!!
And the guy who’s in jail could very well get her when he gets out, if he’s the daddy. Seen it happen, sadly! IMO SMDH!
I think she will easily give up rights. She’s got a lifetime struggle ahead of her, I think.
If she has been transferred to a hospital would we even know?
Oh, I'll never give up.

If we redirected the funds spending on ineffective programs and redirected to an outcome based program I full believe we could make a difference.
These agencies need to be held fully accountable. Perhaps if they were forced to provide publicly viewable reporting of some sort. I don’t have the answers but I’ll for damned sure be contacting those who should.
Actual incidents that just occurred to foster parents are examples why the numbers of foster parents are decreasing.

Firsthand knowledge. Well educated couple, making top dollar, mid thirties, unable to conceive, decide to do foster care in hopes of adopting. Mom quits her job to be full time mother.

First child, eight yo, from drug addicted mother who prostitutes herself in front of child. Child is rebellious to foster mother, argues constantly, screams for hours if she doesn’t get her way etc. Parents have tutors for her in two subjects she is behind in. Has her seeing a psychiatrist. Things are not working. One day child has screaming fit because she did not want to take a bath at bedtime. She goes into shower,no water, lays down, kicking the wall and throwing a fit so badly, the tiles fall off the wall! Yup, the couple have had it! They send her back.

Next, they agree to take a set of three siblings, the oldest six. No major problems for six months. Last week the oldest came in from kindergarten in a bad mood, started hitting the mom and bite her. It took her husband to pull him off her and both of them to restrain him on the sofa until he calmed down. He was talking about wanting to kill her and himself. They have not heard this before. Now the mom is a bit scared of him as they seek help on what to do.
Again from drug addicted parents who are in prison. It is known this oldest child was tortured by the father -swung around the room by his hair, etc.

These children that are taken by DCF are so badly damaged it is difficult for them to be rehabilitated. Too many foster parents aren’t the caring, loving people the children need. We hear many times of couples doing it for money. Again, this is another area that needs change in the system.
I think she will easily give up rights. She’s got a lifetime struggle ahead of her, I think.
If she has been transferred to a hospital would we even know?

Oh, they will know. She will go with a guard, hand cuffed. She will be guarded 24/7 unless she is a medical prison facility. I think she will still be at the local jail when she delivers.
I so wanted to believe that report that she was a foster parent was a mistake, but the memo from DCFS seems quite clear.

Interesting to note the complaint that she was neglecting the foster child came in the middle of her divorce case while she was still married to CS. They did not have any children together.

And if those 2012 reports of complaints were in the middle of the divorce proceedings, it sure wasn't long before she had conceived AJ, while her divorce lawyer was working on her case.....

Isn't there another ethical standard about this sort of stuff, too?
Another time DCFS found the allegations unfounded. I would certainly like to know what it takes to find an allegation founded. FFS!!!!
  • DCFS investigated allegations of neglect by JC and AF, but concluded they were unfounded. The mother agreed to re-enter treatment.
Did they even bother to follow up to see if she actually entered treatment?
Does common sense just go out the window?? After so many reports, did they not think where there’s smoke there’s usually a fire? It just boggles my mind! Neighbors called. Relatives called. A picture of AJ clearly shows facial injuries!! Whether their hands were tied or they just didn’t give a damn, it doesn't matter. I know they’re overworked and underfunded but come on!! I’m sick of hearing it!! It HAS to change!!

The goals of DCFS is family reunification if at all possible. The system serves the adult. Her drug use had to be proven, she had to have a chance to get clean, given a chance to get parenting skills, and do whatever they required. Then, the goal is reunification. I would think that throughout the time that AJ was in care he was having visitation with her and the father. The plan was about safety for AJ but not about his best interest. She was given hoops to move through and he would be returned if she jumped. In December, she is passed out in her car with track marks could this be a safe environment for a child? It wasn't dangerous enough for him or his brother....yet.
And, prior to December 19, 2018, there was another adult male living in the house....he was arrested for attacking people at the hospital. What do we think happened to these kids with three drug abusers/addicts in the house?
The goals of DCFS is family reunification if at all possible. The system serves the adult. Her drug use had to be proven, she had to have a chance to get clean, given a chance to get parenting skills, and do whatever they required. Then, the goal is reunification. I would think that throughout the time that AJ was in care he was having visitation with her and the father. The plan was about safety for AJ but not about his best interest. She was given hoops to move through and he would be returned if she jumped. In December, she is passed out in her car with track marks could this be a safe environment for a child? It wasn't dangerous enough for him or his brother....yet.

That is the problem in a nutshell!!
Actual incidents that just occurred to foster parents are examples why the numbers of foster parents are decreasing.

Firsthand knowledge. Well educated couple, making top dollar, mid thirties, unable to conceive, decide to do foster care in hopes of adopting. Mom quits her job to be full time mother.

First child, eight yo, from drug addicted mother who prostitutes herself in front of child. Child is rebellious to foster mother, argues constantly, screams for hours if she doesn’t get her way etc. Parents have tutors for her in two subjects she is behind in. Has her seeing a psychiatrist. Things are not working. One day child has screaming fit because she did not want to take a bath at bedtime. She goes into shower,no water, lays down, kicking the wall and throwing a fit so badly, the tiles fall off the wall! Yup, the couple have had it! They send her back.

Next, they agree to take a set of three siblings, the oldest six. No major problems for six months. Last week the oldest came in from kindergarten in a bad mood, started hitting the mom and bite her. It took her husband to pull him off her and both of them to restrain him on the sofa until he calmed down. He was talking about wanting to kill her and himself. They have not heard this before. Now the mom is a bit scared of him as they seek help on what to do.
Again from drug addicted parents who are in prison. It is known this oldest child was tortured by the father -swung around the room by his hair, etc.

These children that are taken by DCF are so badly damaged it is difficult for them to be rehabilitated. Too many foster parents aren’t the caring, loving people the children need. We hear many times of couples doing it for money. Again, this is another area that needs change in the system.

A friend fostered a 4 week and 14 month old brothers, 30 yrs ago. Mother was on drugs living in her car. It was their dream and they adopted them. Mom was a stay home mom, started our first soup kitchen, huge family support and very loving.

Both children developed problems early on and were inpatient confined on and off. At age 7 one was committed to long term psychiatric care, he was so violent he could not attend school and was a danger to himself. The 4 old was confined to long term care at age 10, again extremely violent.

They moved to the city of the facility, visit several times per week, attend functions. They are young adults now, with many mental disabilities and will never be able to live on there own. They love them dearly.
The goals of DCFS is family reunification if at all possible. The system serves the adult. Her drug use had to be proven, she had to have a chance to get clean, given a chance to get parenting skills, and do whatever they required. Then, the goal is reunification. I would think that throughout the time that AJ was in care he was having visitation with her and the father. The plan was about safety for AJ but not about his best interest. She was given hoops to move through and he would be returned if she jumped. In December, she is passed out in her car with track marks could this be a safe environment for a child? It wasn't dangerous enough for him or his brother....yet.

Addicts are masters at gaming the system and the system works to keep them in the home.
Did they even bother to follow up to see if she actually entered treatment?

My experience is that court ordered substance abuse treatment is that the numbers for relapse are very high. People need to be intrinsically motivated for change, rather than external factors. Treatment only works if a person is committed to change. And even then, living with another drug addict is set up for fail.
OMG I hope they didn’t leave him alone to die! But I bet they did.....they don’t care, only about their drugs. These ‘parents’ are so flippin cruel and I just want to throttle both of them. I was so sad when I read that ‘mom’ left her oldest son alone when he was sick, with no food or medicine. I mean, FGS, what ‘mother’ can do that to her child? I guess her leaving A.J. to die alone will not surprise me either.

I swore after Lucas’s case I would stop following these cases but here I am again. Here we all are, thankfully. We care.

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