GUILTY IL - Darnell Donerson, Jason Hudson & Julian King, 7, slain, Chicago, 24 Oct 2008

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Source: Suspect in Jennifer Hudson family slayings refused polygraph

CHICAGO -- The convicted felon suspected in the slayings of actress-singer Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew told police he is innocent but balked at taking a lie-detector test, a police official said. | Video

William Balfour, the 27-year-old stepfather of Hudson's nephew and estranged husband of her sister, told detectives he had a good relationship with the Hudson family, the police official said Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

When detectives asked Balfour to take the polygraph test, he stopped cooperating and refused to take the test, said the official, who is familiar with the investigation.

<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Did anyone else read the National Enquirer said one of the hands of the little boy was cut off? I know it's the NE but the have been known to be accurate as of lately.
The whole thing is getting more and more convoluted. It looks like Jason and Gregory King "Julian's father" were gang brothers and so was Balfour Julian's step-father. All three were members of Gangster's Disciples. So we conclude Julia has had a serious relationship with one gang member (Gregory King) and married another (William Balfour) member in the same gang.I wonder if Jennifer's mother stayed in her house because she was worried about Julian.or for that matter worried about her own adult two children who were associating with gang members.

I am not knocking Jennifer Hudson, but if my family was living in such a bad neighborhood the first thing I'd do with any real money I made would be move them somewhere better.

I hope with all my heart that the evidence is pointing LE in the right direction and whomever is responsible for this horrendous crime pays. A person shouldn't lose their entire family in one day, especially to such tragic violence.
, I do respect the mods. Regardless of party affiliation, our state is in dire trouble. Regardless of how you feel about the presidential candidates, no one is bragging about the state of IL right now. Although one party has control now, the corruption is bipartisan....It goes from the local to the highest levels....and our last governor (Ryan) is in prison with the deaths of 6 children on his watch (bribes for truck licenses case).

Re: the question of Harpo studios.....I think her location is in an area of gentrification. I think we have pockets of extreme violence, and Englewood is certainly one of them. But there are many fine neighborhoods in the city of Chicago, and many of my friends and coworkers live there in peace.

I think this particular case comes down to a domestic issue...This case is particularly sick and disturbing, but what concerns me about the city of Chicago is the number of Chicago Public School students who are killed every year in random violence.

I don't live in Chicago, but I agree. Too many children are growing up with increasing random violence fostered by gangs and drugs.

I remember my parents (my father had lived in Chicago for a short time) talking about Mayor Daly when I was a child and the buddy-buddy system there. I imagine it's still true today. Not only in Chicago but in many large cities.
Last night on NG it was discussed about why the family didn't move, and it was thought that they had lived in that one house all their lives and didn't want to move because it was home to them. I'm sure that Jennifer probably brought the subject up or offered to buy them a house somewhere...but I know it's sometimes very difficult to get folks to move. I would have been outta there, but then that's just me. My whole family has lived in the same neighborhood all their lives and nothing could blast them out of there (course it's a nice neighborhood, but still).
I am not knocking Jennifer Hudson, but if my family was living in such a bad neighborhood the first thing I'd do with any real money I made would be move them somewhere better.

I hope with all my heart that the evidence is pointing LE in the right direction and whomever is responsible for this horrendous crime pays. A person shouldn't lose their entire family in one day, especially to such tragic violence.

It has been reported on several occassions that one of the first things JH did once making it big time was to offer to relocate her family. They refused.
It has been reported on several occassions that one of the first things JH did once making it big time was to offer to relocate her family. They refused.

Ya know, I would not be surprised they didn't move because home was *home* to this family. As it is for many of us.

This is a horrific crime. I still think someone tried to take advantage of a day, it went nowhere near what they had planned, and 3 people are dead because of it. Up close and personal murder. Wasn't the neighborhood this family lived in, but murderers who tried to take advantage for their own personal wants.

I am not knocking Jennifer Hudson, but if my family was living in such a bad neighborhood the first thing I'd do with any real money I made would be move them somewhere better.

I hope with all my heart that the evidence is pointing LE in the right direction and whomever is responsible for this horrendous crime pays. A person shouldn't lose their entire family in one day, especially to such tragic violence.

There are gangs and drugs all over this country. If that was the story with Balfour et al, it just would have followed them wherever they went. I don't believe Jennifer should have had to relocate her family any more than I believe Oprah is responsible for paying her mother's bad clothing debts. It's called personal responsibility and personal choices.
Discussing case on NG now. Nothing new, same 'stuff' we already knew/know.
Yeah, NG had to butt in and the mom says well the car owner was choking him, making it seem like Balfour had no choice but to try and kill the guy. Very weird thinking, IMO.

How do you chock someone, when you are on top of a Chevy Suburban, holding on for your dear life??? :waitasec:

Official Version of Offense
On or about November 29, 1998, in Cook County, William Balfour AKA William Junior, while not being entitled to be in possession of a 1988 Chevrolet Suburban, knowingly and without authority took the said vehicle from Charles G. Then, knowing that Charles G, while attempting to stop the offenders jumped onto the above referenced vehicle, to be on top of the vehicle drove the vehicle into a light post at a high rate of speed attempting to dislodge the victim from the vehicle.

Social History
His father, 40, is currently serving a prison sentence in Jacksonville Correctional Center. William contends he does not know why is father is incarcerated. The Clerk's computer indicates that his father is serving a thirty year prison sentence for Murder.

See 14-page document containing arrest records and a parole report here.
Tiger Balm, I think the mom said Balfour was driving away and the man reached through the window and tried to choke him. Seems like she was trying to justify that he had no choice but to try and shake the guy off the car. I just rolled my eyes. If you read the transcript you will see she's a bit off. He's no innocent.
I am not knocking Jennifer Hudson, but if my family was living in such a bad neighborhood the first thing I'd do with any real money I made would be move them somewhere better.

I hope with all my heart that the evidence is pointing LE in the right direction and whomever is responsible for this horrendous crime pays. A person shouldn't lose their entire family in one day, especially to such tragic violence.

I don't disagree with you. Based on bits and pc's of news I have heard it was her mothers choice to stay in that neighborhood to remain part of her church. From the bits and pc's I have found online about the Englewood neighborhood, the city had invested 256 million into this area..... homes at one point were selling for 200,000. :eek: I guess, when people are bad, sometimes you just can't take the bad out of people no matter where they are or how much money is invested. Not to mention, when people become famous, they are often slammed for leaving their roots and 'selling out.'

The real problem here is gang activity and the high levels of crime in these neighborhoods. When kids have no where else to turn but gangs.. what else does one expect? Many years ago, and this had no direct relation or comparison to the Hudson family, I attended college with a security officer who worked at one of the most notorious housing projects- before it was torn down. He said it was nothing for these people to walk 20' out the front door and just urinate on the sidewalk. You drive through these neighborhoods and see nothing but iron bars on windows, garbage everywhere, very little grass if any in a front yard because people do not take pride in their property. Spray paint everywhere..... 8-10+ people standing on corners drinking out of paper bags during the day on weekdays. It's an entirely different world than many of us are used to.

Moving out imo, is not necessarily the answer. Investing in your neighborhood, providing opportunities and activities for children.. who lack the resources to participate most times..... give them a foundation to build from... and hope with the right direction future generations will not repeat the same poor choices of previous generations. Leaving that entirely to the government is NOT the answer.

All around this is very sad.....

and I have to also wonder what on earth Julia was thinking... I mean no disrespect by this, but to chose a biological father with the record Julians father has... and then a step father with the record he has... clearly an adult has some sense these are NOT good choices for my child. Sadly she will live with those choices for the rest of her life.... Not to mention, why do some women think they HAVE to have a guy in their life? If ya can't find a good one, you are better off staying single.
Apparently -alledgeldy - the Hudson's were involved in drug dealing at one stage.

TMZ has something up regarding drugs in the house, apparently they were all arrested in 04, but Julia was never charged. And Jeniffer was on American Idol at the time.
Not to mention, when people become famous, they are often slammed for leaving their roots and 'selling out.'

All around this is very sad.....

and I have to also wonder what on earth Julia was thinking... I mean no disrespect by this, but to chose a biological father with the record Julians father has... and then a step father with the record he has... clearly an adult has some sense these are NOT good choices for my child. Sadly she will live with those choices for the rest of her life.... Not to mention, why do some women think they HAVE to have a guy in their life? If ya can't find a good one, you are better off staying single.

*Respectfully snipped*

First part: I'm so glad someone else posted regarding the sell out thing. Because that's the deal, it seems crazy but that's exactly what happens to you.

Second part: :clap::clap::clap:
Apparently -alledgeldy - the Hudson's were involved in drug dealing at one stage.

TMZ has something up regarding drugs in the house, apparently they were all arrested in 04, but Julia was never charged. And Jeniffer was on American Idol at the time.

Actually it wouldn't be the Hudson's, rather Julia and Jason. Just making the distinction here and not meaning to be in any way negative. I think that this is so terribly tragic and I simply cannot understand why it is always brought out, as if to attack a victims past like they are responsible for their viscious deaths! One does not equal another.

And although Balfour has yet to be charged there is really no need at this time as they have him in custody. Let's see there is the fact that on numerous occasions in front of witnesses he had threatened this very type of horrible attack to Julia and her family. I think had she been there she might also be dead right now. The fact that his alibi has been refuted as false, witness statements of having seen him at crucial times and places, and of course his refusal of a polygraph say it all imo.

IMO LE knows who did this and they are just dotting their i's and crossing the t's and making sure everything will be locked tight. I also believe that Balfour did this but did have an accomplice.

First part: I'm so glad someone else posted regarding the sell out thing. Because that's the deal, it seems crazy but that's exactly what happens to you.

I grew up in Chicago and love the city to this day. After I married DH and I moved to the SE Wisconsin area to raise our family. I and my 3 sons absolutely love the city to this day and visit family and old friends regularly. DH cannot stand it and won't even come with! There is much to say about roots and humble beginnings. I share that with JH and Jennifer is a very down to earth young woman who will never forget her roots and is proud of where she grew up regardless of the lifestyle there. I too have been successful in my life and often return to my roots as they will always remain a huge part of my life. My father, aunt and grandma would never ever leave no matter how much we tried. We offered a home etc.!

She did offer to relocate her family and they would not have any of it which makes this tragedy so much more awful in my book.

She has made her mom proud and achieved the impossible dream. I think this will not be the end all of her dream. I believe she will use all of her pain and grief in a positive manner and we will se so many great things from her to come in the future!

My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family as well as all of the other victims of these horrible violent crimes.
Actually it wouldn't be the Hudson's, rather Julia and Jason. Just making the distinction here and not meaning to be in any way negative. I think that this is so terribly tragic and I simply cannot understand why it is always brought out, as if to attack a victims past like they are responsible for their viscious deaths! One does not equal another.

respectfully snipped.

BUT Julia and Jason were still in the home..... A home where information, history and backgrounds were known..... MOST of us want better for our children. I can honestly say if I chose an ex con with anything from attempted murder to drug charges on his record my family would have my arse in court in no time flat to take custody of my child from me and I would be out. It would be supervised visitation at one of those court ordered place I had to PAY to visit. Second chances and forgiveness are a wonderful thing - when people demonstrate they have made legitimate changes.
I grew up in Chicago and love the city to this day. After I married DH and I moved to the SE Wisconsin area to raise our family. I and my 3 sons absolutely love the city to this day and visit family and old friends regularly.

*snipped a bit*
I love the city too, some parts of it, in fact we are going there for Thanksgiving.(Naperville)
All of my family just left the old neighborhood within the last 2 years and I was really afraid for them. They stayed until they were ready to go.
It may not have made any difference if Jennifer removed the family from the situation. The lifestyle easily could have followed them. If her brother was a gang member and her sister was associating with possibly would have continued no matter where they chose to live, sadly. They were making very poor choices which are unrelated to where they lived, imo.

Jennifer got out and removed herself from the lifestyle completely. This will be the positive message in all this. You can leave it behind and go on to better things. Chances are good that she would have been dead today if she had not. Hopefully, she will now take her sister out where she can start fresh to clean up her lifestyle.

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