IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 - #5

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Curious, exactly when did the whole suicide thing even begin? and why are fellow officer's being brought into it? Starting to feel like I am in a writing class or something. jmo idk Maybe it was aliens. jmo idk
Suicide began when the evidence didn't prove homicide for the Coroner not for the task force.
The people who believe this was an inside job can answer the other question.
I have been known to pick up a sandwich in the morning to eat at lunch. We also should allow for the possibility this guy was lying about exactly what he did on his break NOT because he's killed Joe but because it was something his co-workers had no business knowing. So he could have just used the sandwich as an excuse.

Also, since he was the only person to have witnessed the immediate aftermath, I have to think that he was thoroughly questioned and cleared. JMO
Exactly. If the Town thinks all these various explanations of why the program is stalled is helping out Joe's memory then they need to stop and think about it because it is not.

It makes joe look like he was unprepared and even more likely to not following policy for the program if he can't get it together enough to do a handover for his departure.

If Joe knew, way back last spring, that his leaving the Fox Lake PD would mean that his Explorers Post would require new leadership, then, because it was so dear to his heart, I think that he would have planned for the transition in leadership for it, so it would run smoothly. I think that his leadership role was abruptly curtailed, not by his death, but because of an inventory investigation. I suspect that this was what was discussed with the mayor. Of course, I don't KNOW, I just suspect. CG's death was shocking enough for those kids, but it's sad that their Post is in limbo. JMO
I'm wondering if anyone heard the latest news report on this case last night? There was a small blurb on the late evening news in Chicago last night. Something about a private investigator being hired? There is some kind of investigation of treatment of people arrested by this department.
[h=1]New details emerge in Fox Lake; possible connection to fallen officer[/h]

Interesting article a little too short to snip. Mentioned is Lt. CG was asked to help with the investigation into the former chief the day before he died. There is also a video at the above link.
This just gets more and more interesting for suicide motive.

So if these town was seeking permission it means more than just the town clerks were privy to where this was going.
[h=1]New details emerge in Fox Lake; possible connection to fallen officer[/h]

Interesting article a little too short to snip. Mentioned is Lt. CG was asked to help with the investigation into the former chief the day before he died. There is also a video at the above link.

It said he was asked to help by the same administrator who started the investigation.(But which one?) That was Ann (somebody), not the mayor. So, was Joe supposed to help investigate his own activities with or related to the PD? Confusing. JMO
ADD Was this about the Behan practices investigation, or the inventory investigation?
This just gets more and more interesting for suicide motive.

So if these town was seeking permission it means more than just the town clerks were privy to where this was going.

I honestly see it as motive for both. Someone wanting to make sure he didn't share any knowledge he had on someone else. Or, it was during the 90 minute meeting with the mayor he fully understood the depth of the investigation and how he might be part of/suffer from it's consequences.

It does eliminate the possibility of a longer planned suicide. It sounds like something discussed during that 90 minute meeting was the catalyst for his death, whether by his hand or someone else's.
I don't see it eliminating a longer plan but I see it perhaps pushing it forward.
If Joe knows he has done something a deeper investigation will uncover and then he is told the town is about to hire an outside investigator he might have completely panicked that he was about to be found out soon. He might have already known he was on borrowed time and that explains his leaving the PD.

I still can't wrap my head around anyone else killing him and then evidence that the US Marshals noticed or the feds? Unless they are just giving them rope to all hang themselves with but that is very unlikely with the amount of time that has passed. I doubt the feds would think it would look good for them to allow this investigation to run in the wrong direction for so long and spend all this money and resources.

I honestly see it as motive for both. Someone wanting to make sure he didn't share any knowledge he had on someone else. Or, it was during the 90 minute meeting with the mayor he fully understood the depth of the investigation and how he might be part of/suffer from it's consequences.

It does eliminate the possibility of a longer planned suicide. It sounds like something discussed during that 90 minute meeting was the catalyst for his death, whether by his hand or someone else's.
Does anyone have an information on who the other officer that was suspended was?

I have a thought on who I think it was and am just curious.
I don't see it eliminating a longer plan but I see it perhaps pushing it forward.
If Joe knows he has done something a deeper investigation will uncover and then he is told the town is about to hire an outside investigator he might have completely panicked that he was about to be found out soon. He might have already known he was on borrowed time and that explains his leaving the PD.

I still can't wrap my head around anyone else killing him and then evidence that the US Marshals noticed or the feds? Unless they are just giving them rope to all hang themselves with but that is very unlikely with the amount of time that has passed. I doubt the feds would think it would look good for them to allow this investigation to run in the wrong direction for so long and spend all this money and resources.

I think the video mentioned FL was going to ask for reimbursement or something about paying this firm 25 thousand, so I am thinking that is part of the investigation prior to the 90 minute meeting. I don't think it was until the day prior to his death LT. CG fully understood the depth of the investigation.

Why would they need to hire a PI firm about a discipline issue? We were led to believe the investigation and paid leave relating to the former chief and a fellow LEO pertained to discipline........ then the standard inventory check comes in. ay yi yi... the more I think about this case the more confusing it becomes. It just leads to more questions about both the investigation into the chief and the inventory.

Maybe there is an inventory problem here Lt. CG knew was going to be a problem if investigated........ and clearly part of that inventory investigation is likely connected to the Explorers somehow if all that equipment is locked up. This is just a guess, but maybe someone was selling inventory on the side to make extra money. Time will tell.......

ETA: I don't think the 25 thousand request is for a future investigation, but rather payment on one that started some time ago.
Wouldn't it take some time to assemble all the necessary characters who participated in this massive plot? If now, he was murdered by a co-worker, where did the three suspicious people enter the picture? JMO

OH, maybe the dispatcher was in on it ,too. JMO LOL
Does anyone have an information on who the other officer that was suspended was?

I have a thought on who I think it was and am just curious.

Wayyyyy back in the last thread, Walker has a post with a link for a conversation about the officer.
Wouldn't it take some time to assemble all the necessary characters who participated in this massive plot? If now, he was murdered by a co-worker, where did the three suspicious people enter the picture? JMO

I agree. While I can see a MO for both murder and suicide, it is really hard to fit the three suspicious people into a murder scenario.
I agree. While I can see a MO for both murder and suicide, it is really hard to fit the three suspicious people into a murder scenario.

Wouldn't a murder get someone into far worse trouble than they were already in? JMO
Wouldn't a murder get someone into far worse trouble than they were already in? JMO

Yes, if they are caught...... I still think the evidence points to suicide, but considering murder since it is still on the table..... If an LEO thinks they can get away with staging a suicide to look like murder, it is just as likely for one to think they can get away with murder staged as a suicide.
That Joe was asked to help with the investigation could just mean that he provide accountable information about inventory, which would include Explorer inventory. JMO
Lt would know when the yearly internal audit comes around. He's been there for 32 years. I doubt he would risk his career for stealing boy scout explorers cookies and equipment. Jmo. Plus they couldn't stop him from retiring. So he could have dealt with the simple civil investigation later. Because I doubt it would have warranted jail time.

Its not like they were missing bullet proof vest and guns and grenades and tasers from the Explorer Program .

They usually force a early retirement sometimes right after downgrading your rank. So unless they told LT that he will have to retire at a downgraded payscale rank. Or stay on board and fight it as a LT.

Maybe he decided suicide while he was still LT on paper. Idk
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