IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 *wife arrested* #7

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Soooo....the story gets even more grimy than I thought possible. And many people were aware he wasn't the upstanding person he portrayed himself to be.

How does someone in his position(s) operate unchecked like this for so long? Even if he was the most arrogant person on earth, it seems that generally everyone looked the other way for years and only very recently did his activity come up for question.

Any case he was ever responsible for bringing against someone is very questionable.

The quick answer to your question would be police unions.

Much like other employee unions, they tend to protect bad behaviour and make it almost impossible to fire a rogue employee without a huge amount of headaches, including lawsuits. In this case especially, the police union hobbled the chief of police to the extent that all that could be done about Gliniewicz's transgressions was a day or two of suspension here and there. The police union basically played the role of an enabler.

That same scenario plays itself out everyday in this country, nationwide. That's why there are so many of these bad seeds embedded and hidden in with the good ones.

The sad part of it is, these departments already know which cops are dirty and unfit to serve, but they are reluctant to "fire" any of these guys due to the flood of lawsuits and legal expenses that are sure to follow. It simply isn't worth the hassle involved. Only when something a "bad cop" does is caught on video, or witnessed by numerous people, does it make it much easier get rid of the bum. Even the police unions don't want to try and fight an uphill battle like that.

Much like many of the unions in this country, they should be dismantled and eliminated. They no longer serve the purpose they were originally intended for 50 years ago, which were for things like child labor, overtime work without pay, unreasonable amount of work hours, and whistleblower backlash. Now all they do is milk companies for their profits, require outrageous salaries for blue collar level labor, and demand benefits that are extravagant and unreasonable. That's part of the reason why a pickup truck cost $6,000 in the 60's, and today cost $40,000.
Although not a spokesperson for everyone in the town, IKTM said something interesting in his assessment.....that he guesses that it's easier to blame the federal government than to blame a local HERO... me this says something about groupthought.
I, with friends and family, spent over 4 hours standing by the roadside in the 90+ deg heat to watch the procession go by. Which in itself was something you had to see personally to get the feeling that was portrayed. It wasn't all about the hearse driving by. In fact, that was a very anticlimactic moment. The impressive part of the whole thing was watching LE from across the nation go by and see their respect and support for a fallen brother. It was impressive seeing the community support all the officers driving by. The sense of support that those officers received that day speaks volumes. There was no "war against cops" that afternoon. Not here.

As far as I know, the community never played into the race card that outsiders might think would come from a predominately white community. Never once did I hear a conversation that would put more blame on the "1 black" from the "2 white".
Very nicely put. I too am local (although not a Fox Lake resident) and was at the procession. It's as though all of your words (and thoughts and feelings) could have been mine. Thanks.

[Question] 5


1. What was Melodie like?
2. Were you ever in their home? What was that like?
3. Did they seem to have a lot of expensive "toys", clothing, status stuff?
4. Were you aware of his philandering?
5. Would you still be friends with him today if he were alive and you knew what we all know now?
6. Did Mel ever work outside the home? She described herself as "self-employed". Do you know if she had her own business?
7. Do you know what Joe's attitude was toward people of other races?
8. Do you think other cops in the FLPD knew about what he was up to? Do you think more people will be investigated besides Mel, DJ and Behan?

[Answer] 5
4.) No I wasn't.
5.) No way.
7.) This one I will tread carefully because I know it is a very sensitive topic not only because it's a racism issue but a racism issue regarding police. So, I've had many casual conversations with CG not specifically about race but possibly economic issues, the education system, and the poor urban community. I do not believe that he was a full on racist. However, I do not think he fully grasped what causes the ghetto be the the ghetto.
8.) As another person responded, yes. There probably is more people involved than what has been announced already.

Hindsight changes a lot of feelings, but not all of them.

A lot of talk here about how the locals feel here in Fox Lake. I obv can't speak for everyone, but I can tell you how I and others that I have talked to, feel about this mess.
As most here know, I was not one that thought suicide was a reality. Truth is, no matter how much I defended against the suicide, there were times I really did feel that that's what made the most sense. The days leading to the announcement of the ruling I was leaning more towards believing it was a suicide. I was in no way expecting the harshness of the latest press conference. I believe most weren't expecting it to be that ugly.

I did spend a lot of time with this case. I supported the FLPD and the task force. I supported the family.

I, with friends and family, spent over 4 hours standing by the roadside in the 90+ deg heat to watch the procession go by. Which in itself was something you had to see personally to get the feeling that was portrayed. It wasn't all about the hearse driving by. In fact, that was a very anticlimactic moment. The impressive part of the whole thing was watching LE from across the nation go by and see their respect and support for a fallen brother. It was impressive seeing the community support all the officers driving by. The sense of support that those officers received that day speaks volumes. There was no "war against cops" that afternoon. Not here.

As far as I know, the community never played into the race card that outsiders might think would come from a predominately white community. Never once did I hear a conversation that would put more blame on the "1 black" from the "2 white".

When it's all said and done, I'm proud for the way the locals stood behind who they thought was a true hero. Someone that gave their life to serve and protect. This community really came together in ways that cannot be properly portrayed from the news feeds or "on the scene footage".

It's not about hindsight. Or knowing then what we know now. It's about the showing of support we all saw for each other in a time of sorrow and confusion. Confusion as to why so many good people die from the violence of others. Seems to happen more and more these days.

In short, no regrets here. Fox Lake may now be considered the armpit of small town American corruption. But we are defiantly on the road to changing that.

This mentality will definitely be more prominent locally as times goes on. However I have to say looking at my facebook feed and talking to others it's definitely not universal. There are still arguments between people on what is true what isn't. If removing the "We <3 You Joe" signs and blue ribbons is disrespectful. If you are scum for turning your back on him or if you're an idiot if you don't see the truth.

Of course it may take years before 100% of the community believes the truth, that he was corrupt, but it won't take long for the majority to realize it. I think what plays a factor in it still is that DJ has not officially been charged with anything, he's only being investigated. He's still receiving support from friends saying no matter what the media says stay strong and you'll get through this.

You are ahead of the curve, but people will catch up.

As far as the race card and putting more blame on the black individual, I completely agree with you there. There were no race issues within the community that I saw. The only time I heard anything about the guy being black was "How can 1 black guy with 2 white friends get away without being noticed? How is that possible? Fox Lake has such a small black population that it would seem almost impossible not to notice this group hopping on a train, getting in a car, etc."

To the locals, I totally agree with Montjoy.....CJG's actions in no way reflect on the townspeople.

I do have a question for the locals though & it's based on my need to understand the psychological components in cases. If you don't mind answering, what is thought to be the turning point that made CJG go from good cop to bad? Was there a particular incident or event? I feel there had to be some type of "strain" of sorts that precipitated him to go down a bad path. What was it & when?


Are you asking the locals individually in this thread? I think it varies from person to person.. Or are you asking when it seems liked it finally went over that 50% when it started seeming like more often than not when you talked to someone the opinion of him was no longer positive?
I don't think anyone thinks poorly of Fox Lake after all of this.
While nothing new, I've already seen an increase in negativity of Fox Lake around the specifics to this in social media. Digs about driving through/cops, corruption, etc.
While nothing new, I've already seen an increase in negativity of Fox Lake around the specifics to this in social media. Digs about driving through/cops, corruption, etc.

Seems like the corruption was festering for a long time, but when Anne Marrin became administrator, she started to get to the bottom of it, and was deeply resented by those whose corruption was about to come to light. Was she elected or appointed? JMO ADD...If Fox Lake is looking for a new hero, perhaps an upstanding civic-minded person would fit the bill, instead of a blowhard militant, showcasing himself to be a righteous patriotic GI and a law and order cop.......JUST MY OPINION
Seems like the corruption was festering for a long time, but when Anne Marrin became administrator, she started to get to the bottom of it, and was deeply resented by those whose corruption was about to come to light. Was she elected or appointed? JMO ADD...If Fox Lake is looking for a new hero, perhaps an upstanding civic-minded person would fit the bill, instead of a blowhard militant, showcasing himself to be a righteous patriotic GI and a law and order cop.......JUST MY OPINION


The Village Administrator is appointed by the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees to implement Village Board policies and directives.
Pretty sure they aren't supposed to stash drug evidence in their desk.

And I can't imagine how it would support the murder, his story was that he saw 3 unknown males and approached them, how could those 3 males also have planted drugs in his desk?

I recently got an "insider's tour" of my local police headquarters and there was a specific cubicle in one of the common areas where they "bagged the dope". Basically as officers came in off duty they had to "bag and tag" the drugs that were seized on their shift. There was also a separate office where specific officers "tested the dope".

Honestly I don't think it would be hard at all for an officer to keep some or all of the drugs seized for whatever reason, intentional or unintentional. They are usually on the road alone, and if it is their word or the criminal's word, there is no doubt the officer will win. (Unless there is some sort of tape, I guess.)

I was also thinking that the $500 per month Sham Wife might have gotten some free drugs, too. I'll bet lots of friends of dirty cops enjoy those type of benefits....
He should have gotten a accidental life insurance policy. And then took a cruise and accidentally (wink wink) fell overboard. It would have been better than trying to get the line of duty benefits. And less painful and embarrassment to his family and friends and whatever legacy he wanted to leave behind for his grands and great grands and great great grands, etc.
Speaking of skate park, did anyone read about the incident of vandalism that took place at Adeline Geo-Karis skate park in Fox Lake in 2013? There was a lot of graffiti, some of targeted at 2 FLPD officers (not Gliniewicz). All you have to do is Google vandalism and Adeline Geo-Karis skate park.

I giggled when I saw this wondering if perhaps it was CG who was responsible for the grafitti.
He should have gotten a accidental life insurance policy. And then took a cruise and accidentally (wink wink) fell overboard. It would have been better than trying to get the line of duty benefits. And less painful and embarrassment to his family and friends and whatever legacy he wanted to leave behind for his grands and great grands and great great grands, etc.

That's part of the rub, I guess. He may have wanted to ride some coat-tail of being a "hero" cop and waited too long thinking he could muscle some way out, at the last minute. He seems to have read things well in terms of how people would react, demagogues often do. From the way he conducted his life, it appears he never put anyone else, like his wife or sons first, so why would he anyone else?
re: your No. 8

This says that in addition to Melodie and DJ ...

"Authorities have said their investigation points to criminal activity by at least two other people but have refused to identify those individuals."

Read more:

The two are Mrs. G and DJ. They ard tbe two who were initially not identified and were initially identified as individual A and individual .
The two are Mrs. G and DJ. They ard tbe two who were initially not identified and were initially identified as individual A and individual .
No, I believe you are wrong. The article needs to be read in order to put that pull quote in context.
Whoever he was texting was the 2 people. In addition to wife and son.
Using this post as a springboard. I'm in a collar county, but not Lake. I've never heard anything bad about FL being corrupt. I've only only thought of it as a weekend getaway place for those whose interests differ a bit from those who buy lakefront property along SW Lake Michigan in MI.

I'm sure it is only locals in the immediate area who are making comments about corruption etc.
To me, the saddest part is, even in death, Joe manipulated people to get the funeral and procession due an officer killed in the line of duty. A real hero. Joe got the final word as to how he was going out of this life and the type of memorial that would be held. Tsk, tsk!

Not necessarily. He destroyed his family with his exit choice. Now they are going to pay the consequences and then some. He did get the final middle finger to salute everyone, including his family, on his way out.
Forcing sex acts with threat of financial or job or extra benefits withholding is not philandering. Its just despicable.
Here is an article on the military marriage for benefits scam:

Journal Times editorial: Scam military marriages must be stopped
October 13, 2014 12:15 am

“Earlier this month, NBC news did an expose on a dirty little secret -- sham marriages are running up the tab for personnel in the U.S. military.

It’s not the first time the sham marriage scam has been reported on, but what was disconcerting about the NBC report was how brazen and open it has become.”


“So, as long as you have that marriage certificate, the soldier is good to go. Marriage may be a “personal, private decision”, but fraud is a crime -- and in this case a crime that compromises the military’s ability to do its duty by leaking dollars away from its mission.

When you consider that the U.S. military has 1.4 million service members and 56 percent of them are married, the costs of spousal dependent benefits can add up. Being a military spouse is not an easy situation and those spousal support dollars should go to legitimate service marriages -- and not freeloaders and married-in-name-only military personnel.

Checking on the validity of a marriage may not be an easy proposition, but at the very least the military -- all branches -- should be checking regularly on Craigslist and other social media and flagging soldiers, sailors and Marines who are courting fraud by advertising for pay-to-play spouses.”​
Whoever he was texting was the 2 people. In addition to wife and son.

LFL Exec. was one of the people.... Mel was denoted as individual 1 DJ was individual 2. But as I recall, CG told the exec that only he and CG's wife and the chief knew about the explorer account(s) He did not tell the exec about his son knowing. I think that the exec may not have realized that CG was embezzling....only that he managed explorer accounts. Behan may not have known about the embezzlement either......unless he too, was on the take. But clearly, Mel and DJ did. JMO
LFL Exec. was one of the people.... Mel was denoted as individual 1 DJ was individual 2. But as I recall, CG told the exec that only he and CG's wife and the chief knew about the explorer account(s) He did not tell the exec about his son knowing. I think that the exec may not have realized that CG was embezzling....only that he managed explorer accounts. Behan may not have known about the embezzlement either......unless he too, was on the take. But clearly, Mel and DJ did. JMO

So chief and exec would be the 2 others?

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