IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 *wife arrested* #7

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At this file there is a letter about joe accessing a system that records phone conversations called Racal Recording Sytem.

iirc page 121 is the letter from chief Gerretsen telling him he did not have the password because it is that controlled, and it looks like his job title that allowed him in the communications room was eliminated. jmo idk
Wow is all I can say. We were moving across country, saw the breaking news in the hotel, and couldn't wait until I got situated in my house to get onto Websleuths. Suicide I believed was the possibility, but all the rest of the story threw me for a loop.
More info on the mistress, etc:

“The Chicago Sun-Times claims DJ Gliniewicz married his father's mistress to get thousands of dollars in extra benefits, including health care and pay, from the Army. Court records show DJ Gliniewicz and Kathryn Grams were married on July 23, 2013. A month later, they reported living apart. They were divorced by December 2014.

When Grams lived in Ingleside, which is just east of Fox Lake, a neighbor, who did not want to be identified, said she saw Officer Gliniewicz at Gram's home almost every afternoon.

"I knew what the guy was doing there, which everyone suspected anyway. He just comes in the middle of the day, goes in for an hour, leaves. Put two and two together," the neighbor said.”


“Brian Grams was married to Gliniewicz's alleged mistress for three months in 2008.

"Physically, just got sick... It's absolutely sickening," Brian Grams said. He said his ex-wife volunteered with the Fox Lake Explorers.

"I would go to pick up the kids at the house and he'd be over there in his squad car," Grams said. Following Gliniewicz's death, Grams' family, which owns the Volo Auto Museum, wanted to help so they held an online auction for a tribute car.

"We're not asking for the money back. The kids aren't responsible for his decisions or bad choices," Grams said.

ABC7 Eyewitness News spoke with Kathryn Grams over the phone Friday. When told reporters had the divorce file, she said "I guess you have all the information you need then."”​

There is other interesting info in this article as well.
So, Melodie was right about one thing:

“The love of my life for the last 26 years. He was my rock as much as I was his rock. Every night, he came home -- to me. ...”
LOL No, they are not supposed to stash the stuff in their desks. If he was an active user, he wouldn't have it stashed there, either. It is odd that it was there, at all.

Didn't he discuss planting it on the woman that he wanted to put a hit out on?

And if the drugs were in "evidence bags" they were almost certainly stolen from the evidence room. Why pay for coke when he could steal some instead?
More info on the mistress, etc:
“The Chicago Sun-Times claims DJ Gliniewicz married his father's mistress to get thousands of dollars in extra benefits, including health care and pay, from the Army. Court records show DJ Gliniewicz and Kathryn Grams were married on July 23, 2013. A month later, they reported living apart. They were divorced by December 2014.

When Grams lived in Ingleside, which is just east of Fox Lake, a neighbor, who did not want to be identified, said she saw Officer Gliniewicz at Gram's home almost every afternoon.

"I knew what the guy was doing there, which everyone suspected anyway. He just comes in the middle of the day, goes in for an hour, leaves. Put two and two together," the neighbor said.”


“Brian Grams was married to Gliniewicz's alleged mistress for three months in 2008.

"Physically, just got Lsick... It's absolutely sickening," Brian Grams said his ex-wife volunteered with the Fox Lake Explorers.

"I would go to pick up the kids at the house and he'd be over there in his squad car," Grams said. Following Gliniewicz's death, Grams' family, which owns the Volo Auto Museum, wanted to help so they held an online auction for a tribute car.

"We're not asking for the money back. The kids aren't responsible for his decisions or bad choices," Grams said.

ABC7 Eyewitness News spoke with Kathryn Grams over the phone Friday. When told reporters had the divorce file, she said "I guess you have all the information you need then."”​

There is other interesting info in this article as well.

Commendable that a single mother of 2 little girls devoted time to volunteer work with the Fox Lake Explorers ???

Besides the sham marriage/military money scam,I wonder if GI Joe managed to channel some Explorer funds to Kathryn Grams for miscellaneous tasks she performed.
What about his army reservist position, was he active or retired? Will there be a pension from that as well or is there? So with the 96,000 cop pay & the army reservist pay and the open bank account from the explorers just how much did they need? jmo idk


The line-of-duty question is important because when police officers or firefighters die as a result of actions taken to save lives or protect the public, their surviving spouses are entitled to enhanced death benefits — a pension equal to 100 percent of salary at the time of death as opposed to 50 to 75 percent of salary, as well as free health insurance, more than half a million dollars in state and federal payments and free in-state college tuition for the children of the deceased. We owe our heroes nothing less.
In regards to cocaine in the desk, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was his for personal use. He seems arrogant and brazen enough to do something risky like that without any regards for the consequences. I personally think he was a frequent cocaine user along with the drinking. I personally see many behaviors of his that we are currently aware of that would be consistent with cocaine abuse.

I had a co worker that would use cocaine on the job when I used to work in child welfare (yes, very disturbing). It was blatantly obvious and several of us wrote formal letters about our suspicions but nothing came of it that we were aware of. We also had a union so I'm sure they were present when our letters were addressed with her. Nothing happened for awhile until she was talking to her supervisor and opened her drawer to grab a file and the supervisor saw it. Needless to say, she was fired. If she could be so arrogant and stupid to leave drugs in her desk after knowing the higher ups had suspicions, I could see others having the same mentality.
I just read that the "fake bride" was married to the other man (Brian Grams) for only 3 months. What was she, a rent-a-bride?
Commendable that a single mother of 2 little girls devoted time to volunteer work with the Fox Lake Explorers ???

Besides the sham marriage/military money scam,I wonder if GI Joe managed to channel some Explorer funds to Kathryn Grams for miscellaneous tasks she performed.

I would be shocked if he didn't channel funds to her. I guess the issue would be whether or not she was aware but I think she was. Don't know if there's any proof of that but she has shown her character already so as far as I'm concerned, if she participated in a sham marriage then she's a liar and scammer just like her sham in-laws.
I just read that the "fake bride" was married to the other man (Brian Grams) for only 3 months. What was she, a rent-a-bride?

Mostly been lurking in these threads, reading (and they move so fast). Apparently, from what I could read (locally) he was onto her... said that she was out for what he had and not for who he was. She said she would be driving in his car and living in his house. So essentially she just wanted to marry him for his money... and he caught on and divorced her quickly.
I just went on the Volo Auto Museum facebook page to find the post to quote a few parts of it... and it's gone now. Must have drawn a lot of negativity. The post was quite eloquent and sincere (and his comments in the post as well). I wish he would have kept it up.
This story truly got worse and worse as the days unfolded. It started with suspicious death and now so much other stuff he was involved with that his death becomes a backdrop to a much larger story.

I have a feeling that his shenanigans will end up affecting others. It seems like money was his main motivation and if money was funneled around then that could be the reason he was able to go undetected so long.

I just hope that investigators get to the very bottom of everything.

I cannot believe his son allowed himself to marry someone for benefits. WTH
That is just insane. This man must have had a knack for persuading others. Probably offering money helped him drag others into his schemes.

Im waiting for the next Bombshell. There has to be more at the rate this stuff is coming out.
What will be next.

I still say to search the Bog. I do wonder if he had used the Bog before to off someone. Just based on him referencing it before and based on him killing himself.
A lot of us wondered why he would not just face punishment if his only crime was money stealing. Well maybe that is not the most serious thing he was worried about.
Maybe the Bog needs searched.
Soooo....the story gets even more grimy than I thought possible. And many people were aware he wasn't the upstanding person he portrayed himself to be.

How does someone in his position(s) operate unchecked like this for so long? Even if he was the most arrogant person on earth, it seems that generally everyone looked the other way for years and only very recently did his activity come up for question.

Any case he was ever responsible for bringing against someone is very questionable.
Sounds like they DO have the government they deserve. People don't educate themselves, but they have the free will to be open to being educated...lots of people and communities, in general just go along with the powers that be and feel well cared about and for. Questioning arbitrary authority is just not part of their sub-cultural lives. Communities love tradition. And tradition is the law. JMO Same problem, world-over.

OT, but this post reminds me of required reading of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" in college. Not only does it highlight pointless violence and inhumanity; but also how tradition, however ridiculous and harmful, is accepted and unquestionable in cultures.
Back on topic, I am appalled after reading the new allegations re: the mistress and 'marriage'. There must have been people who knew about JG's despicable character.
So there were never audits for the Explorer program?? Geez. Even our school's PTA gets audited every year! That is crazy to me! Or were there audits and they were fudged to cover up what was going on? Does anyone know?
Prior to reinventing myself as an RN, I majored in accounting. We were taught in Accounting I that there should always be three people managing accounts because two will collude, but with three there will always be someone who will feel left out or distrustful and talk.
OT, but this post reminds me of required reading of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" in college. Not only does it highlight pointless violence and inhumanity; but also how tradition, however ridiculous and harmful, is accepted and unquestionable in cultures.
Back on topic, I am appalled after reading the new allegations re: the mistress and 'marriage'. There must have been people who knew about JG's despicable character.

I remember the story "The Lottery". Didn't the person who "won" get killed by the whole village as a sort of sacrificeagainst evil? It's been decades since I read it.

Back on topic: I wonder how long it will take for the investigation of Mrs. G (Mel) and DJ to be concluded. I hope it won't have us waiting for weeks and months. I check this website 3 times a day now for new developments. It's becoming an addiction!
I remember the story "The Lottery". Didn't the person who "won" get killed by the whole village as a sort of sacrificeagainst evil? It's been decades since I read it.

Back on topic: I wonder how long it will take for the investigation of Mrs. G (Mel) and DJ to be concluded. I hope it won't have us waiting for weeks and months. I check this website 3 times a day now for new developments. It's becoming an addiction!
I thought it was to protect the future harvest, "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon" but I'd have to reread it. So I guess, in effect, it was to ward off evil. There were so many themes in that short piece. I still shudder when I think of that short story. Disturbing in so many ways (like this case). Sorry for the OT.
Yeahhhhh a reallll hero.... when he wasn't coercing a subordinate into performing oral sex, attempting to hire hit men, fondling coworkers at Christmas parties.....

I have no desire to defend Gliniewicz but this has to be said. The "entitlement mentality" is running rampant throughout the US and cops are often in a position where they have to sweep up behind the circus traveling through town, you hope they don't get jaded after a while.

The personal file showed several different sides of Gliniewicz The pushy idiot with the big shot mentality who Gliniewicz gave a speeding ticket to was a jerk, the whinny protest letter he wrote to the Mayor for getting pulled over and ticketed was pathetic.

Putting these two posts together to ask a question.
I'm coming from behind because I ran out of steam last night.

No argument from me in some geo areas LE is being worked to the bone these days and can become disgusted with people in general. It isn't surprising or hard to understand why they may suffer from low moral, burn out and PTSD. That's one side of the story for sure imo.

Seriously though what did JG ever do to make him stand out as a hero?
I read the 132 pages and know there are more pages but being helpful by setting up smooth parking patterns and treating someone in need kindly (stranded man who had flat tire) are hardly actions worthy of hero status.
Also, a cop who was nowhere near the targeted areas during 9-11 isn't going to suffer the same way those who were directly in the line of fire might.

If someone is morally corrupt but rushes into a dangerous situation to save a life, they are a hero in that instance because they acted bravely and selflessly. When they go to their mistress for comfort or whatever it doesn't diminish the singular heroic act imo. The mistress or lateness/drinking too much part diminishes the trustworthiness of the whole person though imo. If I was drowning, I wouldn't shout out, 'because you're a cheater, you can't be the one to save me'. lol!

My question is, was JG ever truly a hero? Did he face real combat as a soldier?

Another thing I learned per one of the 132 pages, the ticket quota thing is true.
I'd heard of that before and think it is a dumb demand. Signed, a civilian.

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