GUILTY IL - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, in suitcase in Bali, 12 Aug 2014 *fnd guilty in Bali* #6

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Ah yes, I forgot Diana was supposed to be a “friend” of Sheila. Not sure about that, I thought that was just something HM told TS to explain why she was in touch with this woman. I didn’t realize that idea was still in play. I didn’t think there was enough interest in the story. They really did have this all planned out to film that documentary out in LA when HM was released and was going to be deported. That’s probably why OS was also invited. She’s part of the “story”. I sure hope HM is not permitted to make any money off her mother’s murder. They are all just vultures IMO.


There must be something to it. In 2016 Mack was bragging about producing a film with her mother's friend about her mother's murder, and the first person to open her home to Mack when she is deported is the same woman who is mentioned in connection with making a film about the murder. That can't be a coincidence.

There could be a lot of video and photographic information that they collected during the past 5 years in anticipation of making a movie. It strikes me as a plan to exploit the child for profit.

I actually don't think it's a good idea to put the child with Schaeffer's mother. We know she wants custody, but she raised Tommy and we know how he turned out. A child of two murderers should be in a stable home where the guardians, or adoptive parents, have no relationship to murderers.
There must be something to it. In 2016 Mack was bragging about producing a film with her mother's friend about her mother's murder, and the first person to open her home to Mack when she is deported is the same woman who is mentioned in connection with making a film about the murder. That can't be a coincidence.

There could be a lot of video and photographic information that they collected during the past 5 years in anticipation of making a movie. It strikes me as a plan to exploit the child for profit.

I actually don't think it's a good idea to put the child with Schaeffer's mother. We know she wants custody, but she raised Tommy and we know how he turned out. A child of two murderers should be in a stable home where the guardians, or adoptive parents, have no relationship to murderers.
I had a feeling something was up when I read Claypool had “hatched a plan” for the three to go to LA…it was just really odd wording…and it seems that there is always more than what it seems with HM.

Stella really needs a fresh start in life away from all of this…including these lawyers who seem to put anyone’s needs above the child.

Is the first link in this comment what you are looking for?

It includes the email and text message between Heather Mack, Tommy Schaefer and Schaefer's cousin where they discuss various way to murder Sheila.

That’s it! Great find, thanks otto.
It really spells out the whole sordid ordeal starting in Chicago doesn’t it? So upsetting to read what was going on and comparing it to emails Sheila was sending Elliot. Sheila really underestimated what her daughter was capable of. Sometimes I wonder if her fear was her naively thinking that something bad was going to happen to HM rather than herself. :(


Since he made it a state that HM had no money and was therefore not a flight risk, it’s too bad that the interviewer didn’t ask him how he was being paid. ;)

ETA: For anyone not familiar with Claypool, you should read up on his “work” in the Dalia Dipollitto trial. He does seem to like chasing high profile cases. He had to get special permission to represent her in Florida.

Prosecutor blasts lead defense attorney in Dalia Dippolito case
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Since he made it a state that HM had no money and was therefore not a flight risk, it’s too bad that the interviewer didn’t ask him how he was being paid. ;)

ETA: For anyone not familiar with Claypool, you should read up on his “work” in the Dalia Dipollitto trial. He does seem to like chasing high profile cases. He had to get special permission to represent her in Florida.

Prosecutor blasts lead defense attorney in Dalia Dippolito case
Yep. Maybe the interviewer will ask that question when/if Claypool calls into his show again…it sounded like he may.

DD is now housed in the Lowell Correction Facility. Let’s hope HM ends up in a similar place…well, it would be a federal facility.

How Dalia Dippolito is managing prison life and her legal team's hope for a new trial
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Yep. Maybe the interviewer will ask that question when/if Claypool calls into his show again…it sounded like he may.

DD is now housed in the Lowell Correction Facility. Let’s hope HM ends up in a similar place…well, it would be a federal facility.

How Dalia Dippolito is managing prison life and her legal team's hope for a new trial

From your link:
Dalia is the most misunderstood woman in the United States,” Brian Claypool, her attorney, told “20/20” in a recent interview.

I wonder if he’s about to award that title to somebody else :rolleyes:

I think that this lawyer wants to create public debate around the new charges that Mack is facing. He seems to be hoping that public sympathy will side with the belief that Mack has served 7 years for "helping" murder her mother, therefore she should not be charged with international conspiracy to murder a USA citizen in a foreign country.

I'm guessing that these charges could only be filed in the USA, therefore there is no "second bite."
That’s it! Great find, thanks otto.
It really spells out the whole sordid ordeal starting in Chicago doesn’t it? So upsetting to read what was going on and comparing it to emails Sheila was sending Elliot. Sheila really underestimated what her daughter was capable of. Sometimes I wonder if her fear was her naively thinking that something bad was going to happen to HM rather than herself. :(


Credit to @ficus for finding the document.

I think that Sheila was afraid of Mack, but, per her friends and family, how could she process the idea that the child she brought into the world would take her life? I'm guessing Sheila viewed it as a complicated rough patch.

Regarding Sheila's fear that something would happen to Heather Mack, I think that was a realistic fear. Mack lived a reckless life, having dropped out of school to party with drugs and street life.

I think Sheila's mistake was sharing her finances with Mack. It gave Mack the idea that she was immediately entitled to inheritance, and that her mother was the only obstacle between her, and a life of irresponsible leisure.
Since he made it a state that HM had no money and was therefore not a flight risk, it’s too bad that the interviewer didn’t ask him how he was being paid. ;)

ETA: For anyone not familiar with Claypool, you should read up on his “work” in the Dalia Dipollitto trial. He does seem to like chasing high profile cases. He had to get special permission to represent her in Florida.

Prosecutor blasts lead defense attorney in Dalia Dippolito case

Mack is a serious flight risk. She has made it clear that she wants to live in Bali with her daughter and the child's foster mother. She believed that after landing in LA (intended destination), she could immediately apply to return to Bali with her daughter - that being deported was a mere formality.

Although we know that Bali has begun the process of banning Mack from Bali for life, for some reason it never occurred to her that Bali views her as a violent murderer unwelcome in their society. Perhaps being embraced by criminals in prison gave her the idea that all of Bali gave her a pass for murder.
Yep. Maybe the interviewer will ask that question when/if Claypool calls into his show again…it sounded like he may.

DD is now housed in the Lowell Correction Facility. Let’s hope HM ends up in a similar place…well, it would be a federal facility.

I don't think HM expected to be met at the airport and taken straight to jail.

I wonder how she is enjoying life behind US bars. I think she has learned that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but I also think her underlying sense of entitlement, her basic arrogance, is still very much in evidence. Charming US staff might be a trifle more challenging that getting along with Indonesian jailers, and I'm not sure how her 'celebrity' will play with her fellow jail mates, many of whom will no doubt know that her mother's money is the only reason she got off easy and TS (and likely themselves) are paying steeper prices.

Then again, she can be a charmer...

I very much wonder how much HM thinks she stands to earn from her 'documentary'. I think she's pretty naive about money.
On the one hand, Mack argues that she wanted to leave the child in Bali to protect her from the media, on the other hand, why did she pose with her daughter for a photo that was released to media? Was she paid for the photo?


"Heather Mack has not yet decided if she will bring daughter Stella back to the US in October or leave the 6-year-old with a foster family in Bali."

'Suitcase Killer' Heather Mack 'scared' to return to US
I don't think HM expected to be met at the airport and taken straight to jail.

I wonder how she is enjoying life behind US bars. I think she has learned that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but I also think her underlying sense of entitlement, her basic arrogance, is still very much in evidence. Charming US staff might be a trifle more challenging that getting along with Indonesian jailers, and I'm not sure how her 'celebrity' will play with her fellow jail mates, many of whom will no doubt know that her mother's money is the only reason she got off easy and TS (and likely themselves) are paying steeper prices.

Then again, she can be a charmer...

I very much wonder how much HM thinks she stands to earn from her 'documentary'. I think she's pretty naive about money.

Mack seems to be living in a fantasy world where she expects everyone to believe that Schaefer murdered her mother while she was hiding in fear in the bathroom. She's been living the lie for so many years that she did not expect the planning of the murders to be of any consequence.

Bali prisoners befriended Mack because she had money and privilege in prison. In a real prison, Mack is nothing but a greedy, deranged mental case who schemed to murder her mother - dragging a young man down with her.

I suspect that Mack believes herself to be a celebrity, and that her daughter will become a famous celebrity through a film about murder and prison birth.
Credit to @ficus for finding the document.

I think that Sheila was afraid of Mack, but, per her friends and family, how could she process the idea that the child she brought into the world would take her life? I'm guessing Sheila viewed it as a complicated rough patch.

Regarding Sheila's fear that something would happen to Heather Mack, I think that was a realistic fear. Mack lived a reckless life, having dropped out of school to party with drugs and street life.

I think Sheila's mistake was sharing her finances with Mack. It gave Mack the idea that she was immediately entitled to inheritance, and that her mother was the only obstacle between her, and a life of irresponsible leisure.

Oops, I didn’t realize it was one of the links fiscus provided. :oops:Sorry fiscus, and thanks for finding those links. :)

I agree with you otto that Sheila let HM in on way too much “grown up” info, including the info about money, inheritance and trusts, at too early of an age. I think she fell into the trap that her child was her friend and confident, especially after her husband’s death. Big mistake considering that HM was already acting up and police were being called 2 years before he died. Sheila didn’t understand just how her daughter’s mind worked.

I think that this lawyer wants to create public debate around the new charges that Mack is facing. He seems to be hoping that public sympathy will side with the belief that Mack has served 7 years for "helping" murder her mother, therefore she should not be charged with international conspiracy to murder a USA citizen in a foreign country.

I'm guessing that these charges could only be filed in the USA, therefore there is no "second bite."

I think that this lawyer wants another high profile case that he can use for his own need to be on television and in online and print media as a “celebrity” lawyer.

You’ll notice he didn’t feel the need to fly into Chicago because he seems to have truly believed that HM would only be detained for questioning for up to 24hrs and there would be no reason to hold a press conference. He was fine with the local public defender dealing with things after her arrest but I suppose he didn’t have a choice. He sure didn’t pay anyone out of his pocket to join the “team”.

If he intends to represent her at the trial, which I’m sure he does because he knows it will attract the media, he will likely need special permission again to practice out of state. He should be denied, just based on the debacle he made out of the DD trial. He is not there for the accused, he is there for himself.

I don't think HM expected to be met at the airport and taken straight to jail.

I wonder how she is enjoying life behind US bars. I think she has learned that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but I also think her underlying sense of entitlement, her basic arrogance, is still very much in evidence. Charming US staff might be a trifle more challenging that getting along with Indonesian jailers, and I'm not sure how her 'celebrity' will play with her fellow jail mates, many of whom will no doubt know that her mother's money is the only reason she got off easy and TS (and likely themselves) are paying steeper prices.

Then again, she can be a charmer...

I very much wonder how much HM thinks she stands to earn from her 'documentary'. I think she's pretty naive about money.

It is my understanding that while she is awaiting a hearing, she’s only in a local lock up and is afforded all her rights. So she’s in her element at the moment and likely manipulating her way to the best possible time she can have. I feel bad for the people in there with her. :p
Credit to @ficus for finding the document.

I think that Sheila was afraid of Mack, but, per her friends and family, how could she process the idea that the child she brought into the world would take her life? I'm guessing Sheila viewed it as a complicated rough patch.

Regarding Sheila's fear that something would happen to Heather Mack, I think that was a realistic fear. Mack lived a reckless life, having dropped out of school to party with drugs and street life.

I think Sheila's mistake was sharing her finances with Mack. It gave Mack the idea that she was immediately entitled to inheritance, and that her mother was the only obstacle between her, and a life of irresponsible leisure.
Exactly. Sheila should have made a Family Trust with her husband instead while he was alive and Heather was little, so that Heather didn't feel so entitled. We just created one, and the only way that our daughter gets money aside from us giving it to her is if something happens to both of us, then she'll get some at 21, some at 25, and some at 30. Sheila should have done something like that instead.
On the one hand, Mack argues that she wanted to leave the child in Bali to protect her from the media, on the other hand, why did she pose with her daughter for a photo that was released to media? Was she paid for the photo?


"Heather Mack has not yet decided if she will bring daughter Stella back to the US in October or leave the 6-year-old with a foster family in Bali."

'Suitcase Killer' Heather Mack 'scared' to return to US
Yeah, it's a BS excuse. She planned to exploit her daughter, much like Anna Nicole Smith's plan for her baby girl. There was another recent one too that monetized her baby before her death- name was Hyrah.
Mack seems to be living in a fantasy world where she expects everyone to believe that Schaefer murdered her mother while she was hiding in fear in the bathroom. She's been living the lie for so many years that she did not expect the planning of the murders to be of any consequence.

Bali prisoners befriended Mack because she had money and privilege in prison. In a real prison, Mack is nothing but a greedy, deranged mental case who schemed to murder her mother - dragging a young man down with her.

I suspect that Mack believes herself to be a celebrity, and that her daughter will become a famous celebrity through a film about murder and prison birth.
I think that you're right. The prison and prisoners treated her like a celebrity. She got to coordinate fashion shows and dances and be a translator, and have access to drugs and sex, and her child. It's as if she was staying at Club Fed. She's soon gonna find out what real prison is like.

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