GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #4

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Since the call was made on Sunday and the police were at the house on Sunday, seems probable to me that they're the ones that saw something that led them to believe there was possible abuse of some sort.

Who knows, but I read somewhere that the call came on the 800 number. I am guessing LE has a direct number
As a little girl, when I heard the Frog Prince story, I hated the frog.
He and the queen forced her to spend time with him.
Frog made me mad.
Yes, I learned say what you mean and mean what you say!
(Or a slimy frog will end up in your bed)
That is just me. I hated Rumpelstiltskin and Billy Goat's Gruff too.

Big ole meanies!!!
I'd rather associate her with Thumbelina!
Hey if The Princess and the Frog was her favorite movie so be it!
I will respect that.

At any rate she was a princess!!

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

The Disney movie is nothing like the frog prince. We have it and I've seen it many times.
As a mandated reporter, the standards are very high where I live to even get DCFS to do much of anything with a report.

After I got smarter and more assertive is when I would get results with it.

I got smarter when one time my report had me screaming, and I mean screaming, to LE to do something. I had finally figured an angle for LE to look into it.

They came to my classroom and after the brief investigation told me that the child had asked for what happened.

That is when I lost it right in front of the class.

I yelled for them to do something. They had the power to arrest the guy. He had discharged a firearm in city limits and they could hold him on that while they investigated.

The children were removed by an army of people at noon. The abuse was far worse than I ever imagined.

The guy moved to another state and eventually killed his new baby by throwing him down the stairs.

I learned the day that no one was going to do anything that I was going to become assertive bi*** . And that was a couple years before I learned the guy went on to be a killer.

I do not believe it is easy to get a child taken out of a home
Sorry to barge in, I don't usually post, just read...This one I skipped through some pages, but can someone clarify...wasn't there a report that there was a party at the house the night she went missing and it didn't get over until like 5am? Maybe this has been discussed and I missed it. Sorry if so.

I think that was a fb rumor so far LE has said she was out until or after midnight.
Things I learned on WS in the last couple of days:
- my toilet paper rolls have numbers :what:
- watch out around objects like recorders, rulers, twigs, and pencils
- kitty litter can be used to make meth :what:
- kitty litter can be put in a trash bag to weight it down in water
- search dogs can be perfectionist about their jobs:beagle:

:laughcry: Oh, goody, I have two empty toilet paper rolls in the trash. Wait here....

042813 NAH CMAG2 1208 on one, but the other one was blank because it was a no name roll

:laughcry: Thanks for the levity! :laughcry:

(P.S. Kitty litter used in making meth?...Hope it isn't USED kitty litter...KWIM? :what:)
JD IMO is playing games!
He has fed them a story and provided a crime scene to match, that lacks evidence of any crime being committed.
He is saying "no, no, no! Don't look anywhere else... this is the scene I swear "
My mind says
OK - look everywhere else, but don't waste your time in the bathroom or the yard ...
There is nothing there folks!

And he is sitting back smiling thinking he has pulled off the ultimate murder.
A confession with no proof of a crime scene where he claims it happened ...
Even the stabbing location is incorrect.
He is gonna play the coerced confession card.
Claiming his confession proves he doesn't know what the "real killer " did.

all moo, he is up to something
maybe not exactly like this but something!

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

Very interesting perspective... And quite plausible! :thumb:

Thomas Long says he moved to Texas years ago for personal reasons. He didn't have the best relationship with Willow's mom, Ciara, but always kept in touch with his little girl.

"How do you feel knowing a family member was involved in all of this?"

"I just can't believe it. I just can't believe it."

Since Long's only child was murdered, he hasn't spoken with Ciara. The story she told investigators isn't adding up with the evidence, but police won't say if she's facing any charges.

"I'm not here to play the blame game or any other reason. I'm here for Willow."

sorry if this was already posted, i hadn't read it. was he the only family member at the vigil? TIA.
Once very rural folks have brush piles to be burned in fall/winter... We have to keep up with acres of land every year...Yes some of us dump our cleared brush/kitty litter(I use the pine stuff for my cats)/combustibles/leaves/farm crap type stuff on these piles....then we set them on fire once the all clear for "open burning" is given (by officials). I personally use a composting system AS WELL as a slash/brush pile system...but in a homestead/ rural setting its pretty much up to the landowner--city folk have a hard time understanding places that don't actually have "curb-side trash/leaf/brush pick up"....I don't even have a curb...nor does my town of <1000....
(Posted only for perspective)

Thank you for the insight into rural living...

I was wondering about the brush pile as being a collection to be burned when given the thumbs up...
Re the stick pile in the yard being close to the house....

Here is a pic of an aerial view of the house: -IL-/CircleDrive-DeRyke.jpg.html?sort=6&o=56

Here is a pic of the stick pile: -IL-/091013woodpile.jpg.html?sort=6&o=57

Imo, the stick pile in the photo gives the impression it is quite close to the house, but I think it is an illusion because it is not seen in the aerial pic. Also, the LE in the stick pile photo appears to be standing on a lower piece of ground than the house sits. It is possible the stick pile is in that location to prevent the children from going into the lower ground.

A big thank you to the owner of the album with the pics. It saves a lot of googling on my part when I am looking for a pic.

I think the stick pile is very close to the house. It appears it may be in front of that green shrub. If you look at the photo of the front of the house, it appears to be in front of a green shrub..... to the left of the front of the house....At the left end. If Willow was running away from her uncle, wouldn't she have run straight out the front door, to the street....not run straight to the side of the house into that pile of sticks? I think actually there are a few photos of that side of the house or at an angle to show both the side and the front. It does look as though there are sticks.... -IL-/091013crimescene-home.jpg~original
Thank you for the insight into rural living...

I was wondering about the brush pile as being a collection to be burned when given the thumbs up...

We live rural too, but no one would consider burning such a pile, as close as it appears to be to the house. There are also a lot of other trees etc., just too close....Maybe they should try the landfill!
I know for a fact that DCFS Illinois is 24/7. LE has direct numbers to caseworkers. My BIL was an officer in Chicago. When did ISP come on the case?
It was an adventure I guess. After both were turned into frogs, Prince Naveen and Tiana go through the swamp to find Mama Odie a voodoo priestess to help turn them human again. On the way to and from they have to deal with all sorts of things.

If you care to read more about it you can go here.

Do the Prince and Tiana sing to Mama Odie, the voodoo priestess...

"Do do that voodoo... That you do.... So well...? :guitar:

(Ella Fitzgerald song... and in Blazing Saddles...Sorry... Couldn't resist...:blushing:)
I think the stick pile is very close to the house. It appears it may be in front of that green shrub. If you look at the photo of the front of the house, it appears to be in front of a green shrub..... to the left of the front of the house....At the left end. If Willow was running away from her uncle, wouldn't she have run straight out the front door, to the street....not run straight to the side of the house into that pile of sticks? I think actually there are a few photos of that side of the house or at an angle to show both the side and the front. It does look as though there are sticks.... -IL-/091013crimescene-home.jpg~original

I think you have to look at all the facts in a liars stand point.

1. masturbating in the bathroom = he was probably doing something sexual in the bathroom - she was in there with him, got spooked and fell into the litter box. (Im thinking he had her get a bath before bed and her glasses were in her room on a table).

2. She either fought back right then and scratched his arm from touching her OR she took off running away to tell on him. OR she's still in the bathroom while he goes to the bedroom..

3. He goes to his bedroom for a knife. She sees this and gets scared, so she scratches him to get away - a pursuit starts outside.

4. She runs outdoors to find someone to help her but decides she can't make it, hides in the bush - but she can't see well and falls onto the stick pile. she gets possible scratched.

5. because she had no wounds to her back, she was laying on her back with her hands up - which the knife grazed or lacerated.

With the wounds we know about, I can only assume that he pinned her down to get them that precise. Most rage kills tend to have cuts literally everywhere from the person turning from back to front and attempting to getaway. He was too specific and it makes me think he was pinning her down with possible his knees while sitting on her stomach.

I read they are searching an abandoned house (?) so with that scenario, she could have ran that far after tripping on the sticks etc or where he first got ahold of her - possible stabbing her the first time. He finished the deed in the house.

I do not believe a stick impaled her, although I do think she was hurt - I tend to think it was emotional and scared to death.

There is a saying to not judge someone based on their personality but upon their deviance. You can change your personality but you will never change your deviances. This man is a deviant, pure and simple.

I didn't once feel this is drug related, or game related or some sort of satanic panic. This is just what you call a person with no feelings, the ability to harm someone smaller than themselves with no remorse other than the remorse of being caught. He took his time, he wrapped her up and used duct tape. 2 items he had to go into the house and get, come back to her and use. he had to drive 8 miles to place her body in the water, as if disposing of trash. He went to work, he had a decent day there - he had beer - he played games.

This is what we call a sociopath and while that's rarely diagnosed (and Im not an arm chair psych), it reeks of it. If he would have gotten away with this now, later in life if he had children - they would have fallen prey too.

The key to the truth is to read the smaller details he gave up. When a person is lying they become elaborate and give details to think you'd never think to add. They do this because they want you to believe them and they know it's a lie. He lied about the entire even except the odd small details he threw in. I do think the small brother witnessed the chase out the door and had seen the violence in his uncle's eyes.

Southern Illinois has the state’s highest child homicide rate, nearly double the state average.

A reason why too complicated to answer but a correlation between the killings and what seems to lead up to them has been made.

News 4 learned the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services had no previous involvement with Willow Long’s family prior to her tragic death on Sunday.

News 4 Sharon Reed sat down with Dave Clarkin with the Illinois DCFS on signs of prevention and signs of hope for the state.

Now I want to know the correlations that are "too complicated to answer"! :please:
Some questions... So she was reported missing on Sunday before noon, and it's been reported that JD went to work Sunday and his confession to police was Monday night...Am I correct in understanding that their house was not viewed as a crime scene until AFTER that confession? Is it possible that the body was initially brought to this empty house and THEN moved to where it was discovered by searchers sometime Sunday/Monday?
...would the family have rallied together to cover it up if they believed their intentions were good? Did he confess to LE before or after the body was discovered? When did the grandparents get back?

:wagon: Megan.sense! :welcome:

Good questions!

I would like to know who CD was with at the bar/restaurant, how she got back home (did she drive a vehicle herself, did she get a ride). From my personal experience, I suspect she arrived home between 8:45 and shortly before the call to 911 was made.
I have been thinking about the statement re baby brother not talking very well. My neighbor's child is 3 years old. He likes to help me in my gardens. In the beginning, I had problems understanding him. Several months later, I do not have much of a problem understanding him now.

To someone that is not constantly around a toddler, they may have difficulty understanding them. I do not believe for a minute the family does not understand this baby when he talks.

If whatever happened to Willow happened in the house, I bet he overheard or saw something. If that is so, I pray this little guy is too young to understand and those memories are forgotten.


I agree with all of this...

However... I fear that even if little NG didn't understand what was happening (if he did see some/much of it) ... I imagine he intuitively understood the underlying menace/fear/terror of the "event"...

and this may leave a lasting imprint on his psyche... :(

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