Immunity and the A Family- **MERGED**Charges??

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I didn't either. He couldn't run to the bathroom without LE knowing it. I was just running with the other poster's suggestion that maybe his DNA and/or prints were run through the database and all - and LA would have known that was going to happen. Nope, no way he'd run. And his being out of town for work - ok - I'll go that too - but he does have to come home - either on the weekends or during the week. During the week the media are like little worker bees - all over but yet we have seen no picture, no fleeting glimpse. On the weekends? Don't know - that's all I'm asking has anyone physically seen him since Jan. 1?

Not I.
Does anyone else remember Lee asking Casey "Was this like last time?"

I have searched everywhere I know and cannot find it in any of the jail videos or phone calls, but I know I have seen other posters raise the question as well.

If anyone else remembers this or knows where I can find a link, I would greatly appreciate knowing. It has been driving me crazy trying to find it.

I remember that question to KC from Lee. I think it might have been in the first taped phone conversation from jail where she asks for TonE's phone number. Hope this helps.
Leased cars are pretty common perks in many companies and would make sense if Lee is still doing the same type of work. Your employer carries the cost of maintenance, mileage, etc (and writes most of it off.) And you don't exactly show up at a client's to take them for a business lunch in a quasi-muscle car. Mid-size sedan is the norm.

Alternately, he may have taken a plane hop between the two cities and used a renal car. Very, very common for business travelers. (I used to do a 7:00 .am. flight to Montreal out and a 7:00 pm return to TO several times a week. It's not a big deal or odd.)

No idea on distance between Tampa & Orlando.
Tampa to Orlando is a short car trip. An hour or two at the most. Not far enough for a plane - maybe a bus....
YEP - and now you got the old neurons really firing.....following along with that conversation LA said "you weren't there for work, but not for fun either" - KC replied with something about being there to meet a mutual friend or friends. Now I always thought that meant she WASN'T there ALONE. I mean if you go somewhere alone you are going to meet A friend - BUT if you are going WITH someone then you are going to meet a MUTUAL friend - get my drift?

Or...a mutual friend, as in someone that casey and Lee both know?
Wow. What's up with GR? :waitasec: Him and JB having a falling out? JB not producing his client for a GR EXCLUSIVE fast enough?

Wouldn't it be almost worth it to SA to make an offer to have KC take a plea and confess what happened to Caylee? Save a long and expensive trial, avoid appeals and a lifetime of KC proclaiming her innocence? And if she takes a plea, she'd have to stand up in court and admit what she did too.

Yes, I know KC is a LIAR, but the LE have enough evidence and information to know pretty much if she is tellling mostly the truth and the SA can stipulate if LE determines she is lying during her elocution that the deal is off the table.
The defense had a deadline in the past and didn't meet it. I think if anyone should come forward at this point it should be JB. I think the State's waiting for the duct tape to come back before anything will be discussed.
I just can't imagine a young man, with his whole life ahead of him, risking it all for his sister. I mean, siblings are wonderful but are you really going to (potentially) throw your life away for a sibling? I don't get it. I have really thought all along he had nothing to do with any of it but I just dont know.

My brother would throw me under the bus, neatly wrapped, with a bow. No questions asked.

A laundry bag from Lee's? Travels a lot for work, perhaps he uses a laundry drop-off service or takes it home to Mom between trips.

Now there's a new thunk.

Maybe even has his name on it in big block letters. I have one for my son. Of course, he's 11. But it still has his name on it.
I think they have been very respectful of the family since Caylee was identified and that was over a month ago.
I agree! I recall when we heard that George had had a phone conversation with a reporter saying they would not give any interviews until after the holidays or funeral. I remember thinking good grief, no one would expect you to do anything but take time to grieve.
It was verrrry odd. She answered "Well, it wasn't for fun." and he said "I understand you now!"

It has been a long time, so I may not remember this correctly, but wasn't this also the conversation where she was referring to "mutual friends" and we decided she was talking about LE? I really hope they go ahead and get this over with. I hate to feel so certain of guilt before there has been a chance for a trial but these people play too many games to not be covering something up, IMO.
I guess the process of elimination would have to be used. If the laundry bag came from the A's certainly it would hold carpet fibers, dog hair etc. If fibers lifted from the bag were different from the A's residence thhe where could it have come from. Of course KC could have easily stolen it from a friend. I'm curious if an empty frame for the bag was found at the home. :confused:
Or tossed out in the front yard?
Or...a mutual friend, as in someone that casey and Lee both know?
yep yep

As for the duct tape - I think LE already has the fingerprints. It doesn't take that long to lift prints and run through the data base - not like DNA or other forensics that require chemical testing and such. I could be wrong - but lifting a print doesn't take weeks.
You are so right. Luka was hoping for a subpoena.
Wait, did I ask for that? No, I take that back? Did I ask for a subpeona? Wait, I didn't ask last week...."

OMG too funny..I think you may have just nailed the reason he no longer seems to be speaking for Lee..HaHaHa :crazy:
It has been a long time, so I may not remember this correctly, but wasn't this also the conversation where she was referring to "mutual friends" and we decided she was talking about LE? I really hope they go ahead and get this over with. I hate to feel so certain of guilt before there has been a chance for a trial but these people play too many games to not be covering something up, IMO.

I think it would behoove (I love that word) all of us to listen to the conversation again. :eek:
Yep - it was around or the day it was announced that it was Caylee. And he was seen over New Year's but since then I can't remember seeing him.

And Potato - you're right - I saw his car there. I'm just saying we haven't physically seen him since Jan. 1

When did he move and toss all that stuff in the yard?
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