Immunity and the A Family- **MERGED**Charges??

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So does anyone want to guess what the next stall tactic is the A's will come up with? I think that's why LE got the word out tonight that they were resuming their investigation. They got tired of being sidestepped.
Okay Suzi I'll bite. what do you mean stall tactic?
Here is the transcipt for the one call. Don't have a copy of the other one handy.

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas….
CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now?

My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home.

LEE: Did you speak with Caylee over the phone at any time?

CASEY: I did one time, yes, and that was actually the day that mom called the police.

LEE: Do you remember what time you spoke to her?

CASEY: Around noon, it was through a private call.

LEE: Um they will beep this out so don’t worry about it, can you give me your log in and password for you AT&T account online so I can pull the remainder of your phone records.

(She relays the information.)

LEE: I have your phone records to a certain extent, but I don’t have through the 15th and 16th so.

CASEY: You don’t have the most current ones

LEE: So that will help me extremely, um, did you ever have, or did you ever call the baby sitter on your cell phone or ever receive a call from the baby sitter on your cell phone number?

CASEY: I most definitely did.

LEE: Can you give me any day or anything whenever you think may have received that?

CASEY: A specific day, um, god a lot of the times it was through text messages so the number would show up even on that, um I can’t think of any specifics. My days are all thrown together at least I know what the day is today, but as far as stuff from the last couple of months I have no exact time or date. If I can think of something.

LEE: Do you remember an area code?

CASEY: Um, the last number she called me from was a 954 number, which is a Fort Lauderdale number? I know because (NAME) number is also a similar area code. She has also called me from a 407 number, from a 321 number, there’s been different numbers, different times. Not necessarily on different days; but it just depended on the number that she had at the time.

LEE: Ok. Most recently can you remember the number that….

CASEY: The last number that she had called me from wasn’t has a private listing, or that didn’t show up private cell or private call was 954.

LEE: Ok. Um but even like a private cell of a private number from the most recent one that you can remember, can you remember like what month or anything like that that they were in?

CASEY: Um, the last private call that I received was on the 15th, I believe? That was the day that mom made that call. And I think that was the last one that I had gotten. I mean as far as my knowing someone on the phone when I last had it.

LEE: And do you remember what area code, or any part of that?

CASEY: That was the number that came up. It just said ‘private cell’ or ‘private call’ I can’t remember which one.

LEE: Ok. But whenever you did get to see a number, you said it would either be a 954, or a 407 or 321.

CASEY: Yeah those are the three area codes that I can think of offhand.

LEE: Do you remember any part of any of those numbers that will help me? Any combination of numbers that will help me?

CASEY: Not at the moment. I’ve been trying to piece together numbers, but the numbers that are coming to mind are numbers from other people that I’ve called frequently and I don’t want to give you someone else’s number on accident.

LEE: Nope, that’s fine I completely understand, I understand that in today’s day and age you don’t really memorize cell phones since you have it programmed in. Numbers that you program in yourself.

CASEY: Very much so.

LEE: Would she have been programmed in your cell phone?

CASEY: She was, programmed into that other phone that we need to find a way to recover. I mean I don’t know…

LEE: Help me with that actually. You said that you referred to it as you ‘black jack’?

CASEY: Yeah, it was a Black Jack. I’d only had it for probably a week, a week and half. It didn’t keep its charge so that’s why I started using that other phone.

LEE: So on the Black Jack, do you remember the phone number that the Black Jack was associated with?

CASEY: It was my same number; I just swapped the SIM card back and forth.

LEE: Ok, um…Here’s how these things work Casey, the contact information, the contact stuff is on your SIM card, so if you switched it back and forth.

CASEY: It doesn’t always save to the SIM card. You can sometimes save things to the SIM card or save it specifically to the phone, it just depends on the way the phone’s set up I thought about that too. The phone that I was currently using, the one I guess that the police still have, or you guys have it, I had set it up after the fact to just save things to my SIM card but you can also save it to just the phone or to the SIM card and the phone so there’s copy’s on both

LEE: So this Black Jack where did you, you said that you reported it missing, give me the information so I can find this phone.

CASEY: I had it (TALKING TO SOMEONE OFF THE PHONE : yes sir, is he ok. Can you ask him to stay there couple of minutes, because we only have…ok thank you). Um Jose’s actually here. Um. (Expletive), ok the last time I know I had it for certain I was up at Universal.

LEE: For work, or for otherwise?

I was in through the park talking to just a couple of mutual friends of….

LEE: So you were up there for fun or whatever?

CASEY: It wasn’t necessarily fun, but yes not through work at that moment…

LEE: I’ve got you, ok, I understand.

CASEY: I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it.

LEE: Where did you get this phone from? Like how was it provided to you?

CASEY: Through the AT&T Store, god, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is.

LEE: Was this a phone, is this another personal cell phone of yours?


LEE: Ok, so tell me. So if you lost the physical phone itself, aside from searching for it, how would you go about finding this? How should I go about finding your phone?

CASEY: I don’t know. That’s the thing. I mean. I knew specifically where it was, I mean my last recollection of me having it was at Universal, but I knew that I had also been at Jay Blanchard Park and I could have potentially had it there with me too. I don’t know if you guys have checked through like some of the bags and stuff that I have at the house with me, if it was in one of those purses but I know I kept everything that I had kind of centralized at Tony’s.

LEE: Case, if you had your Black Jack with you and you lost your Black Jack, but you still have your SIM card in your other phone, I’m trying just to figure out why, you wouldn’t lose both, you know what I mean?

CASEY: Well that’s the thing, if it fell out of my bag, if it fell out of my pocket. It’s a decent size phone, almost the size of the phone that you have now. It could have easily fallen out of my purse.

LEE: Would you have had her, or anybody’s information, even Jeff that’s introduced you or Juliet that also or correct me is there anybody else that knew that you were searching for Caylee?

CASEY: Outside of them, no.

LEE: Ok, outside Zani, Jeff, and Juliet, nobody else knew correct?

CASEY: I hadn’t talked to anyone else about it, no

LEE: Ok, where did you meet Jeff and Juliet from again?

CASEY: Universal.

LEE: When you were working for…

CASEY: Jester Kodak. I could have met Juliet when I was working through Kodak I don’t remember if that’s where we first met I’ve known her also for about two and half, three years.

LEE: How could we verify her? And get in contact with her? Like where does she, Where does she work and all that stuff? By the way we’ve got about a minute left.

CASEY: Ok. She just moved within the last couple of months, I’m trying to figure out where else I can get contact information for her. I know I had her number written down at the house somewhere, where exactly I’m not sure.

LEE: Ok. Did she ever work with you at Kodak or Color Vision?

CASEY: She worked at Universal, yeah.

(Tone: You have one minute left)

LEE: Casey, you got to answer my questions specifically. Did she work with you at Kodak or Color Vision or was she an actual employee of the park?

CASEY: She was an actual employee of the park.

LEE: Ok. And she is Juliette *****. J-U-L-I-E-T-T-E ******. Correct ?


LEE: Got it. Ok.

LEE: I think we are getting close Case, is there anything?

Um, offhand no. I’m going to go talk to Jose now, If I can think of anything while I’m with him I’ll write down anything and do whatever I can.

LEE: Ok, you know you can call me or the house. We love you

CASEY: Alright

LEE: And please think of anything that can help find Caylee, because as soon as we can help find her, it’s going to be open and shut to get you out of there, ok darling?

CASEY: Absolutely, I know….

Tone, recording, call ends.

I bolded a partial sentice.

IMO LEE is telling Casey that the clues she gave LE to follow to pin this on the Zanny the Nanny the Kidnapping is not working. Lee is saying you can't just kind of sort of give them information and they are going to decipher it the way you want them to, you have to be more direct so you can insure that they look where we want them to look.
Okay Suzi I'll bite. what do you mean stall tactic?

Originally investigators said they would wait until after Caylee's funeral to question the A's. I think the A's have been playing a game with LE and LE is tired of playing that game. They need immunity they don't need immunity, funeral or no funeral, suicide real or not, enough is enough and the investigation goes forward.

Some of the same investigators credited with saving George Anthony's life after he disappeared now have to resume their investigation into the death of his granddaughter. That includes asking questions about what Lee Anthony knew about Caylee's disappearance and when he knew that information.
Transcript of phone call between Casey and Lee Anthony on July 26th

Lee: I still want you to be able to know that you can -- you can call me, and I'll try to, you know, get as much out there as I can before anything would ever die. It's not, like, a situation, but, you know, what can we do? You know?

Casey: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Lee: Um, so you understand what I was trying to say for that -- that you know you can reach out to them? -------

Casey: Just to try to update me on stuff.

Lee: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before, and you understand how all this works now, but -- um, do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, you know, that would help? Um, you know?

Casey: There's nothing I can think of at the moment. Um, I'm going to actually try to get something together, you know, today, so I can write a couple letters, um --
Lee: OK.

Casey: To the family. I'm even going to get with [inaudible] and stuff, to see if you guys get that directly -- um, but still put out my own, specific -- so if anything happens, if there's any lapse, you still get what I'm trying to put across, to you.
Lee: OK, and just remember: When you get to talk to those guys -- um, you know, you mention that, you know, you're going to have your prep and everything with Jose.

Lee is telling Casey that she made her clues to complicated for everyone to figure out. I think I finally get what he means ‘before this dies”.

Before it dies is really before the media turns and believes LE that this was not a kidnapping but a murder.. There was a plan and it was to have LE believe that Caylee was taken. The media is still reporting a missing Caylee and they need to be able to give LE something that gets then from point A to point B so they find what she wants them to find out. In this way they will come across some information that strengthens the kidnapping story and they keep moving in the direction of a missing child

Again this as the last post is my interpertation of there conversations. It is my opinion.
So does anyone want to guess what the next stall tactic is the A's will come up with? I think that's why LE got the word out tonight that they were resuming their investigation. They got tired of being sidestepped.

ITA. I expect another suicide attempt, accusation of someone profitting, or someone trying to abscond. I am sure there will be something.
Ha ha! You're too kind, you should see my house right now! Dinos, army men and lego's as far as the eyes can see! Did I mention the 2 baskets of clean clothes that need to be folded??!:crazy:

oh boy..wouldn't it be great if this forum came with Maid Service:blowkiss:
In this way they will come across some information that strengthens the kidnapping story and they keep moving in the direction of a missing child

Again this as the last post is my interpertation of there conversations. It is my opinion.

Everybody casually refers to the nonexistent nanny as a kidnapper. But KC never explained it as any classic kidnapping. She never even hinted that Zanny wanted anything in exchange for Caylee. It was as if KC had no idea of what it was going to take to get Caylee back. Of course LE would use force and SWAT if they only had some clue of where to go. That info never came.

It's hard for me to imagine that any investigator actually thought they were dealing with a genuine kidnapping.
ITA. I expect another suicide attempt, accusation of someone profitting, or someone trying to abscond. I am sure there will be something.

They are starting to remind me of KC's 31 excuse filled days....
oh boy..wouldn't it be great if this forum came with Maid Service:blowkiss:

I think I'm deserving of that! My house use to be much cleaner before THIS case. :waitasec: Come to think of it, maybe the A's should have to provide it for me, at least until trial> :crazy:
And I would not be the slightest bit surprised if his name is on it in CA's printing vs. block letters. She is meticulous about organization and details, don't ya know.


Yep - I see that acomin'! Wonder if there are any lawyers left in Orlando? Or at least any that would touch this case?

I wonder if any of them are familiar with the phrase No Comment?

I am still so confused on this immunity thingie. You say that with "Use Immunity" nothing can be used against him at a later date in your first explanation. But after you explain the two, in the later sentence you say "Use Immunity" allows the door to be left open for chgs. to be filed at a later date? What am I not getting here? TIA

Say I witness a murder. I tell the cops I witnessed the murder. I go to court and tell the court I witnessed the murder.

They cannot use the fact that I said I saw the murder against me in a trial against me in the crime.

However, if the cops found evidence of me other than witnessing the murder - prints on the gun, whatever, that can be used against me in a trial against me.

At least that's the way I understand it.

I wonder if any of them are familiar with the phrase No Comment?

Say I witness a murder. I tell the cops I witnessed the murder. I go to court and tell the court I witnessed the murder.

They cannot use the fact that I said I saw the murder against me in a trial against me in the crime.

However, if the cops found evidence of me other than witnessing the murder - prints on the gun, whatever, that can be used against me in a trial against me.

At least that's the way I understand it.

ITA That make sense.
The immunity is for only the part that you said you played in the event, hence the phrase Use Immunity. If they find out that you were more involved than what you had previously stated then that discovery can be used against you. It inusres that the witness can speak freely of what he saw without having that held against him at a later time but also insures that if you are not totally hones in everything they can nail your a$$ for it.
Transcript of phone call between Casey and Lee Anthony on July 26th

Lee: I still want you to be able to know that you can -- you can call me, and I'll try to, you know, get as much out there as I can before anything would ever die. It's not, like, a situation, but, you know, what can we do? You know?

Casey: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Lee: Um, so you understand what I was trying to say for that -- that you know you can reach out to them? -------

Casey: Just to try to update me on stuff.

Lee: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before, and you understand how all this works now, but -- um, do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, you know, that would help? Um, you know?

Casey: There's nothing I can think of at the moment. Um, I'm going to actually try to get something together, you know, today, so I can write a couple letters, um --
Lee: OK.

Casey: To the family. I'm even going to get with [inaudible] and stuff, to see if you guys get that directly -- um, but still put out my own, specific -- so if anything happens, if there's any lapse, you still get what I'm trying to put across, to you.
Lee: OK, and just remember: When you get to talk to those guys -- um, you know, you mention that, you know, you're going to have your prep and everything with Jose.

Lee is telling Casey that she made her clues to complicated for everyone to figure out. I think I finally get what he means ‘before this dies”.

Before it dies is really before the media turns and believes LE that this was not a kidnapping but a murder.. There was a plan and it was to have LE believe that Caylee was taken. The media is still reporting a missing Caylee and they need to be able to give LE something that gets then from point A to point B so they find what she wants them to find out. In this way they will come across some information that strengthens the kidnapping story and they keep moving in the direction of a missing child

Again this as the last post is my interpertation of there conversations. It is my opinion.

Was this the conversation that Lee was talking about in one of his jail house calls when he was telling Casey about their calls being recorded and if he had known he obviously would not have said all of that?

If not,then which visit was he referring to because I could never figure out what he as trying to say in any of them anyway
I think I'm deserving of that! My house use to be much cleaner before THIS case. :waitasec: Come to think of it, maybe the A's should have to provide it for me, at least until trial> :crazy:

You certainly are deserving..with taking such great care of your three little angels while finding time for all of the great sleuthing and help on here:clap:..come to think of it, it's possible you may have more hours in your day than most. :)
However, Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.

Does Conway see how this sounds? Follow the logic:
  • The family (CA & GA) "isn't sure" why LA would need immunity so therefore LA is not asking for it.
  • CA & GA are asking for immunity. So are they "sure" they need it?
I have a question. ATC posted this article in media

and in it is this quote

However, Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.

Why is Conway speaking for LA? I thought that LA has his own attorney? And why would it be the A's decison anyway, LA is an adult and he is the one who should be making his legal decisions.
Originally investigators said they would wait until after Caylee's funeral to question the A's. I think the A's have been playing a game with LE and LE is tired of playing that game. They need immunity they don't need immunity, funeral or no funeral, suicide real or not, enough is enough and the investigation goes forward.

Some of the same investigators credited with saving George Anthony's life after he disappeared now have to resume their investigation into the death of his granddaughter. That includes asking questions about what Lee Anthony knew about Caylee's disappearance and when he knew that information.
LOL, if LE put the investigation off why does that add up to the A's stalling? LE can move ahead whenever they want can't they? What I mean is do the A's even have the power to delay an investigation of this magnitude?
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