Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #153 *ARREST - Richard Allen*

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MSM tied KK to RA today

Russ McQuaid confirmed a search of Allen's home 2 weeks ago reportedly yielded evidence that led to his arrest. But he was also told Allen's name only resurfaced this summer about the time prosecutors in Miami County were in talks with Kegan Kline about a possible plea agreement. Kline was arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges. He was also communicating with Libby via a social media personae named Anthony Shots the night before she was murdered.

So it’s not come from a reputable source?

Also from that link

I can not imagine wanting to jeopardize a case involving murdered children by demanding that they unseal the documents when it’s been clearly stated by LE there is a legitimate reason for it.

So it’s not come from a reputable source?

Also from that link

I can not imagine wanting to jeopardize a case involving murdered children by demanding that they unseal the documents when it’s been clearly stated by LE there is a legitimate reason for it.


It’s happened in many many cases before who’ve said the same. And within a few days, weeks they were unsealed. I have followed a few myself. JMO
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! Our justice system is designed to withstand much more than a public revelation of probable cause.

Just because it requires a fight (which is shouldn't) doesn't mean jeopardy on either side - prosecution or defense - should be inferred. Judges would keep the public completely in the dark if allowed. It was very routine in criminal cases in Colorado until 2021 when rules changed to the benefit of the public's right to know (& judges still find any pretense they can to withhold these docs!).

The state of FL routinely releases redacted PC or AA docs and the sun is still shining there.

So it’s not come from a reputable source?

Also from that link

I can not imagine wanting to jeopardize a case involving murdered children by demanding that they unseal the documents when it’s been clearly stated by LE there is a legitimate reason for it.


I'm unconcerned. If there is a legit reason for keeping it sealed, then the unsealing will be denied.
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! Our justice system is designed to withstand much more than a public revelation of probable cause.

Just because it requires a fight (which is shouldn't) doesn't mean jeopardy on either side - prosecution or defense - should be inferred. Judges would keep the public completely in the dark if allowed. It was very routine in criminal cases in Colorado until 2021 when rules changed to the benefit of the public's right to know (& judges still find any pretense they can to withhold these docs!).

The state of FL routinely releases redacted PC or AA docs and the sun is still shining there.

Thank you wings, great informative post!
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! Our justice system is designed to withstand much more than a public revelation of probable cause.

Just because it requires a fight (which it shouldn't) doesn't mean jeopardy on either side - prosecution or defense - should be inferred. Judges would keep the public completely in the dark if allowed. It was very routine in criminal cases in Colorado until 2021 when rules changed to the benefit of the public's right to know (& judges still find any pretense they can to withhold these docs!).

The state of FL routinely releases redacted PC or AA docs and the sun is still shining there while perps go to prison.

So here are my issues:

1) Murder Sheet (I guess it’s an approved source) asserts to “have a source” but when I inquire about the source and red Jeep all I get is the link to MS podcasters spending a long time saying don’t believe KK but this is what “a source” said.

This red jeep “source” was from summer 2022, do I have this right, where KK says he waited in a red Jeep while “the murders” occurred, according to MS?

So is this just another one of KK’s lies which has now being accepted as truth because MS said it?

So why haven’t we heard about the red Jeep being search-warranted?

2. KK’s interview, the one I can find, was from 8/9/20. So why hasn’t KK been arrested and charged as an accomplice in the murders? The interrogators imply a lot of things and KK reacts. The interview is so disjointed.

3. There has been no official connection established between KK and RA. I’m at wits end about assertions that RA was pals with KK and they met that day, which Gray Hughes, an approved source, asserts.

4. My feeling is that KK is an internet-savvy guy who would never actually meet anyone because he is not attractive but maybe who set up the A_S site and sold the link.

I still can’t figure out how maybe RA stumbled across it as it’s pretty difficult to link onto a strange pedo site while all the while working and being a family man. Like how did he have the time?

5. This case has been like playing telephone while underwater with all of the “sources.”

Odd things like Robert Ives being quoted as saying “non-secular” when in fact he never said that and there is no historic link to it. Yet someone ran with it and it mushroomed and is still out there on this site.


Ever since the news of an arrest broke I've been here and everywhere reading, I read the KK 194 page interview, listened some to Murder Sheet, watched some Gray videos, and for all of my searching, I cannot figure out the KK red jeep connection nor mentions of a gas station. It's driving me insane!

I agree with your item #4 100%. I feel like he would not meet with anyone he catfished because he would be rejected immediately based on not looking like the AS profile at all, so yes, however he was able to find like-minded people, I believe he sold access to content and information to those people seeking it.

In the interview or one of the news stories, I believe I read that he would use one platform to meet the victims and then tell them to switch to another like Snapchat - like he could have had the purchaser make, for example: AS-01 etc., and tell the victim to message him there instead, which would be a good way to deliver the content and the victim to whomever paid him for it. Effectively he would be a middleman with the benefit of getting paid for content he could also view and keep for himself.
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So here is a question as I’m from the UK and we have different legal laws from the sounds of it.

Do you have contempt of court in the U.S?

I was just discussing this with a friend and I’m positive discussion threads like this in the UK would be locked because you could jeopardize legal proceedings.

So many are already assuming he is guilty so how can he get a fair trial?

Like Just imagine a future jury member reading this stuff. I’m intrigued by the different rules for this stuff as it’s never hit me before what a tight balancing rope it must be.

The jury pools summoned for big cases are vast. Also MOO juries are 99% serious about justice, listen to the evidence and instructions carefully.
A thought just popped into my head last night. Could RMA, who has been stated to have been talked to early in the investigation (not sure in what capacity), have given the alias name/ID and that is why LE did not know where to find him when they realized they needed to look at him again? Could this also be the reason that the investigation changed and the focus on the young guy sketch? Or has it been reported that the alias was in fact a clerical error? If so, then nevermind.

This is so brilliant! I would think by now an error would have been corrected. I think you are spot on.

ETA: If the KK catfish social media stuff is truly related to RA's arrest, that alias might also be what he used to view content and interact with victims on social media.

If you go there and type in RA's name for Indiana, this is what comes up.

- 3 Entries.

- The two that have his offender ID & DOB both the same, as well as the custody location as White County Jail, which is where he actually is.

- The one in the middle... that one is incorrect, has a different offender ID, is the one that has his alias listed (which is actually a real person living in Monticello, with his own life going on), and also has him at the incorrect custody location of Carroll County Jail.

I do believe this is some sort of clerical error.

From what I understand, he was originally arrested and held in Carroll County jail, then transferred to White County Jail after he was actually indicted/charged. This sequence of events makes the VineLink records make more sense, except for the random alias.
i'm still so confused about the sketches. The second one is a little off but i can see somewhat of a resemblance in the eyes. The first one though doesn't look like RA at all IMO. Like where did that come from?? Does make you wonder if he wasn't a lone wolf...
The Leno chin on the YBG is huge and very unlike RA's.
And he appears so young/baby-faced.
I wish we knew if RA has curly hair like the YBG.
The only similarity to RA I can see in the YBG is in the eyes.
Has anyone been able to find out where he worked in February 2017? I can't believe no one has dug that up yet. He started the job at CVS a year later, right?
I to would would be interested to know his work history, but thinking that would be a privacy violation for the employees and this forum.
Edited to redact partly.
I have a similar question as I've not followed this case on Websleuths as much as I have in the MSM.

There has been a lot of speculation that the suspect may have been connected (and possibly ID'd) by KK; this has been based on the fact that KK said he shared his password with multiple people. Is this actually verified? Or is this just a possible lie KK told to deflect accusations of CSAM?
A lot comes from the KK Interview transcript. Also other info has come from MSN. There is also the search warrant for RL. I know I am not basing my opinion of a connection on rumors. I have not listened to murder sheet. I did view the official KK interview transcript linked to their site. What are you basing your opinion on that there is no connection?

So what are the odds that the girls randomly entangled themselves with two creeps within 24 hours? I say pretty close to zero. Imo.
View attachment 377260
SMK777 Absolutely unbelievable! Thank you for taking the time to post the information and highlighting it, too!
Hmmm, reminds me of a parallel investigation in which a contact "found his phone" just sitting in the kitchen and turned it into LE, two days later. And, only after he erased a lot of evidence. Oh these criminals are just so damned smart...
Is this one of those, "I don't think anyone intentionally did anything wrong kind of moments?" Guess we'll have to see if he called in sick, cancelled an appointment....Orrrrrr, someone finally figured out his cell phone pinged in the area? Just trying to think of possibilities as to why he would admit he was there.
This is so brilliant! I would think by now an error would have been corrected. I think you are spot on.

ETA: If the KK catfish social media stuff is truly related to RA's arrest, that alias might also be what he used to view content and interact with victims on social media.
Makes me wonder if the alias is a hot guy. Imo.
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