Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #153 *ARREST - Richard Allen*

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I would like to add to this that based off of a quick Namus search in neighboring towns as well as Delphi there is only one case of a female who went missing within a year of Abby and Libby’s murders but it’s in Kokomo so I doubt it is connected. Just wanted to throw that out there. Still not doubting he could have done this before so I encourage people to continue searching for possibly connected cases.
RA moved to Delphi in 2006, and lived in Mexico IN prior to that. He is 50 years old.

Missing persons or unsolved cases dating back up to 35 years ago are not off the table for me.

And finally why did it take 18 hours to find the bodies (no critisism of SAR or LE here at all.) It wasn't like the bodies were that far away? Something must have impeded the searchers? What was it that impeded them?
Respectfully snipped by me to address just this part of your post....

These are my opinions about the reasons it took so long to find the girls:

1. Darkness (they were only found to be missing after 3 pm and then the families searched on their own almost until darkness fell a couple of hours later) coupled with terrain (I think LE were worried that a searcher could potentially be injured while looking in the dark). Normally safety of the professional searchers could maybe be compromised to save victims in immediate danger, but there also was....

2. The belief by LE that the girls had gone missing voluntarily and were no longer in the trails area, but had gone off with friends. This influenced how and where LE searched. This belief came about due to small town interactions of LE where previous missing kids had all been located relatively quickly and had all been voluntarily missing. This working theory of LE's was not really questioned until around 2:30 am when pings from Libby's phone showed that it was likely the phone was still in the trails area. So until that point, the search was not actually solely focused on the trails and surrounding property, but rather searchers were deployed throughout the town of Delphi. Mike Patty describes driving through town and searching at the high school, etc.

3. Because the secondary theory after "voluntarily missing" was "the girls got lost walking home or had an accident that swept them downstream," the search was focused from the High Bridge downstream towards Delphi. Becky Patty talked about searching with a group in farm fields nearby, thinking the girls took a shortcut home and got disoriented. Mike Patty talked about getting in a canoe with a deputy and paddling downstream looking for them. People walked the banks of the creek in the direction of Delphi. But the girls were eventually found upstream, not downstream, where they had been forced to go. But this was not really considered as a possibility because everyone believed they were looking for lost or possibly hurt girls, not murdered or concealed bodies.

My sources for this info are the Down the Hill podcast, episodes 1 and 2, interviews with family and searchers.
RA moved to Delphi in 2006, and lived in Mexico IN prior to that. He is 50 years old.

Missing persons or unsolved cases dating back up to 35 years ago are not off the table for me.

true. Maybe that is what authorities are alluding to when they say there is more to this and they are still investigating.

instead of more perps……..there are more victims. Hmmmm ?..
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Im jumping in here without any knowledge what has been discussed before.

The thing that is on my mind alot, he lived there all that time. Did not feel the need to move or even felt treathened enough to act on it, even after the sound bit and the sketches. Is it because he was that cocky about it? Or did he liked the closeness of this horrible crime. Did he felt comfortable because this was maybe not his first kill?

Just my thought process. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
I think if he is the person who murdered the girls, and I think he is, he resembles the BG video to me, he is a psychopath. From what I've read over the years, psychopaths don't feel fear, so imo realising he'd been caught on camera wouldn't have worried him too much. I think that's how he was able to walk over the bridge so nonchalantly aswell, no fear. He perhaps also felt some excitement from being able to pull the wool over people's eyes, knowing he was in plain sight but nobody else knew.
Im jumping in here without any knowledge what has been discussed before.

The thing that is on my mind alot, he lived there all that time. Did not feel the need to move or even felt treathened enough to act on it, even after the sound bit and the sketches. Is it because he was that cocky about it? Or did he liked the closeness of this horrible crime. Did he felt comfortable because this was maybe not his first kill?

Just my thought process. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
The thing is, had he pushed his family to move, that abrupt change to a settled-in family would in and of itself been a suspicious tell. A man pretending to be innocent would not be thinking he would need to move. He just carried on like normal, hiding in plain sight.

I think if he is the person who murdered the girls, and I think he is, he resembles the BG video to me, he is a psychopath. From what I've read over the years, psychopaths don't feel fear, so imo realising he'd been caught on camera wouldn't have worried him too much. I think that's how he was able to walk over the bridge so nonchalantly aswell, no fear. He perhaps also felt some excitement from being able to pull the wool over people's eyes, knowing he was in plain sight but nobody else knew.
Hiding in plain sight could have been very thrilling to him.
I think it's probable the girls saw BG somewhere before they started crossing the bridge. They could have just felt a little uneasy by his presence. Maybe he was actually walking in the woods not on the trail? Then they make it over to the other side and are distracted taking pictures and posting, just talking having fun. They see someone in the distance crossing over and as he gets close they recognise him as the creepy guy they saw earlier. Libby starts to record him...probably to show her Dad when he picks them up? This is why we're late, had to wait to cross back?
That was my initial theory at the beginning too. They maybe passed him heading to the bridge, noticed him or perhaps even words were exchanged between them like hello etc, he followed from a distance and when they realised he was there behind them then alarm bells started ringing in their heads hence Libby recording. I could easily see that being the scenario. Whether he knew they were going to be there or even knew of them is another story, one which I’m not sure on anymore given everything we know.
Is it possible the discussions with KAK encompass a much larger scope than the crime in Delphi? There could be a large ring of elicit activity that is being investigated here. The murder of the girls could have been an individual act by RA, and it just happened to surface with interrogations of KAK. Given his activities, he could have been digitally entwined with a number of things and information, and the murders were just one of them. That could be why everything is sealed at the moment.

my mind is blown by the news that he came forward and let law enforcement know he was at the trail and they cleared him (that was the language used on the screen in one of the fox59 videos although i don’t have it handy
at the moment). IMO, he had someone in the investigation who trusted him and vouched for him or else his name would have come up publicly much sooner. this information makes me question the motives for keeping things sealed in a way i had not before.
No clue about gun ownership, but as far as fingerprints in general, I don't think they factored in here.

The crime scene was outdoors, and the bodies were exposed to the elements for many hours.

I also don't think he would have come in contact with anything that would leave a fingerprint in the first place.

What I do think is much more probable, is touch DNA. He had to touch at least one of the girls in order to remove that article of clothing that was supposedly missing. He also had to have touched both of them in order to stage their bodies, which apparently occurred.

Because of the nature of touch DNA however, I think it's possible that they may have encountered multiple profiles, or didn't have a profile of the quality that would allow for genetic genealogy to be an option.

It's also possible that this isn't a DNA case, but whatever it is, I have the sense that they have him dead to rights.
Sheriff TL did confirm DNA and fingerprints were found at the scene in HLN's Down The Hill Special.

Also, in the Murder Sheets PC doc against RL it said there were no defensive wounds found on the girls. Could RA have zip tied their hands? How did he keep them quiet, perhaps he duck taped their mouths? Both are sources for DNA and fingerprints.

Just spit ballin' here, because I have no doubt that LE has some damning physical evidence that ties RA to Abby and Libby.

Still early in the thread - appreciate all the genealogy/DNA discussion as it’s valuable info I had personally been wondering about. Are there threads on WS devoted to this topic?
Here’s a good one that comes to mind that @Niner started, has lots and lots of links to cases...

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Is it possible the discussions with KAK encompass a much larger scope than the crime in Delphi? There could be a large ring of elicit activity that is being investigated here. The murder of the girls could have been an individual act by RA, and it just happened to surface with interrogations of KAK. Given his activities, he could have been digitally entwined with a number of things and information, and the murders were just one of them. That could be why everything is sealed at the moment.

I wonder how they would know each other though, aside from living within the same area. KAK's activity from the interview transcript seems to have been focussed in targeting children. There was nothing in it that I can recall suggesting they'd found evidence of him distributing or being active in circles sharing the material. He didn't exactly go to great lengths to hide his digital footprint, so if there was some I'd have assumed they'd have found it on his devices.

The fact that they seemed to believe more than one person had been writing the messages, yet seemingly didn't have any evidence the account had been used on any other devices other than KAK's, implies to me if there is a link, that it was in person and RA used KAK's devices.
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That was my initial theory at the beginning too. They maybe passed him heading to the bridge, noticed him or perhaps even words were exchanged between them like hello etc, he followed from a distance and when they realised he was there behind them then alarm bells started ringing in their heads hence Libby recording. I could easily see that being the scenario. Whether he knew they were going to be there or even knew of them is another story, one which I’m not sure on anymore given everything we know.
At the site of the trail memorial where they were dropped off, the trail forks off. If you take the south trail, it eventually ends on the banks of the creek. The grass down there, which was at least chest high when I was out there over the summer, would be matted down from the previous snow in February and was in this condition when I was there in March of this year. You could easily walk this area and have a view of the bridge from the south, see how far they were along on the bridge, and make it back up the hill and go across the bridge.
At the site of the trail memorial where they were dropped off, the trail forks off. If you take the south trail, it eventually ends on the banks of the creek. The grass down there, which was at least chest high when I was out there over the summer, would be matted down from the previous snow in February and was in this condition when I was there in March of this year. You could easily walk this area and have a view of the bridge from the south, see how far they were along on the bridge, and make it back up the hill and go across the bridge.
Nice to get some perspective from someone who has actually been there and traveled the piece.
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