Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #153 *ARREST - Richard Allen*

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Did the search for marathon gas station actually happen or was that just a rumor made up by the murder sheet for clicks? Because frankly I have read kegans interview and I do not think that the redacted names being discussed are TK. Since they mention "your dad" several times during the interview. As in "would you show your dad pictures....comment on hot girls?" etc along that vein. If they were going to redact his name I am sure they would also redact all the references to "your dad". Not hard to figure out who his dad is if they were concerned about redacting it.

What kegan did search for, confirmed as police question him about it is that he searched for "how long does DNA last" after the murders. He also says that the police know he didn't do it because they took his DNA the first time they interviewed him. At one point he makes a comment regarding the police knowing about all the CSAM and Anthony shots account basically right after the murder and letting him walk free. The cop responds that he had started the largest CP investigation in Indiana history. Which I infer to mean that they let him go right after the murders in order to try and get as many of these sickos as possible.

I don't know. I guess I am just sick of disingenuous youtubers and podcasters exploiting cases for clicks and basically making things up.
The fact this guy allegedly committed these heinous crimes and went back to living life as normal, IMO shows he will not plead guilty.

Many of us speculated that a SK committed these crimes but now I’m not so sure.

Maybe the amount of publicity this case had continued to get, gave this guy his thrills and he did not need to re-offend.

I hate to imagine what his photo collection looks like. If he has committed other crimes, these may also be recorded somewhere.
Getting busted on video coulda shook him straight for a bit. Then dont discount the covid years that probably kept him busy and every one distanced.
Neither am I worried that RA doesn’t resemble the sketches or any description given. I’m convinced he is BG who we have looked for all these years. It makes my heart skip a beat to look into his eyes and it’s just a picture!

The sketches could be other men who were there that day (so may or may not be involved) or RA could be the person that inspired either sketch. He looks so generic, so “everybody” in IN. It’s spooky, but don’t forget he IS the suspect.

Agree, the sketches are so different. To me, original sketch looks more like the hard to see video clip of BG, second sketch looks more like RA as far as the eyes and nose.

Hard for me to tell about the voice in some of the comparisons made by various people on YouTube, but to me, the BG voice clip along with the sketch made me think for sure BG was James Brian Chadwell at the time of his arrest.
I continuously go to the factory reset of the phone which is a known fact. This is a very smart young lady (Libby) who is more adept at technology of the time than many of us were in 2017. Something is nagging at me why she would do that. Whether it be to protect herself or others. She knew so much about phones and the capabilities as we can see in her videoing BG and eventually solving her own crime. What was the actual purpose of the factory reset? I highly doubt her phone was glitching. There is more to that story and I feel it might be yubo or that yellow site. Is that where RA contacted her and she was onto him and figured him out and threatened to turn him in. What happened a few days before they went to the bridge. All of this is moo
I don’t think KK is involved in this or involved in finding RA. I would think if he was he would have chargers related to the murders on him and he doesn’t. Didn’t get a deal or anything. What makes sense to me is maybe RAs wife found something and turned him in. But I really don’t know.
Murder charge was never downgraded, not sure why do you think it was?
Fox 59 reported it.

It says now that felony murder is what is listed as the charges.
I mostly agree. We have nothing public that ties RA to KAK.

However, we do have not just one, but two massive timing coincidences involving them. The first one you point out, KAK was catfishing one of the victims right before the crime. He also reportedly searched for the gas station address in Delphi on the day of the crime (though the only source for this is the Murder Sheet). He also reportedly admitted to waiting in a car while the murders were committed (ditto).

The second timing coincidence is that RA's name reportedly came back up during the exact period this summer that LE was interviewing KAK frequently, transferring him from one location to another, and apparently making searches based off what they learned from him.

Those two things really could just both be coincidences, but they are highly suggestive of a connection.
Great points. To me, the thing pointing against it is that there was no delay in his hearing or setting KAK's trial. It doesn't mean they don't have something in the works or under seal and that's all theater but I imagine there are ways to hide his cooperation that would not involve going to court and setting a trial date.

This all makes me think of one scenario where it could connect and play out the way it has -- that KAK was involved but prosecutors believe he did not commit a felony as a part of the process so it could not trigger the conspiracy or felony murder rules. Indiana, I believe, also just narrowed its felony murder rule so simply being involved in a felony that leads to someone's death does not result in a murder charge unless the defendant engaged in “dangerously violent and threatening conduct” during the commission of the felony in where a person was killed.

If so, that would make KAK a witness -- one who might get a consideration letter from prosecutors at sentencing in his other case.
Felony murder. I wonder if that's why the sudden 20m$ bond. Is that what was listed under the felony murder statute? Rhetorical. I'm just wondering that.
They downgraded to felony murder from what though? We don't have "felony murder" charges in Indiana. We have murder, which is a felony offense.
Fox 59 reported it.

It says now that felony murder is what is listed as the charges.

That's not what happened. Previously we just heard from the LE Press Conference that RA was charged with "murder." LE did not specify which IL state statute he was charged under.

Once the Court posted the actual charges on the docket, we learned it was 35-4-1-1(2). 35-42-1-1 is the general section for murder. Under that statute, there is subsection (1) intentional and knowing murder; (2) felony murder; and (3) killing in connection with drug dealing.

Nothing changed or was downgraded. We are simply getting more accurate and detailed information as time goes on.
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