Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #158

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Posting this with updated opinions as i feel it will help many members and visitors on this forum.

In my opinion RA is guilty of the murders and will be found guilty in a court of law.I believe he acted alone during the murders and was alone with the 2 victims at scene of the murders....that being said here are some thoughts

1) IMO RA went to LE first (Friendly conservation officer?) to let them know he was on the bridge but did not see the girls or anything suspicious.He did this because he knew the other 3 girls saw him leaving the area and would surely tell LE of his presence on the bridge that day. IMO the 3 girl witneses statement came AFTER RA made his "helpful info report" This is a KEY reason RA got away for so long.

His report went unnoticed for several different reasons. One being in the very early stages of the investigation the initial description of the suspect looked nothing like RA.Another is The " local friendly" LE he made his "helpfull tip" too never thought twice about it ,as his statement like several others on the bridge that day was originally OFFERED in good faith from concerned local citizens trying to help LE (RA went to them to help,they did not go looking for him). At the time his "tip" was given, LE probably had not gained access to the victims phones and that video yet.The "friendly" LE officer probably had no knowledge of the 40call bullit found as he was not "in the know" on that piece of information let aloine if RA owned a 40cal. By the time the video and alternate description came out,who knows how many tips and reports that same officer made.Would it have been nice if the officer made that connection back in 2017 ? yes ofcoarse...should we blame him for not making the connection? Absolutley not ..Add KK, into the mix and all the lies he brought to the investigation.the landowners lies,DN lies and the numerous SO in the area that were also suspects and you have a perfect storm for RA to miracuously fly under the radar...until...they revisit the ENTIRE CASE and EVERY REPORT made in the case in late 2022.

The report RA made was never looked at until recently by new investigators (Kathy Shank?) who found the old "tipster" report and then made the connection with bullit/gun ownership and/or the fact RA was on the bridge that day and mtched the description almost to a T ,as she possibly knew what RA looked like due to her being a customer of cvs or within an official capicity dealing with her child protective case and medications for minors ..or both. Other then the 1 report she was looking at ,there was no mention of RA anywhere in the entire investigation(AHA! MOMENT).IMO Once that connection was made everything else fell into place:the gun,dna,boot prints,blood...etc. They never looked at RA at all , let alone as a suspect until this newest connection was made. He got very lucky to get away with it for so long.I Would not put blame on LE but rather bad timing and back luck .

2) Docs state that Along with RA's 40cal sig they also took his clothes,jacket and BOOTS...I believe they matched boot prints from the scene to his boots .The dox state one eye witness stated RA looked bloody and MUDDY. Muddy means boot prints.

3) RA during his first "tipster statement" said he parked at the Farm Beauro building (actually the old cps building) I do not think this was a mistake on his part.This is a very small town ,everybody knows everybody and what buildings were what.he knew what the building was previously. IMO He did not want to utter the words "child protective services building" to LE ...either out of pure guilt or a connection to that building/agency he did not want to reveal or both.. This is possibly how Kathy Shank comes into the picture ?

3) LE states BOTH victims clothes were found a distance away from their bodies by a a water source. This would lead me to believe he had some sort of sexual contact with the victims and may have left DNA that has now been matched to him.
AS i stated in my earlier post I believe they have RA dead to rights guilty. They used the 40cal and eye witness statements that align with the time frames victim were at the bridge for probable cause to charge him. When it comes closer to trial I feel more substantial evidence against him will come out. IE boot prints,his dna on victims, victims dna on his clothes.

5) IMO RA returned to the bridge with his own daughter in early 2018 but after feb 14th and took the pic to set up an "im a good daddy " alibi if he was to need one in the future : "Well I go to that bridge all the time...I even go with my own daughter! Why do you think I tried to help yall in 2017" I noticed in the pic RAs wife posted to Facebook in 2018 that the leaves on the trees are missing , leading me to believe the photo was taken early 2018 So I did a search for news articles about Delphi murders from jan2018-april2018 and located and interesting video of a press conference at the bridge on the 1 year anniversary of the victims murders. Not only does the State Police exclude DN as a suspect he goes on to say the following:
SP Superintendent Carter said. “I came to plead and implore you to keep this out front and center.”
Carter went on to address why the Delphi case is so personal to him.

“It’s personal to me because those two young girls were everybody’s DAUGHTERS,” Carter said. “In this beautiful place that represents the very best of humanity, and look what happened.”

I believe RA saw this news conference, realized the heat was back on and took his daughter to the bridge to again make himself seem like a good local family man that visited the area often ,even with his own Daughter and back up his previous "tipster info he made to LE in 2017
Link to news conference

6)These dox do not contain ALL of the evidence against RA !!!!! They contain ENOUGH evidence to charge him !!!
Imo there is ALOT more evidence that has not been released yet. I.E. boot prints,his DNA on them, possibly their DNA on his belongings...and possible "trophy" he kepy

This Case is not hinged on 1 single unspent 40cal bullit and a descripton of a man in jeans and a hooded jacket

7)These decades long career LEO's and Sheriffs did not get on National live TV Press conference in tears to announce an arrest unless they had a MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE against RA !!!


P.S. This is post #777 in this enitre thread so you kind of have to listen a lil bit lol ;)
Good post! And I agree he will most likely be found guilty but very sloppy police work.
Only 15% of households own individual stocks so it's definitely not as typical as checking email or social media. It just seems like a really weird thing to say you are doing walking on a bridge before you're about to kill some kids.
People own stock through their retirement plans and can change the plans.

The issue is moot as he was LYING.

I doubt that RA realized Libby had recorded ‘the man’ on the bridge ordering the girls DTH, nor had earlier sent the SnapChat of bridge photos, placing them on that bridge at a specific time. So his mistake was possibility not intending to incriminate himself by admitting to being on the bridge believing nobody else knew the connection.

If not for the video and SC, nobody but the murderer could’ve known the bridge had any involvement with the murders with any degree of certainty. Why Libby indeed was a hero IMO. It likely would’ve been presumed the girls’ initial encounter with the murderer occurred somewhere under the bridge near the creek.

So indeed RA could’ve been on the bridge and didn’t see them, no big deal IF it hadn’t become known the girls were also on the same bridge.

She really was so very brave
I’m sure it’s been discussed, but any ideas about what brought him to the bridge at that time in the afternoon with a weapon(s) in the first place? The KK connection can’t be a total coincidence - can it? The PC reads like he was a lone wolf, but I’m sure there’s a lot being held back (I hope).
I have no idea what went wrong but clearly a massive break down in communication.

I mean even when you read it and it says

* Potential follow up information: Who were the three girls walking in the area of Freedom Bridge*

That’s what the guy took from RA’s statement not the man who is placing himself at a scene.

Also did he get a bang on the head as why didn’t he follow it up as he couldn’t have forgotten the man coming into see him and as more of the story unfolded why didn’t her check it had been followed up?!

RBBM above and JMO below.

The “potential follow up information” makes sense if the report — aka the 2017 RA narrative — was made when the search was a Missing Persons investigation and not a murder investigation.

The state CO’s focus was on locating Abby and Libby. Could they have been two of the three girls?

Why no follow-up? That’s the HUGE QUESTION.

The 2017 RA narrative was preserved in some capacity but seemingly didn’t get properly transferred to the murder investigation case file / database.

Thank goodness it was finally found.

But he admitted he was ON THE BRIDGE wearing those clothes at the time of the murder. So it's not really the clothes, it's that they have video of the kidnapper who was wearing those clothes on the bridge at the time of the murder.

Unless there were two guys on the bridge wearing the same clothes at the same time he's kind of SOL. The PCA made a big deal of the fact that witnesses only saw one person matching that description. It wasn't like a dad convention, where lots of 40-50 year old guys wearing carhart jackets were gathered to watch fish on the bridge as one does.


We have to be careful to use the right statistical analysis

One time entering a restaurant with my partner, I was stopped by 4 police who asked me where I had been. Turned out they were looking for a guy who did some crime in a blue jacket. I was wearing a blue jacket. My partner laughed and said "mr jitty is not the person you are looking for! Then the cops all started laughing as well, and I am standing there perplexed. :oops:

Of course in a crowded inner city neighbourhood with 100s of people on the streets, many in blue, it was obvious that the chances they had the right (boring middle aged) guy was close to 0% - and they saw the absurdity of it when my partner laughed in their face.

But imagine this.

Someone enters the restaurant at 6pm in a blue jacket. There are 10 customers. On video, he steals money and exits.

The next day, when questioned by police, I admit I was in the restaurant at 6pm wearing a blue jacket.

This is completely different, whether blue jackets are common does not matter in the second scenario
I’m sure it’s been discussed, but any ideas about what brought him to the bridge at that time in the afternoon with a weapon(s) in the first place? The KK connection can’t be a total coincidence - can it? The PC reads like he was a lone wolf, but I’m sure there’s a lot being held back (I hope).
Still hard to tell if he was a lone wolf who just happened to be out scouting for a victim that day.
Or if he was part of the fake shots account.
If he did act alone will be one of the most insane coincidences with one of the girls talking to that account. And the fact the account told one of the friends they had planned to meet Libby on the very day of the murders.
When Allen was first arrested there was a reporter who made the claim they had come across Allen after looking through old tips.
The PC does state they were looking through old tips when they came across the Allen interview he did way back in 2017.
I think it’s safe to say that the “one piece away” was finding out who owned the Sig Sauer P226, that matched the bullet from at the CS.

mOO ymmv JMVHAspieO
(Sorry if someone else already said this and I missed it), but I agree -- and I think it's the reason LE has been silent about the bullet all this time. I think they believed (correctly) that the killer either wasn't aware he had left it behind, or wasn't aware that ejection marks could be used to match it to his weapon. The only way to keep him from disposing of the gun was for LE to stay mum on the finding of the bullet, until they had a specific weapon with which to compare it.

I do think it's odd, though, that LE couldn't have identified him earlier, by looking for nearby registered gun owners (or ammo purchasers) whose weapons used that type of ammunition, and cross-referencing it with, oh, I don't know, the list of people who were known to be at the bridge that day!?
She really was so very brave

I mean in most cases, if the PCA revealed that prosecutors had a video of the perp in the middle of the kidnapping, everyone would be thinking the evidence was massive - but because we already know about the video, the evidence can seem less. The video is a disaster for the defence, it just needed to be linked to the killer - which he did when he placed himself at the scene.

I also think if the tip was followed up in '17, most people would think he is obviously the killer.

As with the McStays, the years of mystery complicated a simple story which should have been solved in the first days.
I said many moons ago, why didn't police to a full reconstruction of known events that day with witness statements and all possible sightings and broadcast it to the nation?
The UK used to have a show on prime time TV called Crimewatch that did that very thing and it had a very high success rate in solving crimes.
It pulls everything together. Things like the car would have been made public with any details that witnesses had provided. A map showing the known movements around the trails of the suspicious character matching the suspects description based on witness statements. If they knew there was a gun involved, then the possible make and model would have been made public. It would have made police put everything together, which clearly doesn't seem to have happened here as well as jogging the memory of many others in the local community?
Because that* would have made SENSE and likely had this one solved far sooner.
I do think it's odd, though, that LE couldn't have identified him earlier, by looking for nearby registered gun owners (or ammo purchasers) whose weapons used that type of ammunition, and cross-referencing it with, oh, I don't know, the list of people who were known to be at the bridge that day!?
Agreed. I think they got tunnel vision with RL, and then the Ks.
The documents imply that he knew who he was meeting, when and where.

In LE's defense, however, none of the listed witnesses saw his face. No-one saw him with the victims. They described a person of somewhat his size and wearing similar, but not identical clothing. The car descriptions described cars that were wildly different but described as similar. Did the interviewer know to ask about guns? Was there actually enough evidence to obtain a search warrant for his home?

It does seem, however, that LE should have revisited him at some time over the last few years, since he did place himself at the scene and would be one of only a few people known to be present at that time. He should at least be evaluated as a witness if not a POI.

If a search warrant had been obtained initially and later disallowed, the gun evidence would be disallowed and the prosecutions case would fall apart.

I suspect some new evidence, or rediscovered old evidence, gave LE probable cause for a search warrant.
At this point, i'm leaning towards the detective assigned to this case messed up big time in not following up on an adult male who claimed to be on the trails that day. The PCA at one point states it was an "interview", but they also call it a "tip" twice. It seems to me that the officer that reported this did not formally interview RA and sent it in through channels that were similar to those that the public could provide tips. The fact that they call it a "tip narrative" bolsters this assertion. The fact that detectives or any other LE on this case did not follow-up on this "tip" is insane. From what they've released so far, if RA hadn't approached an officer to say he was there and the officer didn't tip it in, LE would have nothing to link RA to the scene and he may have never come on the radar.

You make a valid point but I wonder what date this “prior tip” was submitted by someone within DNR, if not the actual conservation officer, to the Delphi taskforce. The way it reads, was the tip sent in 2017 or was it that the tip narrative between RA and the conservation officer that occurred in 2017?

Earlier iirc an anonymous police source indicated the tip was originally classed as unfounded. Unfounded by the conservation officer, DNR, or the taskforce?

Different agencies, divisions, units and even departments are notorious for being lax in sharing important information at the best of times. JMO

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I mean in most cases, if the PCA revealed that prosecutors had a video of the perp in the middle of the kidnapping, everyone would be thinking the evidence was massive - but because we already know about the video, the evidence can seem less. The video is a disaster for the defence, it just needed to be linked to the killer - which he did when he placed himself at the scene.

I also think if the tip was followed up in '17, most people would think he is obviously the killer.

As with the McStays, the years of mystery complicated a simple story which should have been solved in the first days.
Imagine this case if LG hadn't recorded what she did? This kid handed them her killer on a silver platter! I can't wait to find out *where* they found her phone and what condition it was found in! I'd like to know if the killer tried to view her photos, or if he added something of his own to her phone? I'd like to know if he even knew she recorded him or if that surprised the daylights out of him and sent him into a panic!! I'd really like to know what *his* reaction was to seeing himself on tv approaching them, and then hearing his own damn voice? No wonder he'd want to know what police knew! There probably were not enough wet wipes in the world to clean the mess he made of himself that day!
If he did act alone will be one of the most insane coincidences with one of the girls talking to that account.


I wonder if it is not as insane as we think?

If you take the population of all vulnerable females being catfished or some variant, is there not a reasonable chance that one of those females somewhere in America would be murdered?

So it seems too coincidental in the context of this case, but in the total population of this crime, it is bound to happen sooner or later?
The problem is Libby’s sister was invited on the walk but she had to work so said no.

If Libby had secret plans to meet a boy she would not of taken her older sister who no doubt would have been furious and told their parents straight away because of the dangers involved.

This is why I don’t believe there was some ulterior motive that afternoon to go and meet a strange boy. Moo
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I Re-read the PCA (an actually copy and not cell phone picture) and had a night’s sleep. A few random things, I Noticed:

2. There are two trail heads/entrances one by the freedom bridge parking lot etc. that RA and seemingly most of the witnesses used, And another like half way to the Monon high bridge which is where A & L were dropped off (not sure what if any significance that has but I had not noticed before).

(**as an aside would have been pretty damn wild if someone had driven a purple PT cruiser to do a murder or any type of crime ...)

Amazing what a good night's rest can do for the mind. Sleeping is underrated.

Gently snipped post for focus

Yes, there were two trailheads! Now, there is just the one at Freedom Bridge as the entrance across from the Mears' was closed off/barricaded after their murders. The now closed entrance location across from the Mears' big red home is where the girls were dropped off by KG. When MP arrived that afternoon, MP parked up that hill and in the Mears' driveway.

Several vehicles are mentioned as being parked at the Old CPS. Perhaps there were pre-arranged visitors to the CS. After learning about KAK, admitting he and his father parked and waited near the Bridge, I expected a witness or someone to claim they saw a red Jeep at the Old CPS. A purple PT Cruiser and the "smart car" may have belonged to co-conspirators. I suspect RA did not act entirely alone. He kept so much direct evidence!

RA killed the children and likely financially profited from doing so by producing/selling c p and or snuff footage. :dunno:
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