Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #160

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I won't speak for the OP's intent on the left-handed statement, but back in the day, there was a lot of talk about what appeared to be a gun visible near BG's right pocket. Some swear they see it, some don't, and like everything else with that image, it's plain too grainy to say with any certainty. I do know that there were a few on here who thought they saw a gun and guessed down to the very model, and were correct if we assume the Sig Sauer.

I'm in the camp where I see it. For those of us who think we do, there's disagreement on how he might be carrying it. Many think he has it in a holster, and if that is the case, and it's on his right side, that would likely make him left-handed because usually you cross your arm across your body to pull the gun out of its holster with your shooting hand. Aside from a cross-eye dominance issue, that makes sense. However, I don't personally think he has his gun holstered. I think it's shoved in his jacket pocket, which suggests a couple of things, IMO, and it's my very amateur opinion at that.

I think if the gun was loose in his pocket, it was likely put there rather hastily, and probably on his dominant side, making him right-handed (unless cross-eye dominant). So not your typical "out on a walk with your concealed carry on" scenario, but a "grab your gun and go" type scenario, if that makes sense. To me it is one more clue that this person might have left for the trail in a rush, and planned to use that gun when he left his vehicle...JMO.

Agree with all of this.
Initially, many moons ago, when this case was still very young, I “saw” the gun in BG’s jacket pocket and deduced he was left-handed.
Now I look at that picture and I’m not so sure it’s even a gun. Not sure what it might be, but still looks mostly like a gun.
Pictures of RA playing pool show him playing right-handed which would mean nothing really. It could be an eye dominance thing like you suggest. Or he could just be a little ambidextrous. I am no doubt left-handed, but play the guitar and throw a ball right handed.
About where RA was when the girls walked to the bridge, I find it curious he's not visible in the photo of Abby. It was posted 2:07 pm at the river and video of BG was 2:13 at the end of the bridge.. I doubt he would have had time to go back to trail (check if anyone is coming like many have suggested). He could have waited a while at the beginning of the bridge to see if girls are about to keep going or just turn back after the river and make the decision to go after them once they moved forward. Or he could have walked to the end of the bridge himself, or stay on some of the middle platforms, and then go after them once they passed him.

Either way he must have made some weird impression on them, since I doubt only turning back after them would have been suspicious enough to start filming him. All they know he could have started his walk at the other end of the bridge and turned innocently back for that reason, so there must have been more. Also the witnesses said he was creepy. In what way? To me not talking and/or glaring others does not make you creepy, I do that all the time.. (then again I'm from Finland so )

If they commented about the gun in the mids of video he must have pulled that out that time, so its not that what initially made them scared. But that surely is the reason they didnt run for it, that or someone else at the end of the bridge (which I doubt), cause why else not flee?

IMO he only went back far enough to see around the bend back to the drop off spot. that's all he would have needed.
I know...Daily Mail....

EXCLUSIVE: Murdered Delphi teens were intended victims of ‘botched' child sex kidnap plot, cops believe, as investigators dig up DEAD CAT to try to match hairs found on girls to alleged killer’s pet​

  • Richard Allen, 50, was allegedly part of a child sex ring that planned to kidnap slain Delphi teens Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, in 2017
  • Allen, who is charged with the murders, is believed to have acted with at least two other men in a plot to kidnap and rape the girls, sources told
  • A source claimed the suspected killer has ties to 28-year-old pedophile Kegan Kline, of Peru, Indiana - who was previously named as a suspect in the murders
  • Both have also been linked to Ron Logan, who authorities previously pegged as the suspect in the case after the girls' bodies were found on his property
  • Investigators believe that the plan had been for Allen to kidnap the girls and bring them to Logan's home where he and, allegedly Kline, would rape them
  • The source says police dug up Allen's dead cat to see if its hairs matched hairs found on the girls' bodies
You can tell it’s the Daily Mail article :D

So RL involved and he let them use his property because when you’re involved in such a plot you use your property to leave the bodies. That just makes complete sense ( NOT)

So 3 people involved and not a brain cell between them it would seem.

It’s the Daily Mail doing what it does. Anything is possible, of course, and while the account of the crime stretches credulity somewhat, it’s not impossible some aspects of it are correct. But it seems more likely to me that the “source” here has read some of the unconfirmed speculation that can be found online and then connected a few dots to create a story.
I know...Daily Mail....

EXCLUSIVE: Murdered Delphi teens were intended victims of ‘botched' child sex kidnap plot, cops believe, as investigators dig up DEAD CAT to try to match hairs found on girls to alleged killer’s pet​

  • Richard Allen, 50, was allegedly part of a child sex ring that planned to kidnap slain Delphi teens Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, in 2017
  • Allen, who is charged with the murders, is believed to have acted with at least two other men in a plot to kidnap and rape the girls, sources told
  • A source claimed the suspected killer has ties to 28-year-old pedophile Kegan Kline, of Peru, Indiana - who was previously named as a suspect in the murders
  • Both have also been linked to Ron Logan, who authorities previously pegged as the suspect in the case after the girls' bodies were found on his property
  • Investigators believe that the plan had been for Allen to kidnap the girls and bring them to Logan's home where he and, allegedly Kline, would rape them
  • The source says police dug up Allen's dead cat to see if its hairs matched hairs found on the girls' bodies

I hope this is true because it neatly ties the case together.
I know...Daily Mail....

EXCLUSIVE: Murdered Delphi teens were intended victims of ‘botched' child sex kidnap plot, cops believe, as investigators dig up DEAD CAT to try to match hairs found on girls to alleged killer’s pet​

  • Richard Allen, 50, was allegedly part of a child sex ring that planned to kidnap slain Delphi teens Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, in 2017
  • Allen, who is charged with the murders, is believed to have acted with at least two other men in a plot to kidnap and rape the girls, sources told
  • A source claimed the suspected killer has ties to 28-year-old pedophile Kegan Kline, of Peru, Indiana - who was previously named as a suspect in the murders
  • Both have also been linked to Ron Logan, who authorities previously pegged as the suspect in the case after the girls' bodies were found on his property
  • Investigators believe that the plan had been for Allen to kidnap the girls and bring them to Logan's home where he and, allegedly Kline, would rape them
  • The source says police dug up Allen's dead cat to see if its hairs matched hairs found on the girls' bodies
I like how you started with "I know...Daily Mail....". *chuckle* I can pretty accurately call a DM or NYP headline before I even check which "MSM" it is.

Interesting though, for whoever wrote that article, is that they teamed up RL, KAK & RMA. I haven't totally crossed the 3 of them off my list yet.
He got the job after what? I'm not understanding. He (and the murders) were obviously way before Covid. And he had the CVS job at the time of the murders (and before):

The grandmother of Libby German said the man arrested and accused of killing her granddaughter also was the man who printed off pictures for Libby’s funeral.

So what am I missing? What are you saying he got the job after? Truly just trying to understand because I'm drawing a blank. :)

Position. Job was not the proper term.
the image of BG is a jellyfish, amoeba ,shape shifting, mushy mess.

you literally cannot put your finger on anything....maybe because it's pure evil in motion. mOO
Jellyfish have jellyfish brains and do jellyfish things.

RA has a brain we should donate to science. Soon.

That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if his reptilian brain dwarfs his human brain, by which I mean he lacks synapses in the nice part of his brain. When you take away kindness, compassion, sympathy, responsibility, you get a monster -- a monster who wears shoes, a monster who walks among us, and a monster who steals -- because he believes he's entitled to. Steals children, steals innocence, takes what is not his to take -- without compunctiion. And only looks back to relive it.

Shape-shifter, for sure. Hiding in plain sight. Disguised as a husband, father, employee.

I have more faith in jellyfish.

I was wrong about RL too. Disgusting group of criminals. And now we know for sure the cause of death (though we all speculated exactly this scenario)
The pet hair is interesting. I remember an interview where Abby's cat would not leave the newsperson alone while he was interviewing Anna.
I guess they would have known if the hair found at the scene belonged to either of their pets.

Williams had a pet cat and German had a pet dog. Anna said planning the food drive makes the families feel good because they think the girls would have appreciated it.

I respect your opinion; I just wanted to say when everyone thought KK or TK was BG and could see them as BG I was very concerned that if they were ever prosecuted for the murder all the defense would need to do is bring out the picture/video of BG. At least with RA, he's the right height, shape, size to be BG. He's already said he was there and on the bridge, so I'm feeling a lot better about RA being BG.

As far as the jacket RA/BG was wearing, it's been said it's a carhart, now whether it was a legit Carhart brand or Carhart type jacket remains to be seen, but since we can't see the distinctive carhart logo on the front, I'm guessing it's not. In the pics of RA in his blue jacket that were posted on many MSM sites, it definitely looks like a thinner fabric, rather than canvas. JMO

The hat? Yeah we can just agree to disagree, I never saw the floppy ear hat thing.
Caharrt does make a thinner material jacket.
Yeah, it's awkward in there, for sure. But if the barrel was down, the handle would be near the pocket opening and maybe more likely to fall out, IMO. But that's also kind of my point. I think he grabbed his gun and shoved it in his pocket without much care. The positioning it appears to be in the video (where many disagree if it's even a gun), is just awkward no matter how you think he's carrying it. It's not positioned like it's holstered, either, IMO, handle down, barrel up and pointed back towards his elbow. I think he likely started to pull it out right after the part we see in the video, which would have given him plenty of time to get it positioned correctly in his hand before he reached the girls. Lots of room for debate on the whole thing, though, since we really can't tell what's going on in that video. JMO.

It also begs the question...did somebody hand him the gun before he put it in his pocket, so they were holding the handle and he grabbed the barrel? Or vice versa, he pulled it out by the barrel and handed it to someone so they could have the handle? Or is he cross-eye dominant, so he shoved it in his pocket with his dominant hand so he could pull it out by the barrel and put it into his left hand handle first? I'm not trying to start a's just something I've wondered.
MOO he put it in his pocket that way to minimize it flopping around as he walked. It would be a little awkward to pull out needing two hands briefly.
Did the girls pass him on that first platform or as he was walking back off as something made Libby suspicious?

We know there was a mention of a gun on the recording so how did they know he had a gun before he pulled it on them?

The sequence is super strange because Abby looks super chilled out on the picture Libby took and we can’t see BG in the background.

MOO Her bridge pic is like one minute before the horror commences.
I know...Daily Mail....

EXCLUSIVE: Murdered Delphi teens were intended victims of ‘botched' child sex kidnap plot, cops believe, as investigators dig up DEAD CAT to try to match hairs found on girls to alleged killer’s pet​

  • Richard Allen, 50, was allegedly part of a child sex ring that planned to kidnap slain Delphi teens Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, in 2017
  • Allen, who is charged with the murders, is believed to have acted with at least two other men in a plot to kidnap and rape the girls, sources told
  • A source claimed the suspected killer has ties to 28-year-old pedophile Kegan Kline, of Peru, Indiana - who was previously named as a suspect in the murders
  • Both have also been linked to Ron Logan, who authorities previously pegged as the suspect in the case after the girls' bodies were found on his property
  • Investigators believe that the plan had been for Allen to kidnap the girls and bring them to Logan's home where he and, allegedly Kline, would rape them
  • The source says police dug up Allen's dead cat to see if its hairs matched hairs found on the girls' bodies

If L was being tracked, it makes sense she might've had a secret phone, part of grooming.

If true, RA messed up. He took one phone but left the phone which recorded his image.

Does anyone else remember in the first presser as after RA's arrest, a reporter asked if RL was still a suspect? And the Chief said, "no comment?" That gave me pause even though I didn't think RL was involved. Imo.
Well this is certainly a lot. It seems that there were kernels of truth in everything talked about/investigated before today’s revelations. If it took this long to put together the entire case, and everyone involved is named and prosecuted, it won’t be too long. This wasn’t simple.
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