IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #163

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  • Allen is living in the prison’s A-pod, which is a segregated maximum security unit with additional security within the prison. The unit houses felons who have been convicted of serious crimes such as murder and child molestation.
  • The Delphi murders defendant is the only pre-trial (non-convicted) inmate currently housed in the prison’s maximum security unit, and the only pre-trial inmate assigned to the unit during the four years that Galipeau has been warden at the prison.
  • Since arriving at the prison last fall, Allen has been living in a 12’ x 8-1/2’ cell that is equipped with a mattress on a secured bed frame, a toilet and a bible.
  • Allen’s cell is equipped with a surveillance camera that records his activities 24 hours a day.
  • The warden assigned Allen to a segregated (individual) cell because the high-profile nature of Allen’s crime involving children places him at a higher risk of retaliation and violence from other inmates. Galipeau said he would be concerned about Allen's safety if he were to place him in the general population of Westville Correctional Facility.
  • Allen is permitted to shower three times per week, and he is allowed one hour of recreation time outside his cell five times per week.
  • The defendant is provided three sets of clothing each week. He also has access to the prison commissary and has purchased socks, shoes and shirts, according to the warden.
  • Each inmate, including Allen, is provided an electronic tablet that allows him to listen to music, watch movies and make phone calls. Those calls can be accessed and monitored by a prison investigator.
  • Unlike other inmates in the maximum security unit, Allen is permitted to have face-to-face visits with his family.
  • When Allen is being transported from his cell to other locations within the prison, he is placed in chains/cuffs around his hands, feet and torso, and is sometimes transported with a restraint chain, which his defense team described as a leash similar to those used to walk a dog.
  • Allen has been on “suicide watch” since last fall. The warden testified that Allen’s mental health seemed to decline a few months after he arrived when the defendant “received his legal paperwork.”
  • Because he is on suicide watch, the Indiana Department of Corrections has stationed a prison officer outside Allen’s cell around the clock. It used to be another inmate who was posted at Allen’s cell door as part of the facility’s “companion program,” but the warden said that changed once Allen’s mental state declined.
  • Allen has written the warden five or six letters while in prison. He did not elaborate on the topic of those letters.
  • He acknowledged Allen has lost considerable weight since arriving at Westville, but Galipeau said the defendant’s vital signs have remained within a “normal range” and he receives almost daily checkups by the prison’s medical and mental health staff.

Thanks for posting this, again I have to ask how is he being treated cruelly? He is a Defendant is one of the most high profile double child murder case in IN history. He is a huge security risk to himself, the staff and other prisoners. They are trying to keep him alive, believe me, no way do they want something to happen him while in their custody.

I in no way condone abuse of prisoners period. But after reading this, to me, it seems his living quarters are as good as can be expected considering the situation. This grossly overstated, sensationalized, version of his living conditions by the Defense is backfiring in spectacular fashion.

Fakers gonna fake, fake, fake. RA knows exactly what he is doing.

personally , I think this is all a ruse by a manipulative psychopath...the weight loss, the crappy shirt, the cry baby routine..
it's all a bunch of bs and he will pull drama whenever he thinks it will benefit I think he will kill himself? he will try it, to get sympathy and place doubt on his ability to sit through trial..I hate when they call him "Rick " and act like he is their pool buddy...did they hear about him telling his wife he was going to beat the f out of her in the parking lot of the bar..??? yeah good ole' Rick...

word of advice to the defense....

PauPau didn't work for Murdaugh and this curtsey talk isn't gonna play in Indiana. mOO
Something I try to remind myself is that most if not all murderers are master manipulators. Moo
So do you have no concern that any of the defense's complaints could be an issue later? Capt Lewis stated he'd never had a pretrial defendant housed there. We already know pretrial defendants almost universally stay in county jails.

They certainly didn't disprove that he is housed the same as a sentenced convicted inmate and they admitted a noticeable weight loss. They didn't disprove his meetings with attorneys were being monitored, with RA shackled and made to sit in the middle of a room facing the camera. This would not occur at a county jail. They didn't disprove the difficulty the attorneys have getting appointments and an adequate room to visit their client. Some admission of mental decline, even tho the claim was the onset was upon being given his "legal papers". Guards are not qualified to assess his mental decline.
I find it appalling that a judge had to issue an order to prohibit DOC from interfering with attorney-client meetings.
But I also realize the prison is not a place set up for defendants waiting for trial.

Are you convinced that there could never be an appeal or a consequence to this situation, so they should just carry on without concern?
This post is about the legal system and process, not personal feelings about the crime or defendant.

I have no concerns that the defense’s complaints could become issues later since testimony yesterday debunked the defense’s complaints about mistreatment and torture.
RA is a pre-trial inmate housed in a prison for his protection. That has some merit. His lawyers say their inconvenience may affect their working his case. Also valid. If the judge wants to move him I have no problem with that. RA will be less safe and will not have the availability of mental health help daily, but at least his lawyers won’t be inconvenienced.
I’m appalled that defense attorneys would fabricate and exaggerate RA’s living conditions with misleading and inflammatory language like “torture” and “treated like a POW” among other descriptions.
I‘m sure there will be appeals but not about these things. The judge will make her final decision on where he will go and that will be the end of it.
Many thanks! I was sure I saw that but couldn't find it. Daubert and Franks are both new to me and I thought they were worth discussion.
It sounds like they're attacking the gun evidence on two separate grounds:
1. The tool mark expert isn't a real expert and shouldn't be allowed to testify that the bullet matches the gun (Daubert hearing).
2. The search warrant for the house was invalid because LE lied in the affidavit supporting it (Franks hearing).
TY Starry
The only thing I saw was the mention of him speaking with his attorney and it being monitored. So I have misunderstood what someone else misquoted on another site.

Minazoe TY! I meant no offensiveness to anyone and you stated it far better than I did. He showed Abby and Libby no mercy therefore he should get none.

In regards to his meetings with his attorneys being videoed(no audio) in testimony yesterday it was revealed that that is always done in case the inmate attacks his attorney.
It sounds like they're attacking the gun evidence on two separate grounds:
1. The tool mark expert isn't a real expert and shouldn't be allowed to testify that the bullet matches the gun (Daubert hearing).
2. The search warrant for the house was invalid because LE lied in the affidavit supporting it (Franks hearing).
Thank you. Can you venture a guess as to what they think LE may have lied about?
Thank you. Can you venture a guess as to what they think LE may have lied about?
I have no idea. It's hard to know what evidence they had prior to that search. They would have had his initial statement and the witness statements about seeing a man. But the interviews where he described his clothes were the same day as the search, so hard to see how that could have been used. And they didn't have the gun yet.

So something to do with the initial statement, witness statements or maybe the security camera footage. But just total guesswork at this point.
I have no idea. It's hard to know what evidence they had prior to that search. They would have had his initial statement and the witness statements about seeing a man. But the interviews where he described his clothes were the same day as the search, so hard to see how that could have been used. And they didn't have the gun yet.

So something to do with the initial statement, witness statements or maybe the security camera footage. But just total guesswork at this point.
Thanks for the reply; food for thought. Now I'm going to have to re-read the PCA for the umpteenth time.
I think he is changing his physical appearance to a point that the jury will not be able to identify the man in the court room as the man on the video.

I think it will be doable for the prosecution to get around that—IIRC they were able to present younger photos of Paul and Ruben Flores in their recent trials despite the case being 25+ years old at that point.
I think it will be doable for the prosecution to get around that—IIRC they were able to present younger photos of Paul and Ruben Flores in their recent trials despite the case being 25+ years old at that point.
it is a futile thing to do.

But stacked against his confessions....
He is hedging bets.
The three juvenile witnesses told LE they saw a man on the trail near FB. I might be wrong, but I believe those juveniles were involved in the OBG sketch. JMO. At CrimeCon 2018, JH talked about how they investigated the witness claims for months until they were sure the man the witnesses saw was in fact on the trail and the man from L's phone, etc. All that time, LE was laser focused on this man the juveniles saw. (I have no idea how the April 2019 PC comes into play).

Well, in 2017, the only man the three juveniles saw also told a CO that he saw the three juveniles. So, however that information got lost in the shuffle, it was there all along, and they basically corroborated each others' stories. So, once LE went back and found that information, I think they jumped on RA because he was the man who saw the juveniles, therefore he was the man the juveniles saw.

Now, the key is what LE knew through their investigation that led them to believe so strongly that the man the juveniles saw was BG. Was it strictly the clothing and timing, or was there more? At that point in time, I don't think the gun was significant, at least not until an arrest. JMO.
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I think he is changing his physical appearance to a point that the jury will not be able to identify the man in the court room as the man on the video.


Let's not forget that the prosecution will probably choose to show that cringy bar video. You know where our decrepit RA bounced around the room like a Pogo stick one month before the murders.

I have no concerns that the defense’s complaints could become issues later since testimony yesterday debunked the defense’s complaints about mistreatment and torture.
RA is a pre-trial inmate housed in a prison for his protection. That has some merit. His lawyers say their inconvenience may affect their working his case. Also valid. If the judge wants to move him I have no problem with that. RA will be less safe and will not have the availability of mental health help daily, but at least his lawyers won’t be inconvenienced.
I’m appalled that defense attorneys would fabricate and exaggerate RA’s living conditions with misleading and inflammatory language like “torture” and “treated like a POW” among other descriptions.
I‘m sure there will be appeals but not about these things. The judge will make her final decision on where he will go and that will be the end of it.
One thing I found interesting is that the defense said these "incriminating statements" were "inconsistent" from one another, which they basically say supports their claim that they were not truthful and due to his mental health decline.
I’d take the video of BG out of the equation because RA appears to look so different now. Did he starve himself for the purpose of misleading a future jury? Many people relate to visuals, as I am one of those people; however, I would never convict someone on photo alone! There is more than the photo which was brilliant of Libby to have taken. The forensics I believe are going to be strong evidence in this case, or he would never have been arrested.

Also, I think about the time RA did not charge Libby’s grandmother for processed photos. Besides, it sounds like RA has been confessing about the crime since day one. A confessed monster. Did he want to be caught and glad he finally got caught and is relieved?

I have always been curious if the jacket and pants shown in the photo were found in RA's home and, if so, that is extremely damning evidence... what may have been found on the items?

If the case goes to trial, it will be the totality of the circumstances that have yet been shown that will seal his fate.

All speculation, moo
A picture from 2016-2017 would do.
One thing I found interesting is that the defense said these "incriminating statements" were "inconsistent" from one another, which they basically say supports their claim that they were not truthful and due to his mental health decline.

Were the incriminating statements inconsistent from one another or inconsistent with what RA supposedly told his attorneys? I didn't get a strong read on that. I havent caught up with the entire MS podcast yet.
Were the incriminating statements inconsistent from one another or inconsistent with what RA supposedly told his attorneys? I didn't get a strong read on that. I havent caught up with the entire MS podcast yet.
Hmm, I might have to listen again to be sure. My first impression was both, actually. The statements were inconsistent from one another, and went against what he'd told his attorneys. I could have been mistaken. I'm also not sure if how it was said on MS was their own interpretation.
Were the incriminating statements inconsistent from one another or inconsistent with what RA supposedly told his attorneys? I didn't get a strong read on that. I havent caught up with the entire MS podcast yet.
Here's what I can find. Fwiw, I'm still not sure how to interpret it. MS describes the back and forth between lawyers, where the MSM seems to group statements together that I'm not sure where actually said consecutively.

Around the 1:16 mm of the MS episode, KGr describes (I'm only summarizing) that in Rozzi's closing statement, he states that the prosecution keeps bringing up the multiple confessions, but that it wasn't like that. He said that RA would say one thing, and then say another a moment later, that it wasn't like he broke down and told a consistent story.

And from this link:

Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland told Judge Fran Gull that Allen, a 50-year-old father of two, had in fact made “multiple confessions to multiple people” since his arrest last October.

However, defense lawyer Bradley Rozzi argued that while Allen “made incriminating statements implicating himself in the crime,” he said they should be discounted in light of his client’s apparently flagging mental health. Rozzi and co-counsel Andrew Joseph Baldwin also claimed Allen’s alleged confessions were not consistent with his past denials.

“At one minute, Rick is saying one thing, and another minute he’s saying something else,
” Rozzi said.

Accused Delphi Killer ‘Confessed Five or Six Times,’ Prosecutors Say
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