Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #100

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I think people have recognized his voice and have either second-guessed themselves and talked themselves out of turning in the tip or the tip got lost in the shuffle or (for whatever reason) the evidence they have isn't pointing to him. Even when they put out a sketch of Ted Bundy and released his first name and vehicle, his friends just joked around that it might be him. The more "normal" this guy appears to be, the less likely those in his life would probably be to think he's BG.

The man on the farm next to mine is a widower. He's in his 70s and has been good to my family. He volunteers for everything in town. Is a retired railroad employee. Sits on the water commission. Rescues animals. Comes over and helps us out and, occasionally, drops by with pizza and sandwiches from his son's restaurant. If 2 teen girls were violently murdered and a sketch was released that sort of resembled him, and a 2 second video that sort of looked like the way he moves came out then those of us who know him would probably just laugh. "Ha ha ha, that looks like Jerry. Jerry, did you kill anyone? Ha ha." We'd all be shocked as hell if we found out it WAS him. Some people wouldn't make the call because they'd be afraid of being wrong. And some people wouldn't call in because while they might see a resemblance, they wouldn't in a million years think it was actually HIM. And then some people wouldn't even see the similarities at all.

I think we often confuse lack of arrest with lack of identification. It is entirely possible that someone has recognized him but hasn't done anything about it.
And going off this post, I would add that the very people LE is reaching out to, who might actually recognize the guy from the tiny bit of footage released, in the end might be the least likely to call in for the reasons you stated. They don't want to be wrong.
There was a video early on in MSM(think it was local station) of one of the officers saying that they had been attempting to ping the phone in various locations around town.

I think this is where there may have been some confusion early on as far as phone movement

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No, my intention was not to point at the owner at all. I saw the Beacon site, which is why I knew the same LLC owns Deer Creek frontage near where the girls were found. My thought is mostly that anything found along the creek would likely require LE talking to the owners of the property where it was found. Not sure, though.

Gotcha, did not mean to imply that, I was merely trying to segue in with in terms of service a way to search on property for others that might be interested.
This article Delphi Murders: Investigators say internet rumors can hinder search for Libby & Abby’s killer was published 1/20/19 -- three days after the 1/17/19 Radar article.

The article addresses rumors related to the case, including the following:

"Rumor 1: “New Evidence”

One rumor floating around in recent days has been the appearance of “new evidence” in the murder investigation.

Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby says he wants to stress to the public that there has not been any new evidence in the case. He says investigators are and will continue looking at the evidence they do have in new ways to make sure there isn’t something they’ve missed.

Sheriff Leazenby says all of the evidence from their investigation has been analyzed in the Indiana State Police labs as they continue to work with the FBI and Indiana State Police. He says there is no "new" evidence, but their investigators will continue to look for new ways to review the evidence that they already have."

Since that I've discounted the Radar article as nothing more then sensationalism.

You know, speaking of Radar, when that article came out in December with Leazenby talking about “sending evidence to Quantico”, I was quite irritated by that, that in a case of this magnitude, and with no word from LE for a while, that he would choose to talk to Radar of all people about the investigation. I’m thinking now that maybe that was exaaactly what he wanted to do. Talk to the sleaziest most sensational media outlet on purpose, perhaps as part of the strategy (or not). In other words he wanted to make sure that that information got out. (But then why not talk to IndyStar or someone else? That would have easily have been distributed widely...)

Just thinking out loud.
Why would it be false? There’s no implication of the property owner. All one is looking for is an accessible, little used building that could be accessed by an intruder.

I like my theory even more now
not necessarily the property OWNER- msm article
"A person living on the property was interviewed but not arrested"
"Authorities were led to the residence by tips that have ben coming in since bodies were discovered."
I think people have recognized his voice and have either second-guessed themselves and talked themselves out of turning in the tip or the tip got lost in the shuffle or (for whatever reason) the evidence they have isn't pointing to him. Even when they put out a sketch of Ted Bundy and released his first name and vehicle, his friends just joked around that it might be him. The more "normal" this guy appears to be, the less likely those in his life would probably be to think he's BG.

The man on the farm next to mine is a widower. He's in his 70s and has been good to my family. He volunteers for everything in town. Is a retired railroad employee. Sits on the water commission. Rescues animals. Comes over and helps us out and, occasionally, drops by with pizza and sandwiches from his son's restaurant. If 2 teen girls were violently murdered and a sketch was released that sort of resembled him, and a 2 second video that sort of looked like the way he moves came out then those of us who know him would probably just laugh. "Ha ha ha, that looks like Jerry. Jerry, did you kill anyone? Ha ha." We'd all be shocked as hell if we found out it WAS him. Some people wouldn't make the call because they'd be afraid of being wrong. And some people wouldn't call in because while they might see a resemblance, they wouldn't in a million years think it was actually HIM. And then some people wouldn't even see the similarities at all.

I think we often confuse lack of arrest with lack of identification. It is entirely possible that someone has recognized him but hasn't done anything about it.


(I actually added this to my ETA, that perhaps they recognize it but aren’t calling it in for whatever reason...)

Your post brings to mind though (hi mtnlites btw :) ) how I felt and viewed people around me when Jessica’s killer was not apprehended. I actually had the perspective that it cooooould be anyone, including one of my coworkers and even friends unfortunately. Meaning that we knew he was local according to LE and what was so scary about it was really understanding that we didn’t really know what anyone is capable of. Hard to explain and I hope this makes sense, what I’m trying to say is that I encountered the opposite effect of suspecting people rather than discounting them. “Everyone was a suspect” in my eyes and that was absolutely terrifying.
True. I used that word as I am at a loss for a motive for someone to murder these two children. Perhaps there was a motive other than thrills. I don't know.

I think he had motive and it was sexual assault. I am not convinced that took place due to the time constraints but I think it was his plan. Possibly the girls were more assertive than he thought they would be. They may have tried to flee and he had to abort his original plan but knew he could not let them go.

It just makes me sick to know this creep is still out roaming around, wherever. I hope this newly released sketch is more accurate. I realize a person can change their appearance but if a chin is prominent it would be hard to change that.

At this point I am torn between a family member knowingly covering for this person and family just not seeing the obvious because the perp has never said or done anything to make them believe he could be capable.

Bundy pulled the wool over everyone's eyes for so long. Even family who knew he was not perfect, and his live-in girlfriend who questioned some of his comings and goings and the occasional odd remark didn't put two and two together, immediately dismissing any concerns they might have had because of course it "couldn't be." Even those few were shocked when the truth came out.
Agreed the original context of the conversation was that there were barns etc......this is simply false

For all practical purposes the property is absolutely not a farm!!!

moving goalposts
Well they're being taxed on 40 acres of tillable land, 2 large barns, chicken coops, etc.
So I'd say that sounds like a farm.
I agree. I must be a minimalist, but my sense is that this was not a complicated crime. I'm guessing he saw the girls get dropped off, tailed them until nobody was around, used the threat of a weapon to get them off the trail and out of sight, did whatever he did to them quick-like, and got the hell out of Dodge.

(snipped for brevity)

I agree with your minimalist theory 100%, however since the presser I've had this nagging thought: If BG is connected to the mystery vehicle parked at the CPS building from 12-5pm (and it was in fact parked there that late), what was he doing or where was he hiding for so long after the time we assume he came into contact with the girls? Since the girls were not responding to Derrik's messages around 3:15pm I have to assume that they were either already deceased or at least under BG's control at that time. What was the guy up to for almost 2 hours? Maybe he didn't high tail it out of the area quickly.
I really have to wonder how diverse his MO is.
Yes! For this to be his first murder and for it to be against 2 people seems out of place. There is something we're not getting here imo.
I know it seems weird, but I keep thinking of the Missy Bevers case. Something isn't making sense. Her case keeps popping in my mind. I doubt they're related in any way tho.
Only if LE called the owners of the car, then a discussion had to have taken place between the owners at least, right?

Interesting and good point.

Until the other day I would have said this is very possible, but if I’m understanding correctly from Riley’s most recent words, they are still trying to find the car (or ID it)...I could be wrong on this but that seems to be the way I interpreted the article—-it seemed slightly different from the PC when they referred specifically to IDing the driver.

But maybe they do have a specific vehicle they are referring to, as mentioned, and like @mtnlites said (iirc), they want specific details about the car (say “oil leak” as used as an example)...

Idk. Maybe my interpretation is not correct of the most recent quote.
Interesting and good point.

Until the other day I would ya e said this is very possible, but if I’m understanding correctly from Riley’s most recent words, they are still trying to find the car (or ID it)...I could be wrong on this but that seems to be the way I interpreted the article—-it seemed slightly different from the PC when they referred specifically to IDing the driver.

But maybe, as mentioned, and like mtnlites said, they want specific details about the car (say “oil leak@ as used as an example)...

The 14th and the driver of the car (from the PC)
The 13th and the car from Riley.
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