Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #117

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I don't think he's killed since; he's still getting the attention he craves from press coverage of the Delphi murders. If the buzz around this case quiets down, then he'll probably kill again.
^^ This, I have a feeling.
It boggles the mind.

1) The precision timing and isolated location (trap) of the murders.
2) A house in the immediate vicinity with a view of the bodies’ location whose owners were out of town.
2) The apparent inadequate DNA issues, especially when Libby weighed 200 pounds, was athletic and known to put up a fight, with a killer around the same weight.
3) Supposedly a local killer but no one has claimed a $240K reward based on video and audio evidence in a town of 4000+ people, nor possible physical injures after the fact nor a gait that appears unusual with duck feet and a high step,
4) At least two eye witnesses based on two sketches with little similarity as far as age.
5) A stated video and audio killer that appears to most to be middle age, closer to mid 50’s or even older, not twenty to forty.
6) A killer that vanished into thin air with people around before and after the fact.
7) Strange series of Police press conferences, with only two officers on stage at the most recent one and a 180 change in direction.

I agree with Awsi and like a few others here smell a rat or two.

I don’t think the killer is local, but lived within an hour or so distance in the past, although may live much further away now. He or an accomplice stalked the girls prior to the murders. He or an accomplice is a policeman or related to one. He is a sociopath/ psychopath and enjoys timing/ risk challenges. This is not his first set of murders. He may have taken video or photos of the murders with a Go Pro or other camera, possibly to sell. He enjoys hurting others and is obsessed with issues of power and control, because he lacks authentic natural power. He has difficulty controlling his impulses and is prone to rage when rejected. He may have a virgin/ *advertiser censored* complex. He may have a psychic spiritual split, such as religiosity that has been skewed to justify his actions. Local people may know or suspect the killers/ killer but are afraid to get involved for some specific reason. Moo.

To me, knowing that the house on the south bank of Deer Creek was empty is one of the strongest indicators that he's very local.
It is difficult to look at those we trust, those we are close to, and think they may very well be the killer here.

I have no clue who the killer is, or his true motive. Anyone could be suspect, including those who are in positions of authority.

I believe the killer to absolutely have been a criminal prior to the killings. Not necessarily a murderer, but more so engaged in either sexual behavior with minors or involved in the drug trade, or both.

A local sports rock star, a coach, a scout leader, a respected Christian, a member of the clergy, a judge, a businessman, a police officer, a firefighter, a teacher, a lawyer, a banker.....

"We also believe this person is from Delphi- currently, or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis, or works here..."

Do any of you see the outline of a phone in Abby's right pocket in the picture of her on the bridge?
That brings to mind a not-too-often suggested POI (who is now behind bars); would have been just a couple of hours' drive to head to Delphi. He could have attended sporting events, or have had friends at Purdue that he visited from time to time, so... driving another 15-20 minutes to Delphi from W. Lafayette would have been easy.

Was the crime in Feb., 2017 in Delphi -- in plain daylight -- a "practice" crime (hate writing that term) before doing such a crime in Champaign-Urbana? (This is probably a wild theory, since BC is not local to Delphi.)
I have wondered too but the height of BG is way too short IMO.
"you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy"

To what strategy does the man who made this comment refer?

What are "investigative strategies" and what does it mean to move to a "different" one?

I still think BG is younger. 25 max, but I also think there were two killers.

I think the first BG sketch led people waaaaaay off on what BG really looks like in the only vid/photo available.

I have the luxury of not buying in to two years of believing the original BG photo as being the guy on the bridge that day. I'm not saying that a POI that looks like him is not involved, but the NBG sketch of the younger lad, IMO, is way more accurate.

MOO, there is no hat on that guy on the bridge. He has no facial hair. His hair is there for me to see, the part, the color, the bangs. The hoodie is there too, bunched up behind his neck....that may appear to be a hat flap to some....but I ain't buyin' it.

Lordy, I'm goin' to bed. God Bless Libby and Abby.
I have to disagree with you on the two killers angle; there's no evidence for that whatsoever. There's a 99% chance that these murders were sexually motivated, and sexual-homicide tag teams are rare.
"you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy"

To what strategy does the man who made this comment refer?

What are "investigative strategies" and what does it mean to move to a "different" one?

The different strategy might be as simple as their having abandoned the OBG sketch for in favor of the NBG sketch. The strategy might also include trying to crack the alibis of people cleared during the early days of the investigation.
I have to disagree with you on the two killers angle; there's no evidence for that whatsoever.

I just can't come to believe only one person is involved in this thing. Maybe only one actual killer, yes, but I think more than one person is involved.

As far as what there is, and is not, in terms of evidence, I believe we have but a smidgen at our disposal.
I really get the impression that DC does care massively about this case.

Doug Carter has walked across the High Bridge himself. He’s even kept a piece of it and said he’ll carry it with him until he finds out who BG is.

“This is very personal to me. And maybe it’s because I’m in the sunset of my career, but it’s the epitome of evil. Those two girls, once we tell you all we know about them you might understand a little bit more about why it’s so emotional, but I think of Abby and Libby all the time. I have their names etched in my desk. I think about them all the time, I think about their families and the community and what I saw in that community. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”

ISP: We're 'one tip away' from solving Delphi murders

He was very emotional in the April presser. At that time I thought it was because he knew who BG was but there wasn't enough evidence to charge someone, and that may well be true. However I think he struggles with his emotions because he's a very sensitive and caring man who genuinely cares for others and feels their pain.

I saw a 02:46 minute YouTube video the other day where he addressed the wife and daughter at the funeral of another officer who died when his car crashed into a utility pole while on the way to assist another officer who had called for assistance. His demeanour was exactly the same as he displayed at the presser.

"you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy"

To what strategy does the man who made this comment refer?

What are "investigative strategies" and what does it mean to move to a "different" one?


To be perfectly honest the speaking in tounges could mean anything. Changing Gears ! is a way of making your car go faster or slower you see those words used with the word power could have something to do with cars.

However I would say on this occasion it was said to highlight
  • LE are changing the pace of the Investigation speeding it up
  • Invesigative stratergies (The purpose of an investigative strategy is to: identify the most appropriate line(s) of enquiry to pursue. determine the objective of pursuing particular lines of enquiry.)
= Moved on had a brain wave (new information, evidence, etc) and stepped it all up a gear in a different direction. or could be anyone of the following. It may be different in the USA.
  • communications strategy
  • covert policing strategy
  • financial investigation
  • forensic strategy
  • house-to-house enquiries
  • intelligence strategy
  • passive data generators
  • pathology strategy
  • reconstructions
  • scene strategy
  • search strategy
  • suspect strategy
  • trace/interview/eliminate (TIE) strategy
  • victim and witness strategy.
Link to UK source

As always
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Remember there was an FBI guy on scene practically from the get go, VERY early on, late afternoon of the first day search, who was said to be in town visiting family? I wonder if he had any influence in the direction things took. Could have been a trusted witness? Could have (unintentionally?) lead things astray?

Extract from my transcript of Gray Hughes' Round Table with Mike and Becky Patty:

BP: We have an FBI Division in Lafayette and the reason the FBI was there so fast was because when the call came in to the State Police that night, the FBI guy was standing there talking to him and he was going off duty also and he asked him if he needed some help. So that’s how he ended up there that night. He just really at that point in time just came to help search. And after that, I don’t know.

GH: Right. See, that’s what I think. To me it feels like based on what they found, that’s why the, you know, the FBI got involved, like right away. Not the first guy that Becky just mentioned, but I mean the fact that a larger presence came in utilising all their tools and so forth.
DBM--Darn WS having multiple posts today LOL

And multi-quote isn't working at all. :(

I think it might have something to do with the video at the top of the screen and/or the ad, both of which are on the discussion side of the page.
It’s really sad to see the first image. AW has featured this haunting photo on her FB page where friends are posting tributes following the murders.

But she first posted the photograph in September 2012 and discussed with friends on FB how pretty the historic bridge was, although it was “a bit of hike back” home.

The second photo is Libby’s


Eerie photo of bridge where girls were murdered posted by mother 4 years ago
I just can't come to believe only one person is involved in this thing. Maybe only one actual killer, yes, but I think more than one person is involved.

As far as what there is, and is not, in terms of evidence, I believe we have but a smidgen at our disposal.
Are you thinking that due to the fact that there were two victims? I think going after two victims was a matter of necessity. This guy was too much of a coward to have tried snatching a girl off the street, in front of her house, let's say. His cowardice compelled him to troll for victims in a remote area, where no one was around besides him and his victims and where he could control all aspects of his crime. What were his chances of finding a young female victim alone near the Monon High Bridge? Odds are one of the girls was his "type" and the other was collateral damage. I also think this guy is afraid of adult women, so for him going after two teen girls was a no-brainer if the alternative was to go after a lone adult female. Even with a gun, he couldn't have handled a grown woman.
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