Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #117

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I agree with you--now. Looking at the clothing and posture made me think of someone older, but the close-ups of the frames that show the face make me think that he could not be much older than 30 and possibly as young as 16 or 17.
You make a great point, I hadn't really considered much about the hat in the video (LE says he is wearing a hat and a hoodie) and the lack of hat in the sketch. The second sketch we know for a fact was drawn 4 days after the murders and it was from one witness who said she saw something she felt needed to be reported. Whatever that something was we know wasn't a solid enough connection to the murders as it wasn't released for 26 months, but at the time it was released, LE then said with certainty that person was responsible for the murders. But clearly he did not have that hat on when the witness who sat for the sketch saw him. Was that the item LE went back and looked for and found on the bridge on Feb 23? Is the hat where they have the presumed touch DNA from?
Personally why does anyone care about the hat. The as*ho*e wouldn't be wearing it again in public so it's of no concern for him. Moo
Glad they caught him...but 38 years...Thirty. Eight. YEARS. Can you imagine waiting that long for your attacker to be locked up? My heart goes out to the victims of these crimes.
There is not a strong enough cuss word for me to use when I see how many untested rape kits there are in this country....MOO

That's like new trauma. It's got to be.
I think possibly the FBI profile, or some other evidence, says maybe he's the type to follow the investigation. Personally, I can't imagine BG not following to some extent, purely out of the want to know if they're getting closer. Using more official language tells me they think he's intelligent enough, and views himself informed enough, to feed into his need. Then, bam, they shut up and starve him out for almost 6 months. JMO.

And as for DC visiting...maybe it's to let BG know KG is being looked out for by the law?

BBM—I apologize if this was already discussed and I missed it, but can someone please explain this? Is DC visiting KG at school to check up on her? Does KG have an internship with ISP (as I believe an internship was mentioned by a previous poster)?
What do you think about this one?

View attachment 217492

If this killer has a hat on, it's got this triangular thing going on. I don't know what it is. Flaps, to me, are no good, what looks like a possible flap on the right is way back too far, IMO :)

Download a picture of this killer, zoom in, what may, or may not be, a hat, has a roundish black spot directly above his nose, right between his eyes, and a triangular shape going rearward from that.....I think the fool has a fox hat on his head, if anything.

carry on!
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Great explanation. I agree, sure they have DNA, but do they have the killer's DNA?

My guess is they do not have the killer's DNA, we would know by now. I think the killer may have done certain things to destroy DNA after the murders.


I think the killer planted OBG's DNA, or some other DNA at the scene. Sent 'em on a 2 year wild goose chase.
Personally why does anyone care about the hat. The as*ho*e wouldn't be wearing it again in public so it's of no concern for him. Moo

If this killer is wearing a one of a kind home made hat out of a fox that would be an excellent lead.....all speculation on the hat, if indeed, there even is one on this guys head.
Genuine question no snark intended: for those that believe the new sketch is not the killer, are you saying LE has purposefully lied to the public?
I thought LE had explained that they were misled? So that they believe the young sketch guy or whoever gave them the old sketch guy misled them? They are caught between witnesses describing different people. The video is not good enough to determine which is more accurate.
I thought LE had explained that they were misled? So that they believe the young sketch guy or whoever gave them the old sketch guy misled them? They are caught between witnesses describing different people. The video is not good enough to determine which is more accurate.
I thought LE had explained that they were misled? So that they believe the young sketch guy or whoever gave them the old sketch guy misled them? They are caught between witnesses describing different people. The video is not good enough to determine which is more accurate.
LE never said they were misled.
LE has not clarified that it’s touch DNA they have.

Also, early on, LE told us to “forget about the hat”, so this to me proves it’s existence, at least according to their assessment. (I also very clearly see a hat, moo).

I think they may have a hair, moo.

ETA: @taximama24, I realize you used the word “presumed” as to the touch DNA, but I don’t think we can presume that at this point, moo.
LE has never said they definitely have touch DNA. However, in one interview, the lead investigator, ISP 1st Sgt Holeman, when asked if they have DNA gives a very coy response. He says almost every crime scene has DNA. Then he says 'touch DNA' is very powerful evidence. While he doesn't say they have touch DNA, I wonder why he would even bring that up. It's like he is inferring they have touch DNA, but stops short of confirming they have DNA. In fact, even though in an earlier interview at CrimeCon where confirmed they have DNA, in the 'touch DNA' interview he stops short of saying they have ANY DNA.
You make a great point, I hadn't really considered much about the hat in the video (LE says he is wearing a hat and a hoodie) and the lack of hat in the sketch. The second sketch we know for a fact was drawn 4 days after the murders and it was from one witness who said she saw something she felt needed to be reported. Whatever that something was we know wasn't a solid enough connection to the murders as it wasn't released for 26 months, but at the time it was released, LE then said with certainty that person was responsible for the murders. But clearly he did not have that hat on when the witness who sat for the sketch saw him. Was that the item LE went back and looked for and found on the bridge on Feb 23? Is the hat where they have the presumed touch DNA from?

Or, a thought here is that even IF BG2 was wearing a hat, they may have learned from the first sketch that perhaps people were focusing too much on the hat. They want people to focus on the facial features, not the hat, so maybe, again a very big IF BG2 was wearing a hat, they purposely did not include it this time. Just a thought.
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Personally why does anyone care about the hat. The as*ho*e wouldn't be wearing it again in public so it's of no concern for him. Moo

You're not wrong there, but there does seem to be considerable debate about whether he has a hat or not, and those in the no hat camp see a mop of straight hair in its place, yet the new sketch seems to me to show somewhat coarse/curly-ish in that regard, it could affect anyone id'ing him. Though I don't think "the one tip" they need has anything to do with the sketches alone, I think too many people fit the bill so to speak, the "one tip" will be some other piece of information and then the sketches will be another piece that fits the puzzle.
Wow! It seems KY is one of the few states that did not have a statute of limitations on rape. In the 1990's LE was trying to find a connection between the rapes committed by the East Area Rapist in northern CA and the murders committed later in the Los Angeles area by the Original Night Stalker. One of the problems LE ran into was that many of the rape kits had been destroyed and one reason given was that the rapes were over the 10 year statute of limitations.
LE has said that the sketches are of two different people. The person in the original sketch has been cleared of involvement.
Has LE stated that the person in the first sketch was cleared? Or did they state that the first sketch is 'no longer relevant' without saying why? About 3 weeks after the April PC, ISP Superintendent hinted in an interview that the killer's actual appearance was somewhere between the two. In another recent interview, Kelsi German stated that LE told her that both sketches are in play, but there is more emphasis placed on the 2nd sketch. Confusing.
Police open up about evidence 6 months after Delphi double homicide
Posted: Feb 10, 2018
Updated: Feb 12, 2018

“In addition to the thousands of leads, police have served several warrants and have been following up on DNA evidence found at the scene of the crime.

"The question is: Do we have DNA? Yea, we have DNA. We're just still working on determining what kind of DNA. Is it the victims? Is it the known family members or is it our suspect?" said Holeman.

He said detectives test and compare the DNA almost daily, hoping it leads them to the killer.

"We're still working on that," Holeman said. "We can't say, 'Do we have the suspect's DNA or don't we?' We have plenty of DNA, and we have plenty of testing to do, and it takes a lot of time."”


“"We have plenty of evidence to convict somebody," said Holeman. "Obviously, the person doesn't want to be found."”


“He said there have been a group of detectives who have been reviewing old evidence, tips and leads to make sure nothing has slipped through the cracks.

Holeman said it's helped lead them to other evidence.

Holeman hopes they will find the person of interest and can begin a court trial within the next six months.”
One thing has occurred to me with regard to the hoodie / hat. We never see the hoodie fall down; we just know it's not over the offender's head in frame 47. My theory is the hoodie was never over his head. Instead, the camera translated the motion such that it thought the hoodie should be interleaved before or during the next frame, resulting in the hoodie appearing to be covering the offender's head.

A faster shutter speed or a recording setting that didn't optimize as much for motion would have more accurately placed the hoodie fringe seen in the video stills. Remarkable nonetheless that Libby got the video and it survived.
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