Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #129

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Interesting! It could just have been a regular Valentine card with a romantic saying too.

You know, I would subscribe to @FromGermany ’s theory of a nerdish geek.
In this case, forget about him being religious in the average way, he might as well have recreated a scene from Lupercalia, Roman pagan fertility rites, celebrated from February 13 to 15th.

Lupercalia - Wikipedia

What drew my attention was that two men, from 20-40 were the participants.

Maybe whoever knows about the CS could see if anything matches? That would look very bizarre today.
Sounds like they weren’t getting pings (wet conditions, or weak signal from cell tower service), then they got a ping around 2:30 am. Which would make sense based on an occasional signal getting through as the phone lost power.

Am I understanding it correctly?

That’s way it sounded to me.
If he is a high-IQ nerd, I would not be surprised. He is on the computer, he has imaginary world, he probably dreamed of killings and had his high off them. In this case, he can not be caught unless they release more information.

Release it, and find another nerd to catch him.

Well, @Charlot123, I myself totally believe ^^^, that the killer is a "nerd", exceptionally well-read in the "art" of...murdering, and that he does indeed spend a LOT of time online (and that he did spend a lot of time online, prior to the murders). That he's been living in a "fantasy" world for a looong time, and that his parents/family/friends ALL know this about him (even if he's morphed into some kind of a "professional" life that doesn't involve any of the fantasy games).

@FromGermany is on to something here, IMO. Have no doubt that the FBI has sufficient nerdy types (brilliant; good at "connecting dots"), but... other LE? Not so sure (since the FBI gets agents from across the country, whereas local and state PDs tend to be local, or often regional). the FBI still "on" this case? {Shrug} What do we know? Nada, pretty much. That's what! (And I can see "why" those working the case would rather *not* reveal things -- much as *we* would all find it intriguing, and even perhaps "helpful", in our own minds; once they were to reveal even one or two teeny, tiny pieces of info. -- e. g., things left at the CS, how the girls' lives were taken, perhaps any items taken by the killer as "souvenirs" [multiple killers have done this weird "memorializing" of their crime :rolleyes:], then... I think all kinds of freak types who crave public attention would instantly jump into the media, and...that would be that! So much for trying to keep the integrity of the investigation.)

Of course, there are those who believe that this killer is some homeless guy, clueless about life... Well... (all JMOO of course) it would seem that, based on the killer's meticulous approach to certain aspects of the crime, he did his best to ensure that he wouldn't be identified.

Now give me just a minute ("as Libby would say", so said her grandma Becky; love that!): IF (giant "if" here) the killer were from far, far away, and no where *near* Delphi, then... why would he bother to conceal most of his face? If OTOH he *were* from Delphi/very nearby, then... why would he be sure to conceal his face? (Especially since those from Delphi already knew that the MHB web cam/any trail cams were non-existent, non-functioning, or both.)

Noop! He definitely wasn't counting on Libby to pull out her phone to record him! (So like Libby to take a picture, since she loved photography...)

Nevertheless... his voice! Although Libby did awesomely at getting that video clip of him, IMO the audio "electrons" are/were sufficiently "scrambled" (whether due to Libby's phone having fallen into water and gotten wet, the battery's having died, etc.) so that... "ordinary" citizens (like WS-ers) aren't truly able to discern what his "real" voice sounds like (*could* that, uh, "masking" of the killer's voice be a part of LE's MO to keep that part of the killer's identity secret? Have no idea). Still mulling over the thought of how terrifying it may have been for the girls to see who they initially thought was a random stranger, then (only too late) to realize by his voice that they did, indeed, know exactly who he was... (Yes, I'm "MOO-ing" over here, since this is entirely speculative.)
As for whether the killer was "random"? {Deep sigh} Having a hard time believing that he was *totally* unknown to the girls. Leaning toward there being some previous connection -- though who *knows* what that connection was? (Of course this theory is all contingent upon the killer's being from Delphi/nearby environs.) The girls themselves were connected (or so I think) to all kinds of people/places throughout town -- school, church, sports, music, doubt they both had friends they mostly chatted with online (as do many middle and h.s. students these days).
How I wish that the killer had just stuck to his fantasy life and games online. That he had just left it all at his computer keyboard. But no: He was so "into" his gaming, and fantastical world and imaginations (of darker, creepier things) that he *had* to try it out IRL for himself. Tend to think that this killer is *very* smart ("book smart"), with lots of "issues", and, as other posters have stated here, has been given a lifetime "pass" or "wild card" by his family, friends, and, perhaps, even by some of his former teachers. (All JMOO.)

Praying for that "one piece of evidence" to come forward for LE -- today would be a *great* day!
this has been discussed many times.. but LE absolutely denied finding any suspicious online activity that is related to the case.. and the family insists its been a spur of a moment kind of trip..which the sole reason was for the girls to do some exploring

But *why* would LE have to reveal that they found suspicious online activity related to the case? (If they *were* to reveal such a thing, then...someone might do his best to *delete*/"wipe" any such past history.)

ETA: One thing regarding this was especially interesting to me: That Libby had been told to do a "re-set" of her phone (not sure I'm using the right word, but that was the idea); perhaps it was purely coincidental, but... that "re-set" happened shortly *before* the crime occurred -- as in several days, or perhaps within that week prior to the crime.
this has been discussed many times.. but LE absolutely denied finding any suspicious online activity that is related to the case.. and the family insists its been a spur of a moment kind of trip..which the sole reason was for the girls to do some exploring

Do you have a link for the “police denying” statement? I don’t recall LE ever commenting one way or another about any sort of possible relationship between the killer and the two innocent victims. All I remember is the social media avenue was pursued by them at the onset.

IF indeed the age of the killer is at the younger end of the spectrum and IF indeed he has a strong connection to Delphi, IMO the odds are considerably greater that he also had some type of SM connection to one or both of the girls. IF he’s far older and lived many hours away, much less likely IMO.
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But *why* would LE have to reveal that they found suspicious online activity related to the case? (If they *were* to reveal such a thing, then...someone might do his best to *delete*/"wipe" any such past history.)

ETA: One thing regarding this was especially interesting to me: That Libby had been told to do a "re-set" of her phone (not sure I'm using the right word, but that was the idea); perhaps it was purely coincidental, but... that "re-set" happened shortly *before* the crime occurred -- as in several days, or perhaps within that week prior to the crime.

cause if there has been any online traces.. it would have been easily followed
I def did read the denial about online connection from le and about killer is unknown to the girls .. but i can't find it now..will link when found ...

JMO, I don’t think you’ll ever find it. Discussion here has been ongoing since day one of this case and this is the first time I recall anybody stating they read somewhere about LE denying any possible connection. This is still an unsolved case therefore LE does not know the identity of the killer, so it seems to me it would be unwise for them to limit any possibility when seeking tips.
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I still have it rolling around in my head that the phone did not end up in the water. Pinging at 2:30am after being in the water nearly 12 hours? I guess it's possible, but how likely? It is significant to me mainly because, imo, it is telling about the moments between him killing them and leaving.

There's a lot we don't know, but if he had cleaned up the area, as some have hypothesized, I think he would have disposed of the phone in the creek. Jmo.

Maybe it's irrational of me, but I think he left quickly and the phone remaining where it fell signals that.

The information about the phone pinging at 2:30 am near the Monon Bridge was new information to me as well.

Kelsie alluded to connectivity issues in the area. She thinks that Libby started videoing because she couldn’t get a cell signal. Kelsie briefly mentions this in the Documentary.

I’ve had intermittent service in places at times. This could account for the phone going silent and then all of sudden being able to connect again and voila it pings the tower.

what if he brought the phone back while searching and dumped it there..? seems like he would be kind of tech savvy...maybe he was trying to create chaos and confusion while driving around with it..maybe he took one of the girls sweatshirts and didn't realize he had the phone..maybe he had no concerns about that phone because it never occurred to him that they got a shot of him or even his voice. maybe the phone was just dropped there and was pinging several towers..but then you would think it would be simultaneous and not " going around town. he could have removed the SIM card if he wanted to.

the phone is so interesting . mOO

Nice idea. If there were 2 perps, one could have driven around perhaps with Libby's phone, while the other was "busy" with the poor girls. Nothing is impossible. IMO
JMO, I don’t think you’ll ever find it. Discussion here has been ongoing since day one of this case and this is the first time I recall anybody stating they read somewhere about LE denying any possible connection.
The closest statement like this that I can recall (and it is an opinion) is Ives' interview in the DTH Podcast.

BARBARA: A lot of people thought in the beginning that maybe they were lured there, or had been communicating with somebody and had, you know, a meeting time or something and that there could be a link like that.

ROBERT IVES: That seems unlikely to me.
The closest statement like this that I can recall (and it is an opinion) is Ives' interview in the DTH Podcast.

BARBARA: A lot of people thought in the beginning that maybe they were lured there, or had been communicating with somebody and had, you know, a meeting time or something and that there could be a link like that.

ROBERT IVES: That seems unlikely to me.

Yes there’s been lots of opinions tossed about. I agree, any connection probably didn’t involve a preplanned meetup. But I’ve always wondered about the Snapchat photos as one of the many unusual aspects of this case is their location was communicated via SC. LE has never said how many SC connections Libby had and I don’t recall the number of Libby’s FB friends but it was well over a 100.
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RE: Evansdale connection.

Indiana State Police say similarities between the double-slaying of two teenage girls three weeks ago and the unsolved 2012 murder of two Evansdale, Iowa, girls are "coincidental" at this point, but investigators are "not closed" to the idea of a connection.
Sgt. John Perrine, a spokesman for Indiana State Police, said the similarities amount to the fact that in both cases two young girls were killed in a rural area, on a trail, on what happened to be the 13th day of the month.

"We don’t have any evidence that leads us to believe these two cases are connected," Perrine said. "A lot of people would hope we can solve both of them."
Evansdale, Indiana double-homicide links 'coincidental,' Indiana State Police say
I wonder if they checked out this house to see if anyone was in it recently? Lots of snowbird houses are broken into or used while owners are away if no one is checking on them. He could have changed or cleaned up, hid while the search was on going, anything. Just a thought.
Maybe, he even found something to snack in the kitchen .... Reminds me of MissyB/TX, where the killer broke into the church from the backside, did something unknown in the kitchen (eating/drinking, LE didn't say), walked up and down the hallway (surveillance video) and then killed brutally in a blitz attack.
RE: Evansdale connection.

Indiana State Police say similarities between the double-slaying of two teenage girls three weeks ago and the unsolved 2012 murder of two Evansdale, Iowa, girls are "coincidental" at this point, but investigators are "not closed" to the idea of a connection.
Sgt. John Perrine, a spokesman for Indiana State Police, said the similarities amount to the fact that in both cases two young girls were killed in a rural area, on a trail, on what happened to be the 13th day of the month.

"We don’t have any evidence that leads us to believe these two cases are connected," Perrine said. "A lot of people would hope we can solve both of them."
Evansdale, Indiana double-homicide links 'coincidental,' Indiana State Police say

This refers to the Iowa murders but the discussion was on the topic of whether or not LE has ruled out any possible social media connection or whether or not the killer may’ve been known to the girls.
JMO, I don’t think you’ll ever find it. Discussion here has been ongoing since day one of this case and this is the first time I recall anybody stating they read somewhere about LE denying any possible connection. This is still an unsolved case therefore LE does not know the identity of the killer, so it seems to me it would be unwise for them to limit any possibility when seeking tips.

I do remember either Kelsie or Becky Patty saying that LE had looked at all the electronic gadgets the girls had and had told them they had found nothing that related to the case. LE themselves, I don’t remember.
I agree.
Libby gave us video, photo, VOICE and maybe more to help capture their killer, we are 4 yrs later.. NO Arrest.
WHY ????
I really thought, when I first saw this case at the very beginning, that this would be a slam dunk when we saw Libby gave us video and voice.
NOPE-- no slam dunk here--- 4 yrs later all I know is way too much info on most of the BG look-a-likes in Delphi.. and there are many.
There are? I must have missed something big time.
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