Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #140

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I'm inclined to think that the suspect is the man who was filmed on the bridge, and that the only reason he was not arrested until 2020 is because police did not have access to the details of his social media accounts until 2020.

View attachment 326182

Image on left:
'Delphi murders' catfish has been jailed for a YEAR for child *advertiser censored* arrest

Image on right: FBI

Yup. The posture in the side-by-side is quite similar, despite being posed for the left image and in action for the right.

I would like to watch him walk across some rotted-out railroad ties.

*edited to clarify which images I was referencing
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Reading articles tonight, I noticed Kegan Kline and Ron Logan use the same attorney.

Ron Logan gets four years for probation violations unrelated to Delphi killings
"Logansport attorney Andrew Achey asked for Fouts to be lenient, reminding him more than once that Logan is 77 years old, has lived in the county all of his life, served in the Navy, has lived in his home for 53 years and that he has a reverse mortgage on the home that requires him to live there or the property to be sold."

Defendant (Kline) appears in custody and with counsel, Andrew Achey.
Indiana Supreme Court public access case search - MyCase

Fouts is the example of ultimate hypocrisy and disgrace. I did not know that RL served in the Navy, btw. But I remember Kurtis Fouts naming RL “a danger to the community”. KF was not held accountable for his own scandal - retiring as a judge to work as a lawyer is not what I’d call accountability- but let us remember his behavior as pharisaism.
For years people have looked at the photo of the suspect on the bridge with a goal to suggest that people in the community look like that suspect. Now that police release a photo of a man in the community that they are investigating, the belief is that the person under investigation does not look like the photo of the man on the bridge.

Perhaps the suspect is not the man in the photo, but he shares the same stance when the right foot is back and the left foot is forward - left shoulder down with left foot forward. In the photo on the left, I'm guessing that his left foot is forward based on how his body is turned. Facial hair is similar. Cheeks are less chubby in the photo on the right, but there's shadow.

People suggest that the man on the right is wearing layers of clothing. Why? He might be wearing a t-shirt and a hoodie. He seems over-dressed for the weather - the hat is out of place.

His father would know whether he had a jacket, hat and pouch like that. Is his father refusing to speak with investigators? Is he answering questions, being helpful? Hopefully this will be answered at the press conference this week.

View attachment 326215

If I were to bet on whether KAK is athletic or klutzy, without knowing much about him, I’d take a guess and say, the latter. The strangest thing about the BG is that he walks odd, and yet, is as graceful as a cat on a sill. The bridge is old, yet BG walks lightly. It is not how I imagine KAK walking, but I am happy to be wrong.
If I were to bet on whether KAK is athletic or klutzy, without knowing much about him, I’d take a guess and say, the latter. The strangest thing about the BG is that he walks odd, and yet, is as graceful as a cat on a sill. The bridge is old, yet BG walks lightly. It is not how I imagine KAK walking, but I am happy to be wrong.

He walks like a diabetic with foot problems.
Fouts is the example of ultimate hypocrisy and disgrace. I did not know that RL served in the Navy, btw. But I remember Kurtis Fouts naming RL “a danger to the community”. KF was not held accountable for his own scandal - retiring as a judge to work as a lawyer is not what I’d call accountability- but let us remember his behavior as pharisaism.

Holy Kamolee. I looked him up. Fake Facebook account? The judge harrassed her on social media? That is alarming.

DELPHI – Carroll County Superior Court Judge Kurtis Fouts mailed his resignation letter to Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb on June 3, effective July 31.

His resignation comes after a recent video of him at the home of an escort was posted on a website titled “Diary of a Mad Escort,” during which Fouts is seen kissing and touching the escort.

Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby confirmed the man in the video is Fouts.

<modsnip: Copyright violation of more than 10% of article copied>
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Hoping LE is. Considering gaming apps as a first point contact. There are many games that are layered and to many you wouldn't know there are ways to communicate and the realms of ability within the game to have private chats. Many parents see it as harmless on the surface. Joining clans or groups to play are a tellntale sign of trouble. I can personally cite Mafia City as a predators paradise and reading up on other games with the same under surface platform. Many of the peeps use photo reverse look up to find you. While befriending you. The bad logic is to stop at simple social media. Many games have chat rooms. It isn't always what it appears on the surface. Several I know of are China owned.
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Hoping LE is. Considering gaming apps as a first point contact. There are many games that are layered and to many you wouldn't know there are ways to communicate and the realms of ability within the game to have private chats. Many parents see it as harmless on the surface. Joining clans or groups to play are a tellntale sign of trouble. I can personally cite Mafia City as a predators paradise and reading up on other games with the same under surface platform. Many of the peeps use photo reverse look up to find you. While befriending you. The bad logic is to stop at simple social media. Many games have chat rooms. It isn't always what it appears on the surface. Several I know of are China owned.
Mafia city group name was BAE aka Bananas
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Fouts is the example of ultimate hypocrisy and disgrace. I did not know that RL served in the Navy, btw. But I remember Kurtis Fouts naming RL “a danger to the community”. KF was not held accountable for his own scandal - retiring as a judge to work as a lawyer is not what I’d call accountability- but let us remember his behavior as pharisaism.
Ooh, I love a good new word. Thanks for this one:

  1. the doctrine or practices of the Pharisees, especially strict observance of the traditional and written law.
    "Paul became a convert from Pharisaism"
    • the quality of being self-righteous or hypocritical.
      "To place a heavier expectation on others than on ourselves is Pharisaism."
Apologies if this question was answered upstream, but when is LE holding their briefing?


I don't think an exact day has been specified yet. The Miami County prosecutor said just that the ISP were expected to release more info "next week" - which would be sometime in the next seven days, if accurate.
this case has in many ways set the hounds loose, posters (on facebook I have yet to venture to reddit or any other sites) accuse anybody they feel like accusing, they contact their work, some I have seen contacted a persons church to keep the children safe, all just because their are no repercussions so far, it is horrendous to see that the family and friends of Kline are being accused of being BG especially his father, and if not BG then they have to be child pornographers as they are either his family or in some way connected to him via social media

Websleuths has rules which stop posters behaving like that,
Is it usual to have a pic of father and son in the news, father's face not be pixeled!!, when the son is charged with child *advertiser censored* and other charges? I believe, the father of KAK isn't out of the play yet. "I'm *advertiser censored**ed, I should have left" and saying by KAK, he planned to leave his father when he was sleeping, says a lot. Is his father one, who fully participated and guided his son? Idk.
If I were to bet on whether KAK is athletic or klutzy, without knowing much about him, I’d take a guess and say, the latter. The strangest thing about the BG is that he walks odd, and yet, is as graceful as a cat on a sill. The bridge is old, yet BG walks lightly. It is not how I imagine KAK walking, but I am happy to be wrong.
Honestly it’s really hard to even attempt to scrutinize a persons mobility pattern when they are walking over uneven & foreign terrain. Couple that with the adrenaline the perp was likely experiencing, it’s impossible to truly scrutinize. I put very little stock on his walking pattern, there are just too many variables for that to be a big sticking point to me.
Delphi murders: Anthony Shots profile tied to Abby & Libby deaths

Just a bit of trivia...
In the video, they flash a shot of the new building. It goes so fast that I wondered if I was seeing things. I got a screen cap of it; 14 second mark at the end of a 2 minute video. The building shown looks to be the same one as we thought.
Delphi murders: Anthony Shots profile tied to Abby & Libby deaths

Just a bit of trivia...
In the video, they flash a shot of the new building. It goes so fast that I wondered if I was seeing things. I got a screen cap of it; 14 second mark at the end of a 2 minute video. The building shown looks to be the same one as we thought.
If this case is going in the direction it appears to be going after the latest developments, then in memory of L and A, let one of their legacies be the breakup of a CSAM ring.

KAK may or may not have been directly involved with their murders, but he created the anthony_shots account, participated in the collection and sharing of child *advertiser censored*, communicated with female juveniles, etc., and he deserves whatever he gets. But there could be many, many more perpetrators involved with anthony_shots, and I think ISP/Carroll Co. are preparing themselves to handle a larger case with their new larger command center.
Here’s something I just thought of. What if KAK was sharing that account with others, one of whom is BG, and that very day KAK was using the account but so was BG and both of them were at the trails that day?? But KAK never saw the girls and wasn’t aware that BG was using/reading messages of the account on the day and had abducted and killed the girls?

just a theory.
Per the affidavit, the "ISP case" number is redacted on the first page. I will assume this is the Delphi case because we have since heard that this search warrant was in regards to the Delphi case. As I mentioned yesterday, pg. 2, paragraph 2 talks about KAK's polygraph, and says the questions/answers are based on "case, [redacted]". Since there is no "ISP" or other LE agency listed before "case" in that paragraph, I will again assume this is referring to the same case as listed on pg. 1, likely the Delphi case. Personally, I'm pretty comfortable assuming that until we have more information.

Now, it's been pointed out that some of the deleted data from KAK's iPhone 5 and other devices might not have been available to LE until 2020. But, by Feb. 25, 2017, LE was able to get a search warrant, subpoenas for Comcast, Instagram, and Snapchat, and KAK appears to be answering questions about Delphi directly with admissions of online child *advertiser censored* activities. Not to mention his comments about being "*advertiser censored**ed" and packing a bag to leave. That seems like a lot of hints that LE had something already connecting KAK to L and A, but not enough to arrest him, and, in fact, LE tells the press KAK and his dad were "in no way connected" to the crime.

LE announces an ask for anyone who communicated, or met, with anthony_shots. KAK is not mentioned at all, only connected to the account later through media sources. If LE were truly looking at KAK as BG, would they not also put out a bulletin asking for info regarding him, his whereabouts, anyone he might have talked to about the crime, video, or other evidence to support their case against him? Obviously, someone only in contact with the fake account wouldn't recognize KAK, but people who know KAK would be significant witnesses, as well, imo. I'm just guessing.

I think there's much more to it.
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Just catching up and have not read every single post or to the end of this thread yet.

I have seen it theorized a number of times (here and in other places) that the 2nd sketch was possibly used to represent KAK's catfishing profile of Anthony_Shots.

I need it spelled out for me why LE would release a sketch that (IMO) looks very little (actually nothing) like the real person who's identity was stolen and who has nothing to do with this crime?

They clearly knew early on that KAK was in no way, shape or form the same person as the one depicted in the photographs, based on the AA. They also knew who the person in the photographs really was.

Tying sketch #2 to represent the Anthony_Shots profile makes zero sense to me.

LE would potentially be putting an innocent person's face out there for the public to persecute for what goal?

Please.....what am I missing?
(Disclaimer: only 1 cup of coffee so far after having a very late night with a very bad damaging storm)
Just catching up and have not read every single post or to the end of this thread yet.

I have seen it theorized a number of times (here and in other places) that the 2nd sketch was possibly used to represent KAK's catfishing profile of Anthony_Shots.

I need it spelled out for me why LE would release a sketch that (IMO) looks very little (actually nothing) like the real person who's identity was stolen and who has nothing to do with this crime?

They clearly knew early on that KAK was in no way, shape or form the same person as the one depicted in the photographs, based on the AA. They also knew who the person in the photographs really was.

Tying sketch #2 to represent the Anthony_Shots profile makes zero sense to me.

LE would potentially be putting an innocent person's face out there for the public to persecute for what goal?

Please.....what am I missing?
(Disclaimer: only 1 cup of coffee so far after having a very late night with a very bad damaging storm)
I'm spitballing here but perhaps to jog a memory of another victim and now that it is connected they may be brave to come forward. Thats what I got out of it anyway. Maybe some victims encountered the perp and was able to avoid a situation.
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