Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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LE may well have far more to lead them in the direction of who did this. But releasing a sketch that, in my opinion, is so far removed in resemblance to the first sketch released does not inspire confidence in LE. That plus those statements above don't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about the investigation.

I don't get warm and fuzzy feelings from any murder investigation, but that's just me.

I get what you're saying, but as I remind myself all the time:
Feelings aren't Facts.

LE has some definite basis for having pivoted to Sketch #2.
This wasn't an arbitrary decision.

I've said this before, but kudos to LE for changing tack upon realizing that this directional shift was warranted, rather than being obstinately fixed in their position re: Sketch #1 being BG.
Investigations are least, active investigations are fluid.
Which means they're going to move, and, yes, even change course at times.

The fact that LE was willing to move when/where their evidence told them they needed to do so, actually increases, rather than decreases, my confidence in them.
It demonstrates they're making progress in the case.
LE's change in position has also almost certainly thrown BG off balance.

All of the Above: JMO.
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Hi everyone!!!
I’m a long time lurker, but this is my first post. I have to say that y’all are amazing. I have been reading obsessively and fitting all these pieces together mentally. I really believe the authorities are RIGHT THERE with their progress. I have not had to do a lot of mental gymnastics to see what is quite possibly the very close finish line, so I am convinced the police and all of their tools know so so much more. I have all the confidence that justice for Abby and Libby is very close.
Nice to officially meet y’all!!!:)
Welcome to Ws MirandaElle, nice to "meet" you!
If the suspect has a friend (or friends) or family who are covering for him, I do think this new sketch that may be a little ambiguous could encourage them to come forward. Good and decent people may (should IMO) draw the line at innocent people being pulled into this by the witch hunt that is currently happening on SM.

Well said!

It is possible that a family member has figured it out or the perpetrator has confessed to them. I am hoping that the family member (or friend - or whoever it may be) does not "compartmentalize" this knowledge and continue on with their lives.

It is possible that, in their "belief" that the person will never do this again, they are not going to have their world and family explode by going to the police.

In my opinion, someone does know who this person is. I just wish with all of my heart that they make the call to the police.

To ease the suffering of the families and the community - everyone - this needs to be solved soon and I believe the LE are closer to this.

And of course, justice for Libby and Abby.
What are mirror trees, please?
Good points about this man possibly being non-biological to parents. I suspected that a while back.
I was thinking about that as well.

Why not ask the public (male and female) for voluntary DNA samples? That way you make sure you have all the potential relatives of a local person AND you might scare the H out of the perp. I don't know if there is/was DNA left at the scene but the perp doesn't really know either.
Well said!

It is possible that a family member has figured it out or the perpetrator has confessed to them. I am hoping that the family member (or friend - or whoever it may be) does not "compartmentalize" this knowledge and continue on with their lives.

It is possible that, in their "belief" that the person will never do this again, they are not going to have their world and family explode by going to the police.

In my opinion, someone does know who this person is. I just wish with all of my heart that they make the call to the police.

To ease the suffering of the families and the community - everyone - this needs to be solved soon and I believe the LE are closer to this.

Agreed. Someone does know....Make the call!
Well it could work like this.....the guy did something absolutely horrible, who knows why, but much like a little boy up to now he has been keeping his secret to himself although it’s eating at him day by day, a heavy burden he just can’t shake, he can’t forget. Because the focus on what he did just doesn’t go away, it’s always there. LE and all their press conferences and media comments, the families and their public appearances and pleas, posters are everywhere, even now a sketch that looks somewhat like him.

So yes, maybe LE is optimistic he’s might be at the breaking point of confessing to someone, anyone.
I am not so sure it has been eating him up since the original BG sketches look nothing like him.
I think he thought he would never be caught.
I can see him chatting to people about how terrible it was and perhaps taking on the role of comforting others. I think it is more than likely attended both girls ' funerals and pretended to mourn .
I think he has enjoyed all the activity .
I think the community will be in shock and feel very betrayed and angry when they discover who it is.
People who can't believe that he could threaten or kill both without one getting away - just google Richard Speck. Or the other guy who killed one woman at this Christian store and SA the other 2, there were 3 grown women and one man with a gun.

So sadly this can be done and especially if they have a weapon pointed at them, it doesn't really matter how many victims are there. MOO.

Only trained individuals know how to attack in self-defense most people freeze due to fear. it's only human. :(
That's what I'm picking up too. Hiding very publicly in plain sight. No one notices the "nice" boy that lives next door. Reminds me of Eddie Haskell, a real suck up to adults, so they don't focus on him, but a real jerk. but I'm willing to bet younger kids, teens think he's a creep and even mentioned it to their parents but they said, "oh, be nice..."

What, if younger and older kids think of him being verrry cool (without his disguise and in every day's life)?
Actually I recall a news video about the SW on Bicycle Bridge Road where I noticed cameras flashing inside (evidence photographers) of what looked like an oddly shaped out building?? I was wondering about this because of the “shack” but decided this wasn’t a shack. I was going to note this but decided to pass due to relevance. Gosh I have no idea where that video is. Let me go dig.

They did search inside the house and the reporter says this search was based upon information from “tips from the community”. The field (“next door” according to the reporter) was searched and boxes were also removed. Kim Riley also says they had “probable cause”.

This is not the video I’m looking for:

Day 3:
ISP serves search warrant in connection with deaths of Delphi teens; no arrests made
FEBRUARY 16, 2017

“On Feb. 16, Indiana State Police served a search warrant at a home on Bicycle Bridge Road in connection to the double homicide investigation. Evidence was taken from the home, but ultimately no arrests were made.”
Murders of Abby Williams and Libby German in Delphi remain unsolved 1 year later, but case far from ‘cold’

“Investigators spent a few hours at the property neighbors said, and records showed, is a family farm.”
Search warrant served at Delphi family farm in connection with two murdered teens investigation

I think you are looking for this video, around 1 min mark:

Police set up new number for Delphi murder tips

I’m hopeful charges will be laid regardless. I’m just not sure his return is a positive sign given his departures due to early retirement in the middle of this investigation. :)

Actually it would allow me to entertain the possibility that it is a positive sign that something in the investigation had changed to convince him to return....

JMO and speculation though
I wonder if the month of February is a trigger for BG for some reason...

Valentine's Day is a huge trigger for anyone with a broken heart and a damaged ego. The commercial prominence holiday cannot be ignored or underestimated. If narcissistic was enraged by being rejected by his true love and took out that rage on the girls. Stalkers are often triggered by holidays esp., Valentine's Day.
IF this was the case (I'm fully with you!), then why should he have had a "murder kit" under his blue jacket? Was it something other, that he carried along? IF he arrived from the end of bridge, passed the girls on the track and turned around after passing them - where did he originally come from and what other things (than tools for a killing) might he have concealed under his clothing?

yeah, great question. If he had a murder kit on him just looking for the right victims?
If he tried talking to them they laughed told him to bug off he may have flown into a rage killing one instantly? don't know taking wild guesses. I have witnessed a calm man fly into a narcissist rage before and it was terrifying NO warning just went right for a woman's throat.
Transcript of the PC.

Other than the blue language, which very likely is just a standard appeal to conscience colored with a mention of a movie that he just happened to watch recently, where is the religious overtones or emphasis?

April 22 Press Conference transcript:
<news announcer>
Doug Carter and he has taken the stand. We'll take a listen in.

<audio cuts in to Superintendent Carter>
... the Delphi community how grateful I am you inspire people you don't even understand and you don't even understand why. Information is being released today is the result of literally thousands and thousands of hours of extraordinary investigative efforts by Delphi Carroll County, the FBI, the Indiana State Police and countless other agencies. This community surrounded us some twenty six months ago and you did everything you could to support us but most importantly you surrounded the family of these two little girls. Gosh I'll never forget it. After you hear what we're going to release today I'm going to ask for your continued support, your continued understanding, your empathy and compassion as we move forward to find out who did this and we will.

We're seeking the public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland highway between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked there or know who was parked there please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building.

We are releasing additional portions of the audio recorded from that day. Please keep in mind the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls. This is not two different people speaking. Please listen to it very, very carefully. We are also releasing video recovered from Libby's phone. This video has never before been previously released. The video shows a suspect walking on the bridge. When you see the video watch the watch the person's mannerisms as they walk. Watch the mannerisms as he walks. Do you recognize the mannerisms as being someone that you might know? Remember he is walking on a former railroad bridge. Because of the deteriorated condition of the bridge the suspect is not walking naturally due to the spacing between the ties.

During the course of this investigation we have concluded the first sketch released will become secondary as of today. The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch which you will see shortly is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls. We also believe this person is from Delphi. Currently or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis or works here. We believe this person is currently between the age range of 18 and 40 but might appear younger than its true age.

Directly to the killer who may be in this room. We believe you are hiding in plain sight. For more than two years you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy but we have. We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you. We know that this is about power to you and you want to know what we know. And one day you will.

The question to you: what will those closest to you think of they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls, two children? Only a coward would do such a thing.

We are confident that you have told someone what you have done or at the very least they know because how different you are since the murders. We try so hard to understand how a person could do something like this to to two chil to two children. I recently watched a movie called The Shack and there's also a book that talks so well about evil, about death and about eternity. To the murderer I believe you have just a little bit of a conscience left and I can assure you that how you left them in that woods is not, is not what they are experiencing today.

The family. I hope that you all will give them some time because we're going to be asking that there's no media inquiry or no media response for at least the next two weeks and I hope you understand why. The family found out about this about this information this morning. I just want the family to know that when I take my last breath on this earth I'll be thinking of them. There's going to be a tremendous amount of <unintelligble> I know that. I know that. Never in my career have I stood in front of something like this. Please be patient with us. Please. We're just beginning. We are we are just now beginning. That I can tell you on behalf of the sheriff and the police chief so many other partners that have stood with us over this period of time that we will not stop.

-- Other officer ..
I just unveiled the person that we believe responsible for the murder of these two little girls so I invite media to take a look at that now. Kim.

We're also going to show you a video not previously released that superintendent spoke to and also the audio that's additional to what's been previously released. It's only a slight change in it. So give Sergeant Riley just a second as he gets that up and ready.
<plays audio>
Stand by for the video please. There is no sound of the video.
<plays video> As Superintendent Carter mentioned. He is on the railway bridge. You have to take different steps to get to it. This information later this afternoon will be on the state police website. For the community that's here we have 100 copies of the news release. If you put in that URL you'll be able to get to that site to play it. And we also have that same release for you in the media and the rest of the state we'll get that released in about 15 minutes. So we appreciate those of you that came here. This concludes our announcement. Thank you for your time patience and courtesy.
It appeared the tip directly related to the man who owned the property. As we don’t know the reason the tip was made, I think it’s presumptuous in guessing maybe an acquaintance of his was involved because that still focuses on this publicly cleared man once again. LE received the tip and would be aware of who made it and the reason why so I’m certain they’d also have followed up on any related possibilities long ago. JMO
I don't at all think it's "presumptuous". What I said was, "it was within the realm of possibility," that this innocent man that has been cleared may somehow be connected to the perp WITHOUT even knowing it. That was my point.

What, if younger and older kids think of him being verrry cool (without his disguise and in every day's life)?
Nah, Still think this guy is the ultimate DORK in real life, which
is why he is attracted to much younger girls who won't be as likely
to make fun of him or criticize him. At least he didn't think so.
Perp can't deal with girls his own age.
It is possible that, in their "belief" that the person will never do this again, they are not going to have their world and family explode by going to the police.

In my opinion, someone does know who this person is. I just wish with all of my heart that they make the call to the police.

snipped for focus.

IMO, if ONE person knows....MANY probably suspect. So the one or two who are wrestling with whether or not to turn this person in (and thinking maybe they don't want to have their world explode) need to also think about their own reputation.

So, say A knows who BG is but doesn't want to turn them in because it would blow up the whole family. Then B, C, D, E, F and G also have a pretty good idea but think A should really be the one to do it.....but A doesn' eventually E and F does A look now? Like an enabler at best. Social pariah who condones child killing at worst.
yes, I do think he is average intelligence at least.

I would say, definitely higher than average; there is some early rift between the parents, mother being overprotective and close. If there is another sibling in the family, that sibling is closer to the father. The dynamic is even worse if the second sibling is a girl. Lots of behaviors geared at gaining father’s attention and admiration. Father, deep inside, does not have much respect for the son.
At this, the kid is interested in humanities. Everyone hints at religion, but I personally would bet at the kid wanting to be even closer to people, a doctor or a nurse, the helper.
At this, personally, the kid sometimes makes odd decisions and provides even stranger explanations for them.
I think maybe the girls recognized him.

I'm still on the fence about this- I keep going back and forth as to whether I think the girls ended up recognizing him.

The fact Libby recorded him makes me think they did not know him at all. But then I think about how likely it was that BG just happened to be in the camera view- that they weren't really focused on him. There is the "some creepy guy" comment, but I've not been convinced that's anything more than a well-developed rumor. (if I'm missing a substantiated LE claim of that, please post for me as I very well could have missed it)

BG looks pretty bulked up and concealed in that video. In fact, he's so hard to "recognize" that no one has recognized him in more than 2 years!! :confused:

So I start the think it's entirely possible the girls were not paying close attention and then did end up recognizing him once he was right there and spoke to them. Afterall, he seemed to creep up on them at a quick pace.

Also, that town is small. If he was in fact someone who is/was "hiding in plain sight", it stands to reason that the girls could easily have been familiar with him in some capacity.

But then I'm back to- if they did recognize him once he was right there, why didn't they say his name on the audio... Could be b/c he had a weapon and made it clear to stay quiet.

MCOO. (my conflicted opinion only...)
yeah, great question. If he had a murder kit on him just looking for the right victims?
If he tried talking to them they laughed told him to bug off he may have flown into a rage killing one instantly? don't know taking wild guesses. I have witnessed a calm man fly into a narcissist rage before and it was terrifying NO warning just went right for a woman's throat.
yeah, great question. If he had a murder kit on him just looking for the right victims?
If he tried talking to them they laughed told him to bug off he may have flown into a rage killing one instantly? don't know taking wild guesses. I have witnessed a calm man fly into a narcissist rage before and it was terrifying NO warning just went right for a woman's throat.
Yep, I've seen it too. A bystander said " I thought he was gonna kill her right there in front of us".
Doesn't take much to unleash their rage. Very Fragile Ego.
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