Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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I have to think that the desktop was shown on purpose.
Too much information on there to be an accident.
Of course some things may not be related to this case.

I agree and believe everything about that PC was deliberate. I believe he was coached ahead of time, maybe from the FBI about what to say, how to display himself. I'm not implying he's not emotional about this case but again I think it was all deliberate, including the laptop desktop being shown. Looked what happened, people zoomed in and starting speculating about it on-line. Win *wink, wink*
I think it was a poorly written and/or mistakenly delivèred version of saying a vehicle was parked at the abandoned building? MOO

Yes, that’s what I think too. If this, below, is verbatim I can see why some reporters mistakingly thought it was the vehicle that was abandoned prior to it clarification, it was the building.

“Indiana State Police say they are looking for the driver of a vehicle parked at the old CPS/DCS/Welfare building that was abandoned on the east side of CR 300 N next to the Hoosier Heartland Highway between noon and 5 p.m. on February 13, 2017.”
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One thing I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts on – files from the press conference seem to indicate a red Chrysler Aspen was the vehicle spotted at the abandoned CPS building. Has anyone looked up whether such a car was sold in the Carroll County/Lafayette area in the wake of the murders/since?
It has been noted that ASPEN is a computer software system used by police for vehicle inspections and such. Don't pull a muscle reaching like that.
If Carter was made aware of the unattended vehicle early on, he wasn’t forthcoming about it at the one-year anniversary:

FOX59 asked whether the killer fled in a vehicle or did he simply walk away?

Carter answered, "Um, likely. Walked a certain distance, yes. We don't have any indication that he was close by where he parked a vehicle, because we don't have any information on a vehicle."

New tips, new subpoenas in new year of hunting for Delphi killer

I wonder if more information on a vehicle sparked something
While I do not live in a small town today, I grew up in a small Midwestern town (not as small as Delphi but pretty small). I think it's really, really important we remember that life is a little different. People loan each other cars, may have unfettered access to company vehicles, may have more casual relationships with letting friends use their computers if/when they visit each other's homes, may even leave their jacket at their friend's house and the friend uses it from time-to-time. I'm not saying that's always the case, but it definitely can be. I did a little experiment. Over the last 24 hours I paid careful attention to the people in my community (at work, at the grocery store, at the gas station, etc .) and I noticed at least three people who could fit the suspect's description. For all of the reasons I just mentioned (and many more), I am trying to keep an open mind.
Regarding chins, I have been paying extra attention to every chin I see in my daily routine in an extremely unscientific way of compiling a virtual chin database in my brain.

My preliminary results are that there are a lot of large chins out there.

Take a look at people you see on TV or in the grocery store today and let me know if the chin in the sketch is really that abnormal or uncommon.

No, and people aren’t supposed to look perfect or have symmetrical faces in general, and we are not supposed to comment, either, but this is a murder; also, there are some things that are more difficult to disguise. A small forehead is usually covered with bangs. Unusual form of head, with a good haircut (to a degree). Large chin can be concealed by a beard, so the question is, why doesn’t a person wear a beard? Although I have met a couple of people with very large chins, and each time there was some element of acromegaly involved, and in these cases, people chose not to wear a beard, for some reason.

What Carter wanted the people of Delphi to know was that the person looked somewhat unusual, but at the same time, no one would typically suspect him. I bet that to them, the message was clear.
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One thing I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts on – files from the press conference seem to indicate a red Chrysler Aspen was the vehicle spotted at the abandoned CPS building. Has anyone looked up whether such a car was sold in the Carroll County/Lafayette area in the wake of the murders/since?

LE did not provide any information about the identity of the vehicle.

Had they, I’m quite certain WS wouldn’t allow us to implicate innocent people here just because they happened to own or sell a similar vehicle.

TOS are on page 1 of this thread as well.
Ty Wells

(Unable to read fox one due to location)
I see my confusion now. The photography lady on the bridge states she saw a 'couple/ a couple of people' at the bridge . Im confusing this witness comment with BP relating that DG had encountered the 'Old' guy on the trail (poss FG guy) and when asked if he had seen two girls around here( at point of contact DG/old guy) replied 'no but there was a couple ( of girls ((moo)) ) under the bridge'! (This is the more interesting comment imho).

Moo is that the lady photographer encountered a standard 'couple' out on the bridge ,whereas DG is relayed as saying the 'old' guy said he was aware of two girls under the bridge? All moo

Eta brackets
They may have and the conversation could go like this...Oh yeah I was there 5 months ago. Sorry I did not come in sooner, ummm yea there was this one guy.
Was that the one who saw a man walking down the highway about 60 miles from Delphi? I thought that was what Leazenby said. (not sure how to spell the name)
It could be Carter was so distraught he just wanted to leave and in his haste made a mistake.
In my opinion I think he knows the BG personally or is close to his family.

Yes, Skigh, I completely agree with you.

Just my humble opinion, but it could be that the partial (or whole) DNA analysis has come back from a lab, with maybe comparisons already obtained from one of those sites already discussed here, into which LE could upload a profile.

The DNA results might ultimately show that a large extended family who lives in the area, with maybe 3 dozen males, share some portion of their DNA with BG.

Perhaps Superintendent D. Carter is a member of that large family too. I feel bad for him. He seemed upset on a couple of different levels at the press conference.

Here's the Bottom Line: Law Enforcement are professionals. They will solve this. They are dedicated. They may even be close.

My opinion only; Based on varied Life Experiences

ETA: wording more exact
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I think it was a poorly written and/or mistakenly delivèred version of saying a vehicle was parked at the abandoned building? MOO
Yes, I'm pretty sure they clarified it. At first it seemed like he said the vehicle was abandoned, but he was talking about the building. Imo
I have seen everyone's take on why the change in sketches and I think the answer is very simple. I feel the witness or witnesses did see a man who resembled that sketch but he wasnt a molester or killer, he was just a man on the trail. As has been said time and again the sketch looked like a lot of men and the clothing looked unremarkable for the area. It could be that they saw someone searching for the girls even. I think the reason for ruling him out is they reinterviewed the witness/es and locked down the timeline which led to them finding who the 1st sketch was definitively.

I also think that they probably knew that back months ago when they were distancing themselves from the sketch
One thing I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts on – files from the press conference seem to indicate a red Chrysler Aspen was the vehicle spotted at the abandoned CPS building. Has anyone looked up whether such a car was sold in the Carroll County/Lafayette area in the wake of the murders/since?

Nothing on the desktop suggests anything was related to the Delphi case aside from what they showed. All the applications on the desktop are related to law enforcement, most being for motor vehicle inspection/records. Where you came up with "red Chrysler Aspen" is beyond me..
Nothing on the desktop suggests anything was related to the Delphi case aside from what they showed. All the applications on the desktop are related to law enforcement, most being for motor vehicle inspection/records. Where you came up with "red Chrysler Aspen" is beyond me..
Yes sorry, I’ve gone back and looked at the desktop again. I think I mixed up a file with a rumour from Reddit because of the word “aspen”. I’m not a native English speaker so it’s a little harder for me to follow cases like this at times. Thanks for your reasonable response and apologies!
Does anyone think that this could be remotely possible? What if Sketch #2, the killer, was making his way back after the murders more slowly, stealthly to that lot where he parked, where it seems others regularly park for this trail. If he was walking back slowly to his car through the woods so as not to draw attention, to be seen, taking off some of his outer wear, hat, fanny pack and rolling it all up together. He gets back to the parking lot, maybe quickly stashes bundle in trunk, gets in his car and before he gets the chance to leave, he could be sitting in his car ready to go and that's when people start arriving to search. Especially if they parked right close to him, now what does he do? He's been seen. Does he now pretend he just arrived? He gets out of the car like he's there to hike, just by happenstance inserting himself into a bunch of frantic worried family, friends, almost tagging along. It just gave me the creeps when ISP guy started talking about hiding in plain site, could be in this room, you never thought we'd change strategy, you're getting thrill out of this-talk. Is it possible that this second sketch is of the nice, concerned guy that just happened to arrive when we did but now has disappeared kind of thing? He had finally managed after some time helping to slip away back to his car before police are called, when he hears someone is about to call them around 5pm. The family members later describe him, maybe they can't remember the car he was in because they were all so focused on getting out of theirs and onto the trails to search. His sketch, produced by someone(s) there who'd been searching, after Libby's phone evidence is found is but on the back burner in favor of the sketch of someone who saw him earlier with all the extra clothes and hat on along with the bridge photos. So Sketch #1 guy IS Sketch #2 guy? Something like this would certainly explain ISP officer at press conference be so very upset and angry. Everything he emoted that day reeked of an almost betrayal-like anger, like how dare you. Maybe the actual timeline doesn't allow for any of what I've said?
If Carter was made aware of the unattended vehicle early on, he wasn’t forthcoming about it at the one-year anniversary:

FOX59 asked whether the killer fled in a vehicle or did he simply walk away?

Carter answered, "Um, likely. Walked a certain distance, yes. We don't have any indication that he was close by where he parked a vehicle, because we don't have any information on a vehicle."

New tips, new subpoenas in new year of hunting for Delphi killer
I think this is a great point. It suggests that they have no eyewitness report. Thus, the lack of a description, not even the color. But they figure BG must've parked somewhere, and this is the most likely spot. So, they're asking if anyone remembers seeing a vehicle there.
Does anyone think that this could be remotely possible? What if Sketch #2, the killer, was making his way back after the murders more slowly, stealthly to that lot where he parked, where it seems others regularly park for this trail. If he was walking back slowly to his car through the woods so as not to draw attention, to be seen, taking off some of his outer wear, hat, fanny pack and rolling it all up together. He gets back to the parking lot, maybe quickly stashes bundle in trunk, gets in his car and before he gets the chance to leave, he could be sitting in his car ready to go and that's when people start arriving to search. Especially if they parked right close to him, now what does he do? He's been seen. Does he now pretend he just arrived? He gets out of the car like he's there to hike, just by happenstance inserting himself into a bunch of frantic worried family, friends, almost tagging along. It just gave me the creeps when ISP guy started talking about hiding in plain site, could be in this room, you never thought we'd change strategy, you're getting thrill out of this-talk. Is it possible that this second sketch is of the nice, concerned guy that just happened to arrive when we did but now has disappeared kind of thing? He had finally managed after some time helping to slip away back to his car before police are called, when he hears someone is about to call them around 5pm. The family members later describe him, maybe they can't remember the car he was in because they were all so focused on getting out of theirs and onto the trails to search. His sketch, produced by someone(s) there who'd been searching, after Libby's phone evidence is found is but on the back burner in favor of the sketch of someone who saw him earlier with all the extra clothes and hat on along with the bridge photos. So Sketch #1 guy IS Sketch #2 guy? Something like this would certainly explain ISP officer at press conference be so very upset and angry. Everything he emoted that day reeked of an almost betrayal-like anger, like how dare you. Maybe the actual timeline doesn't allow for any of what I've said?

Great perspective.
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