IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #21

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Does anyone have the EXACT TIME when the image of the suspect was first released to the public/media on Feb 15th or was it the 16th?
Also, there is the new DNA process called "Snapshot" If you have DNA of the perp, but their DNA is not on file for example, this new process can create a colored photo from that DNA.
There are examples on their website

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Just waking up and half thinking out loud... but also sharing an anecdote... the following is all IME and IMO:

I had my DNA done by 23andme ... the attempts at genetic profiling, or whatever, are in it's infancy at best (this company's DNA testing is different from the ones that and the other genealogically-themed DNA testing sites, this one provides all of that same information but in addition, it (used to be) geared towards providing genetic-based health reports when I had it done, and included a raw DNA sequencing result, so that I can take my DNA results and pass them through other databases, like Promethease, which is really great actually for finding genetic polymorphisms.. but still stinks for creating a profile of what someone actually looks like).

They think my eyes are PROBABLY blue (they were right about this one), they think my hair COULD BE red (it's not), they think I do not have a photic sneeze reflex (actually, I do), they think I probably do not have freckles (correct), they think I'm caucasian (correct), it told me my number of Xs and Ys, it told me there's less than a 1% chance of me living to be 100, they think that I can lose twice as much weight as most people by just cutting out fat (that's actually probably true, not that I have the willpower to do that), they have no input whatsoever on my height, weight, nose shape, likelihood for having dimples, moles, scars, identifying features, a limp, missing fingers or toes, old war injuries, my clothing, my gait, or where I intend to hide out after committing a double murder.

Now, from that information, can anyone draw me?

In short and IMO that kind of thing is not going to be very helpful unless/until the technology grows by leaps and bounds. By looking at that site, they're getting there but IMO the picture we have from Libby is going to give us way more to go on than a DNA snapshot at this time in it's development. IMO

JMO and based on IMlimitedE.

EDIT - I just saw their page here - - the phenotype information is exactly the same sort of results that I was given, minus the facial reconstruction attempt. I'm intrigued by this and wonder how they go from having the phenotype information to actually constructing the face. I almost want to send them my raw info and have them send me back a picture of myself to see how accurte it really is, but I"m sure that's not possible.

Very very encouraging though, to see that the technology has gotten to this point in the past number of years.

Also, FWIW, when you send your spit to 23andme to have your DNA run, it asks you if you want it stored in their warehouse or destroyed after the testing is done. It's NOT all automatically stored (some have mentioned in the past that companies like this could be subpoenaed by police to get their samples to run cases against), and the stuff that IS stored, isn't linked to any person. Everything is done by code number from the moment you request the kit, so that no names are attached to any samples. Especially nowadays that you ca buy the kit in walmart off the shelf for cash, spit in it, send the sample in, then go on the website and just enter the code number that was inside your particular kit in order to track your sample and it's results. They never even know who you are or where you live. I had to mail mine back from outside my state back when I had it done because of restrictions in some states from having DNA testing done outside of a doctor's office, so even the postmark won't tell them whose DNA they're running anyway.
You can buy these addiction hoodies on Amazon??!!!!!!!!

Addiction hoodies? You know vaping means using an e-cigarette, right? I mean, I guess nicotine IS an addiction... but just in case someone didn't explain it yet, and in case you don't realize.
The killer could have hanged the girls (UGH!!! :( ) and therefore LE could not, at first know, if it possibly was a double suicide.
And that might explain why they, at first, was unsure if it was murder.

Or they were positoned in such a way which would indicate it was a planned event, as in a true SK type deal.

I'll wager that the manner with which the girls were left by the perp(s) was so horrifying, that LE won't reveal it, and may make an effort to conceal such evidence during a trial.

If I were on a jury related to this case, I would demand to see any and all evidence.
Addiction hoodies? You know vaping means using an e-cigarette, right? I mean, I guess nicotine IS an addiction... but just in case someone didn't explain it yet, and in case you don't realize.

...and people are putting all kinds of drugs in those vapes.
Billboards being posted throughout different states could be a good method to help identify a perp thought to be on the run or alluding arrest. JMO, MOO, etc.
Can I just say that having listened to the iphone recording a number of times, that the accent is not Scottish (I am), and probably not Irish either.

Does anyone have the EXACT TIME when the image of the suspect was first released to the public/media on Feb 15th or was it the 16th?
Post#899, thread 1 says "just before 7pm Wednesday" (the 15th). That post has a link to the MSM story.

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IMO Also here in yellow box :)

I had to look at those very long and hard before i saw a old 1970s box shaped pickup truck in the red box and a 1970s firebird type car with the hood open in the bottom one. they both look like junked vehicles, except more tha that IMO they look like cloud images. like when you see a shape in the clouds, except in this case it's in teh trees. But at least I finally do see those shapes and can finally understand where some people are getting this idea from.
So are we thinking that there is a car in Abby's photo.. because I agree there is Something there!

Photo blown up to see blurry images on left, on the ground. LE blurred something there


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IMO that's a puddle of water.
I had to look at those very long and hard before i saw a old 1970s box shaped pickup truck in the red box and a 1970s firebird type car with the hood open in the bottom one. they both look like junked vehicles, except more tha that IMO they look like cloud images. like when you see a shape in the clouds, except in this case it's in teh trees. But at least I finally do see those shapes and can finally understand where some people are getting this idea from.

Wow you're good if you can even narrow down a year! Lol
I don't see anything though I've tried.

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Or they were positoned in such a way which would indicate it was a planned event, as in a true SK type deal.

I'll wager that the manner with which the girls were left by the perp(s) was so horrifying, that LE won't reveal it, and may make an effort to conceal such evidence during a trial.

If I were on a jury related to this case, I would demand to see any and all evidence.

My speculation would be that perhaps lyric and elizabeth were also "posed" in whatever way libby and abby may have been, which would greatly increase LE's suspicion that this is a SK, IMO. Note that this is speculation as i said: I do not know if ANY of the girls were "posed".

This is just speculation on my part as I wake up with coffee. So my brain is perhaps moving slower than normal as i catch up here.
...and people are putting all kinds of drugs in those vapes.

That doesn't make it an "addiction hoodie".

People carve pipes out of apples to smoke pot through too. Doesn't make them "addiction fruit". ;)
In past SK cases, is it common for LE to not notify the public if there's a suspected serial killer? Or would they let the public know?

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Wow you're good if you can even narrow down a year! Lol
I don't see anything though I've tried.

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All I have is microsoft paint and I cannot draw for the life of me, and these lines didn't come out straight at ALL, but the top one is the truck which I now think is an old fashioned car, and the bottom is the "firebird" which is facing the other way wiht the hood up. The small thin grill and circle headlights are visible under the open hood.

Keeping in mind that Im' merely playing devil's advocate. I do'nt really think this is what I'm seeing, I'm just illustrating to show where my mind is creating these IMO false images IMO. ETA: you have to click on it to get the full size one I guess, they don't seem to show up in the thread anymore for whatever reason.

All I have is microsoft paint and I cannot draw for the life of me, and these lines didn't come out straight at ALL, but the top one is the truck which I now think is an old fashioned car, and the bottom is the "firebird" which is facing the other way wiht the hood up. The small thin grill and circle headlights are visible under the open hood.

Keeping in mind that Im' merely playing devil's advocate. I do'nt really think this is what I'm seeing, I'm just illustrating to show where my mind is creating these IMO false images IMO. ETA: you have to click on it to get the full size one I guess, they don't seem to show up in the thread anymore for whatever reason.

View attachment 112082

Actually the drawings aren't too shabby!

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In past SK cases, is it common for LE to not notify the public if there's a suspected serial killer? Or would they let the public know?

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IMO it's like the difference between a storm WATCH and a storm WARNING.

In cases like the son of sam, once they knew 100% for sure it was a SK, they put out the SK WARNING - they let the public know, even though it caused some panic. In this case though I think this is more like an unmentioned SK WATCH - the conditions are right for this to be a SK, but they don't have the proof yet to say so in so many words, so for now we have to read between the lines, if that makes sense. JMO
On Tuesday, Riley said police suspected foul play and were investigating the area where the bodies were found as a crime scene, the Indianapolis Star reported.

Riley said the suspicions arose because of “the way the bodies were found, that’s about all I can say at this time.”

According to police and family members, the girls phones pinged in multiple locations but were shut off shortly after they were reported missing.

I think our girls were posed, or made to look like a natural death (drowning etc)

But now I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps they were not driven to someplace else and brought back to the trail. ( cell phone pings all over town ) Or the had Libby's phone with him as he made his escape.

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Actually the drawings aren't too shabby!

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thanks. :)

gotta get busy doing something or go crazy doing nothing, with this case!
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