IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #21

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Pat McPhee (sp) and the national radio show Bob and Tom just talked about this and they are pushing the pic and recording.

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#1nana did you happen to see/notice any vehicles/ automobiles there when you were there? TIA.
Pat McPhee (sp) and the national radio show Bob and Tom just talked about this and they are pushing the pic and recording.

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Yes, it was great.. Pat McAfee and the cast of the Bob and Tom show talked about it for about 4 minutes.

Interesting things Pat said... "They think he's from out of state" AND that he's a serial killer or will be and just started. Not sure if just his opinion or was insider info.

Started talking about it about 7:21am... not sure if there is a download for the show after or not?
I wish we knew the body condition or cause of death or both. If we did, I would start searching through arrests taking place about 10-11 years ago for similar crimes with similar weapons, motivations, causes of death, etc (all either/or). I say 10-11 years ago because I figure that if someone was to get a sentence of like 15 years or something the soonest they might get out is 10. And I believe with all of my heart and soul that this person has done this before, probably more than once. They may not have done time because of a technicality or may not have DNA on file becasue of a technicality or a plea bargain or because of the conviction not happening (jury finding him innocent or smoething) but the arrest records and charges should still exist.

but it's not useful IMO to focus on registered sex offenders, because fiirst of all I'm sure that LE ruled them all out as quickly as possible, and also becasue I'm pretty sure that implies they've been arrested in the years since taking DNA and having a RSO registry became a "thing" and that would further have already led to a match, IMO, so IMO this all means that the person is probably not ON the RSO list anyway, so we need to have something to go on when searching so many other possible perps' records.

just thinking out loud and IMO, etc.

I don't know if they will ever release that info though. as far as I recall, they never did for elizabeth and lyric because the guy was never caught who did it. So there's just nothing we can do... makes me sad. So many people willing to crowd source whatever work we can but nothing to look into, so we turn on ourselves and each other after awhile, or give up and move on. :(

#1nana did you happen to see/notice any vehicles/ automobiles there when you were there? TIA.

Well I wasn't brave enough to walk across the bridge to the SW side, but I didn't see anything while standing firmly planted on the gravel path at the edge of the NE side. Lol
Doesn't mean they are or aren't there, I just didn't see any. Perhaps the view is better from the middle of the bridge or the SW side? I can't imagine anyone walking on that rotting thing.

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I don’t know much about gun laws are in Indiana, but a quick internet search suggests that a permit is not required to purchase a handgun, but a license is required to carry a handgun (concealed and open carry).

How common is concealed carry in the Delphi area (or even in Indiana)? What would a typical local reaction be?

Snipped for space
Concealed carry is becoming more common and becoming more common with women. I do as well as a lot of my friends (rural Indiana). Open carry is a little less common.
But what would be quite useful is using the DNA to look for a match of a family tree. Then you know to contact those people to ask which relative is the one that is the one that could do something like this.

Just waking up and half thinking out loud... but also sharing an anecdote... the following is all IME and IMO:

I had my DNA done by 23andme ... the attempts at genetic profiling, or whatever, are in it's infancy at best (this company's DNA testing is different from the ones that and the other genealogically-themed DNA testing sites, this one provides all of that same information but in addition, it (used to be) geared towards providing genetic-based health reports when I had it done, and included a raw DNA sequencing result, so that I can take my DNA results and pass them through other databases, like Promethease, which is really great actually for finding genetic polymorphisms.. but still stinks for creating a profile of what someone actually looks like).

They think my eyes are PROBABLY blue (they were right about this one), they think my hair COULD BE red (it's not), they think I do not have a photic sneeze reflex (actually, I do), they think I probably do not have freckles (correct), they think I'm caucasian (correct), it told me my number of Xs and Ys, it told me there's less than a 1% chance of me living to be 100, they think that I can lose twice as much weight as most people by just cutting out fat (that's actually probably true, not that I have the willpower to do that), they have no input whatsoever on my height, weight, nose shape, likelihood for having dimples, moles, scars, identifying features, a limp, missing fingers or toes, old war injuries, my clothing, my gait, or where I intend to hide out after committing a double murder.

Now, from that information, can anyone draw me?

In short and IMO that kind of thing is not going to be very helpful unless/until the technology grows by leaps and bounds. By looking at that site, they're getting there but IMO the picture we have from Libby is going to give us way more to go on than a DNA snapshot at this time in it's development. IMO

JMO and based on IMlimitedE.

EDIT - I just saw their page here - - the phenotype information is exactly the same sort of results that I was given, minus the facial reconstruction attempt. I'm intrigued by this and wonder how they go from having the phenotype information to actually constructing the face. I almost want to send them my raw info and have them send me back a picture of myself to see how accurte it really is, but I"m sure that's not possible.

Very very encouraging though, to see that the technology has gotten to this point in the past number of years.

Also, FWIW, when you send your spit to 23andme to have your DNA run, it asks you if you want it stored in their warehouse or destroyed after the testing is done. It's NOT all automatically stored (some have mentioned in the past that companies like this could be subpoenaed by police to get their samples to run cases against), and the stuff that IS stored, isn't linked to any person. Everything is done by code number from the moment you request the kit, so that no names are attached to any samples. Especially nowadays that you ca buy the kit in walmart off the shelf for cash, spit in it, send the sample in, then go on the website and just enter the code number that was inside your particular kit in order to track your sample and it's results. They never even know who you are or where you live. I had to mail mine back from outside my state back when I had it done because of restrictions in some states from having DNA testing done outside of a doctor's office, so even the postmark won't tell them whose DNA they're running anyway.
If anyone is going to make a trip to Delphi or is local, the road on the SW side under the bridge does pique my curiosity. Be nice to know if it's easily accessible and is there a path up to the SW side?

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There is something I've been mulling over that I haven't seen discussed and would like to get other's thoughts on. I've seen many suggest that the stills released by LE of BG may be the only visual recording they have of him - that Liberty most likely dropped her phone into perhaps her sports bra etc. However there is a quote from the press conference where LE released the audio that continues to nag at me. Carter said:
"Imagine what that must be like, it's generally and very well likely will be one of the last things these ladies and gentlemen see for the rest of their lives before they go to sleep".

I have a sense that he isn't referring to the LE seeing literally just the man walking on the bridge every night...perhaps Carter isn't referencing what they saw but instead what they heard...except then why use the word "see", why not "hear". This is what leads me to believe that there very well may be more footage. Of course they are going to play things close to the vest and I'm by no means suggesting that they release more at this point, btw. But it does seem to suggest the existence of more footage, and in my opinion of course probably pretty gruesome, for him to make a comment like that. Anyways. Thoughts?

It appears that Carter made this comment during an interview with news media, not during the course of the actual press conference itself. I was frustrated because I reviewed the press conference video today in its entirety, which I did not do when it first became available, and never heard him make this comment while speaking. But in looking at what you've linked here now, he does make that remark (to a reporter). Am I correct?
Could they pick the face that represents the vaping community any better? :)

No offense to vapers, I smoke and sometimes vape when it's an absolute must. Have never used the hoodies, think they're more of a conceled vaping unit.

This kid doesn't look old enough to be legally vaping (or is it me?).
They think my eyes are PROBABLY blue (they were right about this one), they think my hair COULD BE red (it's not), they think I do not have a photic sneeze reflex (actually, I do), they think I probably do not have freckles (correct), they think I'm caucasian (correct), it told me my number of Xs and Ys, it told me there's less than a 1% chance of me living to be 100, they think that I can lose twice as much weight as most people by just cutting out fat (that's actually probably true, not that I have the willpower to do that), they have no input whatsoever on my height, weight, nose shape, likelihood for having dimples, moles, scars, identifying features, a limp, missing fingers or toes, old war injuries, my clothing, my gait, or where I intend to hide out after committing a double murder.

This was classic... thanks for the excellent post. You also won first laugh of the day :)

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But what would be quite useful is using the DNA to look for a match of a family tree. Then you know to contact those people to ask which relative is the one that is the one that could do something like this.

It's really not at all. Those family tree DNA suggestions to find connections aren't great. Usually that's how you find people you never met before so you know they're related, generally fourth cousins, third cousins, occasionally second cousins show up. I've never ever had anyone closer to me come up and I've done genealogy since 2002, and have had my DNA out there on some of those sites since 2012.

Just IME, not trying to be discouraging. I would love to have an experience that would prompt me to be able to encourage people here to not give up hope on this line of sleuthing/investigation. Trust me. Part of why I did genealogy at the beginning was because of trying to find my brother.. I hit up the social security death index part of ancestry every week for years, wondering if he'd be in there. My mom died in 2003 without ever knowing what happened to him. None of these things helped us to find him... in the end another of my siblings found him on facebook. He had written a book about being a nomad at the prompting of a journalist he ran into out there in the mountains, and came down into civilization and made a facebook just to get in touch with that journalist later, who then helped him get a self-publishing company to publish his "book". My siblings and I all bought it, which was how we learned about our long lost brother's life since he left us. When another sibling died, we were able to at least get word to him up there in those mountains....

sorry I went off on a tangent, I may need a little break from posting I guess. I just want news and I feel so bad that we don't have any. A press conference, anything...
That doesn't make it an "addiction hoodie".

People carve pipes out of apples to smoke pot through too. Doesn't make them "addiction fruit". ;)

Ok you're on a roll.. I will be laughing about this addiction fruit for a very long time. 🤣

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I had to look at those very long and hard before i saw a old 1970s box shaped pickup truck in the red box and a 1970s firebird type car with the hood open in the bottom one. they both look like junked vehicles, except more tha that IMO they look like cloud images. like when you see a shape in the clouds, except in this case it's in teh trees. But at least I finally do see those shapes and can finally understand where some people are getting this idea from.

Quite honestly I think that one spot is a large pool of water with a sandbar in between it and the river.
Ok you're on a roll.. I will be laughing about this addiction fruit for a very long time. ��

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To be fair, apples are pretty darn good. Some might say... addicting.

ok seriously, I'm done. some days you have to laugh to keep yourself from wallowing in the sense of nothingness... just trying to keep my head above water today I guess.
Can I just say that having listened to the iphone recording a number of times, that the accent is not Scottish (I am), and probably not Irish either.

I read someone either here or on the fb group say they have lived in that general area their whole life and feel that it sounds like the Steubenville, Ohio accent. I found that terribly specific but I wouldn't doubt that they know what they're talking about.
I don't think it's a vape or vape hoodie. I did find a video link with one if you want to check out the way the tubing works, moves, etc. Smoke is here also for those who thought it was that. [video=youtube;F92hQfAWK4g][/video]

I still think the white is rope or a molded shape bag handle. MOO

Could they pick the face that represents the vaping community any better? :)
No offense to vapers, I smoke and sometimes vape when it's an absolute must. Have never used the hoodies, think they're more of a conceled vaping unit.

This kid doesn't look old enough to be legally vaping. Looks like he's maybe 14 years old. Or is it just me? Besides, his entire head should be shrouded in some sort of material that doesn't allow the vapor to escape. That way, he'll get the full effect and not fumigate those around him. Would have to have eyeholes, though, so he could see.
This kid doesn't look old enough to be legally vaping. Looks like he's maybe 14 years old. Or is it just me? Besides, his entire head should be shrouded in some sort of material that doesn't allow the vapor to escape. That way, he'll get the full effect and not fumigate those around him. Would have to have eyeholes, though, so he could see.

Eh, it's just vapor. no e-cigarettes come with a space helmet to hold the vapor in.

re: age, my middle child is a 21 year old male and he looks as young as this guy does. I would believe they were both 16 if someone said so, but in reality the older I get, the younger everyone else looks! (hrumph! lol)
Just waking up and half thinking out loud... but also sharing an anecdote... the following is all IME and IMO:

I had my DNA done by 23andme ... the attempts at genetic profiling, or whatever, are in it's infancy at best (this company's DNA testing is different from the ones that and the other genealogically-themed DNA testing sites, this one provides all of that same information but in addition, it (used to be) geared towards providing genetic-based health reports when I had it done, and included a raw DNA sequencing result, so that I can take my DNA results and pass them through other databases, like Promethease, which is really great actually for finding genetic polymorphisms.. but still stinks for creating a profile of what someone actually looks like).

They think my eyes are PROBABLY blue (they were right about this one), they think my hair COULD BE red (it's not), they think I do not have a photic sneeze reflex (actually, I do), they think I probably do not have freckles (correct), they think I'm caucasian (correct), it told me my number of Xs and Ys, it told me there's less than a 1% chance of me living to be 100, they think that I can lose twice as much weight as most people by just cutting out fat (that's actually probably true, not that I have the willpower to do that), they have no input whatsoever on my height, weight, nose shape, likelihood for having dimples, moles, scars, identifying features, a limp, missing fingers or toes, old war injuries, my clothing, my gait, or where I intend to hide out after committing a double murder.

Now, from that information, can anyone draw me?

In short and IMO that kind of thing is not going to be very helpful unless/until the technology grows by leaps and bounds. By looking at that site, they're getting there but IMO the picture we have from Libby is going to give us way more to go on than a DNA snapshot at this time in it's development. IMO

JMO and based on IMlimitedE.

EDIT - I just saw their page here - - the phenotype information is exactly the same sort of results that I was given, minus the facial reconstruction attempt. I'm intrigued by this and wonder how they go from having the phenotype information to actually constructing the face. I almost want to send them my raw info and have them send me back a picture of myself to see how accurte it really is, but I"m sure that's not possible.

Very very encouraging though, to see that the technology has gotten to this point in the past number of years.

Also, FWIW, when you send your spit to 23andme to have your DNA run, it asks you if you want it stored in their warehouse or destroyed after the testing is done. It's NOT all automatically stored (some have mentioned in the past that companies like this could be subpoenaed by police to get their samples to run cases against), and the stuff that IS stored, isn't linked to any person. Everything is done by code number from the moment you request the kit, so that no names are attached to any samples. Especially nowadays that you ca buy the kit in walmart off the shelf for cash, spit in it, send the sample in, then go on the website and just enter the code number that was inside your particular kit in order to track your sample and it's results. They never even know who you are or where you live. I had to mail mine back from outside my state back when I had it done because of restrictions in some states from having DNA testing done outside of a doctor's office, so even the postmark won't tell them whose DNA they're running anyway.


What is a photic sneeze reflex?
What do you guys make of this online comment?

(11 days ago):

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