IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #34

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LE has not said he "lied". They've said some things were "not adding up".

See this video: [video=youtube;I_B9tdkBKa8][/video]

Still catching up so I"m sure someone has pointed it out by now, and I'm using your post as a jumping off point because it reminds me that I wanted to respond to this question asked earlier - someone asked "can you show me where MSM or LE have said RL lied to police" - just look up his name in the court records. He was charged with false informing. Doesn't get much more solid than that, as far as sourcing something for WS rules purposes goes IMO.

Some of the things I've read on the internet about RL in general has made me cringe. :bigfight:

I'll be the first one leading the mob with my pitchfork if by some crazy chance RL actually committed this heinous crime and is tried and convicted in a court of law.

Until then, my pitchfork and my venom will stay at bay.
Says there are daily briefings. More than 13,000 tips have come in. FBI are the first people to receive tips, vet to make sure not double ups. Sounds like they get lots of useless tips (people googling Delphi RSO list and emailing to them).
Nope, nothing new. Somebody knows something, call with tips. Someone who looks like photo or has drastically change appearance/attitude.
I think we'll all soon enough if RL had any involvement in the murders.
I don't believe he's responsible for the murders but I could be wrong.
DELPHI, Ind. (AP) -- The investigation into the killing of two teenage girls in Delphi has led to 13 arrests, but state police say that none of them are linked to those deaths.

Liberty German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, went missing on Feb. 13 while hiking near the Monon High Bridge. Their bodies were found the next day in a wooded area less than a mile away.

State Police Sgt. Kim Riley tells WLFI-TV those arrests were based on pending warrants all unrelated to the teens&#8217; murders.

It's been a constant struggle for police to keep rumors from spreading as the community tries to help solve the case. Police say they have not made any arrests in connection with the deaths of the Abby and Libby.

Just heard on my morning news that after the search RL is NOT a suspect. I'm thinking they are basing that off of a generic press release...

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Says they won't slow down investigation until every lead has been followed. Goodness, he really makes it sound like they have nothing yet.
Can't you message each other for personal greetings? This is why post fly by and some can't keep up.

Very sorry about that. The mornings are generally not as congested and so I just said a quick hello but you are right. My bad indeed.

ETA: I have just gone back and deleted my post - that should clear at least one thread!:shame:
As I replied previously he was charged but not convicted.

004. 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MA: False Informing
• Dismissed

03. 35-44-2-2(d)(1)/MA: False Informing
• Dismissed

Yes, his lawyer does the job he is hired for. Gets the smaller charges dropped/plead down. Doesn't mean LE charged him with those things on a whim. IMO it's the fact of false informing that matters more than whether a lawyer "played the game successfully" in court. JMO
Excellent post/thought process!

You won the internet!!!!!!!

When you're stuck and pieces aren't fitting into place, an enlightening exercise can be to assume the opposite of what you believe and play it out logically to see if any pieces suddenly fit. Even basic stuff like, "Who has Libby's cell phone?"

I (still) believe LE recovered her phone, but realized tonight that's an assumption most of us have made without having any confirmation that it's true. Here and there in these threads people have asked about it, but there has never been much discussion because it hasn't seemed important if LE got video from the phone itself or the cloud. But what if you start with the assumption that LE does NOT have the phone, and then play it out?

We know Libby had her phone on her at the time of the abduction, but now we'll assume they cant find it. The phone was "pinging around town" until around the time they were reported missing. If you can get BG to turn the phone back on, you can get it to ping again and figure out a location. But how to get him to turn it back on? Release a couple grainy video stills of a POI and reference that you have a lot more video...make BG wonder if there was something captured on the phone that provides more evidence as to who he is...make him want to stay a step ahead of LE by turning on the phone to find out what all Libby recorded. That could be why they just said he was someone they wanted to talk to early, and not a POI or not definitely involved...he's less likely to turn it on if he knows LE has fingered him for the crime.

Let's say this did work in the first few days, and the phone did ping briefly. That would be enough PC to get a SW if you had a precise location. But if it was just a general area? Then maybe you look for an RSO in that area, and get a SW for their house. This could explain the Bicycle Road search that turned up nothing (and it at least helps me understand where a lot of people leaving cryptic comments about the phone pinging at that house lately are coming from).

Or maybe it pinged in that area before it shut off for a final time on February 13, and that's why they served the SW there. And maybe the efforts to get BG to turn on the phone have failed so far. If that's the case, it would explain ISP Supt. Carter's statement last week that they are still waiting for a specific piece of intel to come in, and they know it isn't in the 13,000 tips that have been called in. And it would also explain why many feel like the case has gone cold.

That's about as far as I've taken it so far, and I still believe they have her physical phone. But I'm less confident in that assumption now, because it does seem to make some events/statements "fit" better. Anyway, hope that line of thought/type of exercise helps those of you better at this than me to come up with some good new theories.
*wiping coffee off of my ipad screen*

Thank, Bluesneakers! I needed that!

Brothers Gibb
Very sorry about that. The mornings are generally not as congested and so I just said a quick hello but you are right. My bad indeed.

ETA: I have just gone back and deleted my post - that should clear at least one thread!:shame:

I wouldn't worry, there is probably a whole thread of, "what does BG stand for". :)
I agree.

Also, it appears that his troubles with DUI began around the time his latest marriage began to dissolve. Just an observation I made while looking at court records.

Posted by Beth11311 -

At this point I'm seriously questioning if he's actually an alcoholic in the sense we keep hearing about, well here at least. I'm not on social media. The reason I question, I have always read and heard how chronic alcoholism over a long period of time is so bad for the skin, as in causing premature wrinkling and aging, etc. But then here is this 77-78 y/o man with amazingly smooth, what appears to be almost flawless, wrinkle free skin, and with barely noticeable sagging. Seriously, his facial complexion and skin tone would make most women that age, and many even younger, green with envy that they had to spend so much just to look half as good. You know what I mean?

My point being, IMO, he doesn't appear to be this chronic alcoholic he's been characterized as here and who knows where else. Unless, the doctors are full of BS and don't know what they're talking about, LOL. Maybe that's it? If so though, how is he such a bad alcoholic? Perhaps he just once in a while goes out and drinks with the boys, or even at home, and then has a moment of bad judgement choosing to drive. Maybe because he's an old timer with the old independent, self-reliant mindset who believes he should do for himself, and will do for himself, he wants no help. And no one's going to change his mind. As in stubborn as a mule, set in his ways, bull headed, etc... you get my drift. Idk, just something I've noticed, and as always I'm questioning things. Thanks for listening, and / or for chiming in.
(O/T?) I think RL has information, but I don't think he's BG. From court records, and maybe I just haven't been able to find anything prior, it seems like when his wife filed for divorce, everything fell apart for him. The Indiana public court records site is one of the better systems that I've searched, with cases on other individuals I've looked up going back at least as far as the 90's, maybe more. RL has nothing (that I can find) filed in Indiana courts prior to his divorce filing in '09. Then, he begins collecting DUI's and other charges afterwards. Seems to me either his ex-wife kept his destructive behavior in check, or his wife filing for divorce set self destructive behavior in motion. And now, 2 little girls found murdered on his property. I could be wrong, maybe I'm missing information, and if I am, correct me please. I feel sorry for the guy. He's now THE person of interest in a lot of peoples eyes. I just think he's a sad old man caught up in a bad situation. MOO, of course

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It does not help that he is not talking to police, it gives the appearance he has something to hide. Even if he has nothing to hide it is still annoying that by not cooperating he is wasting LE's time and resources and slowing down the process of finding the real killer.
Anyone know "what" time the hearing is this morning for RL? Or was it postponed?

This is a great post! Still catching up from yesterday, so maybe someone else has said this by now, but I feel that your post is mostly accurate with one exception IMO -


IMO they've had Libby's phone since day two or so but (very intentionally) haven't outright confirmed if Abby had one or not (and IMO kind of tried to make it seem like she DIDN"T all along IMO). IMO it's Abby's phone that can be substituted into your theory instead of Libby's and IMO they may also have been searching RL's place for it. All IMO - NO it's not been said Abby had a phone, I realize that. This is all conjecture and my own opinion.

I just felt the heebie jeebies, great posts you two. I have really been wondering about Libby's phone too.

Mike Patty said her phone pinged 'all over town' which made me think the girls were taken somewhere else until one of our genius members pointed out that the area is very small and could ping multiple towers even staying in the same spot (sorry for run-on sentences, English teachers).

So, excluding RL as the killer for this exercise, moo imho, BG has the run of the property. He's got one (or two) phones and he most likely knows LE can track them. I thought the most likely thing he did was throw them in the creek (remember they had folks walking the creek on the 14th?). A few of our techy sleuthers confirmed that a lot of data can be pulled off of a phone even in that condition.

So now I have been thinking a lot about BG's plan. I keep thinking he has been planning or fantasizing about this for a long time. Maybe it's a game he plays with himself, he may have brought all his accoutrements before, pretending or practicing.

So here he comes to the bridge on a known school holiday and there are two girls by themselves. He knows exactly what to do. How to get them off the bridge and out of sight.

Where I start asking questions is how does he know where to stop. There is that private property right next to the bridge, the cemetery, RL's property and so on. Why would someone stop at RL's place? Is it because he knows the land? The shed or barn? Does he know that family? If he kept walking, would it lead to a place where he could have parked?

And then I begin wondering what is Le looking for on RL's property and in his truck and home? It doesn't seem likely to me that RL is BG, but for whatever reason, tips came in leading LE to his land. BG could have left or stashed his stuff anywhere I guess.

All of this is pre-caffeine and all my thoughts and mind map [emoji901]

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