IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #35

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Best part was when her husband didn't want her standing on the platform and cussed! Loved it ! Loved that she wanted to get the shot for Gray, and loved the fact he was concerned for her !

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So funny, too, when she scolded him for cursing because it was going on YT. They are so cute. This is the Mama, grandma and great grandma in me. One reason why I follow this case so closely is because I have grand children and two great grands.

Brings to mind a verse, that reads, "Ecc_9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.' This could have happened to any of our children. :mad:
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Just bumping this since I guess not everyone reads anything but their own posts.
Best part was when her husband didn't want her standing on the platform and cussed! Loved it ! Loved that she wanted to get the shot for Gray, and loved the fact he was concerned for her !

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I know! And I loved it when she told him to apologize to everyone for swearing and he immediately said "Sorry everybody." Too cute! :slap:
I think this is probably accurate. That's part of why I keep wondering about Abby's phone. Two girls who were so into photography and who were best friends and who were dropped off to take photos of the scenery that day, but only ONE had a phone to do so with?

IMO that's a big NOPE. (I was a kid, I have kids, I know that inseparable best friends who share interests rarely allow a situation where only one of them has supplies for said hobby. Plus they were both into the hobby that shall not be named which requires a phone with GPS/compass so. yeah.)

IMO they are still looking for Abby's phone and IMO it had pinged around more places than those woods between the time they went missing and were found IMO and IMO maybe one of those places was around Bicycle Bridge Road IMO and pure speculation based on my careful perusal of MSM and other places with this train of thought in mind.
Agree. I can't shake that at least some of the search warrants served may be connected and may ultimately be part of the case they are building for an arrest(s) and charges. MOO.

ETA: Not suggesting an arrest is imminent as I know from other cases that can take months or years even with some evidence and heavy suspicion early on.

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Oh yes, I forgot about that transcript thing when I replied to your post. I guess I didn't give it much thought because I didn't see any new posts about it. I did see that others included what was said about that in their replies. I think I will not try to be the giver of news in the future.:waitasec:

Don't stop! It is easy to miss information. I appreciate everyone who adds something that may have been forgotten or overlooked, or may be new to someone.
Nin did some height approximization.. is that a word? what word am I looking for? :thinking:

anyway, could BG be as short as 5' 7" do you think? I'm trying to decide how heavy someone would have to be to have that kind of gut on him if he was shorter than the guys in my family but it's hard to do. I can sort of mentally calculate "what if he is about 5' 10", then how much might he weigh with that kind of gut on him? " but not "what if he is more like 5' 7" to 5 8"?"..... just thinking out loud. Not sure if he could be that short anyway butI"m pretty sure Nin's approximate height calculation was possibly as low as about 5' 8" IIRC... just trying to cover all mental bases right now.... Will not be here much today but will have my brain working on all of this as usual while I"m gone.
I just have a strong feeling the girls never walked all the way across this bridge. @ 1.16 into this video you can see locals/teens walking on the bridge and the kids all look very hesitant. They went about as far as the point where Abby's pic was taken, I believe. Would Libby and Abby have been more comfortable? I don't know.

Food for thought: How else would they get to the other side?


This thought has crossed my mind as well. It has never been reported exactly where the girls were dropped off...and I believe there is a reason for this. A 'possibility' would be that they were 'maybe' dropped off at the cemetery, walked through the woods to the bridge. Someone could have spotted them and followed them. The perp could have been on RL's property for some reason, hence the extensive SW there.
I've been searching for a video news report from about the time the search warrant for RL's property was executed but can't find it.

Maybe I dreamed it but what I remember is the reporter giving reasons why and one of those was, there were so many tips that RL looked like bridge guy. Anyone remember seeing this?

It struck me at the time because I personally don't think RL looks like BG. Is it possible LE doesn't have enough video/sound from our heroes to eliminate suspects?
After being on here all day yesterday and the previous evening, I signed off early and caught up a bit.

IMO, BG is NOT RL. I am waiting for the trancript from HLN.

I have 2 theories:

BG is local and knows his way around. He may have lured the girls to the bridge, and when they got there-
he was nothing like what they expected. Then it was too late. BG may very well be connected RL somehow. :moo:
He may have had a way to know they would be there that day. Either through SM, friends or direct communication.

2nd theory is this is a drifter and SK. Crime of opportunity. (I lean towards theory 1)

I do not care to over analyze phantom images, internet medical diagnosis, and my 2 cents is if that grainy picture of BG has not been ID'd by now, it won't be. All is MOO :moo:

Delphi Indiana: Five weeks later and still no suspects in the murders of Libby and Abby


“People shouldn’t speculate on why someone was searched or not searched," said Carroll County Prosecutor Robert Ives. "No charges have been filed relating to the deaths of the two girls and no charges are imminent.”

Ives can’t comment specifically on the search warrant that was served at Logan’s property on Friday, but he said the case is large and has included several search warrants and dozens of subpoenas so far.

“I’m not aware of an investigation of this size ever occurring in a county of our size,” said Ives. “It’s probably happened in big cities, but not here.”

Investigators are still combing through over 13,000 tips that have come in so far, and Ives said they are still receiving up to 200 a day.

“This is a case, there’s lots of evidence out there but it needs to be matched up with a person, and that hasn’t been done yet,” said Ives.
I was reading this thread 2 hours ago and somehow ended up in February and didn't even realise I was there, I read pages and pages of the same stuff until it clicked that I was rereading old stuff. I got back to this thread and saw a debate about the hat again.
One of the things I picked up down the rabbit hole was a police description of what BG was wearing. He has blue jeans a blue jacket and a hoodie no hat! Don't ask me what page it was on but it was in February. I got a bit of a shock when I looked at the date and the fact that all the stuff I had been reading was on closed threads. lol
So maybe he has long hair because he certainly doesn't have a hat.
I have a hard time believing that RL would be covering for the person who is responsible for this crime. Nobody but a monster would do this, and nobody but a monster would cover for the person who did it.
If RL is an alcoholic, they many have moved him to a facility to handle his detox. That would "be for his safety"
If he is not arrested for this crime and is released from jail on the probation violation he needs to get rid of the truck they took in, and go back to the house and get what he needs from(no talking while inside) and find someplace else to go, maybe rent a camper and put it on the property till this is resolved. I would not trust LE at this time if i were him. The truck and house are probably bugged.

I am that paranoid. :)
I also feel this is not BGs first time.

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I think BG parked in the cemetery parking lot and took the girls out of here and brought them back later. I'm wondering if they have surveillance of the cemetery

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I was reading this thread 2 hours ago and somehow ended up in February and didn't even realise I was there, I read pages and pages of the same stuff until it clicked that I was rereading old stuff. I got back to this thread and saw a debate about the hat again.
One of the things I picked up down the rabbit hole was a police description of what BG was wearing. He has blue jeans a blue jacket and a hoodie no hat! Don't ask me what page it was on but it was in February. I got a bit of a shock when I looked at the date and the fact that all the stuff I had been reading was on closed threads. lol
So maybe he has long hair because he certainly doesn't have a hat.

I never thought he had on a hat. But, that hoodie could hide lots....bald head, dread locks (sp), pony tail, gray hair, blonde hair, brown hair, red hair, receding hair, etc. If you cover up his chin, it changes everything too. But, I can tell for sure he has on a brown sweatshirt under that blue nylon jacket. His legs look like 40 yrs old or older (to me). Honestly, if you put those clothes on my hubby, he would pass for BG. I see BGs everywhere I go, unfortunately. But those clothes, in that area and on that day, should reveal something to someone who is local?
I have a hard time believing that RL would be covering for the person who is responsible for this crime. Nobody but a monster would do this, and nobody but a monster would cover for the person who did it.
Unfortunately, monsters that do things like this often live double lives and do not present physically as a "monster." I don't know whether RL is involved in any capacity or not but do believe that whoever BG is and any other accomplices are likely not the typical monster many have in mind.

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If RL is detoxing he many have remembered someone he allowed in his home in the past that resembles BG and the warrants are just to make sure everything is up and up when it's court time. RL could be cooperating and being protected.
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