IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #41

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I have a feature built into my galaxy s6 edge that if you press the home button 3 times, it starts recording video and audio. It sends both to my designated contacts and my gps location! Best standard feature on a phone. That is what I assumed this was but I think it only does 5 seconds of each. Maybe she had a feature like that on her phone. I doubt these girls were paranoid in general. They were kids. Me, on the other hand, Im suspicious of everyone. I would have been recording this guy as soon as he stopped and turned around!

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I haven't explored that feature on my phone, but also having a Samsung phone; Galaxy s7, all I need to do to pull up my camera without unlocking my phone, is hit the home key twice rapidly.
I realized I posted the wrong original image in reference to my RL POI/BG comparison.

It was this one:


Not this one:



Inside Edition

IMO They do appear similar. What is wrapped around RL's left hand? Looks like and Ace bandage. Does he have an injured hand?
Interesting assessment, thank you! I have a Samsung Galaxy s7 and the microphone is unreal, it picks up voices and sounds very clearly whether in a pocket or not.

I know my Iphone is much better without my lifeproof case on. With no case it records very clear audio.....with case on not so much. MOO
Welcome to Websleuths.
We have discussed more than one killer abducting the girls and forcing them into a vehicle on the road and taking them to another location, perhaps another town or perhaps somewhere nearby they knew where they would be protected and bringing their bodies back later. That's is my theory. I do not believe one or 2 people forced them to walk down the bluff and across the woods and down the bank into the creek and across and back up. Why would they if they already had them on the road, right? But not a car, I'm thinking a van or larger SUV at least. I don't think someone was just scoping out for any young female though but that's a valid theory, especially with 2 RSO living together nearby. I have wondered when they were brought back, probably as you suggested in the wee hours.
In the future when you post it is best not to reference other blogs and forums as the source of your information. Even though its locals its still rumors technically. You can say that you think or believe as we all can share our theory.

If the perp successfully got them off site, though, in many ways he would be more home free. He could dump the bodies anywhere at that point.

What do you think his motive would be if he took them off site and then dropped them back at the site? Why take that risk? Just curious.

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I just wanted to see if the audio (speaking voice) would be muffled at all if I had my phone in my pocket. At least for me, the audio was pretty much the same either way.

  • I took my phone, turned the video on and said a few words while holding it up
  • With the video still on, I put my phone in my pocket and said the same words
  • It sounded pretty much the same either way (wasn't muffled in my pocket)

Was the microphone at the top of the pocket or at the bottom of the pocket? I've been wondering if this would make a difference.
Gosh I'd really love to hear something solid today. Getting so frustrated rehashing all the same points. Please let today be the DAY!
The "there he is again" could work in the sense that they ran into him at some point earlier on the trail, he said something off color, acted strangely etc. I keep thinking she had to have felt really awfully frightened to start recording from that far away. Someone suggested she may have been running and this is why the phone stills are not at the same angle (one is much more tilted), she was trying to capture him while also trying to move away.

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Without any recent news, most of what has been running through my head is speculation. But I had an interesting conversation with someone the other night regarding the case. I asked what would make YOU start to record someone? We both settled on a previous bad encounter, aka "hey X, that Y guy is coming back!", and some other theories. I'd like to hear what others opinions are of why YOU would start to record someone from 80' out? (per GH video assessments).

Everything is MOO.

Say the girls were on the south end of the bridge (having walked all the way from the north to the south end), and this guy came up (out of nowhere) from the south end of the bridge area, passing them as he traveled from south end toward the north end (he may have, at this time, said SOMETHING STRANGE to them in passing). Then, he suddenly (80 feet or so out) turned around and started heading toward them, I think Libby would have have recorded him, just in case.

He may have said something to the girls "PRIOR" to Libby pushing the record button which sent off alarm bells and caused her to record him. We only heard what he said after she began recording, which was, "Down the hill."

Just a theory, just a thought, just an idea.....
Just speculating, but I think they worded it that way because:

  • They have a video clip that shows BG in the background and
  • They have a video clip that has audio only (e.g. maybe Libby had her phone at her side or put it in her pocket if she had one)
  • After analyzing the information they put out that statement and worded it that way


Grayhuze has put the position of the , as he appears in Libby's video stills, at the last platform on the bridge. He believes Libby was at the end of the south/east side of the bridge, about 80 feet away.

In the video, Retracing Libby and Abby's steps across Monon High Bridge, JM walks from the last platform to the south/east end of the bridge in approx. 25 seconds. She also mentions you can walk faster (speed up) as you reach the end of the bridge.

IMO, there is a very short amount of time in between Libby's video captures of the and the confrontation. If there is only audio after the video of the approaching the wording makes sense to me.


IMO They do appear similar. What is wrapped around RL's left hand? Looks like and Ace bandage. Does he have an injured hand?
If you watch the video the photos came from you can see there is nothing on his hand.
It couldn't hurt. We may never know truly why, or if any of our theories are even remotely close to what actually happened. But IMO I do think ordering them in YOUR thoughts of most likely to least likely will at least help us to explore every possible Avenue. I also do think based on who your POI is, the different scenarios for recording would either make the most or least sense pertaining to that person or theory. I say go for it, I'd be interested to read your thoughts on this.

Everything is MOO

Thank you for responding in a way that has made me think again about how I view this case. That was greatly appreciated. I will have to take some time and think about this logically (for which I am known to be...but this case has me doing a lot of illogical thinking for some reason).

As far as my thoughts on a POI, well, that is not so easy. I do not want this to sound more ominous than it is, but I am not ready to even give a theory based on my opinions yet because of the dangers it could pose. Please do not read into that statement guys. These are just my opinions and thought processes. Maybe after next week we can dive into things but right now I am in a holding pattern until after the 3rd.

Again, venutian21, thank you for setting my mind back into a logic thought process and seeing things in a newer light. :great:

One thing that keeps coming back to my mind is way in the beginning of the investigation, during a presser with the Indiana State Police and the county sheriff were speaking
..when asked if the public should be alarmed etc
.the State Police looked over to the county sheriff and said he should answer that.. to which he basically said, no, people shouldn't be alarmed just use common sense etc (im not quoting directly here)...why would he say that unless they already had a good idea who did it, or said person was already in jail, was a targeted or personal matter?

I agree with your points, and LE has been a little contradictory with their public advisements throughout this case (and they haven't even specifically said that much). IMO, their words and actions have not always been congruent, and I think people are picking up on that and it's causing more frustration.

The day they found the girls, they were warning parents to check on their children and to make sure they knew what their children were doing.

Then, the FBI and Homeland Security swarm in and with LE they basically put out an APB and billboards across the country about BG because LE states/insinuate that what happened to the girls was nothing short of heinous and everyone needs to be on high alert because "who's next?" they say...But, then not a lot of public instruction? Or an actual physical description of BG? :scared:

Then, I listened to the interview Slocom gave last week on the radio and he was asked about how parents/kids should manage the upcoming Spring Break, and he said not to go alone or even in pairs, but to be in larger groups...Well, to me that's disconcerting. What does he mean? :gaah:

Personally, I would feel a little rattled, worried, angry, and annoyed if I were a resident of Delphi because a vicious predator (or two, because they won't say that either) brutally murdered two beautiful girls in a semi-popular park/area in broad daylight where kids are reported to congregate and LE has given little information regarding their suspect profile or even a possible motive or theories about why and what happened to A+L-- But LE did state at the onset to watch your kids and now they're saying to travel in groups and to report any stranger or strange vehicle...

...But, LE won't release a sketch, offer an approximate height/weight, discuss any more distinguishing information, or a DNA profile (*if they have one as they did in the Vanessa Marcotte case), or something? --- (And then maybe they should either arrest RL on murder charges or clear the man...) and now they have 'scaled back resources' but are still asking for tips, and warning the public to stay diligent but not providing even daily tweets from the command center...

It's just a little weird to me. Is this community in danger, or not? I think their conflicting information and lack of basic information is hurting the case at this point... And I do say this with the upmost respect. I work with LE, my family is LE, but that doesn't mean they're beyond reproach, or constructive criticism. I know they want to get this guy(s) even worse than any of us do. I know and believe that with all my heart. They want to put this guy away and give the families some sense of peace...

But maybe even a bulletted list of facts about the case and a more accurate physical description of BG, and releasing possible motive(s), or even a few of their theories about what they think happened may help them and the public a lot.

I don't know, but I think they need to say something to the public in regards to this, IMO.

*A link to where SGT Riley talked about spring break:
Age has nothing to do with it. A team from the FBI spent an entire day searching his property. They will know if he had any involvement in this crime after processing any evidence found that day.

I don't see any value in sluthing this guy besides being on the side that was right when all the facts are presented.

This is going to be the 3rd weekend where nothing useful gets discussed, imo, because all the talk will be about a person already sitting in a jail cell.
But this is what we do on Websleuths

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This is going to sound so snarky, don't mean it to, but it seems the majority here is very skeptical of any involvement by RL, and this surprises me that there is such a strong stance being taken here with so little information. I agree he looks older than the pic, and I have no idea what his role is if any, but I wonder if people are feeling empathetic for a senior. Moo.

ETA: I agree this is awful for him if he has no knowledge or involvement.
I have read ahead and people say NO! It's not his age, buy go back to thread 48 or 39 and it's EXACTLY what they said.

If he was 50, everyone would be on him like white on rice.

I get it. No one wants to find that a long standing oldtimer has commiyyed this horrendous crime.

Know what? Me neither. But the police put him on a platter. They are NOT stupid. THEY KNOW EXACTLY what they did first arresting him, then serving a circus of a SW on him. Ask ourselves WHY?

I like the taste of hat, really.
Straw variety, lots of fiber...

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Say the girls were on the south end of the bridge (having walked all the way from the north to the south end), and this guy came up (out of nowhere) from the south end of the bridge area, passing them as he traveled from south end toward the north end (he may have, at this time, said SOMETHING STRANGE to them in passing). Then, he suddenly (80 feet or so out) turned around and started heading toward them, I think Libby would have have recorded him, just in case.

He may have said something to the girls "PRIOR" to Libby pushing the record button which sent off alarm bells and caused her to record him. We only heard what he said after she began recording, which was, "Down the hill."

Just a theory, just a thought, just an idea.....

A very good and plausible theory, one I have also pondered over as well. I also wonder if it would be considered "strange" to be on the bridge and see someone coming on from the south OR from under the bridge/come out of the woods. Not sure if entering from the south is typical, or how often you see someone just pop out of the woods. Just thinking out loud. All MOO.
Check out JDD. He is a RSO from Kokomo, Indiana. He spent 20 years in prison for attempted rape of an 11 year old girl. He has been out since 2006-2007. He originally got 45 years because he was already in trouble for kidnapping and mutilating a girl for hours in his car. He promised to never do it again and then a month later, he attempted to sexually assault a little girl. He is on LE's radar allegedly already but I want to keep his name and face out there. Look him up please!!

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{IMO} Physically, appears to be a very strong POI.{IMO}
I have a feature built into my galaxy s6 edge that if you press the home button 3 times, it starts recording video and audio. It sends both to my designated contacts and my gps location! Best standard feature on a phone. That is what I assumed this was but I think it only does 5 seconds of each. Maybe she had a feature like that on her phone. I doubt these girls were paranoid in general. They were kids. Me, on the other hand, Im suspicious of everyone. I would have been recording this guy as soon as he stopped and turned around!

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

Agreed about they prob weren't too paranoid being kids. But they DID both have an interest in going into law enforcement or something like that, which may mean they were a little more tuned into noticing people who might appear suspicious or were acting illegally.

When I was their age, I read a lot of mysteries and that reading interest caused me to be more aware of my surroundings.

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In everyone's opinion,who is the best photo enhancement/analyst expert WS has?
Thank you for responding in a way that has made me think again about how I view this case. That was greatly appreciated. I will have to take some time and think about this logically (for which I am known to be...but this case has me doing a lot of illogical thinking for some reason).

As far as my thoughts on a POI, well, that is not so easy. I do not want this to sound more ominous than it is, but I am not ready to even give a theory based on my opinions yet because of the dangers it could pose. Please do not read into that statement guys. These are just my opinions and thought processes. Maybe after next week we can dive into things but right now I am in a holding pattern until after the 3rd.

Again, venutian21, thank you for setting my mind back into a logic thought process and seeing things in a newer light. :great:


I will be patiently waiting to hear your theories. My mind too has gone to the illogical, and I have found myself at times feeling overwhelmed trying to sort everything out. The conversation I had last night that sparked this, really got my mind flowing again. I have been attempting to step back and ask myself simpler questions first, obtaining possible answers and going from there. It's really helped shed a new light onto possibilities and scenarios. I'm glad it has got your mind working as well. We may all just be speculating in the end, but it is honorable seeing so many trying to help these 2 lovely girls ❤ MOO
I agree with your points, and LE has been a little contradictory with their public advisements throughout this case (and they haven't even specifically said that much). IMO, their words and actions have not always been congruent, and I think people are picking up on that and it's causing more frustration.

The day they found the girls, they were warning parents to check on their children and to make sure they knew what their children were doing.

Then, the FBI and Homeland Security swarm in and with LE they basically put out an APB and billboards across the country about BG because LE states/insinuate that what happened to the girls was nothing short of heinous and everyone needs to be on high alert because "who's next?" they say...But, then not a lot of public instruction? Or an actual physical description of BG? :scared:

Then, I listened to the interview Slocom gave last week on the radio and he was asked about how parents/kids should manage the upcoming Spring Break, and he said not to go alone or even in pairs, but to be in larger groups...Well, to me that's disconcerting. What does he mean? :gaah:

Personally, I would feel a little rattled, worried, angry, and annoyed if I were a resident of Delphi because a vicious predator (or two, because they won't say that either) brutally murdered two beautiful girls in a semi-popular park/area in broad daylight where kids are reported to congregate and LE has given little information regarding their suspect profile or even a possible motive or theories about why and what happened to A+L-- But LE did state at the onset to watch your kids and now they're saying to travel in groups and to report any stranger or strange vehicle...

...But, LE won't release a sketch, offer an approximate height/weight, discuss any more distinguishing information, or a DNA profile (*if they have one as they did in the Vanessa Marcotte case), or something? --- (And then maybe they should either arrest RL on murder charges or clear the man...) and now they have 'scaled back resources' but are still asking for tips, and warning the public to stay diligent but not providing even daily tweets from the command center...

It's just a little weird to me. Is this community in danger, or not? I think their conflicting information and lack of basic information is hurting the case at this point... And I do say this with the upmost respect. I work with LE, my family is LE, but that doesn't mean they're beyond reproach, or constructive criticism. I know they want to get this guy(s) even worse than any of us do. I know and believe that with all my heart. They want to put this guy away and give the families some sense of peace...

But maybe even a bulletted list of facts about the case and a more accurate physical description of BG, and releasing possible motive(s), or even a few of their theories about what they think happened may help them and the public a lot.

I don't know, but I think they need to say something to the public in regards to this, IMO.

*A link to where SGT Riley talked about spring break:

One of the most succinct opinions about the way LE has handled this that I have read.
Excellent. Hitting thanks just didn't seem enough.
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