IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #62

DNA Solves
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It was stated in the press conference that the sketch was a composite of information that came from various sources, not just eyewitnesses. It was not specifically stated that the "she" (or "the person") who said "no blue eyes" was actually an eyewitness. "She" could well have been a forensic science lab technician who wrote the report on the DNA test results.

This was a very difficult presser to follow, as those who have watched it might agree. It was confusing, especially when Sargeant Riley seemed to inadvertently say "she" more than once when describing the source behind the physical features of the sketch. When I watched the press conference live, I thought he was describing the interpretations of the sketch artist, but in rewatching, it's hard to tell if that's who he is referring. The media are attributing it to an actual eye witness.
JMO But i would be very surprised if this BW guy just happened to drive 70-80 miles to a totally different trail system that happens to have the same name in order to commit the crimes. just seems weird to me as there arn't any similarities other than the names of the trials. Two very different types of trail systems as far as terrain and surroundings. As far as the similarities in the face I think BW eyes are much closer together and the noses also appear very different to me. JMO FWIW It may end up being him, but at this point I don't see the conection
It strikes me as almost ironic that in a case where there seems to be unprecedented digital evidence from a victim of the (most likely) stranger perpetrator that we are back at a hand drawn sketch in order to help identify the unknown person.

Obviously we don't know the exact circumstances that lead to the photos that are well distributed. Was the photo or video taken as the girls grew increasingly uneasy about this person's presence? Seems like a reasonable guess. What I have taken from the little I know about this case is that it is important to remind your loved ones that it is better to overreact in situations that make you uncomfortable. Escalate, ring someone, ring police, create distance, tell a most likely innocent person they are scaring you and to keep away, you are calling police. I hate to think of these lovely girls just getting an inkling of danger, enough to take some precautions, to no avail. Ultimately a phone cannot save you if someone is intent on doing you harm, but up the ante early, because we seemingly have a situation here where digital evidence not only didn't dissuade him (if he was even aware of it), so far it hasn't been of much use after the fact either. I hope the sketch can get there.
Initial thoughts. All MOO.

LE may have DNA without a match in the system.
They indicate at least one witness provided a description of the suspect.
LE may have a partial profile on the suspect from DNA. Those profiles take time and may have only recently been available.
When they got the profile back it may have turned out eerily similar to the witness description.
They may have called the witness in to do the sketch. Then refined based on DNA profile.
Witness account alone was important but not enough to release a sketch off of.
Once DNA lined up it may have made them confident it was close and would do more good than harm.

From the presser, they either released a bit more information than planned or they want us to think they did. I'm referring to the comment about hair/eye color "she was, the person was....but sh.., the person said..."

Remember when the BG photo was released. They didn't say where exactly it was captured or by who. They weren't ready to tip their cards just yet and I feel like that's the case here. If they had a female witness who saw enough of the guy to know confidently his eyes weren't blue, and they state later in the presser witnesses were afraid, I highly doubt they would make the rookie mistake of saying "she" even once. That could put a witnesses life in serious jeopardy.

Another thought is they know exactly who this is and need the final nail in the coffin before making the arrest. I'm hoping for this to be the case but not overly optimistic.

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Adding a statement I found in the media thread. I feel like the same thing is happening with this sketch. No clear answer on where it came from (or who) and some misdirection thrown in.

"Sgt. Riley would not say where the picture came from or if a security camera took the photo. He said he believes there is one security camera somewhere near the trails but, when asked where the camera is, he said he didn’t know."

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It strikes me as almost ironic that in a case where there seems to be unprecedented digital evidence from a victim of the (most likely) stranger perpetrator that we are back at a hand drawn sketch in order to help identify the unknown person.

Obviously we don't know the exact circumstances that lead to the photos that are well distributed. Was the photo or video taken as the girls grew increasingly uneasy about this person's presence? Seems like a reasonable guess. What I have taken from the little I know about this case is that it is important to remind your loved ones that it is better to overreact in situations that make you uncomfortable. Escalate, ring someone, ring police, create distance, tell a most likely innocent person they are scaring you and to keep away, you are calling police. I hate to think of these lovely girls just getting an inkling of danger, enough to take some precautions, to no avail. Ultimately a phone cannot save you if someone is intent on doing you harm, but up the ante early, because we seemingly have a situation here where digital evidence not only didn't dissuade him (if he was even aware of it), so far it hasn't been of much use after the fact either. I hope the sketch can get there.

I wonder if the video capture provided the base, and the witness evidence, and *possible* DNA fingerprinting provided overlays to fine tune the image. That's the only sense I can make out of multiple agencies combining efforts to provide the composite image released today.
Just something to keep in mind about how somebody could acurately describe a person they bumped into on the bridge. More than likely the sketch artist asked for certain details , made several variations of renderings and the person then was asked to identify the one that looked the most like the person they saw that day. Then the artist would more than likely make subtle changes until the witness said oh thats him. More often than not I would think that the witness would have to see complete sketches in order for it to click as to what they actually saw. IMO people arn't just trained to describe every minute details of ones face, but when they see the different similarities in the sketches it clicks and they say oh thats the image of the person I saw that day. I'm sure its a very pain staking process and probablly frustrating at times, Its not just a simple what did he look like and artist draws it out in detail type thing. JMO

I agree, and a side note on this I finally figured out what seems strange to me of the sketch and wondered if anyone else thought so also ...I'm wondering if the eyebrows are truly accurate??. Do they not seem out of place ?? I was expecting big bushy man eyebrows... the eyebrows on the sketch look thin , almost painted on like a woman would do after plucking them thinly and then highlighting with eyeliner . what do you guys think?? Also it's kind of disheartening that he's so average-looking.. it's too bad that he couldn't look like actor Steve Buscemi..
I want to mention a few things, but I'll try to keep this short.

The sketch looks a lot like what I saw in the video stills, but BW doesn't look anything at all like what I'd expect. I also think JDD looks a lot more like the sketch than BW does, but it's not always easy giving an accurate description of someone you don't know, saw for just a short time, and haven't seen for a while.

I keep thinking that there must be DNA or it would make no sense to be getting samples from possible POIs. If so, that would mean to me that either BG's never had his DNA entered into the system or that he had a partner who hasn't been caught yet. If there was actually a second person involved, it's very possible that the DNA came from the one who wasn't caught on camera, and "BG" was experienced enough to make sure he didn't leave any of his behind.

I've also wondered about the eye color. It sounded to me like there at least a couple of people who gave information for the sketch (I admit that I could have misunderstood what was said.) If one said he had brown eyes, one said he had grey eyes, one said hazel/green, whatever, but they all agreed that they weren't blue, it would make sense to me that they would just say he didn't have blue eyes rather than guess who was right about the real color.

Because the sketch wasn't made wile looking at the person, a lot of things could be slightly off (which would make a big difference when added together). I think the eyes, eyebrows, nose, face shape, mouth, chin and maybe a couple other things look different when comparing BW and the sketch. The ears are fairly close and the hair could be.

Too late to keep it short, but as always, MOO
Well, this helps to rule out a lot of people. But, the sketch still look like everyone to me.
I just completed looking at every man who's an RSO across every town that touches or is near I-74 into Illinois and I swear there are like 5 men, 2-3 non-compliant who could pass for this sketch very easily. I doubt he's in the system. Interesting is all I guess. I wish there was more.

A couple things I gather from the pic. The hat might be a subtle hint at ethnic background, maybe some Italian (bigger nose, etc. - not being rude), just some thoughts...

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I agree, and a side note on this I finally figured out what seems strange to me of the sketch and wondered if anyone else thought so also ...I'm wondering if the eyebrows are truly accurate??. Do they not seem out of place ?? I was expecting big bushy man eyebrows... the eyebrows on the sketch look thin , almost painted on like a woman would do after plucking them thinly and then highlighting with eyeliner . what do you guys think?? Also it's kind of disheartening that he's so average-looking.. it's too bad that he couldn't look like actor Steve Buscemi..

Good point. I wonder if this is due to the hat. The witness/videos didn't have good info to provide on hairline or brows due to shadow of hat.

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Maybe they used the hat in the sketch only because the actual hat cannot be accurately described by any witness. The only thing that keeps me from believing that to be the case is they claim that the real hat would be distracting in the sketch.

I want to know what kind of hat would be so distracting that they chose not to include it. In my opinion, only a very unique or flashy hat would distract from the face in the sketch.

I want to see a sketch of the real hat. Not on the person, if LE feels that is best, but maybe just sketch the hat alone and publish it. Reason being, if it is unique there will be citizens who will recognize it and maybe know who owns or owned one.
Jmo, no way LE knows who this guy is. They clearly spent time getting this sketch ready, so they must be counting on it. The only thing is, they have no way of knowing how close the sketch is to the actual suspect. Eyewitnesses can be terribly wrong, also it sounds like the witness did not come forward for a while, so I have doubts as to how clearly one could recall such detail. But I hope this image works. I am sure phones are ringing, either way.

Also, why would the hat not be rememberd as well? Why improvise?
Marking spot. Glad to hear of movement. Justice for these two girls

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Jmo, no way LE knows who this guy is. They clearly spent time getting this sketch ready, so they must be counting on it. The only thing is, they have no way of knowing how close the sketch is to the actual suspect. Eyewitnesses can be terribly wrong, also it sounds like the witness did not come forward for a while, so I have doubts as to how clearly one could recall such detail. But I hope this image works. I am sure phones are ringing, either way.

Also, why would the hat not be rememberd as well? Why improvise?

LE might have no idea who he is, or they may know more than they are letting on.

I say this because I recall during the investigation into the disappearance of Sierra LaMar, LE put out a photo of a vehicle. They asked for anyone knowing someone who owns/drives a vehicle similar to it to come forward. Later, we found out it was the actual vehicle and LE knew all along who owned and drove it.

It is possible they have an idea who this suspect is but they want someone to say something that gives credence to their suspicions.
Marking spot. Glad to hear of movement. Justice for these two girls

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I'm a lot more optimistic about the case now than I was yesterday, surely with the sketch, photo and voice recording he will be found. Thanks everyone for coming back to the thread today and for all your posts and discussion. It is great to be in a group of people that care so much about justice for the victims and their families. Thank you to the Websluths staff for opening a new thread and all their help.
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