IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #73

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not sure if I can post the YouTube link for the interview w sheriff leazenby, but he didn't give much info one way or the other. It almost makes me wonder if the fact that there's no murder charges yet are bc FBI is looking at him for possible more connections/crimes? He's lived in several states, could they be trying to tie DN to multiple murders in addition to the girls and TW? Is this guy potentially a major state to state serial killer?

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BBM: Yes and Yes !! (imo)

This is exactly what I've been suspecting for over a week now and had planned to post the same today due to seeing so many posters now thinking LE has nothing.

If LE has enough evidence to tie TW to our little girls' case, then imho they know they're looking for a Serial Killer. It's been my experience that most Serial Killers have killed more than once before the murder(s) they're originally arrested for.

So, yes, LE would be checking on past murders and missing person reports for "matching" cases.

I must have seen about 10 mugs at least of this guy - enough to make up my mind. You must have seen them too as well as the Court appearances. I have not only gone by the mugshots and the BG info to make my mind up, but by the circumstantial evidence and lack of an alibi from KN or anyone else. I've said which one I think is the one most like the sketch . I don't need to change minds. You've said you don't think it is him because no one can prove to you he had long hair on Feb 13 . The sketch shows that to me. MOO.
Also, KN thinks the sketch looks like D so she would know what his hair looked like long and what his hair was like on Feb 14th when she took him to his check in so that is another indicator to me, that he had longer hair on or around 14th Feb.
I did not say that. Actually I very specifically said it would lean more towards him maybe being BG.
At least I'm pretty sure, that has been my stance.
I have always said I'm on the fence actually and won't jump off for just anything.

well she went on the lam with him using her vehicle and bought a 22, the possible bicyclist murder weapon..
so yea, I'd want to distance myself too.
Why she isn't sitting in a cell is beyond me.
Didn't she say she bought the weapon after the cyclist's murder IIRC? That could explain why no ballistics match. The murder weapons could still be sitting in pawn shops somewhere.
I would like to know if this thread/site is based on fact or not? Isn't that the reason we need to provide MSM links?

We are allowed to post our opinions and theories, That is what discussion is about. That is what helps each other see things from a different perspective.
We are allowed to say go read someone's facebook and date/time for reference. We are allowed to say go look for 'Elvis' on You Tube, posted on x date for reference.
We can't post links, it is considered 'rumor'.

We are allowed to post links to Courts and court records. Those are considered facts.

If we JUST stick to facts and wait on LE then what is the purpose of the threads/site? I am really trying to understand.

I also understood this site to be victim friendly, to the best of my knowledge, KN is a victim? Has there been something different in 'fact' MSM?
If KN is a victim, WHY is it ok to post her court dates, facebook, etc? Is it because it is a 'fact' and we all know it and can google it and glean it, so it's ok to post?

Please, I am truly trying to understand this, I do have several health issues that cause me to get befuddled and lose focus at times. So I'm wondering when the rules were changed and could I have a link to refresh myself?
Why say they have DNA but don't? Has that happened before? Where a public statement about DNA was made, but it was a bluff? This is an honest q bc I have no idea. Just to trick him into talking? I wish we could hear his voice already!

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Sgt holeman said it was a difficult case with very little evidence....I think that's the word he used.

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well she went on the lam with him using her vehicle and bought a 22, the possible bicyclist murder weapon..
so yea, I'd want to distance myself too.
Why she isn't sitting in a cell is beyond me.

She bought the gun, even though DN was not to have one?

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It looks to me like he has edited and inserted the questions again. Perhaps the original questions were inaudible or perhaps it wasn't Greeno asking them . JMO.

Maybe, but it just does not look like a real interview in its present form. The MSM does not do such things. I have already shared my opinion of Greeno and his character. He is not a good person, as is very clear with a little research on him. He is an opportunist and self-promoter. I think KN is too now.
No, it doesn't sound like that at all. I posted a fact, that the picture stating it was a mug shot right after wasn't the same other ppl quoted. So which mugshot is it that was right after the murders? Can you show me ? Then that's a fact that I will accept.

Cant I just look?
What does that even mean? How does that prove it's a mugshot (or photo) before the murders, I have seen so many none had long hair, your mileage may vary.

I don't need a mugshot just any photo is what I was asking to tie him closer to the sketch btw, it may have persuaded me to say...yeah he looks more like the sketch. Apparently that has not been able to happen, nobody can prove he had long hair Feb 13 2017. Okay

I did not say that. Actually I very specifically said it would lean more towards him maybe being BG.

Top quote states "nobody can prove he had long hair Feb 13 2017"

In response I said, among other things, that I thought the mugshot with the orange shirt looked most like the sketch and that KN thought DN looked like the sketch too. I said that must prove he had longer hair at that time if she thought that. (Because the sketch shows longer hair) . You have come back to say you didn't say that so I am quoting (see above snipped quote) where you did actually state that originally, which prompted my response. HTH.
I would like to know if this thread/site is based on fact or not? Isn't that the reason we need to provide MSM links?

We are allowed to post our opinions and theories, That is what discussion is about. That is what helps each other see things from a different perspective.
We are allowed to say go read someone's facebook and date/time for reference. We are allowed to say go look for 'Elvis' on You Tube, posted on x date for reference.
We can't post links, it is considered 'rumor'.

We are allowed to post links to Courts and court records. Those are considered facts.

If we JUST stick to facts and wait on LE then what is the purpose of the threads/site? I am really trying to understand.

I also understood this site to be victim friendly, to the best of my knowledge, KN is a victim? Has there been something different in 'fact' MSM?
If KN is a victim, WHY is it ok to post her court dates, facebook, etc? Is it because it is a 'fact' and we all know it and can google it and glean it, so it's ok to post?

Please, I am truly trying to understand this, I do have several health issues that cause me to get befuddled and lose focus at times. So I'm wondering when the rules were changed and could I have a link to refresh myself?
Spirit, the only change is that KN has given interviews to MSM therefore we are allowed to discuss what she said. She also gave two interviews to non MSM (Greeno/Stroup) one has been authorised by Tricia, so we can discuss . We are awaiting a possible interview from them also with DN.
Why my guess is DN.
REDDISH BROWN HAIR. I stressed and stressed a few weeks ago. Reddish brown hair!
In some of his pics he looks buff so he could take on a couple girls. He's kooky enough to scare them. And
as others said earlier upthread, he's probably an outdoorsman or military. Check. Check.
Others thought he was transient because he layered his clothing. Check.
LE said to look for someone who moved away, and changed their looks. Check. Check.
He's violent. check. Sexual deviant had been mentioned. Check.
In IN at the time. Check. No alibi. Check. Others thought he definitely had a family. Check.

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Didn't she say she bought the weapon after the cyclist's murder IIRC? That could explain why no ballistics match. The murder weapons could still be sitting in pawn shops somewhere.

Negative, 3 - 4 days before the murder around her birthday
Why my guess is DN.
REDDISH BROWN HAIR. I stressed and stressed a few weeks ago. Reddish brown hair!
In some of his pics he looks buff so he could take on a couple girls. He's kooky enough to scare them. And
as others said earlier upthread, he's probably an outdoorsman or military. Check. Check.
Others thought he was transient because he layered his clothing. Check.
LE said to look for someone who moved away, and changed their looks. Check. Check.
He's violent. check. Sexual deviant had been mentioned. Check.
In IN at the time. Check. No alibi. Check. Others thought he definitely had a family. Check.

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Check Aydrianna!
Didn't she say she bought the weapon after the cyclist's murder IIRC? That could explain why no ballistics match. The murder weapons could still be sitting in pawn shops somewhere.

She said she bought it the first week of September, around her birthday.
I'm still trying to catch up from where I left off here yesterday and quickly running out of time/energy...Yes, I'm slow and with a PC to match.

Wouldn't we all be surprised if one of the matching elements between TW's case and "our" case ended up being expelled snuff/tobacco juice!?! yuk..
I would like to know if this thread/site is based on fact or not? Isn't that the reason we need to provide MSM links?

We are allowed to post our opinions and theories, That is what discussion is about. That is what helps each other see things from a different perspective.
We are allowed to say go read someone's facebook and date/time for reference. We are allowed to say go look for 'Elvis' on You Tube, posted on x date for reference.
We can't post links, it is considered 'rumor'.

We are allowed to post links to Courts and court records. Those are considered facts.

If we JUST stick to facts and wait on LE then what is the purpose of the threads/site? I am really trying to understand.

I also understood this site to be victim friendly, to the best of my knowledge, KN is a victim? Has there been something different in 'fact' MSM?
If KN is a victim, WHY is it ok to post her court dates, facebook, etc? Is it because it is a 'fact' and we all know it and can google it and glean it, so it's ok to post?

Please, I am truly trying to understand this, I do have several health issues that cause me to get befuddled and lose focus at times. So I'm wondering when the rules were changed and could I have a link to refresh myself?

KN has what appears to be crossed the threshold with her interviews, which makes it different and easily confusing for people.
As far as opinions they are great when based on facts then it crosses over to just quite possibly defamation lawsuits with wild accusations with no theories. Which I never thought was allowed either, like for example outright stating someone is a killer or has killed across state lines multiple times.
That's how I see it, otherwise it's a witch hunt with very narrow focus.
Didn't she say she bought the weapon after the cyclist's murder IIRC? That could explain why no ballistics match. The murder weapons could still be sitting in pawn shops somewhere.

I thought she said she bought the weapon after they were robbed, around her birthday, which was before TW was shot . Do you have a link for that information? TYIA
It’s kinda odd for someone with a violent husband to buy a gun. Don’t think that’s wise. And it’s also illegal for him to have one. I’m still on KN's side but don’t agree with that. Weapons were never allowed around a relative of mine who had mental health issues. I don’t think the relative of mine was legally allowed to have them, and didn’t....

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The hoodie in the wanted poster looks gray. I'm not sure I know anyone who does NOT own a gray hoodie or sweatshirt zip jacket.

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(wearing one as I type this &#55357;&#56883;)
I must have seen about 10 mugs at least of this guy - enough to make up my mind. You must have seen them too as well as the Court appearances. I have not only gone by the mugshots and the BG info to make my mind up, but by the circumstantial evidence and lack of an alibi from KN or anyone else. I've said which one I think is the one most like the sketch . I don't need to change minds. You've said you don't think it is him because no one can prove to you he had long hair on Feb 13 . The sketch shows that to me. MOO.
Also, KN thinks the sketch looks like D so she would know what his hair looked like long and what his hair was like on Feb 14th when she took him to his check in so that is another indicator to me, that he had longer hair on or around 14th Feb.

Hi Shire,
i don’t always post but I read every post. I agree completely with you. I also don’t feel you nor I need to justify our opinions in this case. Clearly, if one wants only facts, they should just stay with LE updates. IMO, DN is the POI in this case.
TY for your response. I have only just seen it because it was right at the bottom of a page.
Negative, 3 - 4 days before the murder around her birthday

She said she bought it the first week of September, around her birthday.


I thought she said she bought the weapon after they were robbed, around her birthday, which was before TW was shot . Do you have a link for that information? TYIA

You're all so on the ball. TY for correcting me. And LE will check that at the pawn shop or wherever she bought it hopefully.
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