IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #77

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Chiming in late here but I can answer the 'phone GPS' question. Actually, I answered it many threads ago here.

Short version is: If you try to find Monon High Bridge via GPS or Google Maps, you get sent to the south side of the bridge via N625W, which deadends at a closed gate with 'no trespassing' and 'private property' signage. There is no public access to the bridge from that end.

Longer: To get to the red gate access point, you drive along W300N until you see the gate across from the Mears property. As the GH driving video shows, there's no parking there anymore.

TeaTime is very much correct in that you'd have to know about the location to find it. There's no indication of the bridge at that access point (you can't see it at all), although when you go through the gate, you'll see the signs for the 500+ steps down to the Mary Gerard Wildlife area and then another sign that points to the bridge.

If you're not familiar with the area, you'd really have no idea what the bridge is, how high it is, access, etc. From the north side entrance, you'd have no way to know that you could go 'down the hill' to the driveway when you got to the other side of the bridge. Or where you'd end up when you crossed the creek. And so on.

When we drove out to the bridge, it took us a number of attempts to find the red gate because we kept getting GPS'd over to the locked gate on the other side. We had two cell phones and a vehicle GPS and after the first few failed attempts, we were driving back and forth on the same roads, occasionally erupting into arguments out of frustration. We even drove back towards town and started over again at one point. I think we finally found it by locating the Mears property.

So it's definitely not a stumble-upon kind of place.

Unless, your were familiar with it. I think a local person or a moved out of the area, used to be a local.
Regarding the eye color

Another statement that LE has stated that seems to be disregarded in some comments here.

Not seeing any benefit from LE stating something unless they felt it was true.

If they thought it would hamper the investigation they could have easily stated the witness wasn't sure of the color but they state the witness said DEFINITELY NOT BLUE.

Is it the length of time with no arrest that is causing people to play with the facts LE is presenting us?

From the video linked below at apx. 6:03

She was - the person was not clear on the color of the eyes but the person said it was definitely not blue--she...the person was very obvious that it was not blue eyes but they did mention that they were not clear on which color it was.
Reposting the eye chart from previous threads for current discussion of witness didn’t know what color but not blue.

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The excellent descriptive map that I wasn't able to post earlier, created by No It's Not can be found at the top of the link below. The private drive of the believed to be "snowbirds" can also be glimpsed in GHs videos. It's right off the end of the bridge and across the creek from where the bodies were found. One thing of note, a map makes the lay of the land appear flat but it's not.

If a preplanned abduction by vehicle, someone knowing their destination, was thwarted because the girls either fought back or attempted to flee, a car parked on the driveway would be a likely spot. However that woukdn't it account for a witness sighting BG leaving the trail area.
Reposting the eye chart from previous threads for current discussion of witness didn’t know what color but not blue.

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Yes, they are the conventional eye colours, but they are not the only ones.
One thing I'm a little surprised about is that DNs victims haven't come forward. Lots of times, past victims come forward to tell their stories, give an account of hiw violent the person was, etc. Similar to what happened with the former boss, tenant, etc. I think they would probably remember the voice during his attack mise and know if it was similar to the recording. Just something that crossed my mind.

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Hi, mtnlites!

Thanks! Yes, I understood what the OP meant by “bottom of bridge”. I never heard it before and went looking for verification. Is “BOB” universal or is it a regional acronym?

I've only really heard it around central Indiana so it might be regional. Not sure where it started.
Chiming in late here but I can answer the 'phone GPS' question. Actually, I answered it many threads ago here.

Short version is: If you try to find Monon High Bridge via GPS or Google Maps, you get sent to the south side of the bridge via N625W, which deadends at a closed gate with 'no trespassing' and 'private property' signage. There is no public access to the bridge from that end.

So it's definitely not a stumble-upon kind of place.

Snipped by me.

Thank you for the GPS information. The video tells me that BG is extremely familiar with this area of town. He didn't stumble upon that obscure little bridge, on that obscure little trail, in that obscure little town. He roamed this very area as a teen and as a young man. He is not some vagrant, itinerant worker, hobo, whatever. This man is local or he was up until about 10-15 years ago. He not only knew exactly how to get there, he knew the bridge and both sides of the creek and not because he had been hiking earlier.

I will go out on a limb and say he was visiting the scene of his drug fueled youth under the bridge. People in town know him, they just don't recognize him any more because he was young when he (and his family) left. Why did he choose these girls when there were other people just as vulnerable out and about that day? They were the ones that took the little-traveled path to the left.

I think people should look at local high school yearbooks from the '70's, '80's and '90's. I bet he is in there.

Reposting the eye chart from previous threads for current discussion of witness didn’t know what color but not blue.

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Good idea to put eye colors.
Since thc, meth, cocaine all dilate the pupil -
IMHO Not easy to see the difference between brown and hazel eyes if the only color is a thin ring around the pupil.
One thing I'm a little surprised about is that DNs victims haven't come forward. Lots of times, past victims come forward to tell their stories, give an account of hiw violent the person was, etc. Similar to what happened with the former boss, tenant, etc. I think they would probably remember the voice during his attack mise and know if it was similar to the recording. Just something that crossed my mind.

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It would serve no worthwhile purpose for the media to continue to focus on DN and risk discouraging the public from offering leads on other possible POIs, given that's what LE is seeking. JMO
Regarding the eye color

Another statement that LE has stated that seems to be disregarded in some comments here.

Not seeing any benefit from LE stating something unless they felt it was true.

If they thought it would hamper the investigation they could have easily stated the witness wasn't sure of the color but they state the witness said DEFINITELY NOT BLUE.

Is it the length of time with no arrest that is causing people to play with the facts LE is presenting us?

From the video linked below at apx. 6:03

She was - the person was not clear on the color of the eyes but the person said it was definitely not blue--she...the person was very obvious that it was not blue eyes but they did mention that they were not clear on which color it was.

As I said earlier in these threads: I probably wouldn't have known the eye color but I would have known "not blue" or MAYBE "not brown". I can't distinguish everything else. Only one of my children would have known by the very first glance.
It's difficult to know from what LE has stated.


"........Along with DNA evidence, police also have the suspect's voice. Police tell us Libby recorded the killer’s voice on her cell phone, telling the girls to go down the hill. Investigators say she hit record after he approached them near the Monon High Bridge.

Sgt. Holeman tells us investigators recovered more audio from Libby’s phone, which was found with the girls at the crime scene.

“It does not appear to be anything more than some discussion between the girls. We have only released a portion of it. There are some others we think could help us but again protecting the integrity of the investigation is key so we cannot release everything because there are certain people that know the details and if we release it all then we get into false confessions,” said Sgt. Holeman..."

bbm red
^^ This!! - Seems to be more than one, again and again mentioned.
bbm red
^^ This!! - Seems to be more than one, again and again mentioned.

I think the 'certain people' are the investigators. A closed group - 'certain' people, as in 'few' and only these people.

I do not think he is referencing plural perps.
I think the 'certain people' are the investigators. A closed group - 'certain' people, as in 'few' and only these people.

I do not think he is referencing plural perps.

I agree with you and I’m guessing they may also be referring to the” wife and brother” who have been alluded to quite frequently here . Then again I don’t think LE have a specific wife and brother in mind either- could just as easily been coworker or sister.. just a way of referencing intimates who may know details about something that they should be sharing with the authorities .

I’m just sort of thinking out loud here but I don’t think it’s DN and I sadly believe there are still no promising leads at this point - hence the Dr Phil show. . In my mind it will be someone with similar anti social attributes as DN but far more well controlled , older, and cunning . On the positive side when it does all go down I think there’ll be no lingering and waiting . It’ll definitely be BG at last and LE will call a presser asap ..
Thoughts and prayers with the Patty’s and Anna and the extended families of Abby and Libby on this first Christmas without their girls..xx
Not even 90% sure because of further needed info, but I still have my eyes on DN. Too much falls in line. I know some of you are sure it's not him, but I can't figure that out you're sure it's not him!
I wonder if any of the witnesses have made any comments about BG's teeth. Were they yellowed, dark, white, missing, straight, crooked?
Tea Time and franci,
you may be right: perhaps one perp only (I doubt because of "logistic") and "certain people" are his guarantors for alibi although they would know better, something like that.
My (not young) first POI (I called in 2x months ago) is dead, had a wife and a brother .... oops ... :thinking:
LE already said the family had listened to more of the audio. So that is true. Comments about what they heard are probably not in MSM so who knows. In my opinion its just more sadness for them --

LE is slowly assemblng more of the picture all the time.

What I learned today from this site per PepperyOne this morning there is there apparently a return to Indiana Packers to interview the 3rd shift (11pm to 8am more for less.)
Then I looked up the Indiana Packers and found out it is much larger than I thought, 2000 employees. MHB is a a beautiful community trail and in fact had regular traffic that day, but it is also a druggie hangout with a nearby employer that is willing to hire felons and RSO's.
That’s not what my post was responding to. Here is what I was asking for proof of and it’s very specific. So yeah but no, rumors shouldn’t be put forth as facts.

Becky and Mike listened to two minutes of the audio from Libby’s phone. Anna also listened to it separately and at another time. The answers you are looking for came from transcripts from Becky of what was said on the audio including girl talk and that creepy guy and other things. It was on SM and I haven’t been able to find it. Or confirm if it is true. I believe it is IMO.

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Not even 90% sure because of further needed info, but I still have my eyes on DN. Too much falls in line. I know some of you are sure it's not him, but I can't figure that out you're sure it's not him!

while I don’t think it’s DN , I’m WAY from 100% convinced and there seems to be quite a few things that line up for sure . In fact I’d even go so far as to say if it was him I wouldn’t be surprised but the fact the witnesses haven’t been able to ID him, the length of time it’s been since he first came under the radar and the very organised and in control manner of BG make me think it’s possibly an older guy . But like everyone I’m just trying to understand a puzzle where so many of the pieces are missing. Jmo
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