IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #77

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Sure but just because DN is the only person WS allows to be sleuthed in no way insinuates his guilt.

This is a fascinating case but we don't have enough details to do much more than guess at what might've occured.

There are many things about DN that do insinuate he might be guilty. More than guessing, some of us try to take facts, coincidences and logic and try to figure out how it might all fit. It's not ridiculous. I find many of those on here to be quite thoughtful and thought provoking in their posts.
I’m almost inclined to believe that the river may not have been muddy. Do we know for a fact it was? It was February and if the water was shallow in that area, it’s possible it was frozen. This could also be reason he took them over that exact spot as well. He knew it was frozen. Maybe he wasn’t wet or muddy? If there were muddy footprints across the river I feel like the girls may have been found sooner or at least they would know boot/shoe size and make.

The more I think about it, the more I’m thinking the girls didn’t try to run and escape across the river. Why would they chance that and having to run up the riverbank on the other side when they could have simply run to the path on the right and had a better chance of running into another person on the path. My current theory is he intended to take them across the river and to somewhere else but possibly heard Libby’s dad calling for them so he panicked and killed them and got out of there.
There are many things about DN that do insinuate he might be guilty. More than guessing, some of us try to take facts, coincidences and logic and try to figure out how it might all fit. It's not ridiculous. I find many of those on here to be quite thoughtful and thought provoking in their posts.

The fact that DN has been jail for months and no evidence has been found to link him to the crimes, what do you know that LE don’t?

If there was any evidence to link him to this crime he would of been arrested by now and he hasn’t been.
Might be real out there, but some thoughts.

An eyewitness said BG does not have blue eyes. (fact)
An eyewitness took a long time coming forward (fact) possibly out of fear.
LE asked for wife or brother to come forward with more info (fact)
BG was seen leaving the park around 4:00 (fact)
BG was picked up by someone who knew him (?)
KN says she had a Dr. appt.
what time does she say her Dr. appt. was? Iirc it was around 2:45.
Has it been verified?
What time did KN say she was done with her Dr. appt.?
KN says she took DN to his check in for RSO 2-14
Who fits for the witness, the ride, the description of eyes and hair colors? Who would be afraid? Who LE is asking to give further info? KN imo
And one of my big questions has always been where and when did KN pick up DN to go to his RSO check in on the 14th if they were separated? And why would she if they were separated?
Just throwing it out there. But it might be on to something.

But on the 13th, KN also posted on FB (paraphrasing) “I wish I could see you, but I know I can’t” which seemed to be lamenting about DN.
But on the 13th, KN also posted on FB (paraphrasing) “I wish I could see you, but I know I can’t” which seemed to be lamenting about DN.

We don't know who that was referring. But KN says she drove him to his SO registration the next day, so she did see him, according to her. Of course, we don't know if that is true either.
imo she didnt say a name (which we dont know she didnt) because lib knew him so when she got home she could show the video to someone and say "look who we saw". imo

Maybe she did recognize him, but didn't know or couldn't remember his name.
The fact that DN has been jail for months and no evidence has been found to link him to the crimes, what do you know that LE don’t?

If there was any evidence to link him to this crime he would of been arrested by now and he hasn’t been.

How do you know no evidence has been found to link him to the crimes? What has LE said about him not being linked for sure? Please post a link if you have one. It is my understanding he is still a POI, that has not be ruled out. It is also me understanding that LE will not file charges unless and until their case is solid.
The other statement I find odd is the statement about the eyes. I know some find it striking but it’s so confusing to me. How do you know for 100% his eyes aren’t blue but have no clue what color they are? It’s seems if you register they aren’t blue, then you’d know if they were green or brown or hazel. I mean, there aren’t that many other options. If you can definitively rule out the spectrum of blue colors, there’s only a few options left. MOO. 🤷🏻
How do you know no evidence has been found to link him to the crimes? What has LE said about him not being linked for sure? Please post a link if you have one. It is my understanding he is still a POI, that has not be ruled out. It is also me understanding that LE will not file charges unless and until their case is solid.

My evidence is the fact he has not been charged, it doesn’t get anymore concrete than that.

LE will not file changes as he isn’t guilty and if he was guilty then charges would of happened by now. They also wouldn’t need to go on Dr Phil to ask for tips if they had their man in custody.
The other statement I find odd is the statement about the eyes. I know some find it striking but it’s so confusing to me. How do you know for 100% his eyes aren’t blue but have no clue what color they are? It’s seems if you register they aren’t blue, then you’d know if they were green or brown or hazel. I mean, there aren’t that many other options. If you can definitively rule out the spectrum of blue colors, there’s only a few options left. MOO. ����

I've wondered about this too. Most of my family has blue eyes. People seem to notice them. But that's not what was mentioned here, but rather he doesn't have blue eyes, yet not naming what color they are. I suppose his eyes might be piercing, drew attention but the eye witness couldn't definitively remember if they were brown, hazel, etc. just not blue.
mmmm......I wonder if he hung out there sometimes, had friends. Friends that moved to a new camp. Might not matter , but just gathering information. Do homeless know homeless from various camps sort of like I live in one city but know people from other cities and often visit and network?
:cow: I think all the homeless ( and non homeless) would have heard of the jungle and possibly known each other as they would meet when picked up for work by employers for example.
Just had a thought regarding KN’s doctor’s appointment and whether DN was there or not. Often at OB appointments a note is written by the provider stating who if anyone accompanies the patient to the appointment. For example, KN is with significant other/husband/partner/etc today. I would think LE has looked into this but maybe not because of HIPAA or some other reason. Or simply the note on that day doesn’t say. Just a thought coming from a RN who reads OB notes frequently.

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There are many things about DN that do insinuate he might be guilty. More than guessing, some of us try to take facts, coincidences and logic and try to figure out how it might all fit. It's not ridiculous. I find many of those on here to be quite thoughtful and thought provoking in their posts.

I never said it's ridiculous. It just that very many assumptions must to be made in order to make DN fit. We don't know that he ever set foot in Delphi, we don't know if the murder was sexually motivated, we don't know if a hatchet was involved, we don't what LE knows.

Most of all, because LE has given no indication the case is on the verge of charges being laid or that DN is a viable suspect, I hope they get the tip they need regardless of who is responsible.
My evidence is the fact he has not been charged, it doesn’t get anymore concrete than that.

LE will not file changes as he isn’t guilty and if he was guilty then charges would of happened by now. They also wouldn’t need to go on Dr Phil to ask for tips if they had their man in custody.
I think they won't be able to exclude him as a POI or include him as a suspect because they are waiting for several events:
A. DNA results
B. Subpoena results for phone records.
C. Forensic results car/belongings.
D. Ballistics (hatchet and gun)
E. Additional relative's evidence
F. New Public Prosecutor.

They need at least two of these I think as well as F. The time it takes for Indiana to get these items back means nothing will happen till the new year at the earliest
My evidence is the fact he has not been charged, it doesn’t get anymore concrete than that.

LE will not file changes as he isn’t guilty and if he was guilty then charges would of happened by now. They also wouldn’t need to go on Dr Phil to ask for tips if they had their man in custody.

The fact that DN has not been charged yet might only mean that LE is waiting for more concrete evidence. Then and only then, when they are ready, in their own timing, not ours, will they file charges. Perhaps they are waiting for the wife or brother to come forward with needed information, as mentioned on Dr. Phil.
Idk.....I'm just not there yet, that DN can be eliminated from the list, because he hasn't been.
The fact that DN has not been charged yet might only mean that LE is waiting for more concrete evidence. Then and only then, when they are ready, in their own timing, not ours, will they file charges. Perhaps they are waiting for the wife or brother to come forward with needed information.
Idk.....I'm just not there yet, that DN can be eliminated from the list, because he hasn't been.

Me either. But do we want to contribute to the impression the case is 99% solved less than a week after the family and LE appeared on Dr Phil asking for leads?

Somebody might be reading here who knows somebody who they have suspicions about. What they see is DN and more DN and why he's most likely the one......Then what is that person going to think but "pffftt no I must be wrong"

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