IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #3

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When a evil person confesses, who know want is fanasty or factual. He probably wouldn't tell LE that he molested her. He could have stuffed a sock in her mouth or put a pillow over her face while raping her. She could have died numerous ways. I'm sure with the amount of damage to this body, they are having a hard time determining the cause of death. JMO
Aliahna Lemmon's step-grandfather, David Story, said Wednesday that the Allen County Sheriff's Department and the FBI told family members not to talk to anyone about her death. He says they didn't give a reason.

Sheriff's Cpl. Jeremy Tinkel confirmed deputies asked the family not to talk to the media, saying it would protect the integrity of the case.


I couldn't get the above link to work and found another one.
I can't find the XXXXX Facebook page. All I get is '''content unavailable" Has it been removed does anyone know? Who would have his password other than possibly Aliahna's mother.

I am sure FBI disabled them . . .

Ailahna's FB account has been disabled, too
All three of the little girls could have been killed. As it stands right now, one died horrifically. And the other two could have seen unspeakable things. And it sounds from all that we could gleam from MSM, that not one family member laid eyes on any one of them since Tuesday.

For all we know, Aliahna could have been dead since Tuesday evening. If that is the case, I have to condemn. Forget not giving them a pass.

Kids aren't prizes in a crackerjack box. It is sad in today's society when I see infertile couples struggling to have children. Praying for a child. Praying for an organ donor for a sick child. Then you see someone with 5...where some can't have any or save the one they have...and they can't be bothered to walk 30 feet or roll 30 feet over to check on their welfare????

While my heart bleeds for the horrific tragedy the family is facing...this was IMO very preventable. As I mentioned before...the generational dysfunction and decision making of this family was like a funnel leading poor Aliahna right to MP's door. With bells on. I can pray for the family...but I am more concerned that this could happen to the other children. My two cents.

I pray for the victims. But my heart is with Aliahna.
And, from one of the articles I read, he didn't 'just' dismember her and put parts of her in the freezer, he dismembered her frozen body and put parts of her in freezer bags, no telling how small the freezer bags may have been. What used to be a vaginal area may no longer exist.
Just pray he didn't have a garbage disposal.

He had time on his side, and extreme motivation to accomplish his task of destroying the incriminating evidence. Her body was that evidence.

In my mind/ my opinion only:

~ too much dope/drugs? (my unsubstantiated opinion)
~ the rape (as of yet, unsubstantiated)
~ the brick
~ the freezer
~ more dope?
~ the hacksaw
~ the bathtub?
~ freezer bags & freezer
~ clean up
~ more dope?
~ dumpster
~ cigar

Again, this entire post is just my opinion.

Personally, I believe she was murdered because he may have gotten 'carried away' while raping her, damaging her internally. She must have felt pure terror, staring up into the eyes of a human demon. I picture her crying, near hysterics from pain, shock, fear, and trying to get out the front door to get away from him. He easily caught up with her. He hit her in the head with the brick because he had to shut her up fast. Killing her may have aroused him all over again. This 'guy' is pure evil.

I swear, I could have told you he was a mean S.O.B. just by looking at his eyes in his FB profile pic. He puts on a facade, but when the evil comes through, it comes right through his pores.

He killed her to protect himself. He felt she was going to tell. Maybe involve an emergency room. Emergency rooms bring questions, the wrong answers bring police. He knew he had caused too much damage, and that he wouldn't be able to 'sweet-talk' it away. As he may have been able to sweet talk her mother and grandma in the past, but this time it was different, much more serious.

But, he enjoyed what he did to her.
If he hadn't been caught because of it, he would have looked back on her murder as one of the most exciting things he's ever done. He still may, even from prison. Especially from prison. This was an 'ultimate' experience for him. Raping a nine-year-old.

I believe he may have killed before~ but, no one he thought the authorities could tie to him directly.

Just thinking of that picture of him sitting next to what looks to be a crusty, semen-stained recliner. The stains that have a child's stuffed animal (a unicorn, of all things, such a symbol of purity) laying across them. He's calm and 'cool', being interviewed by the media. He knows her head is in his freezer, just a few feet away. How much you want to bet he was facing that freezer, and it was right over the reporter's shoulder?

~Why do they portray Hell as being so hot, when Evil, itself, is so cold.

I am having a hard time believing the sisters did not see, or hear anything....unless they were drugged...MOO!!!!!
Has LE said that they told the family not to speak?

Yes, the Sheriff dept has admitted to telling the family not to talk about the case.

Aliahna Lemmon's step-grandfather, David Story, said Wednesday that the Allen County Sheriff's Department and the FBI told family members not to talk to anyone about her death. He says they didn't give a reason.

Sheriff's Cpl. Jeremy Tinkel confirmed deputies asked the family not to talk to the media, saying it would protect the integrity of the case.
Aliahna's classmate said this and yes it was a planned stay with Uncle Mike. gah!

Mckee's daughter, Amelia, says Aliahna told her about her winter break plans. "She told me she was going to a friend's house the last day of school before Christmas break."

As I said before, I don't know that Aliahna was referring to MP. Most kids don't refer to adults as "friends". She could have had plans to play with a friend or spend the night but the adults in her life changed those plans.

Sounds like they "borrowed" a page from Lena Lunsford. She also swore the FBI told her family never to discuss her little ones case. Turns out thanks to her Aunt Vickie, that it was a big fat lie! jmo

Not really. In this case, they were asked not to talk about details of Aliahna's death. Only about her death. And Aliahna has been found. This is not a case of one family member lying to others to keep them from saying something that could incriminate that family member in the unsolved disappearance of a child. Here, LE has confirmed that they told the family not to release such details. And their reasoning makes sense to me.
It makes no sense to me the family was told by the sheriff not to talk about the case to not harm the integrity of it.

It makes perfect sense to me. Small leaks lead to big leaks...such as COD, priors on MP...all kinds of things from the investigation.
Cause of death undetermined? So I guess the brick to the head didn't kill her. I thought he said he hit her multiple times in the head? I think he is full of ****.

Her head was in his freezer! If this poor child died from blunt force tramua, it would surely be evident.

Then again, he cut her up into pieces, so I wouldn't believe anything he said. I'm still convinced (IMHO) he dismembered her to cover up any sign of sexual abuse.

Just my opinion.

Snipped for space!

I am not wrangling sympathy for the mothers poor judgement. I think her remaining children should be taken out of this environment!! I believe they will...JMO

I didn't want to air my dirty laundry to strangers, but, I was sexually abused beginning at age 3. If I hadn't been around people that brought this into perspective for me, I could very well of ended up with the lack of common sense and absent of morality as TS lacks. However, I was blessed with many events and privledges in my life such as, God and education!

These are some incredibly ignorant and evil individuals, most of all the mother for putting her children in this situation. It is unbelievable in fact! I just think we need to consider where she probably came from, she could be a victim of the very same violations her own children have been exposed to. She shouldn't have children, period! I do feel for her loss. She has a dead child because she failed to protect her most prescious gift. I don't support the mom, I am just trying to understand how a mother can allow this to happen. I hope you understand!!

Kimb103, I am sorry for your experience and thankful you were able to break the cycle. I should have been more clear with my post stating I was using yours for a spring board.

I have considered where Tarah came from and what circumstances she may have came from. We each come to the table with our own circumstances.

What I fail to understand is how Tarah could knowingly and willingly have chosen to put her children in the same situation which she had previously knowing the repercussions and fear her children faced.

How does one look into the eyes of a child and see that kind of fear and KNOWINGLY place them in the same situation with different circumstances repeatedly?

We're talking about a woman who is too ill to care for her children, but can post updates about herself and her broken thumb on FB.

Why didn't CPS remove these children after the first incidents of abuse? and what measures were taken to reunify this family after at least once child suffered previous abuse not once, but twice?

As I was thinking about Aliahna today, my thoughts then went to my own children, and to my sweet little granddaughter(she is 2). She is just the happiest little girl, and my daughter and her boyfriend are just wonderful parents all around. This got me to musing on my daughters' boyfriend.

This young man is the nicest, most gentle-natured guy you could ever meet. He also is what he himself calls "slow", but I think most people would say learning disabled. He had to take special education classes in school, and you can definitley tell when you speak to him that there is something "different" about him. (I am not trying to be offensive to those with disabilities, learning or otherwise, I'm just not that great with wording things sometimes, my apologies) Anyways, my daughter really has to be on the ball a lot with him, as he has a hard time remembering things. If he goes to the store, she has to make a list of exactly what she wants, or if she needs to have him pick up my granddaughter at day care, she has to give him a slip of paper with the time written down on it when he is supposed to pick her up, etc. Things of that nature. Sometimes she really gets exasperated with him.

This young man has had a very hard life. I won't go into details, but things were very rough for him. Then when you add in the LD, he has had to struggle. BUT he is the most wonderful father. He really does cherish his daughter. If we go to the park, he keeps an eagle eye on her. He is very careful about everything he does with her, from what she eats to where she goes. He does not even like like to use a firm tone with her, as he doesn't want to "hurt her feelings, because she is just little".

Sometimes, I hear people making excuses for other about their poor parenting, as in "well, they had a hard life", or "they aren't very smart, so how are they supposed to know". But then I see my granddaughters father. He is the essence of loving and protecting your child. So I say, if HE can be like this, even though he is not "smart", then there is no excuse for anyone else.

Just wanted to tell that story. Sorry it is so long :)

Thanks were not enough. This guy might be "slow" but he is miles ahead of most of the parents I see.

I think a lot of people here have had a hard life and experienced some real horrors. I suspect that this is why most of us are here. I read the stories that some of our regular posters have shared with us, the pain and suffering and terror they have experienced, and I can only marvel at their courage while feeling grateful that they have chosen to share their perspective with us.

Anyway, thanks again.
It makes perfect sense to me. Small leaks lead to big leaks...such as COD, priors on MP...all kinds of things from the investigation.

But all that is gonna come anyway. All it takes is folks like us to sleuth like crazy on the main players. The Sherrif and FBI can tell people not to talk, but it's not a legal order. They can do so if they choose.

And to be quite honest, if my child was injured or worse by a perp, you couldn't keep my mouth shut. But that's just me.

Just my opinion.

I want to say thanks to PattyG also for your work on this. I looked at the newly reworded article. MP did have the case in Iowa for DV, however it appeared to be dismissed due to lack of evidence. If it was dismissed I would imagine that he would not have to register? However he doesn't seem to have any other DV charges that anyone was able to locate.

I had forgotten MP was in Iowa. Aliahna's previous abuse was in Iowa. Wondering if her previous abuser in IA was MP and he plead down?
These were an awesome find!
Out of abject curiousity, since it said he went to HG in Gastonia, NC...I went to their unsolved crimes page. I don't know when or how long he lived in Gastonia, or NC for that matter (on and off--and during which years)...but I had to share this...I get to an unsolved homicide of a police officer...and a "sketch" of the perp. the crime happened in 1996...but please check out the perp's sketch. I am not saying it is MP...or anything...but the crime is still unsolved....I can't imbed the sketch because I don't know how...

I don't think it is MP, as that guy was described as middle aged in 1996, and MP would have been 24/25 at that point in time. (I think, i suck at math.)
Here are some of the things my mind keeps coming back to.

When mom gave her little girls to her pedophile-father’s best friend, she did so knowing that they would be sleeping on the floor (or in his stained chair) rather than in their own beds at home. She knew that she was granting him power over her daughters. Authority. Not to be crass, but she knew that thirty feet away undressing her daughters and giving them their evening baths. Again, she KNEW that this guy, this potential pedophile, might be undressing the same daughter that was already suffering from post traumatic stress from abuse she had suffered the twice year before.

She knew, because any functioning and sane adult would, that it would be potentially horrifying to the girl.

And though they were only about thirty feet away, close enough that she might easily hear them crying or perhaps screaming through the thin walls of her trailer, she didn’t walk over and check on them. She'd given them to Mike.

They spent the night there on Tuesday, but she didn't check on them Wednesday morning or evening. She didn't stop by to ask if there were any problems, or to see what they had done, or to discover if they were properly taken care of, if they had taken a bath and been fed. None of that. Nor did she check on Thursday morning, when her daughter was murdered. Or Thursday evening, when her daughter's corpse was being dismembered. Only on Friday night, after three days of not seeing the babies she dropped off thirty feet away, did she bother to check.

That's not an innocent mistake or an oversight. Adding too much sugar to your spouse's coffee is a mistake. Spooning in a few scoops of rat poison is not. Mistakes: I forgot my keys, I ran a red light, I forgot to feed my cat. Not mistakes: robbing a store, giving your little girls away.

And let’s not forget the invisible man here. I am talking, of course, about dad. Did he not notice or care that his three angels were nowhere to be seen? Dad, who, if he asked where they were at all, apparently also did not care that the pedo's-buddy next door now owned his children. Who, during the hours every day between work and sleep, had no questions or concerns strong enough to drive him to walk thirty feet to check on these three little girls.

And we are to believe this? It is ridiculous.

Not because it is something that no responsible parent would do, that goes without saying, but because it is behavior with no rational explanation whatsoever. They have offered no plausible reason why this man was given their children. None. Their claim is that the girls -- and only the girls -- needed to sleep elsewhere so they wouldn’t disturb dad who worked at night. How’s that again? It doesn’t even make sense.

Except it does make sense once you abandon the notion that this was all some innocent mistake. I believe that the only mistake here was that their daughter ended up dead -- I believe THAT'S the part they didn't expect. I believe this is why they initially defended Mike and blamed their daughter. I believe that they thought she had run away or was hiding, and they were setting it up so people wouldn't believe whatever she might say when found.

Again, these are the things that we know or can reasonably deduce happened. The question is what conclusions we draw from it.

I believe it is entirely possible that we are looking at a bigger crime involving more people than we know about so far. I think it is entirely possible that the other girls were also victims, and that it is also possible that the parents knew it when they gave Mike their kids. As horrific and evil and impossible as this is to imagine, it is easier to believe than the story we are currently being asked to accept.

Just my opinion of course. If someone, like the parent's for example, has a better explanation I would very much like to hear it.

I wholeheartdly agree...thanks for taking the time to type my thoughts!!!
I would not be surprised if they were all involved in producing child *advertiser censored*. jMOO
But all that is gonna come anyway. All it takes is folks like us to sleuth like crazy on the main players. The Sherrif and FBI can tell people not to talk, but it's not a legal order. They can do so if they choose.

And to be quite honest, if my child was injured or worse by a perp, you couldn't keep my mouth shut. But that's just me.

Just my opinion.


This would cause LE to cut you out of the investigation, unfortunately. If they cant trust you to give you briefs and not tip off perpetrators or potential suspects, they are going to shut you out.

For example-what if they were looking at a possible accomplice? And family ran to the media with that item?
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