IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #3

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Hi all.....have just caught up. First of all am so sad that this poor little darling had been abused before on two SEPARATE occassions and then ends up there!!!!!

I am hoping reincarnation is true and she gets a chance at a better life, cos this was sure was s..t for her.

2ndly I too am wondering how they new each other, but last night I got in trouble linking to a facebook site where a guy was defending the mum and this was first where it was mentioned that she was paralyzed and the kids had been taken.

This guy said he grew up with the mum and they were rallying around her...he was from Fort Wayne and went to the Ivy tech.

So am thinking they all maybe grew up together

FYI: LM TS's Ex-husband and 6 year old daughter's bio dad went to Ivy Tech Community College.
Warning: May not be related, but worth looking into....
Since this article does not name any victims, I assume it is OK to post. If not, mods please delete.

I don't have time to sleuth this just now, but it really does sound like it might be related. This article was published on December 7, so the timing is kind of strange, but it goes along with the theory that this family is a den of abuse. It looks like this abuse took place in Scott County, Iowa. I am not sure how this relates geographically to where Aliahna lived or visited in Iowa.

Please let me know if anybody cares to check into this and what you have found.

I don't know how much more of this I can digest.....seriously.

Oh my... :tears:
I've read that mommy was concerned about the perp, even going so far as to ask the GF if she should be concerned.

Why didn't she, the SF, or the bio-dad ever look at this guys FB account? If you're like me, I'm always stalking my sons friend's FB pages. If she was worried, she would have figured out in about 2 seconds flat that this guy was BAD news.

There are hundreds of impressionable young girls that made up his friend list! Before his FB page was taken down, you could clearly see the majority of his friends were young girls. Over 500 of them!


Folks, if you have children - please check out your kids pages. Don't ever think that they can't friend strangers, because they can (I know this guy wasn't a stranger).

BUT - if my son had an adult on his page (and I don't care if it's a relative or someone we've known for years) I always check their pages and friends. I take particular care who has access to my DS's information, pictures, etc. You can't be too careful.

Eh...but no one in this web of family members caught on? I say pffftttt.... I am more apt to say they didn't care :(


Not buying it. Didn't they both have a Facebook account? There is always a way if a father cares. jmo

Not everyone checks their facebook frequently. Some not for months. I don't believe social networking sites are an effective means for non custodial parents to maintain contact with their children. Especially children as young as 9. I have a 9 yr old and he is not allowed an email address of his own let alone any social networking pages for himself.

Not everyone checks their facebook frequently. Some not for months. I don't believe social networking sites are an effective means for non custodial parents to maintain contact with their children. Especially children as young as 9. I have a 9 yr old and he is not allowed an email address of his own let alone any social networking pages for himself.


I agree with you and actually I hate Facebook. But, didn't the father also have one? I might be wrong, but I thought I read that here and that was the basis of my post.
I don't know how much more of this I can digest.....seriously.

Oh my... :tears:

There is no relationship between the linked article and this case, beach. Phew. As if this case wasnt bad enough... :(
The exhusband could of contacted mom on private message on Facebook if he didn't have a working number. Also, I think it's hinky that an excon says he introduced James Lemmon to Michael Plumadore> I think it was to throw everyone off that there has been a link to family for years even in different states possibly. IMO
I don't know how much more of this I can digest.....seriously.

Oh my... :tears:

There are more articles about this. One said that the 8 year refused to get on the bus home and wouldn't let her siblings go as well. She then told a teacher about the abuse. Allegedly, she said, "We are not going home because he will be there and he will hurt us."

Isn't it funny how an 8 year old can stand up for herself and two other siblings and their own mother would not? While that case is not related to Aliahna's. I again, go back to the mother, TS, in this case and wonder why an 8 year old can have that courage and a 28 year old, thrice married, mother of 5-6, can just hand her kids off like a baton and not look after their welfare.
and if he had welfare, FLA state would of caught him by SS #.
So how did he get money to live?
Oh I have bad thoughts now on child *advertiser censored*??? JMOO
some thing to make big money on to live and did mom make out also?

Well, if the old man died on 12/3, his Social Security check would have provided for the month of December's rent and utilities. He wouldn't have had to pony up any money until after January 1. He may have been receiving a small living stipend as well as room and board for caring for the man. Enough to keep him in cheap cigars, anyway.
Warning: May not be related, but worth looking into....
Since this article does not name any victims, I assume it is OK to post. If not, mods please delete.

I don't have time to sleuth this just now, but it really does sound like it might be related. This article was published on December 7, so the timing is kind of strange, but it goes along with the theory that this family is a den of abuse. It looks like this abuse took place in Scott County, Iowa. I am not sure how this relates geographically to where Aliahna lived or visited in Iowa.

Please let me know if anybody cares to check into this and what you have found.

Someone has probably already posted this, but if you're going by seeing a similar last name, TS is Souders and the one in this article is Souder. JMO.
Thinking and wondering..

Was this a single wide trailer that mom, stepdad, and all of those siblings, half siblings, and step? siblings lived in? If so, seriously where did they all sleep? I think that AS kids must have been living with their mom? Just saying that I don't care what the court ordered my kids would not have been sleeping in that trailer park if I knew what all lived there, until I had spoken with the Judge and even then I don't know that I could leave them there.

I don't care that all of the RSO's live in that trailer park, or in any area, as long as there isn't children allowed there, also. Just wrong.

Wondering if somewhere along the way MP has used aliases. Many of them.

As for mom possibly calling to check on her kids, IF she did in fact do so, why oh why wouldn't she just get up and drag herself a couple of doors down to make sure. I don't care how sick she was at this point. Unless she's bedridden and dying I just don't see any excuse for what I see as her obvious lack of concern.

If DFS was involved with this family, and seriously how could they not be, then wouldn't TS have to give a forwarding address if they were moving? I know it's the only system we have but I think it's broken and in serious need of repair.

I think MP said to Aliahana's sisters that she must have went with their mom and that is why the sisters said that. Power of suggestion. That is if they really did say it at all. I don't trust MP on anything and think like some of you that he confessed because he knew the gig was up.

Passionflower, that to has been on my mind. Did anyone purchase any gifts for these children for Christmas? What were the Christmas plans? Was Grandma or the family getting together for the holiday at all? Gosh, what their little lives must be like. :(

As for Aliahana's dad, I truly wonder how much he really wanted to be a part of her life. I hope it's more than I'm thinking.

According to my friend that works at a place to donate Plasma from where I'm at in MO, I'm told it pays around $400 a month, if you go as much as you can.

How many people has TS brought into her childrens lives that call themselves dad? I'm very confused because LM one of TS other's talks about Aliahana being his child on his FB and saying that he had her Thanksgiving and her mom had her Christmas. At least it looked to me like he was talking about AL.

Just a HUGE warning about that donation request. Be leery. Very, very leery when donating to things like this unless you don't care where your money lands. Usually, at least in my area, a caring funeral home will step in and take care of the funeral expense. I would be very surprised if this weren't true for Aliahana. I've seen a donation request be asked for in something like this before and people willing gave their money, donated it to the bank in the family's name. Finding out that the funeral was paid for the family reaped the rewards of putting their child in harms way. I personally don't think any family should be living off donations for a child they put in harms way! New cars were bought, lots of shopping trips they couldn't afford before, tattoos, etc. I'm scarred from just knowing it happened. :(

MOO has been changed... AS (the SF) public fb page showed pics of retirement( I recall Nebraska), and yes I believe it was 2008 & showed different 'spouse' in pics, and I too think married TS in 09

Do you know how long you have to be in the service to retire? I always thought it was 16 years but not sure? How old is the SF?
I believe they were married in December of 2009 if that helps.

Thank you. Then if he married Aliahna's mom in 2009 and was retired in 2008 it would not account for any state to state moves after he retired. Presuming they were a couple but not married in 2008.

They were in IA in 2010?
IN in 2011.

Can't recall when they were in MD. Was it after step dad retired?


Just realized if mp's confession of when he killed Ali is correct, then if would be one day after their wedding anniversary. Maybe even one hour. Not only will Christmas be a constant reminder, but also their wedding anniversary, if they stay married much longer. JMO.
I agree with you and actually I hate Facebook. But, didn't the father also have one? I might be wrong, but I thought I read that here and that was the basis of my post.

I hear you. His comment was in regards to his communication with his daughter. If he didn't have a phone number for mom, and mom didn't bother to contact him to keep him advised of her current telephone number his only option was the courts, which still could have taken months to sort out, and the time it would take the courts to find and serve her etc. etc.....
There are more articles about this. One said that the 8 year refused to get on the bus home and wouldn't let her siblings go as well. She then told a teacher about the abuse. Allegedly, she said, "We are not going home because he will be there and he will hurt us."

Isn't it funny how an 8 year old can stand up for herself and two other siblings and their own mother would not? While that case is not related to Aliahna's. I again, go back to the mother, TS, in this case and wonder why an 8 year old can have that courage and a 28 year old, thrice married, mother of 5-6, can just hand her kids off like a baton and not look after their welfare.

Is it verified that Tarah has been married 3 times?

Just curious.
Do we know where the brick that he used came from? Was it used as a doorstop, and he picked it up ... or were there bricks in the yard, and he got one from there? His story leaves me wondering.

Even if she said she was going home, why would he hit her -- even once -- over that?
Warning: May not be related, but worth looking into....
Since this article does not name any victims, I assume it is OK to post. If not, mods please delete.

I don't have time to sleuth this just now, but it really does sound like it might be related. This article was published on December 7, so the timing is kind of strange, but it goes along with the theory that this family is a den of abuse. It looks like this abuse took place in Scott County, Iowa. I am not sure how this relates geographically to where Aliahna lived or visited in Iowa.

Please let me know if anybody cares to check into this and what you have found.

I believe Aliahna's mother's last name is SOUDERS not Souder.
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