Where is this footage you speak of ? you say 'we' have the footage. I have only seen still shots. Definitely link if you have seen the full footage.
You can use the "reply with quote" button at the bottom to ask direct Q of another poster, but I presume you're asking this of me...?
No, I haven't seen "footage" either but it exists.
If we have a Still from the Footage, that's PROOF the footage exists.
If you look at the Still it appears that the perp is passing other homes and focused on the Blackburn Home.
Why would this be for a "burglar" who is out to randomly hit wherever he can?
Is he psychic? Just somehow KNEW the Blackburns (who seemed to be financially pressed) were the only house in the street with stealable items (that he didn't steal)?
The purposeful striding and hiding of the face - he was headed to Kill Amanda.
This was an Execution...
Also, once he killed her, he left, presumably empty handed.
A "burglar" who accidentally killed the occupier, would likely take their sweet time in the home rifling through every single cupboard and drawer for his rewards.
But no - this guy was in, hit, out...
And as Police haven't told us he burgaled the Blackburns imo he didn't....
He wasn't a burglar, the burgalries and the Team of Burglars are Red Herrings.
Police want us to THINK it was a burglary at this point however...