IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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You go girl!!!!

from the videos i've watched she just seems so submissive. I can't picture her grabbing a gun. But, i don't know her. Maybe she had gun handling experience.
The timing of the heard shots makes it seem like someone just walked in, shot her and left.
The multiple shots are weird, too.
One time my daughter looked out the front window and said "there's a guy walking into our back yard". There was no car in our drive and our nearest neighbor is an acre away. I'm a pretty big chicken, but my husband wasn't home and my first instinct was to run to the back deck, burst out the door and yell, "hey! Who's back here?" momma bear instinct is real, ya'll.
In hindsight it was dumb. If he had a gun and was going to try to get in the back door, he sure wasn't going to be be scared off by me. I watch too much id and should know better (ha)
turns out i just scared the crap out of a meter reader - but hey. Guess he will wear his vest and not just park at the end of the street in rural areas anymore.

A lot of rambling to say no one can predict what someone would do when protecting their kids. I'm an everyday wimp until you mess with my kids safety.
I'm trying so hard to follow this but certain things just don't add up for me. Maybe I've missed some things though.

First of all, the time of the burglary(s) seems quite unusual for me. It appears to be a working class neighborhood where most folks would be up and getting ready for work/school at that time. Not that working class neighborhoods aren't targeted but the burglars generally wait until they know (or presume) they're not going to be caught by homeowners or seen by neighbors. 5:30am would be prime time to NOT burglarize a house unless you knew for sure the owners weren't there anyway.

Second, the time-gap between when the SUV was seen leaving and the time-frame the neighbors heard gunshots. 6am to 6:45am - and the fact that most seem to assume there's a connection between the suspect who killed AB and the SUV. The SUV leaves the area and 45 minutes later there are gunshots? That makes me suspect the driver and whatever passengers, if any, were possibly not even connected to the person pulling that trigger. I mean, if you've just burglarized a house at 5:30am & loaded your stolen vehicle with the goods, and are seen leaving at 6am, why would anyone even think that SUV would still be around at 6:45? The only thing that makes any sense here is, the piece of garbage that killed Amanda saw Davey leaving and wrongly assumed the house would be empty and ripe for another burglary. But, that would have to mean either Davey left earlier than the SUV did and that 6:11 time is wrong (where does that even come from? Clearly I missed where that was documented), or the losers in the SUV just left one guy behind for some strange reason in a neighborhood he clearly didn't belong in, and would have been seen as suspect walking away from.

Which brings me to my next utterly-confused point: MSM keeps saying it was a burglary gone wrong (or other words to that affect). But the man they released the still image of is seen carrying exactly nothing. People who break into homes steal things they can sell, i.e., electronics (mostly) and you can't stuff those into your baggy pants no matter how swag you think you are. I suppose it's entirely possible his plan was changed when he encountered Amanda but why would he even have bothered since the SUV left the area a good 45 minutes before the neighbors heard the gunshots? Was he just going to walk out the neighborhood toting a flat screen like it was commonplace?

Lastly, IF the person who has been named in MSM as being arrested for PV is the same person they believe to have used AB's debit card, his previous criminal history shows no connection whatsoever to gun violence or sexual crimes. He's a criminal for sure, but he operates in a different realm: stolen goods, burglary & drugs. I know sometimes criminals of one caliber advance to another, and sometimes there's a "first" but given his age and priors it's a bit of a stretch for me to think that's the guy they're looking for.

Just some thoughts - and I know I've probably missed a LOT of important details that have already been shared. This thread here has been moving like a wildfire. My hat is off to the mods. Y'all rock at keeping things as sane as possible in cases like this.
Thanks for the compliment. We do what we can. :)

I might be able to clear up a couple of your questions.

LE has stated their belief that the murder was intended to be a burglary. They know the guy who killed AB was in the first house because he is on video from inside that home.

DB's 6:11 departure time comes from LE. They believe that when DB left, the perpetrator saw an opportunity to rob another home.

About 5:30 is when the burglary occurred two doors down. There is an individual, we know that because there is a recording from inside that residence. We believe that when Mr. Blackburn left to go work out, they saw an opportunity to burglarize another home.

And her husband, he left home at 6:11. We believe the people committing this burglary saw this as a home that they could get in, take some things.

LE also surmised, according to their statement, that the SUV left the area to take the stolen electronics to a location outside of the area.

At approximately 6:00 there was a camera from west of the burglarized home that captured a dark colored SUV driving quickly down the street.

Approximately one minute later that vehicle was then seen leaving.

There were TV's and laptops that were taken that were sizable, that would lead us to believe they were likely loaded into a vehicle to be removed from the area.

IMO, hoodie guy was the scout. Had he come upon a home where the goods were there for the taking, he would have dispatched the SUV to return for another haul. When he entered AB's house, she either startled him, or became aggressive, and he shot her. Maybe, maybe not. That's just my take on what we know at this time.

There's also the possibility that he stayed behind with different intentions. If it turns out that the reports of sexual assault and a struggle are true, I won't be surprised. How many robbers/rapists/killers attack victims inside their homes every single day in this country? Quite a damn few! And it makes no difference if kids are home, or husbands, or dogs, they DO NOT CARE.

As for the timing, it's not as uncommon as some people think. I'll spare you the lists, but I can assure you that crime occurs 24/7, without rhyme nor reason.
There's also the possibility that he stayed behind with different intentions. If it turns out that the reports of sexual assault, and a struggle, are true, I won't be surprised.

The sexual assault is unconfirmed, but I have seen numerous mention of the courageous struggle to protect the child attributed to the police - not an unnamed source.

No specific details as to why they believe that, but it's not just a "source told us thing" -

this is one :

but I have seen it described in a few different ways, so certainly the media interpretation might differ from report to report. However, the "struggle" is the consistent word used. That doesn't mean sexual assault imo, but rather it means that it wasn't just as simple as someone coming in and shooting someone and leaving, but rather some form of resistance or attacking of the perp occurred. -- my speculation of what that means.
I can't believe its already Friday and there's no arrest.

Either LE is confident they know who it is and they are quietly releasing info to keep the perp feeling comfortable while case building - or they really are still clueless?? Because if they had DNA matches on the guy in custody I can't imagine why they aren't filing charges? Aren't DNA matches enough to get a warrant issued?
If only it were that simple. There are different factors to consider, such as the viability of the sample(s), and the workload at the lab. I did read that the evidence is being fast tracked in this case, so that's promising. Once a profile is developed, it has to be matched. If the suspect hasn't been convicted of a felony, he won't be in the state database. So that could complicate matters.

But regardless, an arrest is no good if you can't make the charges stick, and prosecute successfully. That means building a strong case on additional evidence, because DNA alone won't cut it. And since they only get one shot, it isn't prudent to rush in half-cocked.

"24-Hour News 8, has learned that Marion County Forensic Director Michael Medler is fast tracking the evidence in Blackburn’s case through the DNA process."
Good point Max brought up about her possibly having a gun. Police initially said she was killed protecting her child. The baby was found (thank GOD) in his crib upstairs. I saw another article saying she was found downstairs. Perhaps the gun was wrestled from her. I looked through Davey's FB posts - there are many- and the two of them going to a shooting range was mentioned. Anyone I know who visits shooting ranges, have a gun at home. Just a thought. Or it could have been her unborn child she was protecting (shot to the hand, torso - her protecting them both and then tragically the shot to the head). But then I think maybe she was still in bed and most likely she was completely startled by the intruder - there was no forced entry, so someone coming in through the door quietly she would not have heard - would she have been near the gun and had time to get it?

I'm baffled on this case really. Just pray he is caught before he does this again.
3 gunshots ?

I'm just a little skeptical on that. Weston is an exemplary baby if this is true.

my experience is far lesser things waking babies.

I also remember them being awake early. But every baby is different.

(still awful skeptical there wasn't a crying baby)

And gunshots at close range are incredibly loud, loud enough to physically hurt his ears, unless something was done to really muffle the shots. I'd expect him to be screaming, not just crying, at least in the immediate aftermath of the gunfire.
Just catching up a bit. We know of three burglary's that morning. Were there any more in say a ten mile range?

The three we know of all seem so different.

The first a burglary with women upstairs sleeping but no rapes.

The second a burglary in a home the owner was out of town.

The third a rape and murderer.
If the homeowners from the first house were out of town, who called the police about the burglary? I'm looking for the quote where LE said they missed the killer by seconds while responding to the first burglary. Someone called the police around 6:30/6:45, WHO? I don't imagine the oot homeowners came home from vacation at that time. If they had an alarm, police would be dispatched much sooner. That leads me to believe it was an individual who saw something concerning enough to call 911. Was the door open? Visible damage? Did someone see the perps taking things out of the house? I know we don't have these answers yet.
I live in an area where hunting is common. Unfortunately this time of year you hear gunshots often.

Her neighborhood doesn't seem like it would be close enough to open land that someone would think it was hunters, so I'm confused why someone claims they heard shots but didn't call police?

Because it can be hard to tell where they came from, which makes your call not terribly helpful for the police other than pinpointing a time for something that may not have been a violent crime at all (accidental discharge, for example, or some bozo shooting into the sky).

Signed, someone who has gotten strangely used to hearing gunshots since moving to my current city
From the videos I've watched she just seems so submissive. I can't picture her grabbing a gun. But, I don't know her. Maybe she had gun handling experience.
The timing of the heard shots makes it seem like someone just walked in, shot her and left.
The multiple shots are weird, too.
One time my daughter looked out the front window and said "there's a guy walking into our back yard". There was no car in our drive and our nearest neighbor is an acre away. I'm a pretty big chicken, but my husband wasn't home and my first instinct was to run to the back deck, burst out the door and yell, "hey! Who's back here?" Momma bear instinct is real, ya'll.
In hindsight it was DUMB. If he had a gun and was going to try to get in the back door, he sure wasn't going to be be scared off by me. I watch too much ID and should know better (ha)
Turns out I just scared the crap out of a meter reader - but hey. Guess he will wear his vest and not just park at the end of the street in rural areas anymore.

A lot of rambling to say no one can predict what someone would do when protecting their kids. I'm an everyday wimp until you mess with my kids safety.
OT but...
Good Morning all! Okay...not to make light....but I was reading thru all the posts this fast! ..I got to this post of yours TC and had my heart in my throat...people slinking around in backyards is scary to me...long story...but anyways....I was reading & on tenterhooks waiting for the outcome....UNTIL...the line bolded snort....thanks TC...I'm off to a great start for the weekend.....*have a monitor to clean and a t-shirt to change now!*LOL* ...Seriously.....glad you and kiddos are okay!!
From the videos I've watched she just seems so submissive. I can't picture her grabbing a gun. But, I don't know her. Maybe she had gun handling experience.
The timing of the heard shots makes it seem like someone just walked in, shot her and left.
The multiple shots are weird, too.
One time my daughter looked out the front window and said "there's a guy walking into our back yard". There was no car in our drive and our nearest neighbor is an acre away. I'm a pretty big chicken, but my husband wasn't home and my first instinct was to run to the back deck, burst out the door and yell, "hey! Who's back here?" Momma bear instinct is real, ya'll.
In hindsight it was DUMB. If he had a gun and was going to try to get in the back door, he sure wasn't going to be be scared off by me. I watch too much ID and should know better (ha)
Turns out I just scared the crap out of a meter reader - but hey. Guess he will wear his vest and not just park at the end of the street in rural areas anymore.

A lot of rambling to say no one can predict what someone would do when protecting their kids. I'm an everyday wimp until you mess with my kids safety.

Something similar happened to me.I look out the back door and see a man wearing an orange jumpsuit,he was peeing into the small wooded area behind the house.Now I thought it was a prison jumpsuit(because it was orange) but it was a sanitation worker, they used to walk ahead of the trucks coming, back when they handled trash bins manually.Boy you should have seen him jump when I swung open the door and yelled at him "What the Heck are you doing?"
Did they only have one car?
Anyone know?

If DB left and the lights were off and they only have one car then I can see this guy thinking its an empty house.

Were any lights on?
Coffee brewing?
OT but...
Good Morning all! Okay...not to make light....but I was reading thru all the posts this fast! ..I got to this post of yours TC and had my heart in my throat...people slinking around in backyards is scary to me...long story...but anyways....I was reading & on tenterhooks waiting for the outcome....UNTIL...the line bolded snort....thanks TC...I'm off to a great start for the weekend.....*have a monitor to clean and a t-shirt to change now!*LOL* ...Seriously.....glad you and kiddos are okay!!

I had had a customer who was a meter reader. He said in some places the vest wasn't enough to convince folks that they didn't need to stand guard on their porch with a shotgun.
Did they only have one car?
Anyone know?

If DB left and the lights were off and they only have one car then I can see this guy thinking its an empty house.

Were any lights on?
Coffee brewing?

I am very curious about this as well. I have asked several times and searched for information as to whether amanda was still in bed or went back to bed, for this reason. But haven't seen any information regarding this.

I think it'd be common to try and get as much sleep as you can with a child that age, especially if he was sleeping - sleep when baby is sleeping comes to mind.
I had had a customer who was a meter reader. He said in some places the vest wasn't enough to convince folks that they didn't need to stand guard on their porch with a shotgun.

Having an intimidating dog is a great way to alert you as well as deter would be burglars. Even just a barky dog.
Having an intimidating dog is a great way to alert you as well as deter would be burglars. Even just a barky dog.

I hope you don't mind me saying that this works if you are home.My cul-de-sac has barking dogs 24/7 and none of the neighbors ever looks out the window or check to see what is going on day or night.Except me of course.
Not quoting the post (for obvious reasons), but "Some good will come of this" is a strong belief in the evangelical Christian community. It comes from the verse, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8:28).
Is there a link to where it says there is video or a still of this perp at the Blackburn home? I can't find it.
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