IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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Is there an article that mentions AB?
It's not ringing a bell and I want locate who this is.

I think in the article they use his last name - Bull. However in more reading of the probable cause document, I am seeing it more and more implausible that Taylor wasn't there.

Taylor's cellphone was one of those being tracked and showed he was at the blackburns street. That's enough for me to be completely satisfied he was there.

But there are still statements that at time appear to fit this Taylor loose cannon narrative -

--Taylor wanted to kill the lady of the first burglary because he thought he was caught on camera, they convinced him to leave.
--Taylor went in and struck amanda in the face with the gun
--Taylor tossed credit cards in the window of the car while watson and gordon were discussing leaving because of amanda being hit by taylor
--Taylor threatened to kill amanda if they didn't return, so they returned after AB said they shouldn't leave him because he's family

So there is a narrative of crazy Taylor who to some degree seems to be the one calling the shots. He is the one who breaks into all the houses as well, they seem to follow his lead and at every turn they are trying to get off the crazy train and are trying to prevent him from killing at two location.

Not saying it's not entirely plausible, but is odd in some ways being he's the youngest guy there with no burglary record.

But there is also information given by them that taylor had the snubnose weapon that they believe was the murder weapon.

Taylor says he was messed up and basically was sleeping in the car the whole time, so he was "possibly" at the blackburn's house.

So proving that he was the guy seen by eyewitnesses,cameras, and with DNA somewhere in the house should blow up the assertion that he never left the car. Also the cell tower data indicates he stayed at residence while the others were atm hunting. So unless they switched phones that jives. Watson was definitely at the atm's as there is physical evidence he was there. So if there was a phone switch it'd be giano gordon that would have switched. just seems unlikely though. Also, giano seems taller - i could be wrong, but that doesn't fit the description of the guy seen on cameras on sunnyfield who was shorter.

Not sure how tall Tayor is.
I think from reading the PC, you can surmise that Taylor killed her because they couldn't get the debit card to work and he probably thought she was lying to them about the number. The PC states the debit card was denied at 6:36 am. The neighbor heard gunshots and a woman scream between 6:40 am and 6:45 am. That would mean he shot her before the successful use of the debit card at 6:54 am. I also believe I read somewhere, (not sure if it was the PC) that Taylor's phone pinged off a tower showing he was at their home during that time. So, I think the LE's got it right on the trigger man.

The PC also states at least 5 calls were made between the parties after Dino and Watson left the house to use the card.

What is scary, is the fact that he stayed in the house between the time he shot her and 7:05 am when the neighbor's noticed him. I wonder if that is when he was doing the SA. Sick individual.
One other thought. The PC states a woman and AB confirmed they left their house (apt) at 3:30 am. That means Watson's sister was lying the whole time about him being on her couch. Can she be prosecuted for hindering their investigation?
I think from reading the PC, you can surmise that Taylor killed her because they couldn't get the debit card to work and he probably thought she was lying to them about the number. The PC states the debit card was denied at 6:36 am. The neighbor heard gunshots and a woman scream between 6:40 am and 6:45 am. That would mean he shot her before the successful use of the debit card at 6:54 am. I also believe I read somewhere, (not sure if it was the PC) that Taylor's phone pinged off a tower showing he was at their home during that time. So, I think the LE's got it right on the trigger man.

The PC also states at least 5 calls were made between the parties after Dino and Watson left the house to use the card.

What is scary, is the fact that he stayed in the house between the time he shot her and 7:05 am when the neighbor's noticed him. I wonder if that is when he was doing the SA. Sick individual.

Yeah, cell tower is most damning evidence right now I guess in terms of proving he was there at the time of the gunshots.

I was questioning it as much as I can, and there still might be a bit of fabrication in terms of who was calling shots to distance themselves from his actions. But doesn't matter to me, if he was the guy that pulled that trigger and they got him, mission acccomplished.

They all should get the murder charge though. Giano staying in the car at the blackburn residence seemingly saved him murder charges ?
One other thought. The PC states a woman and AB confirmed they left their house (apt) at 3:30 am. That means Watson's sister was lying the whole time about him being on her couch. Can she be prosecuted for hindering their investigation?

I posted this before, and I still don't know the answer to it. It's unlikely that the sister held vigil over the couch all night - it seems quite likely that when she went to bed, Watson was on the couch. And when she got up in the morning, he was there again. She doesn't state what time she woke up to find him on the couch - but it would be unlikely she checked the couch at 3:30.
I posted this before, and I still don't know the answer to it. It's unlikely that the sister held vigil over the couch all night - it seems quite likely that when she went to bed, Watson was on the couch. And when she got up in the morning, he was there again. She doesn't state what time she woke up to find him on the couch - but it would be unlikely she checked the couch at 3:30.

OH...I was thinking the woman in the PC was a different woman than the sister. Ok, so that makes some sense. But wouldn't that mean that AB is the sister's husband/boyfriend/live in. How ironic.:gaah:

This sister and the woman in the PC can't be the same person. The PC states Watson was sleeping on a crate on the floor, the sister said he was sleeping on her couch.

So, I guess my question stands...can the sister be charged with impeding the investigation?
I'm confused on why two of them are charged with murder?
A lot of us thought an arrest was coming soon and thank God it did today. I wish all crimes were worked on this incredibly hard. These criminals never should have been out on the street. I can't look at their pictures, think much about it anymore because it is beyond horrific and sickening.

This crime was so random and beyond frightening to think how easily it could happen to anyone, anywhere.

Will be sickening I'm sure to see how long they were punished for their prior crimes. These s***s are past rehabilitation. If they don't get the DP, then they will be put away for life, having many privileges in prison that they don't at all deserve.
I am sure Amanda would think differently, and she would think everyone has a chance at rehab, becoming a better person and finding Jesus. Well, I visit church just about every day and Amanda is sure a million times better person than I will ever be. I just think they are better off dead.

May you now rest in peace angel Amanda and baby.
So what happened to four televisions? And where was AB when all of this was going down? Why did AB call Watson and Gordon to tell them that they couldn't leave Taylor behind because he was family? Why would Taylor call AB to boo-hoo because the others were going to leave him? And why did everyone gather at AB's apartment? And again, what happened to four televisions?

Three perps and four televisions in a vehicle that looks something like this?



And what happened to the dark-colored SUV seen leaving the area to take the stash away?

Guess it's no secret who's cooperating. Seems to me at least two were willing to spill the beans.

So what happened to four televisions? And where was AB when all of this was going down? Why did AB call Watson and Gordon to tell them that they couldn't leave Taylor behind because he was family? Why would Taylor call AB to boo-hoo because the others were going to leave him? And why did everyone gather at AB's apartment? And again, what happened to four televisions?

And what happened to the dark-colored SUV seen leaving the area to take the stash away?

Guess it's no secret who's cooperating. Seems to me at least two were willing to spill the beans.


There's alot of odd things about the pc. But it seems the cell phone records are the most important. Thy pinpoint movement and timeframes that can be used to determine where everyone was at the time of those gunshots and the scream. That data is by far the most convincing to me, because it seems to indicate that Taylor is the man.

Now will watson, gordon with AB's help manipulate the other information to try and get them less time ? sure. That's kind of what the narrative sounds like - Taylor was out of control. Which seems plausible.

But I don't rule out that AB didn't say to Taylor, hey, kill her. no witnesses. - if he is some kind of leader for this group. That I don't know, but sure seems odd he's so involved in the decision making of this adventure they were on.

So in that respect, if AB is involved, I want him charged.

The TV's, haha, I don't really have a good answer for that. But seems irrelevant if that cell data is reliable.
I'm confused on why two of them are charged with murder?
For one thing, only Taylor and Watson entered the Blackburn residence. Gordon stayed with the Sebring. And Gordon exited the vehicle and waited while Watson drove back into the neighborhood to pick up Taylor, likely to avoid being seen there once he knew what Taylor had done. That's self-preservation mode. Sounds to me like a guy who'd be willing to talk to save his butt, and it appears that's what he's done. In exchange, he's being charged only for burglary.

pp. 23-24 of the affidavit.
^ agreed, however one person pulls the trigger for the ultimate result of murder. I read it as Taylor was in the residence by himself at the time of the fatal shot. Even if two people are present, only one committed the crime. ?? What am I missing?
3 (4) ****s have no regard for anyone's life, property. Amanda had every right taken away from her! These thgs do not deserve any rights either............JMOO The perps get younger and younger, with dark hearts.
Every city has these low lives. If we don't bring in the DP for some of the most heinous crimes........all of us will suffer in taxes and building more pens to hold these animals for 70 years. Charles Manson & the family is a good example. If they get life some bleeding hearts will let them out someday due to over crowding. Look at how many try to escape and riot.............. what kind of a world will be for the young innocent. We should all be safe in our home. Rap sheets and probation didn't work to contain these ****s..............

I am wondering that since our current penalty system is broken and obviously does not deter crime which is just getting worse by the day, then, perhaps we should go back to the days of public hang 'em high. Screw all the appeal processes. You brutalize then murder a lady, who is with child, who works to better her community, you take away a man's best friend and worship partner, you prevent a young baby boy from growing up without his mother's love and affection then guillotine it is. We need to start lining them up. Next!
For one thing, only Taylor and Watson entered the Blackburn residence. Gordon stayed with the Sebring. And Gordon exited the vehicle and waited while Watson drove back into the neighborhood to pick up Taylor, likely to avoid being seen there once he knew what Taylor had done. That's self-preservation mode. Sounds to me like a guy who'd be willing to talk to save his butt, and it appears that's what he's done. In exchange, he's being charged only for burglary.

pp. 23-24 of the affidavit.

I actually meant this the other way. I did not mean why are two, not three being charged, I meant why are two persons being charged for one act? Only one person committed the actual crime of murder.
I am wondering that since our current penalty system is broken and obviously does not deter crime which is just getting worse by the day, then, perhaps we should go back to the days of public hang 'em high. Screw all the appeal processes. You brutalize then murder a lady, who is with child, who works to better her community, you take away a man's best friend and worship partner, you prevent a young baby boy from growing up without his mother's love and affection then guillotine it is. We need to start lining them up. Next!

BBM for focus.

Not actually.

From a year ago:

Violent Crime Drops to Lowest Level Since 1978

FBI report: Violent crime down in U.S.
I am wondering that since our current penalty system is broken and obviously does not deter crime which is just getting worse by the day, then, perhaps we should go back to the days of public hang 'em high. Screw all the appeal processes. You brutalize then murder a lady, who is with child, who works to better her community, you take away a man's best friend and worship partner, you prevent a young baby boy from growing up without his mother's love and affection then guillotine it is. We need to start lining them up. Next!

The crime rate is actually going down. I know it's OT but it helps me to think about this while trying to process this vicious, awful, horrifying, senseless, I don't have enough bad words crime. I know whatever it is it's too high and Amanda should still be with her husband and child.

Violent U.S. crime drops again, reaches 1970s level: FBI

I wonder if the connectivity we've gained in recent years makes it seem like it's higher because we're more aware of it? Twenty-four hour news cycles and the internet means everything is out there. JMO

(Just noticed Izzy and I posted at the same time.)
I actually meant this the other way. I did not mean why are two, not three being charged, I meant why are two persons being charged for one act? Only one person committed the actual crime of murder.

It's my understanding that legally, anyone who participates in a crime that results in a murder can be charged with murder, even if they didn't pull the trigger but simply, for example, drove the getaway car.

I could be wrong. I'm not a lawyer and don't even play one on TV.
There's alot of odd things about the pc. But it seems the cell phone records are the most important. Thy pinpoint movement and timeframes that can be used to determine where everyone was at the time of those gunshots and the scream. That data is by far the most convincing to me, because it seems to indicate that Taylor is the man.

Now will watson, gordon with AB's help manipulate the other information to try and get them less time ? sure. That's kind of what the narrative sounds like - Taylor was out of control. Which seems plausible.

But I don't rule out that AB didn't say to Taylor, hey, kill her. no witnesses. - if he is some kind of leader for this group. That I don't know, but sure seems odd he's so involved in the decision making of this adventure they were on.

So in that respect, if AB is involved, I want him charged.

The TV's, haha, I don't really have a good answer for that. But seems irrelevant if that cell data is reliable.
Reading through the affidavit again, on p. 23 it does say they loaded the televisions, etc. from the first Sunnyfield Ct home into the Sebring. That's hard to believe, but whatever. Remember that some didn't think they could fit it all into a SUV? lol

I agree the phone records are vital. I'm going to look at them again tomorrow when I'm rested.
^ agreed, however one person pulls the trigger for the ultimate result of murder. I read it as Taylor was in the residence by himself at the time of the fatal shot. Even if two people are present, only one committed the crime. ?? What am I missing?

Not sure what your asking, I think you're questioning why 2 were charged with murder but only one pulled the trigger?.... Others can be charged if they participate in a felony (burglary & assault) and in the process a death occurs... I personally think the 3rd guy should be charged too. Getting out of the car at the neighborhood entrance or not wanting (supposedly) his co-burglar buddy to kill anyone is not enough for me! If he didn't want anyone to get killed, when he knew his buddy was armed and threatening murder, then HE SHOULD'VE STOPPED IT! There's a million things he could've done, I don't have any sympathy for the gang culture of don't squeal and keep your mouth shut.... He was a willing participant in this little "kill gang" that they prided themselves on... Anyone involved is a murderer IMO.

All jmo.
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