IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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They probably tried to get to much. I have a 300 cash limit on mine. I have to go request a higher limit if I wanted more. It's for the customers protection.
If you drive off and forget your card the machine will keep it too. I learned that after racing back to the bank in a panic one day.

Only some ATM's are programmed to capture a card.

After too many failed PIN attempts or suspicious transactions, the card is temporarily blocked by the processing center. They will place a call to the card holder and if the transaction attempts were by the cardholder, they will remove the block. If they were fraudulent, the card will be cancelled.
Anyone remember what time Chase Bank called and left the message about the attempts with her card?

According to the PC document, Chase sent a message at 7:53 am. Almost an hour after the successful transaction at 6:54 am. This is a good point. Why was the message so delayed? Did they try to get more money between the successful transaction and the time Chase sent the message? I have a Chase credit card, and the number was stolen and the card replicated and used at a Walmart. Within 10 minutes of it's use, Chase called with suspicious activity. They shut down the card immediately.

My debit card only allows me to get $400.00 in one day.

Like Izzy said...I don't think she gave them the wrong number, for all the reasons Izzy pointed out. I too would have given them anything to get them out of my house and protect my kids.

Someone (not sure who) maybe ABull? ...told them to try the lower amount ($400.00) which was then successful.

Can't wait until the arrest some more individuals, which I believe were involved indirectly.
I can definitely see them trying to get too much and being declined, then reaching the limit without knowing and trying again. Chase might not have called after the successful withdrawal if she regularly made withdrawals like that. They might have tried to get more money once they were successful but hit her limit and couldn't get more, but those attempts would cause Chase to call. These guys were no criminal masterminds by any means. They did enough stupid stuff that I doubt they would know the ins and outs of suspicious ATM usage like a more seasoned criminal might.
Only some ATM's are programmed to capture a card.

After too many failed PIN attempts or suspicious transactions, the card is temporarily blocked by the processing center. They will place a call to the card holder and if the transaction attempts were by the cardholder, they will remove the block. If they were fraudulent, the card will be cancelled.

At bank of America, you have to remove your card before you begin your transaction. So you put your card in, remove it quickly, then your transaction begins. There is no way for them to capture the card if you don't enter the pin correctly, and no way for you to drive off leaving the card in the machine.
At bank of America, you have to remove your card before you begin your transaction. So you put your card in, remove it quickly, then your transaction begins. There is no way for them to capture the card if you don't enter the pin correctly, and no way for you to drive off leaving the card in the machine.

I haven't used a card that stays in the ATM for ages. The only one around I can think of that works like that is the one at the Wells Fargo bank. All the ones in gas stations or at Walmart/Target/other stores have the kind you either put in and pull out (like prepaying at the pump, those where it takes the card but gives it back before you do the transaction or even some where you just swipe it on a -style credit card machine, never putting in the machine at all.

I didn't see this posted yesterday. Here is the interview with Amanda's brother on our local station (she grew up here).

After watching this and her father's yesterday, I am just in awe of this wonderful family. Really makes me wish I had their faith (or could get it). I want to be such a person who could face anything in this life and have a pure and loving heart through it all. Not that I'm a horrible bitter person, but nowhere close to these people.

I am right there with you BrownRice.....I caught an interview with Davey & Amanda's father on Fox yesterday. Davey stated that every morning they make a choice to forgive the perps, instead of choosing hatred. What amazing people!
The brutality of this crime is heartless and inhumane! Planned and mercy on these cowards......
what I still don't understand is the activity of 3/4 strangers in the cul de sac for how long??? and not a soul called 911? a robbery 2 doors down, gunshots.....strange car coming and going...........houses close together???
I guess everyone minded their business and the neighbors weren't as close as first thought. ??

I don't understand why they didn't report this! The one couple, husband & wife saw a person in all black with a hoodie over his head in front of their trash can at Sunnyfield Court. The subject walked toward 2812 Sunnyfield Court.

Another witness said she was leaving Sunnyfield Court and noticed a male walking on Sunmeadow Way talking loudly on his cell phone with his tee-shirt pulled up over his face.

Another witness was so suspicious he said he was leaving in his car but turned around instead of leaving after seeing a black male wearing a hoody that was pulled tight and his hand to his ear. he watched the male get in the front seat of a white late model Chrysler Sebring.
Then there is the lady who heard two shots and what sounded like a woman scream at 6:40- 6:45

Pgs. 16 - 17
I don't understand why they didn't report this! The one couple, husband & wife saw a person in all black with a hoodie over his head in front of their trash can at Sunnyfield Court. The subject walked toward 2812 Sunnyfield Court.

Another witness said she was leaving Sunnyfield Court and noticed a male walking on Sunmeadow Way talking loudly on his cell phone with his tee-shirt pulled up over his face.

Another witness was so suspicious he said he was leaving in his car but turned around instead of leaving after seeing a black male wearing a hoody that was pulled tight and his hand to his ear. he watched the male get in the front seat of a white late model Chrysler Sebring.
Then there is the lady who heard two shots and what sounded like a woman scream at 6:40- 6:45

Pgs. 16 - 17

Not sure what happened in this situation but it's worth keeping in mind that there's a lot of division across America of a sort we haven't seen until the past few years.We're living in difficult confusing times for everyone no matter what your race.

Black people are well aware they can be wrongly singled out at times "driving while black" or "walking while black" etc,etc but at the same time for a thousand different reasons there's a heck of a lot of black perps....

It shouldn't be this way but no matter what my thoughts are,realistically unless I was pretty damn sure,
I'd probably think a little more carefully about calling the police about a "suspicious black guy in the
Not sure what happened in this situation but it's worth keeping in mind that there's a lot of division across America of a sort we haven't seen until the past few years.We're living in difficult confusing times for everyone no matter what your race.

Black people are well aware they can be wrongly singled out at times "driving while black" or "walking while black" etc,etc but at the same time for a thousand different reasons there's a heck of a lot of black perps....

It shouldn't be this way but no matter what my thoughts are,realistically unless I was pretty damn sure,
I'd probably think a little more carefully about calling the police about a "suspicious black guy in the

It shouldn't be confusing or difficult but everyone's so stinking afraid of offending someone else these days (or way too stinking eager to BE offended and make sure everyone knows about it or being labelled a racist for crap that has nothing to do with race at all). I get not wanting to needlessly offend someone but something's happened in our culture that has caused seemingly mature, adult people to act like the 4 yr old that got the broken candy cane. It's kind of insane, really. And it seems like it's getting worse.

I don't care what color the guy was, black, white, purple... if someone was skulking around my neighborhood at that time of the day, someone who CLEARLY had no business there (not a resident, has never been seen in the neighborhood before), and dressed the way he was (yes, gang-bangers dress like gang-bangers, and if someone who ISN'T a gang-banger but dresses like one and gets offended or wrongly accused of being one, it's their own blasted fault for dressing like one in the first place. If these knuckleheads don't want to be called clowns, they need to stop putting on the giant rubber noses, floppy shoes and oversized bow-ties and grow some common sense) I'd be on the phone to 911.

If I was mistaken and the dude was just visiting a friend and leaving early to get to work or something, fine. I'd rather err on the side of caution than do nothing out of fear someone's feelings were going to be hurt, or someone would call me names.

As it turned out in this awful case, every one of them that saw him SHOULD have called 911 and reported a suspicious PERSON in their neighborhood. That person being a black guy sure as heck shouldn't have stopped them from reporting him.

Better safe than dead! We have a schizophrenic young man in our neighborhood and if he gets off his medication and starts skulking around (he broke into a church recently) - I call the cops. We also have had a lot of drive-up burglaries recently - 2 young men pull up in a truck and if your garage is open they steal things like chainsaws, lawn equipment, whatever they can get their grimy hands on. They recently made off with $40,000 worth of stuff (including an ATV). I know who they are and you can bet if I see them I'm calling the cops! I don't care what color they are - sneaky behavior is scary and should always be taken seriously. This Taylor dude was hiding his face with his shirt that just kind of BLARES on the loud speaker in my head - UP TO NO GOOD!
Better safe than dead! We have a schizophrenic young man in our neighborhood and if he gets off his medication and starts skulking around (he broke into a church recently) - I call the cops. We also have had a lot of drive-up burglaries recently - 2 young men pull up in a truck and if your garage is open they steal things like chainsaws, lawn equipment, whatever they can get their grimy hands on. They recently made off with $40,000 worth of stuff (including an ATV). I know who they are and you can bet if I see them I'm calling the cops! I don't care what color they are - sneaky behavior is scary and should always be taken seriously. This Taylor dude was hiding his face with his shirt that just kind of BLARES on the loud speaker in my head - UP TO NO GOOD!

Lol. Only if we could tame lions the size of Cecil the lion like dogs. Lol

Burglars wouldn't even attempt home invasions. Lol

My sign on the door will read:


I don't understand why they didn't report this!

Was there a shady neighbor that lived nearby so they assumed these strange people were relatives or associates of that house?

If this happened at night when people were staying at home, and if the people hated their neighbors then maybe they wouldn't care what happened next door, but these folks were leaving their own homes unattended!

Although I don't want to pile on the neighbors, who must be enduring their own private coulda-woulda-shoulda grief, I think this is a huge lesson for everyone. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING, and don't worry about looking foolish. If someone looks out of place in a neighborhood, I understand not wanting to "profile" someone who is there innocently. But at that hour of the morning, the red flags were flying.

One afternoon I observed four teen boys park a car in the small parking lot of a small apartment complex at the end of our street. They walked off down the street, so they were not visiting a resident. I knew they didn't live there. I also profiled them by nationality and knew it was unlikely that they lived in our town. I hated to do that, but I know the demographics here. So I called the police, figuring I'd look stupid and prejudiced, which I'm not. Sure enough, it was a stolen car. I don't know if they ever caught the kids, but at least the owner got his car back. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.
It was dark and very early morning. Most people in my neighborhood are not out and about at that time. Many houses have the front windows (that one could see such business going on outside) in rooms that are not often used (i.e. formal living rooms and dining rooms).

This is how my neighborhood houses are. I have no idea what's going on out front. Out back I see everything, it's all woods and a creek, but I was thinking the same one pays attention to the front.
Here's a timeline from the charging docs with some media reports included. Please let me know if anyone spots errors. Also posted in the media thread, Post #37.

black text = probable cause affidavit
blue text = media reports

November 10, 2015 (all times A.M. ET)

3:30 - Gordon, Watson and Taylor leave the apartment of ABu and his girlfriend, according to gf's statement to Det. Lehn.

A cooperating individual (CI) stated to Det. Lehn on Nov. 21, that Taylor was carrying a snub nose revolver and might have been wearing a Pelle Pelle jacket when they left ABu’s apartment.

4:30 - resident on San Clemente awakens to find cell phone missing from her bedroom, sliding glass door open, plants knocked over, and MacBook laptop missing. Purse and keys also are missing. Her 2007 Chrysler Sebring 4D is gone, as well. (Time doesn’t jive with time of burglary from security system.)

4:36 - Burglary No. 1 at San Clemente Dr. apartment. Surveillance camera captures three perpetrators inside the residence.

CI said the three wanted money, so Taylor crawled up a back railing of an apartment in the Cottages (on San Clemente), and opened the front door for Gordon and Taylor.

CI said Taylor had keys in his hand, and used the fob to open a Chrysler Sebring. Taylor took an iPhone from an upstairs bedroom where the occupant was asleep. When the three realized they were on video, they disabled the camera. According to CI, Taylor wanted to kill the occupant because he was on video. Watson and Gordon talked him out of it, and the trio left in the Sebring.

4:40 - Gordon's T-M phone is near E 56th St and I-465 (near San Clemente/Cottages). Places a call to phone number *advertiser censored*. (Gordon's phone placed five calls to *advertiser censored* between 4:40 and 6:54 A.M.)

5:23 - 911 call to report burglary on San Clemente.

5:36 – Burglary No. 2 at 28xx SuCo. Surveillance camera captures suspect as he disables the security system. The home is two doors down from the Blackburn residence.

According to CI, after first burglary, the trio wanted more money, so they drove to the westside subdivision, and entered a home at 28xx SuCo by tearing through a patio screen, and opening a deadbolt on patio door. They stole televisions, MacBook Pro laptop, and other items, and loaded them into the Sebring.

6:00 - Davey Blackburn departs from his home in his 1997 black Honda Civic for a workout at L.A. Fitness, 4015 Shore Dr. He leaves front door unlocked.

6:25 - Gordon's T-M phone near, or at, 2812 Sunnyfield Ct.

6:25 - Burglary No. 3 at 2812 SuCo (time approximate based on phone records)

When detectives canvassed neighborhood, Det. Perkins spoke with Neighbor A, who reported that he and his wife saw a suspicious person dressed all in black with hoody pulled over his face, near their trash in front of their home on SuCo. Subject walked toward 2812 SoCo.

According to CI, after second burglary, they wanted more money. Taylor walked to 2812 SuCo and opened front door. Taylor and Watson entered the home. Gordon waited at the Sebring parked at 2830 SuCo.

Watson later walked to the car and told Gordon a woman was inside, and Taylor busted her in the mouth with his gun. The two discussed leaving. Then Taylor walked up, and threw some cards in the car. Watson drove with Gordon to an ATM on N. Michigan Rd.

6:36 - ATM at 6881 N.Michigan Rd issues a $500 withdrawal denied receipt for card ending in 3667 (AB's card). Receipt later recovered from the Sebring. ATM camera captures image of person who appears to be driving the Sebring. A pink shirt is wrapped around his face. He is wearing white hoody and dark vest.

6:38 to 7:10 - Taylor's Verizon phone is at or near 2812 Sunnyfield Ct. No reported activity for Taylor’s phone prior to this time.

6:39 - Taylor's Verizon phone calls Gordon's phone around this time. Watson and Taylor “discuss numbers”.

6:39 - Gordon's T-M phone near 6881 Michigan Rd, area of the failed ATM transaction

6:40-6:45 - As reported to Lt. Spurgeon, from her home on SuCo, Neighbor B heard what sounded like two shots and heard a woman scream.

6:54 - ATM at 1313 86th St, subject in white hoody walks up and withdraws $400 with AB's debit card.

6:54 - Gordon's T-M phone near 1313 W. 86th St, area of the successful ATM transaction.

Afterward, according to CI, Gordon and Watson wanted to leave Taylor. Taylor said he would kill the woman if they left him. ABu called Gordon’s phone. ABu said they couldn’t do that because Taylor was “family”.

6:55-7:10 - Gordon's T-M phone moves back toward Sunnyfield Court.

7:05 - As reported to Det. Prater, Neighbor C was leaving her home when she noticed black male subject wearing black shoes, pants and hoody (Taylor). As she drove away, she could see subject walking on Sunmeadow Way, talking loudly on his cell phone with one hand in his pocket, and a t-shirt pulled up around his face.

7:10 - The trio leave the addition. According to CI, Gordon exited the vehicle before Watson drove it into the addition. Watson and Taylor picked him up on the way out. Taylor is dropped off at 56[SUP]th [/SUP]and Guion Rd. He takes the stolen property, including a bag over his shoulder. Gordon and Watson drop the car in the Boulevard neighborhood.

7:10-7:11 - As reported to Capt. Converse and Det. Kepler, Neighbor D was leaving home on Sunmeadow Way when he noticed black male in hoody (Taylor) walking east on Sunmeadow Way. The hood was pulled tight, and one hand was to his ear. Neighbor returned to his home. A "like white Chrylser Sebring" traveling east drove up and stopped. Subject entered front seat. Vehicle turned in a driveway and drove west from Summerfield. Neighbor D provided home video which captured what he described.

7:10 - DB leaves the gym while talking on the phone with a friend.

7:30 - DB arrives home, still on the phone, and continues the conversation while sitting in the driveway.

7:30-8:35 - Watson and Gordon drop the Sebring in the neighborhood of 3800 Rookwood.

7:53 - Chase Bank leaves voice mail on AB's phone reporting suspicious activity on her bank card ending in 3667.

8:17 - SuCo resident calls 911 to report a burglary after she returned home and found front door unlocked. Suspects entered by tearing a patio window screen, and entering through patio door. Four televisions, a MacBook Pro, Tiffany pearl necklace, and women's pink sweater were stolen from the home. Also missing was a bag or oranges, a Uverse remote control, and bed sheets. It appeared suspects had consumed beer and wine, and left bottles in the home. They left through the front door.

8:20 - DB enters his house through front door. AB is on the living room floor lying in a pool of blood.

As related to Det. Perkins later at the hospital: Panties are next to her on the floor, and shirt is pulled up. Credit cards and wallet are on the floor. Purse and Swisher Sweet cigar package on the counter. The SS package doesn't belong to either DB or AB. A decorative ladder and a lamp are knocked over on the floor near AB.

8:22 - Davey Blackburn calls 911. He reports that AB is injured and unconscious on the living room floor.

Indianapolis Fire Department Engine 12 responds to the scene.

8:30 - IFD 12 contacts IMPD for assistance with a possible assault.

8:44 - Officers Larry Crowe and and Richard Crosby arrive as medics are carting AB away from the home.

9:01 - Detective Pete Perkins arrives at Methodist Hospital to investigate the nature of AB's injuries. He learns she suffered gunshot wound to the head, lower left arm, and a possible GSW to the back; and wasn't expected to live. Perkins speaks with Davey Blackburn at the hospital.

Det. Mahon met with a SuCo resident who provided video which captured activity in front of his home on SuCo.

Det. Mahon secured video from L.A. Fitness which showed DB was at the facility during the time of the murder.

According to CI, the three suspects eventually gathered back at ABu’s apartment. Taylor told them he killed the woman. He stated that she charged at him, and he shot her somewhere in the upper body so he wouldn’t be scratched. “Taylor then told them that he leaned over her body and shot her in the head. He leaned further, looked at her face, and watched her bleed.”

November 11, 2015

7:55 A.M. - AB declared legally dead.

10:28 P.M. - Officer Elliott was called to 3800 block of Rookwood on the report of the located stolen Sebring. Det. Lehn later interviewed witness who said the Sebring appeared the morning of Nov. 10, between 7:30 and 8:35.

November 12, 2015

10:00 A.M. - Det. Lehn attended autopsy of AB performed by Dr. Cavanaugh. AB suffered GSW to back of the head, GSW to lower left arm which traveled to bicep; and a through and through GSW which entered and exited upper back. The back wound was downward. In addition, AB had scratches to her left cheek, a split lip, and a lower tooth knocked out. Forensic Specialist Wilson collected bullets from AB's head and left bicep. Wilson also took fingernail scrapings. An exam had been done previously by a forensic nurse at Methodist Hospital.

[The bullets were examined and determined to be from a .38/9mm class. No shell casings were found, which was indicative of a revolver. Could be indicative of a .38/357. A photo later was retrieved from Larry Taylor's phone which depicted Taylor lying on a bed next to a snub nose revolved consistent with a .38 or .357. The photo was taken on Sept. 19, 2015.]

10:45 A.M. - Det. Kepler obtained consent to search the Sebring from the owner.

Among the items recovered from the Sebring was a women’s pink sweater stolen during burglary No. 2.

1:04 P.M. - Sgt. Eads obtains subpoena results which showed a subject with a pink sweater wrapped around his head, wearing a white hoody and black vest, driving the Sebring at the ATM on N. Michigan Rd.

Media reports on this day:

Lt. Richard Riddle, IMPD Public Information Officer gives interview to WTHR. Davey Blackburn is “100% cleared” of his wife’s murder.

Riddle says detectives are working with DB to determine what was stolen, and how entry was gained. He urges citizens to report any information, no matter how minor it might be.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Indiana Metro Police Department holds a press conference. Representatives from multiple agencies, including Indiana State Police and the FBI, make statements. Homicide Captain Craig Converse, and Major Eric Hench give a rundown of the crimes.

Reports say the stolen dark colored SUV was found abandoned near 40[SUP]th[/SUP] St and Rookwood. LE hopes it will provide DNA, according to Paul Minser of the Indiana State Police who works with forensics.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A celebration of life is held for Amanda Blackburn

Monday, November 16, 2015

IMPD releases two photos of the suspect in dark hoodie walking on the street. His right hand is held up to his face, and he appears to be holding a phone.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Det. Lehn was informed that a DNA swab taken from the sweater turned up a match to Watson. A search of Watson’s Facebook page showed his best friend is Diano Gordon. Watson and Gordon were both on parole, with phone numbers on file with the parole office.

[(various dates) U. S. Marshall Liaison Sgt. Mark Hess subsequently secured search warrants from T-Mobile and Sprint, and detectives researched phone numbers from the call logs. One number was found through Backpage ads and police reports to belong of Larry Taylor, Jr. Hess tracked the phone to 14xx Meridian Way, where Taylor answered the door. Taylor said he didn’t live at the residence, but was staying there temporarily sleeping on a pallet on the floor. Taylor said the phone plugged in next to the pallet belonged to him.

Det. Hess tracked another phone to an apartment on Brendon Way West. There he found the gf of AB in possession of the phone. She said that she knew Gordon, Taylor and Watson, and that they left her apartment around 3:30 A.M. on November 10 She said a black jacket in the closet belonging to her bf was often worn by Watson. The gf showed him a Taurus 9MM that was under the bed. The jacket and gun later were recovered via search warrant and consent from the gf.

ABu was questioned by LE. He admitted when the trio left his apartment, one was wearing the black Pelle-Pelle jacket.]

Media on this day:

IMPD reports that a resident found a handgun in the 2900 block of West 42[SUP]nd[/SUP] Street, about a block and a half from the Blackburn home, and turned it into a fire station seven miles away. Lt. Riddle says they have no information which indicates the gun is connected to the murder, but it will be analyzed by investigators to see if it matches the caliber of gun used in the murder.

Thursday, November 18, 2015

Detectives are working to find DNA from the Sunnfield Ct. homes, and the recovered SUV.
“24-Hour News 8, has learned that Marion County Forensic Director Michael Medler is fast tracking the evidence in Blackburn’s case through the DNA process.”

November 19, 2015

Det. Lehn interviewed Larry Taylor, Jr. He said he “possibly” rode in a silver Sebring to 56[SUP]th[/SUP] and Guion Rd. to go see a person named “Cheese”, and that he “possibly” stopped on Sunnyfield Court, but he was too messed up to remember. He was able to recall that he never exited the vehicle until he was dropped off at 56h and Guion Rd.

IMPD served search warrants early Thursday morning into Thursday evening on at least two locations.

One location was an apartment complex on Brendon Way Dr. off of 56th St. Of particular interest in the search, was clothing worn by suspect(s) on November 10, as seen in the surveillance videos from the Blackburns' neighborhood.

Investigators were seen carrying out bags of evidence. What items were seized in the SW's has not been released.

During the course of the "raids", at least four individuals were questioned; three from the apartment complex, and one from another site where a SW was served.

(LE has not stated that the San Clemente and Sunnyfield Ct. crimes are related. Nor has LE indicated that the individuals questioned Thursday in relation to the Blackburn investigation are also suspects in the San Clemente robbery.)

DNA swabs might have been collected from three of the individuals, (per "sources").

At this time, two have been arrested on charges unrelated to the Blackburn investigation.

Diano Gordon, 24, is arrested on unrelated charges for parole violation.

“Sources” report that AB was sexually assaulted, but LE has not confirmed.

November 21, 2015

Det. Lehn interviewed a “cooperating individual” (Gordon).

November 23, 2015

Larry Tayor, Jr. and Jalen E Watson arrested and charged with multiple counts of murder, burglary, robbery, criminal confinement, and breaking and entering.

November 24, 2015

Watson and Taylor “appeared at a court hearing Tuesday, where a judge entered not guilty pleas for them.”

Prosecutor files sentence enhancement for the unborn child.
Here's a timeline from the charging docs with some media reports included. Please let me know if anyone spots errors. Also posted in the media thread, Post #37.

black text = probable cause affidavit
blue text = media reports

November 10, 2015 (all times A.M. ET)

3:30 - Gordon, Watson and Taylor leave the apartment of ABu and his girlfriend, according to gf's statement to Det. Lehn.

A cooperating individual (CI) stated to Det. Lehn on Nov. 21, that Taylor was carrying a snub nose revolver and might have been wearing a Pelle Pelle jacket when they left ABu’s apartment.

4:30 - resident on San Clemente awakens to find cell phone missing from her bedroom, sliding glass door open, plants knocked over, and MacBook laptop missing. Purse and keys also are missing. Her 2007 Chrysler Sebring 4D is gone, as well. (Time doesn’t jive with time of burglary from security system.)

4:36 - Burglary No. 1 at San Clemente Dr. apartment. Surveillance camera captures three perpetrators inside the residence.

CI said the three wanted money, so Taylor crawled up a back railing of an apartment in the Cottages (on San Clemente), and opened the front door for Gordon and Taylor.

CI said Taylor had keys in his hand, and used the fob to open a Chrysler Sebring. Taylor took an iPhone from an upstairs bedroom where the occupant was asleep. When the three realized they were on video, they disabled the camera. According to CI, Taylor wanted to kill the occupant. Watson and Gordon talked him out of it, and the trio left in the Sebring.

4:40 - Gordon's T-M phone is near E 56th St and I-465 (near San Clemente/Cottages). Places a call to phone number *advertiser censored*.

5:23 - 911 call to report burglary on San Clemente.

5:36 – Burglary No. 2 at 28xx SuCo. Surveillance camera captures suspect as he disables the security system. The home is two doors down from the Blackburn residence.

According to CI, after first burglary, the trio wanted more money, so they drove to the westside subdivision, and entered a home at 28xx SuCo by tearing through a patio screen, and opening a deadbolt on patio door. They stole televisions, MacBook Pro laptop, and other items, and loaded them into the Sebring.

6:00 - Davey Blackburn departs from his home in his 1997 black Honda Civic for a workout at L.A. Fitness, 4015 Shore Dr. He leaves front door unlocked.

6:25 - Gordon's T-M phone near, or at, 2812 Sunnyfield Ct.

6:25 - Burglary No. 3 at 2812 SuCo (time approximate based on phone records)

When detectives canvassed neighborhood, Det. Perkins spoke with Neighbor A, who reported that he and his wife saw a suspicious person dressed all in black with hoody pulled over his face, near their trash in front of their home on SuCo. Subject walked toward 2812 SoCo.

According to CI, after second burglary, they wanted more money. Taylor walked to 2812 SuCo and opened front door. Taylor and Watson entered the home. Gordon waited at the Sebring parked at 2830 SuCo.

Watson later walked to the car and told Gordon a woman was inside, and Taylor busted her in the mouth with his gun. The two discussed leaving. Then Taylor walked up, and threw some cards in the car. Watson drove with Gordon to an ATM on N. Michigan Rd.

6:36 - ATM at 6881 N.Michigan Rd issues a $500 withdrawal denied receipt for card ending in 3667 (AB's card). Receipt later recovered from the Sebring. ATM camera captures image of person who appears to be driving the Sebring. A pink shirt is wrapped around his face. He is wearing white hoody and dark vest.

6:38 to 7:10 - Taylor's Verizon phone is at or near 2812 Sunnyfield Ct. No reported activity for Taylor’s phone prior to this time.

6:39 - Taylor's Verizon phone calls Gordon's phone around this time. Watson and Taylor “discuss numbers”.

6:39 - Gordon's T-M phone near 6881 Michigan Rd, area of the failed ATM transaction

6:40-6:45 - As reported to Lt. Spurgeon, from her home on SuCo, Neighbor B heard what sounded like two shots and heard a woman scream.

6:54 - ATM at 1313 86th St, subject in white hoody walks up and withdraws $400 with AB's debit card.

6:54 - Gordon's T-M phone near 1313 W. 86th St, area of the successful ATM transaction.

Afterward, according to CI, Gordon and Watson wanted to leave Taylor. Taylor said he would kill the woman if they left him. ABu called Gordon’s phone. ABu said they couldn’t do that because Taylor was “family”.

6:55-7:10 - Gordon's T-M phone moves back toward Sunnyfield Court.

7:05 - As reported to Det. Prater, Neighbor C was leaving her home when she noticed black male subject wearing black shoes, pants and hoody (Taylor). As she drove away, she could see subject walking on Sunmeadow Way, talking loudly on his cell phone with one hand in his pocket, and a t-shirt pulled up around his face.

7:10 - The trio leave the addition. According to CI, Gordon exited the vehicle before Watson drove it into the addition. Watson and Taylor picked him up on the way out. Taylor is dropped off at 56[SUP]th [/SUP]and Guion Rd. He takes the stolen property, including a bag over his shoulder. Gordon and Watson drop the car in the Boulevard neighborhood.

7:10-7:11 - As reported to Capt. Converse and Det. Kepler, Neighbor D was leaving home on Sunmeadow Way when he noticed black male in hoody (Taylor) walking east on Sunmeadow Way. The hood was pulled tight, and one hand was to his ear. A "like white Chrylser Sebring" traveling east drove up and stopped. Subject entered front seat. Vehicle turned in a driveway and drove west from Summerfield. Neighbor D provided home video which captured what he described.

7:10 - DB leaves the gym while talking on the phone with a friend.

7:30 - DB arrives home, still on the phone, and continues the conversation while sitting in the driveway.

7:30-8:35 - Watson and Gordon drop the Sebring in the neighborhood of 3800 Rookwood.

7:53 - Chase Bank leaves voice mail on AB's phone reporting suspicious activity on her bank card ending in 3667.

8:17 - SuCo resident calls 911 to report a burglary after she returned home and found front door unlocked. Suspects entered by tearing a patio window screen, and entering through patio door. Four televisions, a MacBook Pro, Tiffany pearl necklace, and women's pink sweater were stolen from the home. Also missing was a bag or oranges, a Uverse remote control, and bed sheets. It appeared suspects had consumed beer and wine, and left bottles in the home. They left through the front door.

8:20 - DB enters his house through front door. AB is on the living room floor lying in a pool of blood. Panties are next to her on the floor, and shirt is pulled up. Credit cards and wallet are on the floor. Purse and Swisher Sweet cigar package on the counter. The SS package doesn't belong to either DB or AB. A decorative ladder and a lamp are knocked over on the floor near AB.

8:22 - Davey Blackburn calls 911. Indianapolis Fire Department Engine 12 responds to the scene.

8:30 - IFD 12 contacts IMPD for assistance with a possible assault.

8:44 - Officers Larry Crowe and and Richard Crosby arrive as medics are carting AB away from the home.

9:01 - Detective Pete Perkins arrives at Methodist Hospital to investigate the nature of AB's injuries. He learns she suffered gunshot wound to the head, lower left arm, and a possible GSW to the back; and wasn't expected to live. Perkins speaks with Davey Blackburn at the hospital.

Det. Mahon met with a SuCo resident who provided video which captured activity in front of his home on SuCo.

Det. Mahon secured video from L.A. Fitness which showed DB was at the facility during the time of the murder.

According to CI, the three suspects eventually gathered back at ABu’s apartment. Taylor told them he killed the woman. He stated that she charged at him, and he shot her somewhere in the upper body so he wouldn’t be scratched. “Taylor then told them that he leaned over her body and shot her in the head. He leaned further, looked at her face, and watched her bleed.”

November 11, 2015

7:55 A.M. - AB declared legally dead.

10:28 P.M. - Officer Elliott was called to 3800 block of Rookwood on the report of the located stolen Sebring. Det. Lehn later interviewed witness who said the Sebring appeared the morning of Nov. 10, between 7:30 and 8:35.

November 12, 2015

10:00 A.M. - Det. Lehn attended autopsy of AB performed by Dr. Cavanaugh. AB suffered GSW to back of the head, GSW to lower left arm which traveled to bicep; and a through and through GSW which entered and exited upper back. The back wound was downward. In addition, AB had scratches to her left cheek, a split lip, and a lower tooth knocked out. Forensic Specialist Wilson collected bullets from AB's head and left bicep. Wilson also took fingernail scrapings. An exam had been done previously by a forensic nurse at Methodist Hospital.

[The bullets were examined and determined to be from a .38/9mm class. No shell casings were found, which was indicative of a revolver. Could be indicative of a .38/357. A photo later was retrieved from Larry Taylor's phone which depicted Taylor lying on a bed next to a snub nose revolved consistent with a .38 or .357. The photo was taken on Sept. 19, 2015.]

10:45 A.M. - Det. Kepler obtained consent to search the Sebring from the owner.

Among the items recovered from the Sebring was a women’s pink sweater stolen during burglary No. 2.

1:04 P.M. - Sgt. Eads obtains subpoena results which showed a subject with a pink sweater wrapped around his head, wearing a white hoody and black vest, driving the Sebring at the ATM on N. Michigan Rd.

Media reports on this day:

Lt. Richard Riddle, IMPD Public Information Officer gives interview to WTHR. Davey Blackburn is “100% cleared” of his wife’s murder.

Riddle says detectives are working with DB to determine what was stolen, and how entry was gained. He urges citizens to report any information, no matter how minor it might be.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Indiana Metro Police Department holds a press conference. Representatives from multiple agencies, including Indiana State Police and the FBI, make statements. Homicide Captain Craig Converse, and Major Eric Hench give a rundown of the crimes.

Reports say the stolen dark colored SUV was found abandoned near 40[SUP]th[/SUP] St and Rookwood. LE hopes it will provide DNA, according to Paul Minser of the Indiana State Police who works with forensics.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A celebration of life is held for Amanda Blackburn

Monday, November 16, 2015

IMPD releases two photos of the suspect in dark hoodie walking on the street. His right hand is held up to his face, and he appears to be holding a phone.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Det. Lehn was informed that a DNA swab taken from the sweater turned up a match to Watson. A search of Watson’s Facebook page showed his best friend is Diano Gordon. Watson and Gordon were both on parole, with phone numbers on file with the parole office.

[(various dates) U. S. Marshall Liaison Sgt. Mark Hess subsequently secured search warrants from T-Mobile and Sprint, and detectives researched phone numbers from the call logs. One number was found through Backpage ads and police reports to belong of Larry Taylor, Jr. Hess tracked the phone to 14xx Meridian Way, where Taylor answered the door. Taylor said he didn’t live at the residence, but was staying there temporarily sleeping on a pallet on the floor. Taylor said the phone plugged in next to the pallet belonged to him.

Det. Hess tracked another phone to an apartment on Brendon Way West. There he found the gf of AB in possession of the phone. She said that she knew Gordon, Taylor and Watson, and that they left her apartment around 3:30 A.M. on November 10 She said a black jacket in the closet belonging to her bf was often worn by Watson. The gf showed him a Taurus 9MM that was under the bed. The jacket and gun later were recovered via search warrant and consent from the gf.

ABu was questioned by LE. He admitted when the trio left his apartment, one was wearing the black Pelle-Pelle jacket.]

Media on this day:

IMPD reports that a resident found a handgun in the 2900 block of West 42[SUP]nd[/SUP] Street, about a block and a half from the Blackburn home, and turned it into a fire station seven miles away. Lt. Riddle says they have no information which indicates the gun is connected to the murder, but it will be analyzed by investigators to see if it matches the caliber of gun used in the murder.

Thursday, November 18, 2015

Detectives are working to find DNA from the Sunnfield Ct. homes, and the recovered SUV.
“24-Hour News 8, has learned that Marion County Forensic Director Michael Medler is fast tracking the evidence in Blackburn’s case through the DNA process.”

November 19, 2015

Det. Lehn interviewed Larry Taylor, Jr. He said he “possibly” rode in a silver Sebring to 56[SUP]th[/SUP] and Guion Rd. to go see a person named “Cheese”, and that he “possibly” stopped on Sunnyfield Court, but he was too messed up to remember. He was able to recall that he never exited the vehicle until he was dropped off at 56h and Guion Rd.

IMPD served search warrants early Thursday morning into Thursday evening on at least two locations.

One location was an apartment complex on Brendon Way Dr. off of 56th St. Of particular interest in the search, was clothing worn by suspect(s) on November 10, as seen in the surveillance videos from the Blackburns' neighborhood.

Investigators were seen carrying out bags of evidence. What items were seized in the SW's has not been released.

During the course of the "raids", at least four individuals were questioned; three from the apartment complex, and one from another site where a SW was served.

(LE has not stated that the San Clemente and Sunnyfield Ct. crimes are related. Nor has LE indicated that the individuals questioned Thursday in relation to the Blackburn investigation are also suspects in the San Clemente robbery.)

DNA swabs might have been collected from three of the individuals, (per "sources").

At this time, two have been arrested on charges unrelated to the Blackburn investigation.

Diano Gordon, 24, is arrested on unrelated charges for parole violation.

“Sources” report that AB was sexually assaulted, but LE has not confirmed.

November 21, 2015

Det. Lehn interviewed a “cooperating individual” (Gordon).

November 23, 2015

Larry Tayor, Jr. and Jalen E Watson arrested and charged with multiple counts of murder, burglary, robbery, criminal confinement, and breaking and entering.

November 24, 2015

Watson and Taylor “appeared at a court hearing Tuesday, where a judge entered not guilty pleas for them.”

Prosecutor files sentence enhancement for the unborn child.

Wow! Thanks for the time you put into creating this for us (and everything else you do!).
Wow, bessie, thanks just isn't enough for the incredible amount of work you put into the timeline!

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