IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

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Oh cool!! That’s the story!!Good find. Wow that’s from 2006. I think there’s been a case with a man since then also. Even though there’s only a couple dozen cases of this in the literature, I wonder if it happens a bit more but just goes undetected. For most people there’s few reasons to check their DNA.
Can someone clarify.. Kinnard lost his license for "making false statements to the court". Is that not perjury? Or is it only perjury when a witness lies on the stand?
But DNA even from a fraternal twin would be similar, wouldn't it? Same mitochondrial DNA etc.
There’s be similarities. Just like how dna is used in genealogy to find other relatives. But still would be able to distinguish who is the mother or not.
Can someone clarify.. Kinnard lost his license for "making false statements to the court". Is that not perjury? Or is it only perjury when a witness lies on the stand?
I’ve heard it said that what a lawyer says is Not testimonial. Testimony is given under penalty of perjury, non-testimony isn’t. Further, lawyers are not sworn in like witnesses are.
I’ve shared my personal story, my own experience with dishonest professionals - - dictates I argue the other side of this case.

My own lawyer, who is one of only a handful of experienced attorneys that handled wrongful adoptions and successfully argued a Supreme Court case on wrongful adoptions - Gibbs v. Ernst - even he made a few mistakes. Hard not to considering the vast amount of information accumulated. Thank God it didn’t matter in my case, I won.

I dealt with “professionals” in two states that were absolute morons and wouldn’t know a fact or how to record it if their very lives depended on it.

I came across many “professionals” that refused to grasp the seriousness, depravity, ability to manipulate, the detailed planning that this particular child employed to perpetuate his crimes. Laughing...I know it’s not funny- but it often came back to bite them HARD eventually.

IMO - Most adoptive parents wouldn’t have had the tenacity, knowledge, means or courage to handle it the way I did. To protect my other child and hold those responsible for the negligent placement.

I was actually threatened with arrest for abandonment for refusing to pick him up from the crisis center by DYFS -I didn’t care. Have me arrested. DYFS “doesn’t get involved in kid on kid crime” - Thankfully the police do, did and got a complete confession.

I had to wave the minor’s rights, negotiate with him to tell the truth in exchange for his favorite blanket while he was at crisis.

it’s a long long story & impossible to tell all of it. I feel the Barnett’s story is equally as long, complicated and impossible to tell in articles & edited interviews -

There’s a difference between ineptitude and lying. It sort of sounds like you’re projecting your experience onto this child.
You’re free to conclude whatever you’d like. You’d be wrong.
Every single inconsistency in Barnett’s versions (A few I’ve pointed out myself) every logical & reasonable argument why she’s a child, the possible motive for ditching her is ALL very compelling.

When I said Natalia was NOT on trial, that is a fact.
I understand that’s an inconvenient fact for many.
I’ve actually been pretty darn persuaded that she was a child....I still am waiting to see what else the Barnett’s have as evidence. If we’ve seen & heard ALL of it- they’re screwed.

It’s not a fact at all. The Barnett’s very defense precisely puts her on trial. To believe them you have to believe she’s an evil, psychopathic adult scammer.
And speaking of her time with the Barnetts, it's starting to seem like she was only with them for a really brief time before they'd palmed her off to various facilities. They already started their campaign to prove she was older than they were told in 2010. They mention in their petition that they'd had her in some kind of psych ward for an extended stay, right? And then right after the birth certificate amendment they put her in this halfway house set up for a year. Then she leaves that facility and then gets ditched in Lafayette. I'm wondering how much of their three year custody she even lived with them.

True. So they had her in their home for no more than a year, if that?
These photographs mean nothing to me. Faces change as they age, throughout life. I don’t know anything about dwarfism & from what I can tell from very brief research, there’s often abnormalities in bone density & many often appear to be much younger looking than their chronological age.

Dwarfism doesn’t cause faces to look like children when the person is an adult, except for pituitary disorders which she does not have.
It is just mind blowing to me. The pictures alone should be sufficient proof for a reasonable person imo Age progression II
People with dwarfism are not a species of magical age defying fairies. They just have short limbs. They look like toddlers when they are toddlers , teens when they are teens and adults when they are adults. And they don't just randomly jump from having children's bodies to adolescent bodies at 30.

Yeah it just doesn’t make sense to me. To me it’s so clear. The moment I saw the photos I said, “Wait. What’s happening here.”

Once again. She has the same form of dwarfism as the mom on the Little Couple and they age normally. Faces are like kids when they’re young and age normally.

It’s easy to look up the condition. It affects the bones of the body. Not the fat pads or bones of the face.
There are some types of dwarfism that can affect facial features and teeth. And there's the achondroplasia type of dwarfism that affects the shape of the upper head, but the lower face seems to 'age' in the average way.

From N's head and face I can see that it's the body that's affected, not facial features.

But not everyone is aware of these things. I've been grateful for the photos that were posted of the family of the actor who was in the Harry Potter movies that showed his actress daughter in year-by-year photos, and also the photos of The Little Couple family, as that's not something I've watched.

To be fair there are one or two rare conditions where a 14-yr old still looks like a toddler, even in their face. And more people are aware of the obverse syndrome where aging happens too fast and a ten-year old can have the appearance and physical problems of the average 70 or 80-year old person. So if the Barnett's assert that N has a condition that makes it hard to tell her age, then most people would simply accept that as they know these other conditions exist and they're basically being told that N has something why would they question that? I don't think it's that those people aren't 'reasonable' people, I think it's more that we're lucky here to have people posting links and photos and information so that we don't all have to go hunting for an hour or two, looking for conditions for names that are hard to spell and pronounce etc.

Yes but once those facts are posted, if a person still asserts that she could possibly have been an adult, is that then reasonable?
This was another thing I was thinking of. There's a thing going around about kids in Ukrainian orphanages lining up in height order and one who's taller is older than the one who's shorter, and so on down the line.

That might be necessary for some of the kids who've been found 'abandoned' at age 2 to 5, and the orphanage can only estimate their age to within a few years.

But N went into the orphanage as a baby....the orphanage should keep records on the date that a child goes into the orphanage and note the age on the birth certificate if it's available. The staff would have seen a little baby growing into a toddler. They didn't just have a 6-yr old looking girl turn up one day and ten years later send her to be adopted in the US and need to estimate her age based on her height because she's fooled them for all these years!

Apparently that’s what people are saying.
They changed her age to 22 so, she was never allowed to attend a school with children her age. Her last resort was either get her GED or go to adult school. No Friday night football games, no trying out for cheer or any other sports, no joining the robotics or the debate team, no having crushes on ther kids her age. Jesus, she couldn't do the harmless stupid stuff teenagers do with each other and get in trouble for it. Part of her childhood and her teenage years were robbed from her because these two psychos had her age legally changed. This is absolutely heartbreaking, and I'm not even going to get into being left alone to survive in a apartment. And even now, they totally tarnished her imagine by telling all of these insane stories to the media.

I am shaking my head ruefully, yes. It’s awful. I don’t know what to say. This poor kid. Given up due to her condition. Had to live in an Eastern European orphanage as a baby and toddler. Came to a foreign country where she likely didn’t understand the language. Probably had behavioral issues. Rejected. Given up by her first family. Goes to the second. First night she’s being bathed. New family screams in horror at the sight of her body. Rejected again.

And then worse. The fate her to no childhood. To life as a freak.

I’m just glad there were people who were concerned enough about this little wait that they could set aside heir own biases and look past the power of a well-regarded family like the Barnett’s and their court orders and continue to fight for this child.

This isn’t a gothic horror movie no matter how much the Barnett’s try to convince the world. It’s real for this poor kid.

EDITED TO MAKE CLEAR: I really loved your post.
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Not to mention, while I'm not legitimately worried on my own behalf, I'm one of those people who has always "looked young". Thus it really, really makes you think: How could anyone "prove" how old they were, in the absence of concrete documentation/if the documentation was kept under lock and key and people didn't know you had it or what it said, and you were being tried in the court of public opinion? This almost could make a movie; though in the opposite direction of The Orphan.

As someone said jokingly earlier, you can't exactly cut people open and count the rings. I developed horizontal lines on my neck, for example, in my 40s. I know of women who have already solidly developed lines on their necks in their 30s. What happens if I point to your 30something friend and say, oh dudette, you're clearly in your 40s, because you have those things on your neck I didn't get until I was 44?

I mean, not to give counsel any ideas; but in the early days I briefly thought it was possible that N might have used Ace bandages or similar to tamp down her chest in the earlier pictures/years. I still don't think we've found anything that conclusively proved she didn't do such a thing; but there are other extenuating circumstances that others have pointed out far more eloquently than I, which makes it so that such speculation doesn't practically matter. Such as, "this faradiddle lacks a Ukrainian orphanage executive who would be willingly complicit in altering Natalia's records from older to younger; because she almost assuredly didn't do it on her own."

Her adoptive mother gave her a bath. Neither parents nor their doctor friend EVER mentioned fully formed breasts. Or any breast development at all. Which they would have when trying to prove the kid was an adult.
Not to mention, while I'm not legitimately worried on my own behalf, I'm one of those people who has always "looked young". Thus it really, really makes you think: How could anyone "prove" how old they were, in the absence of concrete documentation/if the documentation was kept under lock and key and people didn't know you had it or what it said, and you were being tried in the court of public opinion? This almost could make a movie; though in the opposite direction of The Orphan.

As someone said jokingly earlier, you can't exactly cut people open and count the rings. I developed horizontal lines on my neck, for example, in my 40s. I know of women who have already solidly developed lines on their necks in their 30s. What happens if I point to your 30something friend and say, oh dudette, you're clearly in your 40s, because you have those things on your neck I didn't get until I was 44?

I mean, not to give counsel any ideas; but in the early days I briefly thought it was possible that N might have used Ace bandages or similar to tamp down her chest in the earlier pictures/years. I still don't think we've found anything that conclusively proved she didn't do such a thing; but there are other extenuating circumstances that others have pointed out far more eloquently than I, which makes it so that such speculation doesn't practically matter. Such as, "this faradiddle lacks a Ukrainian orphanage executive who would be willingly complicit in altering Natalia's records from older to younger; because she almost assuredly didn't do it on her own."

I've been thinking about this too. Any adopted child with stunted growth could have been subjected to this nonsense. And yeah, it would make a way better thriller than The Orphan imo, those Kafkaesque stories legit terrify me. I always had a more grown up looking face. I haven't had a cute button nose since I was a baby, I never had the big round eyes, my face was angular and pointy, my voice was relatively low pitched, and I had the apparently incriminating wide vocabulary and preference for the company of older kids. I'm told I never had tantrums. I could take or leave playground equipment. I used to stay up watching VHSs of Firing Line. I did not start "true" puberty until late (1st period almost 15 years old) but I for sure had hair down there around age 10.
Her adoptive mother gave her a bath. Neither parents nor their doctor friend EVER mentioned fully formed breasts. Or any breast development at all. Which they would have when trying to prove the kid was an adult.
And there are pictures of her wearing strappy, thin summer dresses and no sign of any breasts or even breast buds. Where would she get ace bandages lol. They would have seen something like that.
I am shaking my head ruefully, yes. It’s awful. I don’t know what to say. This poor kid. Given up due to her condition. Had to live in an Eastern European orphanage as a baby and toddler. Came to a foreign country where she likely didn’t understand the language. Probably had behavioral issues. Rejected. Given up by her first family. Goes to the second. First night she’s being bathed. New family screams in horror at the sight of her body. Rejected again.

And then worse. The fate her to no childhood. To life as a freak.

I’m just glad there were people who were concerned enough about this little wait that they could set aside heir own biases and look past the power of a well-regarded family like the Barnett’s and their court orders and continue to fight for this child.

This isn’t a gothic horror movie no matter how much the Barnett’s try to convince the world. It’s real for this poor kid.

EDITED TO MAKE CLEAR: I really loved your post.
You're making me tear up. Her first 10-11 years were nothing but rejection and othering. She's had a few years of some kind of normality and now she's back to being a freak show. I hate the Barnetts. Dr Phil better be kind to her.
I honestly don’t know.
I just can’t imagine a 9-11 year old LIVING ALONE, for even a month. The thought is too horrifying & sad for me to consider.
Stuff like that happens a lot though. There are thousands of kids out there with meth head/smack head parents who have to look after themselves. A resourceful ten year old could survive that long alone. I could heat up soup and tinned ravioli on the stove, make tea, toast, jam sandwiches, scrambled egg much younger than ten. I was sent to the shop for bread and milk aged 7 I think and was often left to look after my sisters. Never for longer than a day of course but I wouldn't have died if I was left for a month at 10. Luckily for Natalia with her "indiscriminate friendliness" she befriended the right people quickly.
Stuff like that happens a lot though. There are thousands of kids out there with meth head/smack head parents who have to look after themselves. A resourceful ten year old could survive that long alone. I could heat up soup and tinned ravioli on the stove, make tea, toast, jam sandwiches, scrambled egg much younger than ten. I was sent to the shop for bread and milk aged 7 I think and was often left to look after my sisters. Never for longer than a day of course but I wouldn't have died if I was left for a month at 10. Luckily for Natalia with her "indiscriminate friendliness" she befriended the right people quickly.
Yeah, I was not surprised that she was able to survive on her own at 11. Some kids do exactly that and take care of younger siblings on top of that. This is real life. It's really, really, really sad but happens everyday, even to kids we know.
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