IN - Grandfather charged in cruise ship death of toddler Chloe Wiegand #2

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Right. That makes NO sense. You wouldn't have to "search" but simply "look." He makes it sound like he looked all around him for some time; for a few seconds. Then he had time to see her fall "all the way down."

Also that statement makes him sound truly impaired if he had no idea where Chloe was. You don't just hold a child and then think "poof" they're gone. No responsible person would ever have to wonder that.

Each time he states "I thought there was glass" he slaps his leg. He says also that he keeps repeating that to himself to this day. Nope. This is his excuse and it's not true.

I too wondered why Winkleman referred to a metal rail when the rail is wood. It looks exactly like a ballet barre from the pictures. Metal??? That IS strainge. Since as mentioned - the metal is part of the window.
pink bolding mine

In an earlier post on this thread, someone quoted the lawyer as stating that Chloe "disappears" from view in the video that he's watched.
I wonder if the lawyer is saying that to SA ; and SA is trying to repeat it to the reporter to help his 'case' ?
Yes, the child did scream. That was in the news but it was not widely said because it's too awful. I don't have a link. But I'm sure the prosecutors are aware of it. Most articles focused on the mother's scream only, but yes, it did happen. Everyone wishes that this dear child was incapable of realizing she was falling so they don't have to think of the horror, but that was not the case.
I thought I read she screamed.
I could be wrong. Her mother screamed ..the ear witness said they’d never heard such a sound.
Him,not the ship or windows or signs...HE made the bad choices. She fell to her death because of HIS bad choices. She was not a beautiful toy.She was a precious vulnerable toddler entrusted to his care FGS!

In the beginning when the incident occurred, it was said that the mother screamed and was beside Chloe moments after she fell.
Later it was said that Chloe screamed as she fell. :(
This came afaik from witnesses -- both passengers and crew.
Despite the lawyer saying there aren't any witnesses.
Ugh, CBS is having the full interview tomorrow morning. So I guess there's more. Not good. "And then I just remember screaming that I thought there was glass. I thought there was glass. I still say it to myself, it's just, I kind of relive it all the time and I just thought there was glass there. I don't know what else to tell you." He has a very hard time actually saying that he thought there was glass and he rushes that part out, quickly followed by "I don't know what else to tell you." Before he states that he remembers saying he thought there was glass. Yeah, he remembers saying it but that is not what happened IMO. He states he didn't say this right away but first searched for her on the floor (searched) and then watched the fall "all the way down" and then was in shock for several moments and then made this statement of his excuse.

Grandfather charged in cruise ship death describes "disbelief" at toddler's fatal fall
ITA this interview was a bad idea. Total mistake. SA does not come off as sympathetic at all. JMO
GF says he saw her fall, then remembers he
thought their was glass.
His statement; than remembers he thought their was glass. Maybe he’s blocking in his mind what he actually saw( which is no glass).
As far as the earlier, 'lost to the void' Chloe threads ....
Someone posted a link to a news msm Facebook regarding a policy on the Wiegand's daughter.
That is where I first heard about the life ins. on Chloe.

At the time, it was interesting as the amount seemed unusually high for a toddler ?
Possibly she had health issues ? Idk.
Since the early threads for Chloe are gone; I think we can take it with a grain of salt unless someone looks it up again.
Maybe it's (ins. info.) never put out for public consumption; unlike booking/jail/prison records on the internet ?
Unless there's a conflict of interest and msm picks it up ?

The FB pages for both Wiegands (Alan and Kimberly Schultz Wiegand) are now disappeared.
Probably for privacy reasons.
Most people would have a small policy to cover burial costs, so there's nothing unusual about that.
The page for the mother changed after Chloe's death and lawsuit were made public.
If there was no lawsuit , it's doubtful that her death -- as sad as it was-- would've garnered much attention.

The dollar amount was linked to in earlier threads from a news page but was in the discussions; so unless someone digs up ins. info. ...
I'm not insurance-savvy so don't know where to find this.

The only parties that would be in the 'need to know' about any policies for Chloe would be the ins. agency themselves as they are probably waiting to see how the trial for S.A. turns out.

Most companies will not pay out if there's any question as to whether her death was the fault of the cruise line or the caretaker of Chloe-- in which case, SA.

My advice to the parents would be to drop this lawsuit and if they really believe SA did nothing wrong -- tell him to 'fess up and tell the truth.

And get rid of that lawyer with the absurd fabrications. Smh.
"I remember trying to find her on the floor and then I saw her fall, I saw her fall, I saw her fall and I was just in disbelief. And I was like 'Oh my God.' And I think for a while I was in shock and I was just standing there. And then I just remember screaming that I thought there was glass. I thought there was glass. I still say it to myself, it's just, I kind of relive it all the time and I just thought there was glass there. I don't know what else to tell you," Anello said.

"It seems like it's all not real. She's such a beautiful little girl. Perfect little girl," Anello said.
Grandfather charged in cruise ship death describes "disbelief" at toddler's fatal fall
You voiced my thoughts exactly, from either direction, I'm all with you. I know one thing for sure, I would never consider putting a step parent before my own daughter. Something is wrong in this picture, IMO.

To be fair, it is also possible it's self preservation.
If Mom admits that her stepfather is responsible for her daughter's death... then Mom by default failed to protect her daughter.
I have anxiety and serious Mom guilt. So I don't do well if my kid gets INJURED and I could have prevented it. I can't even imagine something like this. (Which is why if by some miracle I didn't hate the water and boats and most humans.... I would be wearing my toddler on a cruise. No way would they be with anyone else.)

Something is up, like it sounds like he was on drugs or something even taking what he's saying at face value. "I remember trying to find her on the floor and then I saw her fall, I saw her fall all the way down..." So first he started looking for her on the floor and then he saw her fall all the way down. By his own account him starting to look for her even though she was right in front of him caused her to fall out the window, which would at best mean he was impaired at the time.

It's also possible it was shock.

Is he a step parent? Some reports say step some say maternal.

He is both.
He is the maternal stepparent. So he's Chloe's Mom's stepdad. Chloe's maternal step grandfather.

It seems like something a man who was tipsy or distracted would do.

Would a sober, reasonable man prop a one yr old up on a window ledge, 11 stories up ?

No. I get it.
People are looking for some REASON for this to have happened.
Some mitigating factor even.
Was he drinking and his senses dulled?

Was he distracted by smoking?
Was he distracted by a phone?
Was he wearing polarized sunglasses that caused him to not see the color difference in the windows?

We could do a better job of clarifying that we are speculating, looking for a possible contributing factor. But we can certainly speculate.

you know I've actually thought about first reaction is that I would be afraid my reaction might cause a reaction and a fall...I would hope I could have done something

Yes. This would be my reaction. I would hold my breath afraid of startling him. Similar to if you walk into a room and a toddler has a pair of scissors or a butcher knife. You don't want to scream at them and startle them.

I would try to grab Chloe if that was possible, or hold my breath until he set her down. Obviously that would have ended tragically.

This is one where there wasn't really a good response. There was only 5 seconds. The only time to intervene would have been before he picked her up in the first place. But WHO would have predicted he would do that?!

I felt like the attorney was a bit defensive regarding the drinking...He may not be a heavy drinker but it's common on embarking on various vacations to have a celebratory drink - Cuban rum in Cuba - mimosas on the way to Hawaii - etc., etc... my personal experience, anyway.

Yes. I have an aunt who doesn't drink. For religious reasons. In fact she had a son who was an alcoholic. She even had a beer at my sister's wedding reception. We were all STUNNED.
Men’s beards get stained if they smoke.

View attachment 217601

Is this a drinker’s gut??
It’s not healthy looking.
View attachment 217602

IMHO that beer gut is what pushed Chloe through the window. He leaned over behind her and she slipped off the narrow window sill with the metal track.
And the family knew he drank bc they jumped up to deny breathalyzer. It was one of the first things PR LE asked SA. He must have had a smell of an alcoholic beverage on his breath as he spoke with first responders.
Totally agree. I can't fathom why he would do an interview. It can only make him look a lot worse. And to me it did exactly that. I have less faith in his version than before. In particular one thing he said, "I don't know what else to tell you" - professionals would say that indicates he does in fact know more to tell. I guess he is not listening to his family on giving interviews because they seem like smart people, professionals in the law, and they would certainly tell him to shut up. At least I would think they would. Someone who did what he did is not likely to be good at giving any kind of statement especially not off the cuff and in front of a reporter. Even this short sympathetic interview, and he still makes himself look worse IMO. Thank you for the link, I had no idea he had sat down on camera to talk about this.

Raising money for his legal defense. I’m betting the charges will be upped. There were 4500 passengers on board. According to blue bird of happiness, singing like a canary, the entire ship was abuzz about the fatality. LE and RCCL has been investigating/talking to everyone of those cruisers.
Something is up, like it sounds like he was on drugs or something even taking what he's saying at face value. "I remember trying to find her on the floor and then I saw her fall, I saw her fall all the way down..." So first he started looking for her on the floor and then he saw her fall all the way down. By his own account him starting to look for her even though she was right in front of him caused her to fall out the window, which would at best mean he was impaired at the time.

Is he diabetic? Lack of insulin shot make him squirrelly? Diabetics should not drink alcohol. Any Med people out there?
"I remember trying to find her on the floor and then I saw her fall, I saw her fall, I saw her fall and I was just in disbelief. And I was like 'Oh my God.' And I think for a while I was in shock and I was just standing there. And then I just remember screaming that I thought there was glass. I thought there was glass. I still say it to myself, it's just, I kind of relive it all the time and I just thought there was glass there. I don't know what else to tell you," Anello said.

"It seems like it's all not real. She's such a beautiful little girl. Perfect little girl," Anello said.
Grandfather charged in cruise ship death describes "disbelief" at toddler's fatal fall

Present tense. As if his brain hasn’t accepted the death.
Who says perfect little girl? Is that a common comment? Beautiful, sure. Perfect?
This is getting weirder by the day. Let lawyer keep painting himself into a corner.
I’m starting to think maybe something really, really bad is going on. Unfathomable, like the mom said. But not against cruise line.

Edited to add:
That’s why I want to know about the $300,000.00 life insurance policy. Who bought it. Who is the beneficiary? Money is always a great motive.

wow...just when you think mankind can not sink any lower...$300k on an 18 month kid is seriously screaming wtf

I have tried to find the original reference to this and I've been unable to do so. However, since it was in a COMMENT and not the ARTICLE it isn't allowed to be discussed here anyway.

If someone can find it, please do post the link and tell us to check the comments and give us the initials of the poster. However, comments can't actually be discussed here.

SA is quoted "there's nothing worse than grief / losing her" etc.

Worse is falling 150 feet.

Some of these articles don't do their homework and quote other articles which said 115 feet.

Worse is not just grief but knowing it's your own fault a child died. That's way worse than grief for a child who died. She didn't just die, she was killed by negligence.

Somewhere, in my early hunting around right after this happened, on a web location that may have been his, there was a snide/angry intro stating something like "Thanks for stopping by" or "Oh I see you found me." followed by "Yes, I'm a piece of s---." I don't know if it was his or not but it was ugly. However I don't know if it was his. If this post is not okay I apologize and will dbm. It is no longer there in that format and I don't know the location.

Yes, at the airport he did look like he was upset at the reporters filming him and he turned away. I am surprised they didn't have someone with him to prevent him from making any statements in court or to reporters.

I do feel sorry for him because as stated he knows he did a terrible thing and he didn't set out that day to ruin everyone's lives in his family not to mention his own.

We thought that it was 150 feet for a long time. However, when he was actually CHARGED, the official documents and prosecutor say 115 feet. So I believe that is likely correct. Unless that was a mistake and we have a more official source?

Yes, the child did scream. That was in the news but it was not widely said because it's too awful. I don't have a link. But I'm sure the prosecutors are aware of it. Most articles focused on the mother's scream only, but yes, it did happen. Everyone wishes that this dear child was incapable of realizing she was falling so they don't have to think of the horror, but that was not the case.

Yes. I have thought of it. Probably more than I should. I needed something else to visualize when I thought of Chloe.

So I found an ornament for her to add to my tree(s)... we know so little about Chloe. I thought about a sun bonnet. But I wanted something sparkly... these intricate heart shaped wings just seemed too perfect.


(The little throne is Caylee's. I know there were many other options for her but it was just too cute.)
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Raising money for his legal defense. I’m betting the charges will be upped. There were 4500 passengers on board. According to blue bird of happiness, singing like a canary, the entire ship was abuzz about the fatality. LE and RCCL has been investigating/talking to everyone of those cruisers.

I’m sure RCCL have offered counselling for those who need it.
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